
ActionParsnipOh and can anyone here clean up the spam on answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu at all, please?00:04
iconoclastheroany idea where to find  this missing dep? ../meson.build:102:17: ERROR: Dependency "webkit2gtk-4.0" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake00:22
oerheksfor what ubuntu version?00:23
oerheks4.0 is kinda old, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit2gtk00:24
iconoclastheroit's what is being used in the current version of gnome web.00:27
oerhekswhat are you building?00:27
iconoclastherolike is there a .deb i can download or do i have to build it.00:27
iconoclastheroostensibly gnome web.00:27
iconoclastherobut i just want to build the search-provider.00:27
iconoclasthero /usr/libexec/epiphany-search-provider00:29
iconoclastheroi set out to create one for chrome.00:29
iconoclastherothen i saw that.00:29
iconoclastheroso i just want to recomplie it to have it do everything but when it comes up with a url it opens chrome instead.00:29
oerheksi have no idea ..00:30
iconoclastheroi almost assuredly don't need that webkit but i don't know how to strip out the build file to just make the search provider.00:30
vortexxiconoclasthero: apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev will probably solve your missing file issue00:30
iconoclastheros/most assuredly/possibly00:30
oerhekslibwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev is in jammy solely00:31
oerheksnot noble00:31
iconoclastherook, i've never actually "backported" something with apt.  will that get me out of this problem...just to get the library to build against?00:32
Diagon24.04 graphic help?  https://termbin.com/ta0w00:44
DiagonDual intel/nvidia (i915/nouveau?), no way in BIOS to select either GPU.00:44
DiagonRunning X, not sure which GPU is being used.  Interminable Bootup, similar login.00:44
oerheksthat owuld need the ancient 340 driver = nouveau00:46
Diagonapparently it's the 390 proprietary driver, but I'd be happy with nouveau00:47
oerheksi hardly find any difference00:47
oerheksyoutube 30fps, so ..00:47
DiagonI don't have a proprietary driver installed.  I'm not sure if nouveau is being used.00:48
Diagondetails at that link.00:48
oerheksubuntu-drivers autoinstall00:48
oerheksif it does not match, you know00:49
Diagonthe drivers are already installed00:49
=== VIAblet is now known as V1A
oerhekshi ubuntu-studio , there is #ubuntu-studio too..01:17
oerheksbut be patient, weekend hours01:17
ubuntu-studiocan they help me? thanks01:19
ubuntu-studioah thanks01:20
ubuntu-studioJust got here through LiveUSB. I have deleted partition (Ubuntu/studio) from Linux Mint and after that run command (sudo grub update) and then restart, I lost grub options where I want to boot mint. Help?01:20
oerheksno mint help01:21
oerhekssee topic, seek their support01:21
ubuntu-studiok thanks!]01:21
oerheks* just boot usb and use full disk01:22
ubuntu-studioI,ll wait thanks01:25
oerheksno updates available.. why?02:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest457
=== remy_ is now known as remy
Bashing-omRoot-Atlas: You have a Ubuntu question ?05:01
ghodawalaamanWhat is Ubuntu?06:22
ghodawalaamanis it some kind of food?06:22
enigma9o7Nope ghodawalaaman it is a Swahili word used in South Africa for "a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity."06:25
enigma9o7It is also the name of an operating system started by some south african guy.06:25
enigma9o7Who obviously liked the word and ideas it encompasses.06:26
ghodawalaamanisn't Ubuntu means "a big lizard"? enigma9o706:27
enigma9o7Nope, it really means humanity towards others.06:28
enigma9o7the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity06:28
ghodawalaamanThe word "Ubuntu" is a term from the Nguni Bantu languages of Southern Africa (including Zulu and Xhosa). It is often translated as "I am because we are" or "humanity towards others." Ubuntu represents the idea that humans are interconnected and that our well-being is deeply tied to the well-being of others in our community. It emphasizes values06:32
ghodawalaamansuch as compassion, respect, and communalism, highlighting the importance of relationships and mutual care.06:32
ghodawalaamanenigma9o7: yup you are right06:32
enigma9o7well, i said swahili, when it appears to be zulu/xhosa06:36
enigma9o7which actually makes more sense for safa06:36
enigma9o7Now that we've got all that established tho, this channel is really about the operating system.06:37
TomyWorkI tried telling grub to boot with the previous kernel version (6.5.0-35) by default (my dock doesn't work with -41) using 'GRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic"'. didn't work, I'm on -41 again, unless I manually select the older kernel :/07:04
TomyWork(this is the bug I'm trying to work around btw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe-6.5/+bug/2070020 )07:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2070020 in linux-oem-6.5 (Ubuntu) "Lenovo dock no longer working after upgrade from 6.5.0-35 to 6.5.0-41" [Undecided, Confirmed]07:07
EnlGmAcheck my pic on https://8abe6d5dac507009440c84b7c031c46a.serveo.net07:08
TomyWorkhow about no07:09
enigma9o7the globe maxes out 2 cpu cores07:14
parrot_check my pic on https://8abe6d5dac507009440c84b7c031c46a.serveo.net07:14
enigma9o7You guys look similar.07:15
TomyWorkit's spam07:15
TomyWorkthanks for making me aware of serveo.net btw. I have a friend who currently rents a cheap VPS to achieve the same and the free versino of serveo might save him that money :)07:16
witchi can see issue with it. such provider's server might be already blocked from accessing many services07:19
TomyWorkwitch, what do you mean "accessing"?07:56
TomyWorkit's a reverse proxy, not a regular one07:56
TomyWorkbrb, rebooting to downgrade kernel07:57
=== LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP
TomyWorkhow do I blacklist a kernel version? "apt remove linux-image-6.5.0-41-generic" triggers removal of linux-generic-hwe-22.04 and linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 in addition to linux-image-6.5.0-41-generic, which is not what I want, obviously :)08:57
sixwheeledbeastblacklist? You could stop apt installing it. You could tell bootloader to load a different version. Generally you would only "blacklist" a kernel module due to an incompatibility. What is the issue you are trying to workaround.09:03
=== LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP
sixwheeledbeastoic, well I suppose you didn't correctly change grub09:06
TomyWorksixwheeledbeast, too late for that and those two linux-generic-hwe packages dont offer a downgrade except to a 5.x09:07
sixwheeledbeastmanually install the kernel version that works, then tell grub to use it09:08
TomyWorkdid that, didnt work09:08
TomyWorkI set GRUB_DEFAULT to the name of the kernel09:08
TomyWorkI have 'GRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic"' in /etc/default/grub.d/pin-6.5.0-35.cfg09:09
sixwheeledbeastdidn't work isn't verbose enough. What didn't work. Did the older kernel version load or is it still -4109:10
TomyWorkand "grep 6.5.0-35 /boot/grub/grub.cfg" shows 'set default="Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic"' and 'if [ "x$default" = 'Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic' ]; then default='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic'; fi;'09:10
TomyWorkbut grub still selects -41 by default09:10
TomyWorkwell... I guess it's grub09:10
sixwheeledbeastis -35 available on the system09:11
TomyWorkcould it be UEFI?09:11
TomyWorksixwheeledbeast, yes09:11
sixwheeledbeastyou updated grub after?09:12
TomyWorkyes, like i said it even shows up in  /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:13
TomyWorkoh this is buggy09:13
TomyWorkyou see "if [ "x$default" = 'Ubuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic' ]"?09:13
TomyWorkit's missing an x09:13
TomyWorkshould be "if [ "x$default" = 'xUbuntu, with Linux 6.5.0-35-generic' ]"09:14
TomyWorkI'll just set that manually for now and look for/write a bug report later09:15
sixwheeledbeastnever looked in that file to edit it... I am surprised x-hack is used. It's probably something else.09:21
TomyWorkit worked09:21
ogra_TomyWork, you are right, this is buggy, but your fix should hav the x outside of the quotes i guess ...09:22
TomyWorkogra_, doesn't matter09:27
TomyWorkwell, in a posix-compatible shell it doesn't matter. grub.cfg is "shell-like" according to google, so your suggestion might also not work. mine works either way09:29
younderWho uses a posix compatible shell anyhow. Dec Vt220 seems the de-facto standard for terminal emulators09:33
TomyWorkyounder, troll elsewhere09:33
TomyWorksorry, thought you were just throwing terms around to troll09:34
TomyWorkvt220 is a terminal, not a shell. two distinct components that might communicated but arent interchangeable09:35
TomyWorkhttps://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Shell_002dlike-scripting.html#Quoting doesn't say whether chaining literals like that is possible or not, so I'll stick with putting it in one literal :)09:36
youndersorr, brain fart, sh is the closes to a posix shell - it runs dash. Which is fast. Bash is in input logic shell and is powerful.09:38
TomyWorknone of that matters here though and sh isn't universally dash10:03
TomyWorkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/2070250 done writing my bug report btw10:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2070250 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "update-grub fails to set submenu item as default by name" [Undecided, New]10:04
TomyWorkhttps://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=grub.git;a=blob;f=util/grub.d/10_linux.in;h=cc393be7eda9ab79cd0207434924c06fbd27bb6d;hb=HEAD#l104 it's an upstream bug, yay10:18
=== ghodawalaaman is now known as Guest2918
BluesKajHi all11:37
fribI have a bluetooth chip 8087:07da in my laptop. I'm on ubuntu 22. The chip is not detected in settings. How can I install drivers for it?11:39
j_w_t@frib The drivers are already int he kernel...  https://linux-hardware.org/?id=usb:8087-07da11:48
=== Guest2918 is now known as ghodawalaaman
FKAShinobiIs there any way to view swf files on 22.04?12:35
ioriaFKAShinobi, have you tried flasharch (as snap) ?12:47
FKAShinobiioria: I disabled the snap store. I'll take a look12:48
ioriaFKAShinobi, 'snap find swf'12:48
FKAShinobiiora: I entered: sudo snap install flasharch and it installed. It doesn't seem to work though. Do I need to do anything for dependencies or something? It partially works in VNC, so I know the files are completely corrupted.12:59
FKAShinobiBy not work, I mean it doesn't decode.13:00
ioriaFKAShinobi, sy, i don't use it; try with another file13:00
Guest1235using add-apt-repository to add a ppa repo, apt-get update is blowing up on me complaining about a weak algorithm used to sign the packages.  how do I tell it I want this repo and its packages anyway?14:59
lotuspsychjeGuest1235: can you pastebin what you see for errors, so the volunteers can take a look for you?15:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:02
Guest1235in case that paste request was intended for me:15:05
Guest1235thank you, lotuspsychje.  I see now that that request was intended for me.15:07
lotuspsychjeGuest1235: seems like your rmescandon ppa gives a 404 error15:09
lotuspsychjeGuest1235: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/rmescandon/yq/ubuntu noble Release' does not have a Release file.15:09
lotuspsychjeUpdating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.15:09
lotuspsychjeGuest1235: usualy the volunteers will advice to use packages from the ubuntu vanilla repos, and cant advice much on external ppa's15:10
lotuspsychjeGuest1235: maybe if you share what your end goal is, volunteers can thing along with you and advice better solutions15:11
Guest1235thanks for your time on this.  This error is showing up when my puppet manifest is run.  Its part of an Exec[] resource in a home-spun puppet class called utilities::yq.15:16
Guest1235As I recall, there are two implementations of yq, and I had quite a challenge sorting out the syntax for yq's use until I settled on this version for my deployments.15:18
Guest1235This is what it looks like when run with puppet:15:24
oerhekshttps needs apt-transport-https15:37
oerheks!info apt-transport-https15:38
ubottuapt-transport-https (2.7.14build2, noble): transitional package for https support. In component universe, is optional. Built by apt. Size 4 kB / 35 kB15:38
Guest1235pretty sure apt-transport-https is installed in my base image before I launch the container, at any rate it is there my the end of the build, before I test the `apt-get update` from the cli.16:10
oerheksalways check if the ppa has candidates for noble https://launchpad.net/~rmescandon/+archive/ubuntu/yq16:15
oerheksthis one not16:15
oerheksfor ondrej, re-add that ppa?16:18
=== tykling_ is now known as tykling
=== TheCaptain8980 is now known as TheCaptain898
atreopeople, did you realise that the text editor gedit in ubuntu 24.04 doesn't undo correctly,   when you undo, especially large text, it fuses it with the precious one  haha   then redo and undo does it only half way   haha16:51
pragmaticenigmadidn't know anyone still used gedit16:54
atreopragmaticenigma: what do you use for text editing?16:58
atreopragmaticenigma: kut gnome-text-editor16:59
kuti use nano or mousepad17:00
kutbut familiar with gedit. i put a question mark since you had just said gedit17:00
atreoits the default text editor in ubuntu17:00
kuti'm using xfce4 so it's mousepad on this environment17:02
kuti dont like the min/max/close buttons on the left like gnome does, reminds me of macs17:02
pragmaticenigmakut: that's a long time ago17:03
kutso i'm old17:04
kutmaybe i just like mice and rats17:04
pragmaticenigmaWhat I'm saying is the window controls haven't been left side for quite a while17:04
sixwheeledbeastleft side best side17:04
oerheksnot helpfull17:05
kutnot at all17:05
kuti dont need convincing17:05
pragmaticenigmaatreo: I use what ever the default text editor is in Ubuntu or any other distro. gedit went away a long time ago, the default for the latest version of Ubuntu is Gnome Text Editor, which is not gedit17:07
kutgnome-disk is my fav app17:08
pragmaticenigmatypically only use it for reading a text file. if I'm working on programming code I use an IDE, and if I'm composing a document I use LibreWrite or similar word processor17:09
bondkingThe snap version of firefox is somewhat broken17:09
kuthow so17:10
bondkingis it possible to install the extended support version of firefox without adding a ppa?17:10
bondkingkut it doesn't support smart card certificates, for example17:10
pragmaticenigmabondking: wouldn't recommend it... firefox is updated, even the ESR, way too frequently to not be using something that regularly checks for updates17:10
oerheksbondking, known issue, this ppa is a bit behind.. https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=noble17:12
sixwheeledbeastthere is a repo as well as the ppa17:12
bondkingok, understood. do these seem like the correct terms to acomplish this? https://bpa.st/GKCA17:13
bondkingI'd prefer to do it in the most straightforward way possible. I have bad luck when it comes to PPAs17:13
oerheksone could add some mozilla source, https://news.itsfoss.com/mozilla-firefox-deb/17:14
xanguamozilla has it's own deb repository now17:14
oerheksgood luck17:14
xanguaor you can just download firefox esr from it's site bondking17:14
sixwheeledbeastI switched to librewolf anyway and solved most issues17:15
oerheksjust installing that package does not give updates17:15
oerhekssixwheeledbeast, also with smart card certificates ??17:15
kutwhat happened to iceweasel or ice wolf17:15
pragmaticenigmaiceweasel became icecat17:16
pragmaticenigmaand is still releasing udpates17:16
kutoh shit i love catssssss17:16
bondkingoerheks: the .deb or the ppa?17:16
kutlol my kb17:16
oerheksthe .deb17:16
kutis there an off topic channel17:16
pragmaticenigmaicewolf I think became librewolf17:16
bondkingoh, I see. so the PPA will allow me to get updates and the .deb will just give me *that* version17:17
pragmaticenigmakut: #ubuntu-offtopic17:17
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:17
kutwhy not in the topic17:17
kutalready too long?17:17
bparkerit says 'Support Channel'17:17
bparkernot off-topic channel :)17:18
sixwheeledbeastjust general issues with ff bloat and default settings, no idea about card certs17:18
kutso i should go to xubuntu instead?17:18
sixwheeledbeastAIUI you can use firefox itself to update if you just download the website version, but I'm not sure if it's automatic.17:19
bondkinggotta level with you, I'm not loving snaps17:20
oerheksno, firefox (deb) does not update itself.17:21
=== deltreey8 is now known as deltreey
petrjhey canonical folks, any eta on publishing linux/riscv64 image to docker hub? https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/16978#issuecomment-218700337617:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Pull 16978 in docker-library/official-images "Update Debian" [Merged]17:25
pragmaticenigmapetrj: This is a support channel... for development concerns stick to the forum for that specific feature or item17:26
petrjpragmaticenigma: not even #ubuntu-next?17:27
pragmaticenigmapetrj: Also, this is a community run channels. There are people here present from Canonical in these channels, but they do not monitor for development issues and concerns.17:28
petrjcopy, will raise on forum/ML17:28
bondkingthanks for the help guys. After getting rid of the useless snap and installing the PPA my card works! :)17:32
oerhekshave fun!17:33
petrjhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2498704&p=14194938 (first time for everthing ig :D)17:38
petrjpragmaticenigma: thanks for the pointers17:38
bondkingIts strange, though. So, I clicked 'Uninstall' in the App Center but the old Firefox app and icon still seem to be here. I click it and the browser still opens :/17:40
pragmaticenigmaSnaps are, unfortunately, funny that way17:40
bondkingnot cool snap17:42
oerhekslogout login17:43
kuthow do i get apps to open up when i unlock the screen? i have them on login but i dont log out and in again, i just lock the screen and come back the next day. didn't see that as an option on the dropdowns17:44
bondkingoerheks: but I'd have to leave IRC!17:44
oerheksoh dear17:45
bondkingok here goes. pray for me bros. and, if i don't return, warn others about the dangers of snaps17:46
bondkingits still there :(17:49
pragmaticenigmakut: locking the screen should not be closing apps. they should all remain active when you enter your password to resume your work18:01
kutit doesn't close the apps but I may as I'm working. I would like it to act like I logged on again when I unlock to restart those apps18:05
pragmaticenigmakut: what you're asking doesn't make any sense18:06
kutwhen I unlock I would like the apps I have set to start on login to start again, meaning if they were closed, they would reopen18:07
kutif I log off that ends some apps so I just want to resume as if I had logged in again18:07
pragmaticenigmabondking: the Firefox snap is deeply buried into the system. My guess is to avoid someone randomly uninstalling it and then having absolutely no web browser on the system. There might be the benefit of rebooting, which would force the unmounting of the virtualized disk that snaps use to run from. Otherwise I think any further steps are beyond the help to be given, without making your machine un-supportable.18:08
pragmaticenigmakut: that isn't possible. the "locking" of the desktop is a completely different thing from the "login" part18:09
oerheksone must write a script to do so18:09
bondkingI did reboot after uninstalling but it was still there18:09
kutok, so a script, gotcha. is there a way to run it automatically on unlock?18:09
oerheksjust close apps on lock.?18:10
kutI do sometimes but dont want to log off18:10
pragmaticenigmakut: No, I don't know what the suggestion is going on about. There is no way to attach or hook to the desktop locking.18:10
enigma9o7All things are possible.18:11
enigma9o7you could probably use dbus-monitor18:12
pragmaticenigmahow does that help?18:13
enigma9o7I'd have to figure it out, but it would be a way to attch/hook the desktop locking (or unlocking).18:13
enigma9o7something like dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver'"18:14
enigma9o7or better to listen to LockedHint maybe18:14
enigma9o7anyway it is possible somehow, you stated there's no way, there will be a way18:14
enigma9o7there's always a way18:14
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: sure, but in the scope of what's readily available and not knowing the skill level of the person asking for assistance and the that unless you're prepared to support that person from the very beginning to the very end... be my guest. What you described sounds like it's going to take awhile18:16
kuthow many tacos would it take for you to spend time to figure it out18:16
enigma9o7oh sure, but the point is its not impossible18:16
pragmaticenigmakut: it would be faster for you to adjust your workflow, than to figure out how to make some scripting to work and stable enough not to cause other issues.18:17
enigma9o7but that's not nearly as much fun of course18:17
kutwhat workflow, launching apps manually when i unlock?18:17
pragmaticenigmakut: consider a growht opportunity to research that on your own. This is a support channel, focused on supporting what is readily avaiable on your system as it is provided from the official Ubuntu sources. What you are asking for is beyond the scope of support, since it is for something that does not exist in your system. It is an exercise for you as the user to go out and explorer and develop your own solution, and understand that such18:23
pragmaticenigmaa solution is unlikely to be supported here. The biggest issue with just giving you a solution, is that you will not learn anything about how it was done, and more than likely, will not be invested enough to know how to undo the thing and the person that does no, may not longer be a part of this forum at that time.18:23
kutit's beyond the scope so I'm asking for an alternative if there's one18:24
kutbut you say it's not possible so18:25
pragmaticenigmathere is no built-in option or package to be installed to provide such functionality at this time. If building your own is beyond your abilities, you can try putting a feature request in the bug ticketing system on launchpad.18:26
kutok thanks18:26
oerheksput your question on askubuntu18:26
kutsite or channel?18:27
pragmaticenigmaniether, I really don't know what is up with those quips... askubuntu has the same rules as this channel.18:29
=== ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack
spinningCathey why there is 13gb cache here https://ibb.co/JjsGqmv20:11
spinningCatshould I clean that?,20:11
enigma9o7In memory?20:12
enigma9o7Every time you reboot it "cleans" that.20:12
enigma9o7But unused memory is used to cache stuff to speed things up, so you want it full, not empty.20:12
spinningCatso my memory is fully occupied now?20:12
enigma9o7Yes, none wasted it appears.  Good job.20:13
spinningCati have swap used too actually20:16
spinningCatinteresting that gave me performance problems sometimes os just froze few time and It didnt respond20:17
enigma9o7Yeah, well you could clear that manually if you really wanted, and it'd save you time later going back to those swapped things, but then you wouldn't have so much free memory for new apps, so better just to let the OS handle it and swap it back when you use it.20:17
spinningCatSo there is a transfer between swap and memory. If It is necessary os just empty memory and occupy swap right?20:18
enigma9o7yeah, if something needs real memory, and you dont have the free space, it'll move something to swap20:19
spinningCatso when app is closed and memory is freed. It gets back what it is moved?20:20
enigma9o7nah, it doesnt automatically move stuff from swap back to regular memory until you try to use it20:20
spinningCatah okay20:20
spinningCatif it is active It gets back20:20
spinningCatI understoodit seems there is nothing to worry about20:21
pragmaticenigmapretty much20:22
=== fossdd_ is now known as fossdd
=== zaki_fl is now known as zaki
bondkinghow is one supposed to get libraries for python 3 with Ubuntu 24.04?22:09
bondkingsorry, python 222:09
oerhekspython2 is EOL..22:13
oerheksdo not use deadsnakes ppa, if you run into issues, reinstall, no support22:14
oerheksoh, no 2,7, pewww https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=noble22:15
=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
vltbondking: Yes, Python 2 is EOL, so, please, you have to know exactly what you’re doing. But pyenv works very well if you need an isolated installation of a specific Python version. Create a venv and pip install away :D22:48
oerheksdump 2.722:49
tomreynchances are generative AI can nowadays automatically rewrite python 2 code for python 3 (but hopefully someone with a clue will review the results)22:52
oerhekswait for python422:52
oerheksonly-ai generated22:53
oerheksoops, offtopic22:53
bondkingvlt: I tried pyenv but I keep getting the error about python being externally managed and how I should install through the repos (i.e. python#-lib) but of course Ubuntu has abandoned python223:15
babulahmm, having some problems installing with pip!23:19
babula"error: externally-managed-environment"23:20
oerhekstry pip3 ?23:21
enigma9o7oh yikes don't use sudo pip to install stuff23:21
oerheksand pip is risky, reinstall if you run into problems23:21
enigma9o7even if you choose to --break-system-packages don't do it with sudo.23:21
oerhekstrust the package maintainer23:22
enigma9o7if you just do it as yourself, it won't actually break system packages for the whole systme, just mess stuff up for yourself23:22
enigma9o7but what you should really do is "sudo apt install python3-subliminal"23:22
oerheks. Subliminal is a python 2.7+ library .. drop it23:23
enigma9o7python3-subliminal is certainly for the python3 version packaged in ubuntu, oerhawks.23:24
tomreynwhile it's probably not relevant so far, please also point it out when you're using a non ubuntu kernel, as you seem to be doing.23:25
oerheksoh oke23:25
oerheksmaybe not even ubuntu23:26
enigma9o7How can you tell they're not using ubuntu kernel?  I don't see any obvious clues in their screenshot.... and python 3.12 is indeed the version of python with noble, so nothing weird there....23:28
tomreynthe hostname follows the pattern of automatically assigned hostnames on windows, so it's likely a WSL 1 container or 2 VM23:30
enigma9o7Thanks.  Hadn't used WSL/WSL2 so that didn't stand out for me.23:31
babulai like pip and pipx!23:37
babulareally easy to use and works!23:38
oerheksbut you have issues now. don't use sudo23:39
babulajoonas@joonas-MS-7D95:~$ pip install subliminal23:40
babulaerror: externally-managed-environment23:40
enigma9o7babula, did you read the first thing it says?  You pasted a link to it earlier.  its better to use apt to install the distro package.  so "sudo apt install python3-subliminal" or are you having some problem with that?23:42
enigma9o7 If you must use pip, you have to tell it to --break-system-packages or it wont work.  Because it's an externally managed environment, meaning its using another package manager to install stuff, which can break your OS or interfere with system packages, cuz apt doesn't know about it.23:42
oerheksand you troll you love ' i love pipx'23:43
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