=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:58] okay so like if I accidentally click on the top bar with the clock on it there is like an orange bar that drops down and things go catty-whompus... first of all what is that and second what can I do to make it stop doing that? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [02:26] graphs on resources, probably ram or cpu [02:26] i think you can edit the panel items [02:49] Hello people, I have reported this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 and I solve it, I found out that the issue is from the kernel [02:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2061840 in linux (Ubuntu Noble) "Ubuntu 24.04 freezes after plug in power cable" [Undecided, New] [02:50] now I'm on the kernel 6.4.0-060400-generic + Ubuntu 24.04 LTS works fine :) [02:50] what should I do for the next step ? [03:09] Well, since you've reported it, I'd say just follow that bug report, and also test every new 6.8 kernel ubuntu offers til it's resolved. [03:10] I mean if you want, you could add 'noble-proposed' repo and try 6.8.0-38 early. [03:11] you could also follow changelogs and see if it seems your issue might have been adressed === deepSleep is now known as Guest7386 === deepSleep is now known as Guest1953 === cal is now known as Varian === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [05:21] hello [05:22] I want to install 24.04 LTS, but in "Manual Partitioning" section I can not select any device! [05:22] All devices are grayed out [05:22] I can not continue with the installation [05:22] momken: 24.04 new installer is still a work in progress [05:22] Please help [05:23] lotuspsychje How should I install anyway? [05:23] momken: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision check the recent bugs here [05:23] Is there any old installer? [05:23] momken: probably only a full disk install will work [05:24] My solution to the install issue has been to vanilla install to a scratch disk, then prepare the disks I want and copy the files over. [05:24] momken: I recently installed 24.04 (Xubuntu-minimal) manually partitioning with no issue. [05:25] That means modifying fstab/ cryptab and doing update-initramfs update-grub grub-install [05:26] Graphics help? 24.04 new install. Thinkpad with dual intel/nvidia gpu. No way to turn one off. [05:26] inxi reports vesa driver though xserver-xorg-video-nouveau was auto-installed. [05:26] What do I need to know about running nouveau? [05:28] I was using LinuxMint 21.3 which was good except that it didn't have Remote Desktop (rdp/vnc) and I need that functionality somehow. I realized that the Gnome desktop supports remote desktop (both rdp and vnc) out of the box [05:28] But dealing with different vnc servers in Linux Mint eventually broke my Linux Mint. [05:30] If you control both sides, try xpra. [05:48] Diagon, what do you want to know about using nouveau? [05:49] Hey, eigma9o7, thanks. Well, it seems it's installed, but vesa is being used, and even then I'm not sure on which gpu. So how do I get nouveau to be used? [05:49] If it works well enough for you, then nothing to do. For some people on old gpu (me) it'll cause computer to lockup every day or two... for some people on new gpu, they want better performance for 3D games so they'll use the proprietary driver even tho nouveau works fine for normal use. [05:49] Oh, if vesa is being used, that's a problem. Nouveau is in the kernel and used by default, so something going wrong if you're stuck in vesa. [05:50] Ah, that's sad. [05:50] Any pointers on debugging? [05:50] Well no, it's not sad, cuz vesa is pretty bad, doesn't even support high resolutions. [05:50] I'd start by sharing "inxi -G" in a pastebin, so we can see what gpu model you have and what driver(s) are actaully in use. [05:51] Yup, I see it's a module. And it's "used by 0" [05:51] Sure. One sec (using 2 machines here). [05:52] momken, you can certainly run xvncserver on either mint or ubuntu, regardless of desktop.... [05:52] and if you mean you want and rdp client, you can use something like remmina on either distro with any desktop.... [05:53] enigma9o7 : Here ya go! termbin.com/9cnv [05:53] but GNOME certainly makes it easy, configuing x11vncserver can be tricky if you don't want just defaults, gotta manually edit a config file [05:55] yeah diagon, you defininately have issues and im no expert in this matter, hopefully others are and can help when they see that. It seems you've got dual gpu, but neither one using the kernel drivers. [05:55] right, and the bios doesn't let me turn off one or the other. [05:55] I would start by running "sudo ubuntu-drivers install" to see if it magically fixes things for you [05:56] during install, did you check the box to allow 3rd party/prop drivers? [05:56] I did. [05:57] It shoulda done it automatically then, but that command I suggested will try the same thing as the installer. [05:57] Is ubuntu-drivers the same as the "addional drivers" gui app? [05:57] You could also look in the ubuntu-drivers GUI to see if there's soemthing you can change on the tab about drivers. [05:57] hahhaha i was typing about that when you suggested it [05:58] It's similar, yeah. The cli version probably does the same thing, but automatically uses the reccommended driver. [05:58] "no additional drivers available" and "no proprietary drivers are in use" [05:58] Odd, it should tell me about the nvidia drivers, no? [05:58] whereas the gui lets you pick other available drivers even if they're not the reccommended one [05:58] :thumbs-up: [05:59] I mean, the proprietary nvidia drivers should be listed in there. :? [05:59] I think it should, yeah. [05:59] Yes, they should. [06:00] ah okay that's an old gpu that uses the legacy 390 driver on the nvidia side [06:00] the legacy 390 driver is no longer available in ubuntu [06:00] but, that doesn't explain why it didnt use nouveau [06:01] I see 390 isn't even in the repos any more. [06:02] `aptitude search nvidia | grep 390` [06:02] anybody can tell me how to get adwaita legacy icons on ubuntu 24.04. i use them on fedora and i really like them. I just installed ubuntu on my main driver. thanks [06:03] you can still get the 390 driver by adding the (unofficial) graphics drivers ppa https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [06:03] but again that doesnt explain why it didnt load nouveau autoamtically, or intel driver automatically [06:03] Useful infos. I'll put it in my notes. [06:04] (for what its worth, I use the legacy nvidia-340 driver) [06:05] guess you got me beat! [06:06] ya but nouveau worked automatically just fine [06:06] Youv'e defininately got something going on I don't understand, nouveau and intel drivers from kernel shoulda just loaded automatically for you. [06:07] Could this have something to do with wayland? [06:08] Yes and no. If I were you, I wouldn't use wayland cuz even with the right drivers you'll have bad performance compared to X11, but the drivers should still have installed. [06:08] How to switch to X? On the login page, there's no option as there used to be. [06:08] For wayland on the nvidia side you need 490 or newer. [06:09] So after you enter your username, before you enter your password, there should be a gear icon that offers you X session. [06:09] I'll try again ... [06:09] Yeah double check. Logout, get to the password box but dont type anything, the gear should be there. [06:10] on the bottom right area [06:11] No gear icon, and I know what you mean, because it was there for 22.04 [06:13] sorry i'm out of ideas. if noone else chimes in, try again later. its middle of night in the americas and super early in europe, so less people are around that know what's up [06:14] I appreciate your help. At least I know it's not me! :) Have a good day/ [06:14] Just start by sharing that inxi pastebin, cuz that shows right away there's no drivers being used for either gpu, which is just wierd. [06:15] there is no reason i know of that nouveau and intel driver shouldn't just be autoloaded [06:16] and even with wayland, in theory it should work just software rendered slow... but certainly you should be able to switch to x11 from login screen too. [06:17] K. Will do. [08:12] yo [08:12] guys [08:30] I really think this channel should have a nohello rule. I saw 2 messages here and thought someone might be looking for help, and no, its just lubuntu with yo guys. [08:33] enigma9o7: a what rule? [08:35] nohello.com [08:42] not illegal to say hi in the support channel enigma9o7 [08:51] well that would be pretty crazy, wouldn't it? an actual law against such a thing? Holy fuck. Yeah okay thanks for the ping, that kinda made me chuckle. [09:03] reboot [09:10] Ive got dual monitors. When I boot Ubuntu 23.10 desktop the login screen appears on the secondary monitor. Is there a way to force the login screen to appear on my primary monitor [09:11] do the upgrade to 24.04 first [09:12] and the login screen probably appears on the first output your system initializes [09:12] so the easy fix is to just swap those monitors? [09:12] no.... [09:12] I am not upgrading right now [09:13] you should do that soon. 23.10 will be EOL soon [09:13] the upgrade tool is not reliable [09:18] I found a fix that seems to work just fine === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === root is now known as Guest1539 [11:21] I upgraded five systems, most didn't cause any problems === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === EriC^^ is now known as Guest8168 === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [12:20] what's the best hdd health etc. analyzer for linux, preferably a gui program? crystaldiskinfo on windows seems homeusers standard here in finland, ought to be good... [12:25] Hi all [12:26] Gnome Disks can show SMART data [12:27] Sorry, I couldn't understand (I'm not that advanced user), would please clarify what can I do? [12:30] @enigma9o7 [12:41] zakaria: here's a line which enigma wrote before you had reconnected: Well, since you've reported it, I'd say just follow that bug report, and also test every new 6.8 kernel ubuntu offers til it's resolved. [12:42] Alright, I'll try to keep going on with testing, but I'm using now 6.4.0-060400-generic, is it safe ? can I remove 6.8 (default one) ? [12:43] JanC: i'm not interested in smart data, like health checks of hdd etc. [12:44] 6.4.0-060400-generic sounds like this is an unsupported and outdated kernel snapshot build [12:45] babula: SMART _is_ the health check data for HDDs... [12:45] zakaria: so i would recommend running the default kernel image for now, if you can, or to install 22.04 LTS instead. [12:47] zakaria: you can basically choose between two roads now: (1) stabilize your system, find/use workarounds; (2) continue with the bug report and help finding the root cause and possibly a solution to it. [12:48] installing 22.04 would be (1), as would be upgrading your year 2020 bios. [12:49] Hemmm, will Ubuntu 22.04 get new kernel version like 6.8 and 6.9 ? if yes, I'll be affected (as it happens with me with Pop_OS) [12:50] continuing to use 24.04 with the default kernel (or the one from -proposed, but i doubt it makes a difference), which would, for now, mean you'd need to power down the system to be able to plug it to power, would be (2). [12:52] Alright, I'll do my best, should I mention in launchpad that 6.4.0 works without problem (refering to that issue is from kernel) ? or just waiting ? [12:53] every LTS release gets additional "HWE" (backported) kernels from newer LTS releases. 24.04 LTS will have the kernel of Ubuntu 26.04 LTS available after it releases in 2026 [12:54] Yes, it would be very good to mention in the bug report that earlier kernel versions do not have this issue (i.e. it seems to be a "regression"), if you have not yet done so. [12:57] JanC: yes, but you can do surface scans etc. with these programs. [12:58] maybe i'll need to run that strange crystaldiskinfo under wine. [12:58] thank you @tomreyn for your time, I really appreciate your support <3 [12:59] zaki: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic-hwe lists the "HWE" kernel versions which are available, and supported (except for the "-edge" ones, I assume), in addition to the default ("GA", general availability) kernel on different Ubuntu releases. It is a bit difficult to read, though: "focal(-updates)" is ubuntu 20.04 LTS, "jammy(-updates)" is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, "noble(-updates)" is Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. [13:00] zakaria: if you focus on 24.04 (noble) only, this list is very short, at this time: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=noble-updates&keywords=linux-image-generic-hwe - but it will have more options in two years. [13:01] zakaria: you're welcome. and if what i just explained is too complicated, or badly explained, don'T worry, it's not crucial. [13:01] babula: i did my last surface test in the early 2000s but you can do that with the badblocks tools. make sure to choose a non-destructive mode it you care for your data [13:01] zaki: sorry, the above was to zakaria [13:02] ravage: hmm yes, do you know a gui software for linux? [13:02] no [13:03] babula: a long/extended SMART test does a surface scan [13:15] JanC: right, could be so. i'm not interested in the s.m.a.r.t. stats, them i can get easily. [13:17] then what do you want? [13:18] JanC: disk analyzing. [13:18] but that is what SMART does [13:18] it's already built in every hard disk, in a way that works much more efficiently than when you implement it yourself [13:19] Hello everyone [13:20] I have an issue with Timeshift in ubuntu where timeshift hides a partition after i start it and it is only accesable through /run/tmeshift/ how can i prevent this? [13:21] seems like CrystalDiskInfo just shows SMART info anyway, just with fancy manga pictures added [13:23] Crin, basicly not, that is how timeshift works. one can delete snapshots.. [13:23] timeshift --list [13:23] timeshift --delete --snapshot 'date' or timeshift --delete-all === tom_ is now known as paul424 [13:28] but there are other things on that partition :( [13:29] JanC: that's just fast hdd smart stats. [13:29] JanC: it has been in every hdd since early 2000s. [13:29] ... [13:30] babula, no, you are wrong, it covers ssd and nvme too [13:30] oerheks: thank you for answerng tho it was hard to find a definitive aswer to this [13:30] Crin, that partition should only contain snapshots.. [13:32] Yes i will restructure partitions, it anoying but oh well [13:33] oerheks: of course, i call all these drives harddrives. === VIAblet is now known as V1A === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc [18:39] Hey `do-release-upgrade` on ubuntu 22.04 doesn't detect 24.04 as a new LTS version [18:40] Do I just need to do-release-upgrade to 23.10 and then to 24.04? [18:40] you can yes [18:41] yes. I would suggest doing that outside the GUI in a Terminal  [18:41] the GUI crashed on me too many times during upgrades  [18:41] how do i disable the ubuntu pro updates from showing when i do an apt update? [18:42] you enable Ubuntu Pro 🙂 [18:42] i dont want it [18:42] why? [18:42] cause they aint free [18:42] you dont want a more secure system for free? [18:42] of course they are. [18:42] well then how do i enable [18:43] for up to 5 computers [18:43] i have 3 going rn [18:43] https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe [18:46] thanks, friend [18:48] for me do-release-upgrade didn't work either, i had to do with with -d or -D [18:48] you don't have to go through all versions between. [18:48] apt dist-upgrade ? [18:51] babula: please do not advice users to execute unsupported commands [18:52] direct upgrades from 22.04 to 24.04 will be enabled with the release of 24.04.1 (probably) in August [18:52] sorry ravage [18:52] why are you sorry? 😄 [18:53] cause i probably did the same thing and not sure if dist-upgrade will work that way but that's the command i always use [18:53] dist-upgrade does not change your Ubuntu version [18:53] the new name for it is full-upgrade [18:54] is there a command to get info on commands in here, from a bot maybe? [18:54] and should always be used instead of upgrade anyway [18:54] that would be a very long list [18:54] ravage: unsupported? -d, --devel-release [18:54] yes [18:54] to be honest, i haven't used ubuntu since 10.x but i refuse to do win11 now [18:54] for me upgraded with that to 24.04 [18:55] good for you [18:55] but you dont want devel release [18:56] or the guy asking shouldn't upgrade to devel, is what i mean [18:56] the release is fine [18:56] there is just not official upgrade path from the previous LTS yet [18:56] kut: i didn't get a devel version fortunately! [18:56] it is untested any may just fail [18:56] is that 22.04? [18:56] is there some roadmap for 24.04.1 [18:56] that's what i've got [18:56] yes [18:57] ok, so i need to wait it seems [18:57] thank you kind sirs [18:57] what's the point of having go through every release, not updating instantly to the latest? [18:57] even windows has this. [18:57] there is no point [18:57] cause adhd says get all the updates [18:57] thats why you wait [18:58] what does esm stand for, extra security measures? [18:58] i also wonder why do you sometimes have to reboot after updating system files, even windows doesn't require this nowadays! [18:58] sorry i'm asking silly questions [18:59] if files need to be replaced and are in use? maybe unmount the drive to do something? [18:59] windows only gets updates once a month. and that always requires a restart [19:00] ah well [19:02] thanks ravage i got the pro going on 1 pc [19:03] great 🙂 [19:03] whats that symbol? my encoding isn't correct apparently [19:04] supposted to be a smiley [19:04] *supposed [19:04] do you want to be friends now [19:07] https://imgur.com/G8OaPfV.png can't see the smiley :( [19:11] get a better font? get a better clidnt? [19:11] client [19:11] it's the encoding, which i can fix but can't be arsed right now [19:12] not aching to see your smileys since you're rude [19:29] i can't get the kb application shortcuts to understand alt+fn+prt sc [19:34] fn is not a real keyboard key [19:35] that's something handled internally in your kb firmware/hardware [19:35] yeah it's enabling the prt sc key [19:35] so it says the shortcut is alt R [19:36] I changed it in bios so I dont need the fn key but it still isn't allowing me to set alt+prt sc [19:38] https://imgur.com/T7GucLN.png this is it working, why alt R? [19:40] that means it's coming up any time i press alt [19:43] "Alt R" refers to the right-hand side Alt key. "Alt L" refers to the left hand one. you may only have one of those on a smaller keyboard. [19:44] key combos are indicated by a hyphon [19:44] I have both but it isn't detecting prt sc cause I want to use alt+prt sc [19:44] actually plus character [19:44] but just prt sc and shift+prt sc are working as expected [19:45] thanks for the help tomreyn [19:45] alt + print screen usually means sysrq [19:45] !sysrq [19:45] In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [19:45] those combos are probably not allowed to be configured on the desktop [19:46] because they are to be directly handled by the kernel [19:46] alt+print screen to take a screenshot of the active window? [19:46] when I reset to defaults it's assigned but the key combo doesn't work [19:47] i mean holding down alt + printscreen and then tapping yet another key, such as 'h', which should print output to a terminal / tty [19:47] I am not doing that since I switched of Lock Fn Keys [19:49] you could ask about / search on this in xfce specific support channels, since you seem to be using xubuntu. [20:07] hey, my video editor shotcut fails to render [20:07] https://pastebin.pl/view/a19eabed [20:07] this is error log [20:09] Hello. Where can I get more info on the "linux-kvm" flavor of kernels compared to "-generic" ? [20:10] Maybe start with https://ubuntu.com/blog/kvm-hyphervisor ? [20:11] i'm not installing or running my own hypervisor [20:11] it's a guest install on a kvm I don't control [20:13] what do you mean with '"linux-kvm" flavor of kernels ? [20:13] package "linux-kvm" [20:14] thats a meta package for linux-image-kvm and linux-headers-kvm [20:14] i know that [20:14] its a kernel that is probably a lot smaller in size [20:14] as it only includes drivers for the virtualized hardware [20:15] but I have no extra information than that, if I install this on a remote VPS, and then it doesn't boot because it's missing something, then i have a problem [20:15] then dont [20:15] then why does it exist? [20:16] the generic kernel will boot just fine [20:16] see above [20:16] its smaller [20:16] installing linux-kvm in a VM,.. [20:16] interesting [20:16] doesn't include stuff you wouldn't use in a VM [20:16] linux-image-virtual [20:17] i have no difference other than "it's smaller" and "probably" [20:17] what else do you want to hear? [20:17] like an actual list of differences? [20:18] https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/linux-image-kvm download the sources and build script if you want to find out what exactly is in there [20:18] obviously someone took and effort to create it for a reason [20:18] to build a kernel that is smaller and only includes drivers needed with KVM [20:19] that is obvious [20:19] and that's a one size fits all for any KVM ? [20:19] mostly yes [20:19] and what if my use case is not the "mostly" [20:19] what are the exceptions ? [20:19] use the generic kernel [20:20] so this exist, but you probably shouldn't install it, and you probably should use generic... sounds like it "probably" shouldn't exist ? [20:21] this is not a meta discussion channel really [20:21] feel free to discuss that in #ubuntu-discuss [20:22] i just want a list of differences other than it's smaller, really technical, i don't want to discuss that it is just smaller [20:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What_are_the_differences_between_the_server_and_virtual_kernels.3F === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc [20:25] the server kernels no longer exist afaik, and that's refering to -virtual that depends on the same underlying package [20:29] more specifically the package in question would be "linux-image-5.15.0-1060-kvm" for ubuntu 22.04 === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [20:32] or just install "linux-image-virtual" if you want updates [20:32] which would work on any ubuntu version [20:33] that points to the -generic kernel, i just want to know the difference with "linux-image-5.15.0-1060-kvm" [20:34] hey my video editor fails to render video [20:34] this is the log file [20:34] https://pastebin.pl/view/c844750a [20:34] there is also linux-image-virtual-hwe-22.04 [20:34] I'm using shotcut [20:35] I'm not missing any video file from list I use in my project [20:35] linux-image-virtual does not point to linux-image-generic if that's what you're suggesting, jstefan. [20:35] WILD TIMESTAMP: pkt.pts=[-9223372036854775808], pkt.dts=[-9223372036854775808], req_position=[2896], current_position=[2895], int_position=[0], pts=[-9223372036854775808] [20:35] [chain avformat-novalidate] /home/ronalds/Desktop/intro_steady.mp4 [20:35] this is the type of error [20:35] Guest22, what shotcut is this? your previous post: libva: Trying to open /home/ronalds/Downloads/shotcut-linux-x86_64-231215/Shotcut/Shotcut.app [20:36] not the snap or deb version [20:36] well I'm using version downloaded [20:36] I can try on system installed [20:37] enigma9o7, on my system linux-image virtual Depends: linux-image-5.15.0-112-generic [20:37] info shotcut noble [20:37] !info shotcut noble [20:37] shotcut (24.02.29+ds-1build1, noble): video editor. In component universe, is optional. Built by shotcut. Size 1,555 kB / 4,998 kB [20:37] we got newer .. [20:37] and linux-image-kvm depends on "linux-image-5.15.0-1060-kvm" [20:39] but I can't find no use cases or examples, or any documentation === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc [20:55] it fails at 10% [20:56] https://pastebin.pl/view/c844750a [21:42] Has anyone figured out what the issue is causing a gamma to oscillate in an sinusoidal pattern(very slowly)? Seems to affect gnome, kde wayland and kde x11; across ubuntu 24.04, fedora 40 and opensuse tumbleweed? [21:42] Not sure what else is affected [21:45] hey guys i installed ubuntu on my laptop yesterday and you know in the quick settings there is usually a button to select balance, performance, or powersaving. the button isn't there. like at all. is that a new feature or something i can unlock so to speak [21:47] i don't even know how to google it because i don't remember what the button is called [21:48] this is Ubuntu 24.04 [21:48] * ravage uploaded an image: (19KiB) < https://xentonix.net/_matrix/media/v3/download/xentonix.net/StJHKNHtyWmXakomKUNzdYbI/image.png > [21:50] so the button is right there really? [21:51] same as in 22.04 [21:52] oh ok thanks. that's the power mode button. [21:53] the power mode button is not there at all [21:53] it is also at Settings -> Power [21:54] If performance mode isn't available that means your bios do not support platform profiles. [21:54] yes it is but i wanted to be able to change it from power saving to balanced to performance like if my battery is low, or im installing someething and i want to get more performance for a paticular task [21:54] balanced is usually fine [21:55] it does not limit the max performance [21:55] i wonder what happened. i wiped fedora off this laptop and it was there in fedora im shaking my head over here [21:55] its more a "on demand" setting [21:55] terminal: powerprofilesctl list [21:55] right exactly [21:56] on this workstation i think it really does nothing at all [21:56] too lazy to boot my laptop 🙂 [21:57] oerheks, I ran "powerfrofilesctl list and it said it wasn't installed. i installed it and it automatically removed tlp. now the button is back [21:57] ah tlp [21:58] i must have installed that. i was looking online for top things to do after installing ubuntu. i must have done it [21:58] i think you could do this in TLP too .. [21:58] on power/battry behavior [21:58] Maybe gotta unplug it. [21:59] oh like from a terminal emulator [21:59] enigma9o7, that is a good test too [21:59] well problem solved. maybe you can give me insight into another issue [22:01] sometimes i will boot up and the login screen my mouse pointer won't move. if i tab around and get logged in without it, it is frozen in place. i figured out that at the login screen.. if i suspend the laptop and then go back, the pointer moves again. wierd behavior. [22:02] sounds like the disable touchpad-while-i-type [22:02] mmmmm insteresting [22:03] so i can change that in settings. will that change in gdm as well? [22:03] i always hit space, to type my password [22:03] no mouse action [22:04] oh ok i will try that. i wonder if the pointer will be stuck once i login again [22:04] let me check settings for touchpad. interesting [22:05] ok i unchecked disable touchpad while typing. that will probably do the trick. [22:06] i think you don' t want that during the rest of the session [22:06] i replaced my keyboard this week i wonder if it is defective [22:06] i don't want what? [22:06] your cursor may flip around .. [22:07] oh so leave it checked? [22:10] I gotta give it to Ubuntu. everything on my e580 works and works well except the fingerprint sensor [22:10] and I didn't expect that to work, it's sort of a windows-only feature [22:10] https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html [22:10] supported devices.. [22:11] say what you wil, but I'm kindof stoked to have a device called "Metallica" on the lappy even if I can't use it :D [22:12] https://linux-hardware.org/?id=usb:06cb-009a [22:14] worth looking into https://github.com/uunicorn/python-validity , but np version for 24.04 https://launchpad.net/~uunicorn/+archive/ubuntu/open-fprintd [22:14] that moved to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/open-fprintd [22:20] oerheks, unfortunately adding the ppa isn't working Err:7 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/uunicorn/open-fprintd/ubuntu noble Release [22:20] 404 Not Found [IP: 443] [22:20] Reading package lists... Done [22:20] E: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/uunicorn/open-fprintd/ubuntu noble Release' does not have a Release file. [22:20] N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. [22:20] N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. [22:20] that moved to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/open-fprintd [22:20] !info fprintd noble [22:21] fprintd (1.94.3-1, noble): D-Bus daemon for fingerprint reader access. In component main, is extra. Built by fprintd. Size 92 kB / 668 kB [22:21] !info open-fprintd noble [22:21] Package open-fprintd does not exist in noble [22:21] ok, thank you, I'll give it a shot [22:35] oerheks, No love :( [22:35] fprintd-enroll [22:35] list_devices failed: [22:36] I appreciate you trying to help! that was pretty awesome of you [22:36] sorry to hear, this was the last resort [22:37] then again, even if the devices work, there is no encryption yet, between device and interface [22:37] work to do [22:40] xception: No supported validity device found [22:54] oerheks, here's my exact device https://linux-hardware.org/index.php?id=usb:06cb-00a2 [22:55] report is not good. [22:55] not all lenovo devices are compliant [22:56] it's ok though everything else works [22:59] jubikey is an other solution === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc [23:26] yubikey vs jubikey? [23:28] you are right, typo or an serious disfunction [23:46] wb ActionParsnip [23:47] oerheks: thanks, been a while [23:48] 🤪 [23:49] oerheks: I've been a RHEL engineer for the last year and a bit now. Pretty sweet gig [23:49] joy .. same issues i guess [23:50] Just more Ansible 🤣 [23:51] h̶o̶w̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶t̶a̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ [23:53] I usually install Ubuntu minimal or server then add whatever gubbins I want. Started with Sway now === ancientz5 is now known as ancientz