=== nicoz_ is now known as nicoz [17:06] hi team, how are they? I would like to be able to reactivate / create the community of Ubuntu users in Paraguay; Could you give me instructions on how I could do it? [18:09] just contact other users in Paraguay & start working together? [18:38] I already have a team, but we couldn't contact the former Ubuntu Paraguay group, apparently it ended a long time ago. And we wanted to reactivate it. [18:39] Due to time, I understand that they are no longer interested; We do have a project to translate the operating system into the native Paraguayan language (Guarani); as a social inclusion initiative. [21:06] eruizpy: for the translations you should talk to the translation team [21:06] it might already be possible to do those translations [21:08] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+lang/gn [21:10] as it says there you should contact the translation coordinators