[01:44] hi [01:45] this is cool === keith is now known as killer300 [02:44] ello [05:36] yyyy [10:13] this keeps poping up every 5 to 10 min when FF is open. [10:13] https://imgur.com/a/zFT2bPE [10:13] how do i get rid of it ? [10:14] i tried looking in FF setting,. but nothing there. [10:14] if i am not mistaken FF is some snap thing. so how to update that stuff? === floown_ is now known as floown [11:43] Hello, I found a bug in the system app in the dark theme the logo has a white background === vibbe1 is now known as vibbe [13:07] Hi all [13:24] nuxil: this might be this (or a different, snap related) issue https://itsfoss.com/pending-update-firefox-ubuntu/ [13:31] tomreyn, thanks. will try and see if it help. === norbi is now known as norbert79 [16:30] Hi how are you? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === mike is now known as Fantacmety === Fantacmety is now known as Fantacmet