
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP
=== LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP
mjt0kahasenack_: so, re samba vfs stuff: do you have some thoughts/arguments against me pushing the stuff I mentioned in email?  I mean some large(ish) disagreement, so to say, not about the details.14:33
ahasenack_mjt0k: I'll look in about 1h, just had lunch and some meetings now14:55
ahasenack_but the plan looks ok14:55
ahasenack_ceph and gluster to their own packages, the rest into that other one14:55
mjt0kthe rest into main samba14:56
mjt0kok, good :)14:56
beowuffI just did an autoinstall of 24.04 and a post-install script (during autoinstall) failed with a "systemd-cat" error... SystemD now replaced cat?!?16:00
mjt0khow about reading the manpage?16:01
beowuffHow about not replacing things that work perfectly good the way they are and then breaking scripts for no reason?16:01
mjt0k.ignore beowuff 16:01
beowuffWhatever. I just can't believe this. It truely is no longer "Linux" and is now "SystemD OS".16:02
mjt0kwonder when people will read before complaining.. probably never :)16:02
beowuffI wonder when people will stop "fixing" things that arn't broke just for the sake of breaking things. Probably never.16:03
beowuff(btw, even if systemd-cat has nothing to do with cat, then WHY is it being called in the script where I call cat?16:04
beowuff) (got to close that paren...)16:04
beowuffI'm sorry for complaining, it's just that this doesn't make ANY sense and now I have to figure out a way to work around another system-d thing.16:06
=== TheCaptain8980 is now known as TheCaptain898
Odd_Blokesystemd-cat is used to direct output to the journal (this is the first line of the manpage :p), so I would guess it's being used to capture the output of your entire script.16:29
=== deltreey8 is now known as deltreey
Hashbrownz_Hello peeps.17:43
sergiodjOdd_Bloke: ^ (sorry, typo)17:58
=== ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack
=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert

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