=== KarenTheDorf is now known as karenthedorf === deepSleep is now known as Guest306 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:46] Hello there === antonio__ is now known as user125356 === diceLibrarianOnR is now known as rootLibrarian === hams2 is now known as hams [03:16] hi everyone 👋. I'm on windows using WSL and i recently copied over a lot of files from one drive to another. I want to use rsync to do a checksum on all the files, and for the most part it's been working well. however, i just realized that it seems that rsync chokes on directories that have files with emojis in their filename [03:16] are there any suggested workarounds? I've been looking into this issue for hours now [03:17] wsl1 or wsl2 [03:18] checking [03:20] output from running `wsl - l -v` in Powershell: [03:20]   NAME      STATE           VERSION [03:20] * Ubuntu    Running         2 [03:20] so version 2 it seems [03:21] i'm running `` [03:24] probably just windows being stupid as usual [03:25] 😭lmao [03:25] rip [03:40] what would be best to use to copy settings from one machine with ubuntu to a fresh install on another? [03:40] even the panel settings [03:40] cp [03:40] just cp / ? [03:41] panel settings are in your home directory [03:42] what about changes ive made in /etc? [03:42] if its the same version, probably fine to c opy the files [03:42] what di dyou chnage in /etc [03:43] at the very least, my apt sources [03:44] what did you change [03:44] i didn't keep a list of things to change other than i know i added more sources [03:44] well if you added files [03:44] just copy the new files [03:44] maybe backintime-qt [03:45] I asked because I don't want to manually copy files over [03:48] even rsync would be better than just cp [03:57] what about installing the apps? [03:57] is there a way to get a list for apt? [03:58] dpkg -l [03:58] will tell you whats installed [03:59] and then? [04:00] and then you know what is installed [04:00] it's fun how you answer like half of my questions [04:02] kut: Consider debfoster ' apt show debfoster '. [04:29] ok gunna move this filesystem to a new computer. what's the trick what do I copy? === kai5 is now known as kai === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [05:26] JoeLlama: Depends on the file system type and how large it is and what your connection between the two computers is - more context? [06:31] kut: I will point you towards dconf dump / and dconf load /, for a text format settings export/import [06:38] Buongiorno a tutti [06:42] Is there something "special" with Ubuntu 24.04 and/or Apparmor ? I seem to NOT be able to mount NFS shares (mount.nfs: No such device for ...), which usually points to a missing Kernel Module (lsmod does NOT show anything ... maybe built-in ?). As well as Wireguard NOT even attempting to connect to a Remote Server [06:48] ho di nuovo fatto casini coi repository :D [06:51] luckylinux: did you install the nfs-common package? [06:53] ME? [06:53] zeno: no [06:53] CosmicDJ: yes of course [06:53] zeno: quello è da evitare :P [06:54] zeno: https://status.canonical.com/ [06:54] if my tranlation is correct [06:55] depends which and what mess he made [06:55] there should be a sources.list somewhere, shouldn't it ? [06:55] That he can restore from [06:56] (I know how to do it, but I mean, a publicly available file hosted somewhere in a wiki or smth like that) [06:57] CosmicDJ, Not sure if it's related to some kernel+networking hardedning I did. My feeling is that these issues started popping up when I enabled firejail. [06:57] zeno: questo ed è anche in italiano :). https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/SourcesList [06:58] (io uso archive.ubuntu.com non it.archive.ubuntu.com ma comunque ...) [06:59] and security.ubuntu.com can also be replaced by archive.ubuntu.com === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [07:02] Hi... I just installed Ubuntu and checked autologin during installation, using Intel Rocket Lake GPU, and I saw it was starting X11 by default, but I could manually log out and sign in to a Wayland session each time, but I wanted to make Wayland default so I tried to edit some files and now Wayland has disappeared as an option all together [07:03] 24.04 seperated sources into several directorys not sure but there should be a copy [07:03] You shoudln't need to edit stuff, if you login to wayland session, then next time it'll be default. [07:04] in any case, if waht you were editing was your wayland session file, perhaps you broke it/synatx error or something. [07:04] grab a new copy [07:05] enigma9o7 That's weird, it was definitely going to X11 everytime [07:05] Where is the wayland session file? The file I modified is /etc/gdm3/custom.conf [07:06] Also where should I grab a new copy from? [07:08] well the session files are in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ and an xsession file in /usr/share/xsessions/ [07:08] Also is this the recommended channel for Ubuntu help? I remember using Mint a few years back had Ubuntu and Mint help channels on a different IRC Network, SpotChat I think was the name, but I'm using libera webchat because I dont have a client installed yet [07:08] Yes, this is official ubuntu support channel, here on libera. Mint's official support channel is still on spotchat. [07:09] and, your login manager (gdm3 by default) should offer you all the session options from those folders [07:10] but as to where to get the original file if you messed wit it and don't have a copy, i would apt-file search for it [07:10] for example "apt-file search gdm3/custom.conf" and it will tell you which package it came from [07:10] of course you must first install apt-file [07:11] Okay, thanks for the advice. GDM does not offer any selections whatsoever, just the username and password [07:11] and then you can apt install --reinstall the package, or apt download it and find the file yoruself, etc. [07:11] noobaroo, after you enter your username, before you enter the password, a gear icon appears bottom right [07:11] How can I make GDM start automatically again? I used systemctl disable gdm and it wont let me enable it again [07:11] that is where you select which session to use [07:12] That gear icon used to be there but isn't anymore [07:12] hmmmmm i dunno. i always "sudo service gdm3 stop" and "sudo service gdm3 start" kinda thing. [07:13] Yeah, me too, I'm usually an Arch/KDE guy and things are more vanilla over there [07:13] anyways the /etc/gdm3/custom.conf file is in the "gdm3" package itself [07:13] gdm can't be enabled but apparently its auto handled by graphical.target and so I did "sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target" but I still boot up to a TTY and then have to manually do "systemctl start gdm" [07:14] try gdm3 instead of gdm, i dunno [07:14] I already reverted the /etc/gdm3/custom.conf file so I think the problem might be having to re-enable gdm properly after I disabled it [07:15] wouldn't hurt to try "sudo apt install -reinstall gdm3" [07:15] doubledash [07:15] sudo apt install --reinstall gdm3 [07:15] !help [07:15] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [07:16] hello [07:16] anyone alive? [07:16] new to IRC [07:16] hello [07:16] alive? [07:17] enigma9o7 Usually I start from TTY anyway but Im new to Ubuntu when I tried launching Gnome from TTY on Ubuntu it gives me a blank desktop with blue wallpaper and no extensions and none of my passwords are saved [07:17] are you real user? [07:17] Guest33: hi [07:17] you seem new to IRC [07:17] yes [07:17] i was just trying out fancy irc [07:17] I tried following the commands from ArchWiki on starting Gnome but it doesnt seem to apply to Ubuntu [07:17] Yeah welcome to 3 decades ago. [07:18] everone seems bot here 😅😅 [07:18] hello danse [07:19] meh leaving\ [07:19] just go away please, nobody appreciates insults, its not a way to greet. [07:19] good [07:19] sorry [07:19] im just new to irc [07:20] so you think its fine to just tell everyone they seem like a robot? [07:20] assuming that's what you were trying to say, some letters were obviously missing. [07:20] and he's gone [07:24] hello [07:27] 2 days ago, unattended-upgrades installed a kernel upgrade for me (6.5.0-41). Yesterday after booting, that kernel was activated and I've had issues with the HDMI port on a Lenovo dock all day yesterday and today, until I booted back into 6.5.0-35 [07:27] hello thelounge, welcome! [07:28] guys [07:28] is there something fun I can do with Ubuntu [07:28] first of all, how do I prevent unattended-upgrades from uninstalling -35 once the next kernel is installed? and second of all, how do I make -35 the default kernel for the time being? [07:29] apt mark hold [07:30] and also remove the newer one so grub doesn't boot it [07:30] or configure grub to boot -35 [07:30] enigma9o7, which package do i set on hold? :D [07:31] could do everything that's -35, but that's a lot to clean up afterwards [07:31] ghodawalaaman: Yes. === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:32] enigma9o7: like what [07:32] the kernel package, linux-image-whateveritis-35 [07:32] https://chatgpt.com/share/4c3819be-8afb-4f6a-9265-06c2a08decc0 [07:32] enigma9o7: i was thinking about tikering with apt database [07:33] ghodawalaaman, this is a support channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic if you just wanna chat. [07:33] TomyWork: okie dokie! [07:35] "sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-6.5.0-35-generic" did the trick, hopefully :) [07:38] I'm going to try running env GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu /usr/bin/gnome-session --session=ubuntu on TTY, hopefully it works [07:39] I don't really care about GDM, I just want a usable desktop [07:39] I will be back probably because I have rebooted approx 5 times now to no avail [07:41] I want to look for similar bug reports since -41 was pushed to 22.04. any idea when that was? [07:41] like I said I got it 2 days ago, but I dont know how long unattended-upgrades has been waiting for an opportunity to install it :) [07:57] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=1 how do I search for kernel bugs here? there's no package field or anything [08:36] Hi, I have a strange network problem and I hope someone here can help me. I've a Rocky 9 with an Ubuntu 22.04 as guest using KVM and network bridge. If I try to SSH from host (Rocky 9) to guest (Ubuntu) I get the message "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer. Connection reset by port 22", but then if I ping to the guest (3 or 4 pings) then I can log in via SSH without any problem, but only within 10 or 15 minutes ... [08:36] .. then I get again the same message "kex_exchange_identification ..." [08:37] The problem is not only with SSH (port 22) it also happens with port 80 or 443. I've already asked in #rockylinux and someone there recommended to disable the kernel powersavings with 'sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target' but, this command had no effect [08:37] anyone experienced something similar? [08:39] Not exactly that, but I remember reading a while ago about doing the same with tcpdump instead of ping, that basically put the interface in promiscous mode, then it would start to listen and you could ssh into it then. Maybe a different issue though [08:40] it could also be some stateful firewall doing its job (check asymmetric routing) and make sure you have a Host * [ENTER] # This will prevent: Received disconnect from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port XX: Too many authentication failures [ENTER] IdentitiesOnly=yes in your ~/.ssh/.config [08:40] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe-6.5/+bug/2070020 I didn't find a bug report for this, so I created one [08:41] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2070020 in linux-hwe-6.5 (Ubuntu) "Lenovo dock no longer working after upgrade from 6.5.0-35 to 6.5.0-41" [Undecided, New] [08:41] does ssh -vvv root@... show something useful ? [08:41] For a Fedora VM it would take a long time in my case for GSSApi, to be disabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-redhat or something like that [08:42] Mikaku, check if you have multiple IPs assigned to the hostname or multiple hosts with the same IP [08:42] luckylinux: these are the last lines after sss -vvv root@.... [08:43] TomyWork: I'll check that ... [08:43] Mikaku, try to add my lines to your config, not sure if related, but at least it should NOT attempt to authenticate using the wrong ssh key [08:45] luckylinux: the issue is not only with SSH, it also happens with ports 80 and 443, so I would discard anything related specifically to SSH [08:45] fair enough ... there is some routing issue [08:45] looks so, indeed [08:45] or potentially an interface or member of interface is is promiscous mode when it shouldn't be [08:46] *member of bridge I meant [08:47] check also that if you have networkmanager (like I do on Fedora ServeR), it's configured correctly [08:47] the curious thing is that I installed other guests in the same host and they are working fine [08:47] on Ubuntu Host for instance all sort of stuff can happen if you manually configure but leave the interface also managed by networkmanager [08:47] it only happens with this Ubuntu [08:48] Netplan weirdness ? dhcpcd [lack of] configuration ? How did you configure ubuntu networking ? [08:48] wait a sec [08:49] luckylinux: [08:52] TomyWork: I don't see any other host using the same IP, host's arp table looks good [08:53] Mikaku, do a watch on it and see if it changes when the issue starts and stops happening [08:53] just to be sure :) [08:54] TomyWork: will do, thanks :) [08:54] Mikaku, are you sure your netmask is correct ? No experience with Netplan though ... but is single host [08:55] although the to: default seems ok for the default route [08:55] if I look at a ubuntu Host (not VM) I have a routing table with /20 on both the default and the (dhcp) link item [08:56] do `ip route` inside the guest [08:56] and `ip addr` as well [08:57] Limited use since I do NOT use Ubuntu KVM Guests, just Ubuntu as a Desktop (soon Virtualized though :D) ... but with a Proxmox VE KVM Guest on Debian, I also get /20 netmask [08:57] for both `ip addr` and `ip route` [08:58] your /32 looks weird to me, but I don't know what magic if any netplan does [08:59] luckylinux: I see this in 'ifconfig': inet netmask broadcast [08:59] then it will not work [09:00] do `ip addr` and `ip route`, those are the new tools [09:00] should be [09:00] I know, it's hard to be used to it [09:00] Mikaku, /24 is [09:00] :P [09:00] yep [09:00] let me fix that [09:00] Look at your netplan config ... it's 32 [09:00] i mean /32 [09:01] I'll change to /24 [09:06] luckylinux: wow!, I think you hit the nail in the head :-) [09:06] after a reboot, I can SSH to the guest without no problems [09:06] Mikaku, I hope so :). Did you test extensively ? [09:06] I'll do more tests but it looks good now [09:07] ah alright [09:07] luckylinux: I owe you a cold beer :) [09:07] Mikaku, thanks ;) [09:07] luckylinux and TomyWork, thanks for your time and assistance :) [09:26] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe-6.5/+bug/2070020 since this is my first bug report, is anything missing? :) [09:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2070020 in linux-hwe-6.5 (Ubuntu) "Lenovo dock no longer working after upgrade from 6.5.0-35 to 6.5.0-41" [Undecided, New] === saavedro5 is now known as saavedro [10:39] luckylinux: after more testings it seems indeed the /32 was the culprit, all is working fine now [10:39] thank you again for all your assistance guys [10:48] weird that it worked *some* of the time anyway [11:14] Agreed it's weird that it was intermittent and sometimes was working ... another possibility for ping working but NOT TCP (ssh, http, https) was asymmetrical routing and/or stateful firewall tropping TCP Packets if the firewall was in the loop only one-way (but not the other) [11:14] Mikaku: But glad that it's working now at least ;) === you is now known as Guest6274 === Guest6274 is now known as you [11:34] Hi folks. I have a bit of an odd issue I've been investigating, and it appears to be a regression caused by an ESM patch to php7.2 - any suggestions/pointers for the best way to report this? [11:36] mace: ESM sounds like you have Ubuntu Pro support, why not contact support directly? [11:42] CosmicDJ: Ah ok, I'll see if that's an option, cheers [11:51] after system upgrade and keeping currently installed version for configuration files; where do I find the vanilla conf file of that package to compare it with my current one to merge manually? [12:28] ice9: look for a .dpkg-new in the same directory [12:30] (this is if you answered no when dpkg asked whether you wanted to replace your modified config file with the package maintainer's version; if you answered yes, your config will be renamed .dpkg-old and the vanilla one will replace the file itself) [12:37] crypttab: "m2.luks UUID=XXXX /etc/luks/keyfile luks,discard" [12:37] fstab: "/dev/mapper/m2.luks / btrfs defaults 0 0" [12:37] `update-initramfs -vc`: "WARNING: Skipping root target m2.luks: uses a key file" [12:38] How do I get it to unlock m2.luks? [12:55] Got it. I failed to update they KEYFILE_PATTERN in /etc/cryptsetup-initramfs/conf-hook. [13:07] Hi all === VIAblet is now known as V1A [14:57] Hello, I'm doing a fresh install of Ubuntu LTS on a thinkpad T14 with 32gb ram, how big do I need the swap partition size to be for hibernation to work. I am reading it needs to be 1:1, or 2:1, or 2.5:1. [15:07] 1:1 plus a bit is my understanding. [15:07] I like to have 8GB of swap even on stuff that I never expect to swap... [15:07] so I'd likely do 40 or 48gb [15:07] sweet thanks [15:08] The other gotcha is that you can't actually truly test it unless ram is full. [15:09] might be worse loading like, 7 tabs in chrome to use up 30GB of ram and then see if it still hibernates. [15:10] * delsol_laptop is mostly joking. Chrome wouldn't take 30GB of ram to open 7 tabs. You'd get at least 10 tabs for your 30GB.... === deepSleep is now known as Guest1606 === VIAblet is now known as V1A [16:04] greets friends. having a small issue where my computer is locking twice. it locks when I issue ctrl+alt+del with my custom locking program and then (I think) when it sleeps ubuntu locks it again with something else. [16:04] doesn't seem to be screensaver because I don't have that [16:05] apologies suspend not sleep. I have unchecked "Lock screen when system is going to sleep" [16:08] dumb question but the do-release says there is development release yet? [16:08] I thought it was already out and available? [16:09] bondking, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled [16:22] ioria: true [16:22] let me guess gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false? [18:25] Hey, a possibly very stupid question :) I found a pendrive, and maybe I'll be able to find the owner, by looking at it. But I'm curious - is this safe to simple plugin it it? There was a time on windows systems, where one could create a file called' autorun' or something like that and it, well, autostarted. I believe Ubuntu does not have such a "feature", but just to be safe... is this safe? :) [18:27] konrados: security peeps will tell you the consensus is that it's never safe ... there is also the possibility of hardware damange, howerever limited that is [18:28] autorun .. make sure you have no wine installed. not sure that even work. [18:29] ok! thanks! plugging in... [18:29] It's not safe, but unlikely unless intentionally created to cause damage. [18:29] there are tests, leaving an usb on the floor in front of an office. [18:29] but that mostly targetted windows [18:39] ok, well, nothing happened :) Just just photos, thanks! === VIAblet is now known as V1A [19:59] What does apt install docker; install? [20:01] After running that, there is still no docker group... [20:03] systemctl status docker [20:03] sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} [20:03] etc, tons of manuals [20:04] systemctl status docker; "Unit docker.service could not be found." [20:05] It looks like it installed properly... https://paste.rs/fIqnf [20:06] sudo usermod -aG docker $USER; returns usermod: group 'docker' does not exist [20:23] When I try to run docker, I get https://paste.rs/mtjyo. None of the suggestions are `apt install docker`... [20:39] lmat: the docker package is an old desktop dock application which likely pre-dates the docker you want. I suspect you'd be better with the docker.io package [20:44] Is there a way to select which user gets the bluetooth headphones when I connect them? Currently it appears it always ends up on the first user that logged in. [20:47] (Ubuntu 22.04 with the default gnome DE) [20:49] lmat: forget installing Ubuntu's docker, it's ancient and broken. Install it from the docker.io PPA, and also join #docker to ask docker-specific questions [20:50] In docker's PPA the package is named docker-ce instead of docker.io, unless that's changed since last I tried it [20:51] Appears to still be the case, according to https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc === VIAblet is now known as V1A === VIAblet is now known as V1A [23:51] Does anyone know how to access the fingerprint sensor settings? I can't find anything in settings>system>user - on a Lenovo e580 laptop [23:53] I know the system can see it, you can see in lsusb | grep -i finger [23:53] Bus 001 Device 004: ID 06cb:00a2 Synaptics, Inc. Metallica MOH Touch Fingerprint Reader