
kchsiehtarzeau: hello, sorry for taking a couple days to wait fibocom to relicense the binary file and remove the modaliases bit, could you help to check if it can be in debian? thanks. https://code.launchpad.net/~kchsieh/+git/fibocom-pc-services/+ref/debian/sid, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/206923505:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2069235 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] fibocom-pc-services" [Wishlist, New]05:52
adrienif anyone is interested in uploading python-google-api-core, there is a package ready for debian in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1029032 ; it only needs minor adaptations for ubuntu (the usual version which needs to be lowered, target, maintainers)07:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1029032 in wnpp "ITP: python-google-api-core -- Google API client core library" [Wishlist, Open]07:52
adrienalso, Steve already said he was interested in getting this package in ubuntu without waiting07:54
schopin@pilot in08:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: schopin
rbasakFinal call for DMB votes. I'll close the poll the next time I'm awake after midnight UTC tonight.08:23
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schopin@pilot out11:35
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
ahasenackjbicha and others: somebody more familiar with poppler and C++, if you could take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openboard/+bug/2070403 and the MP I attached to it14:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2070403 in openboard (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with new poppler: ‘starts_with’ has not been declared" [Undecided, Confirmed]14:52
ahasenackit "fixes" the build, but I'm not proud of that fix14:52
ahasenacks,poppler,popplper and/or openboard,14:52
ahasenacklinked MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/openboard/+git/openboard/+merge/46825914:53
ahasenackthe MP has a bit more context than the bug14:53
jbichaahasenack: ugh, openboard is still using cdbs 😭17:49
tarzeaujbicha: i also have a package still using cdbs (flowblade)18:40
tarzeauif someone loves un-cdbs'in packages feel free :)18:40
liushuyumaybe some Debian maintainers want to stick with CDBS18:52
tarzeaunot for flowblade, as i'm the only active maintainer since years, but yes might be true (unlikely) for other packages18:53
tarzeauis there a pre made list of all sid src packages using cdbs? i know of that smelly stats18:54
ahasenackI'd check via code search18:54
EickmeyerAll this talk of CDBS... excuse me... 🤮 🚽18:54
Eickmeyerjbicha, ahasenack: openboard is seeded in Edubuntu and indeed. Does make me quite queasy.18:57
ahasenackupdating to 1.7.1 would be nice18:57
EickmeyerYes. What we have is a little... fragile.18:58
liushuyuHmm openboard does not even build on OO now (due to a newer poppler new having different APIs)19:29
ahasenackliushuyu: I uploaded a fix for that19:38
ahasenackall arches built: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openboard/1.6.4+dfsg-1ubuntu119:39
ahasenackwell, riscv64 is still ongoing19:39
liushuyuahasenack: ah okay19:40
bloopers12On Ubuntu build servers are packages built with build tools from that release? For Noble are packages built with the Noble version of things like GCC and GNU Make or are they built with a previous version like Jammy's version of the build tools?19:56
bloopers12So if GCC is updated it could cause all of the hashes of binaries in a package with the same version that are rebuilt to be different?19:58
ahasenackeven plain rebuilds get new version number19:58
bloopers12Ah ok even if the package wasn't change when it rebuilds for whatever reason the version number is bumped19:59
ahasenackwe call these "no change rebuilds"19:59
bloopers12Are there docs anywhere that explain how package naming works? I know its annoying to ask questions that are easily answerable in docs. For instance, I see the same package with the suffix "+dfsg2-2build1" and other versions with "+dfsg2-1ubuntu2"20:08
ahasenackI don't know if there is a single place20:09
ahasenackhere are some guidelines for ubuntu versions: https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/blob/main/VersionStrings.md20:10
ahasenackit doesn't say what dfsg means, though20:10
jbichaEickmeyer: seeded-in-ubuntu isn't reporting openboard. I did file Debian bug 1074332 sunweaver may welcome the help if you want to try packaging the new version20:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1074332 in src:openboard "openboard: Fails to build with poppler 24.06" [Important, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/107433220:10
ahasenackdfsg = debian free software guidelines iirc20:10
bloopers12ahasenack: yeah things aren't usually spelled out all in one place20:10
ahasenackif a package has that suffix, probably something that was violating the free software guidelines had to be removed20:11
sarnoldbloopers12: since many of the packages come from debian, their conventions matter, too https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#special-version-conventions20:11
jbichatarzeau: reverse-depends -b cdbs (you can use -r sid) (reverse-depends is part of ubuntu-dev-tools)20:12
tarzeaujbicha: TIL, thanks20:18
tarzeau1607 quite a lot20:18
tarzeau200 perl, 1000 haskell...20:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 9e6ded1 in liushuyu/openboard "Migrate to debhelper and remove CDBS"20:25
Eickmeyerjbicha: $ apt rdepends openboard20:27
EickmeyerReverse Depends:20:28
Eickmeyer  Recommends: ubuntu-edu-teaching20:28
Eickmeyer(seeded-in-ubuntu isn't always right)20:28
EickmeyerIt's not installed by default, so that's probably why seeded-in-ubuntu is confused.20:34
ahasenackjbicha: bdrung hi, I looked at rdma-core's ftbfs in armhf, and that provider (hns) is not built on armhf20:46
ahasenackcontitionally installing the files from *.install can be done with dh-exec iirc, right? But the symbols file I don't remember how to make that conditional per arch20:46
ahasenackah, something with arch=20:50
bdrungahasenack, the question is: why is hns not built on armhf?21:02
ahasenackbdrung: because armhf doesn't have "COHERENT_DMA"21:03
ahasenackI added a comment to the bug(s) about that21:03
bdrungah, okay. that explains it.21:04
ahasenackand that is not new in this version, the previous armhf build in the archive already showed that21:04
ahasenack-- Performing Test HAVE_COHERENT_DMA - Failed21:04
bdrungahasenack, i can have a look tomorrow during work hours21:06
ahasenackbdrung: thx, tomorrow I'll give preference to my sru shift instead of +1 maintenance, but will be back to it on friday21:06
bdrungahasenack, regarding SRU: there are a lot of packages that could be released (verified and over 7 days old)21:09
jbichaahasenack: you can use negative arches in symbols files like https://salsa.debian.org/freedesktop-team/poppler/-/commit/5eabab1a221:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 5eabab1 in freedesktop-team/poppler "Update symbols files"21:10

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