
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
santa_good morning everyone05:23
santa_misc news from my front:05:24
santa_- I have done some progress with KA support for frameworks6, ka-iron-hand and ppa-build-status should be ready now in git's master05:25
santa_- I have been doing some test rebuilds; now we have proper separate status pages for frameworks6 release type [*]05:26
santa_- I will share with you at some point ka-iron-hand graphs with the status of things05:27
santa_[*] for example:05:27
santa_↑ build from _archive branches05:28
santa_↑ build from _staging branches05:29
santa_that being said, anoither thing: @sgmoore they are some changes done by you in plasma-workspace in the archive that are not present in git05:31
santa_* another05:31
santa_if you still have a local clone could you please push them?05:32
santa_if you don't have them anymore no problem, let us know so we can put this git repo in sync05:33
RikMillssanta_: thanks. ka-iron-hand worked great for kf6 the last few days05:33
santa_aha, so you already used it05:33
RikMillsgit-clone-all -s for individual kf6 repos does not though05:34
santa_iw worked for me with the pre 6.3 packages05:34
santa_oh, thanks for noticing05:34
santa_I wasn't aware of that, let me check05:34
RikMillsgit-clone-all -s kf6-attica gets the kf5 repo05:35
RikMillsno wait05:35
RikMillsgit-clone-all -s attica gets the kf5 repo05:36
RikMillsgit-clone-all -s kf6-attica gets the kf5 repo05:36
santa_fatal: remote error: Repository '~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kf6-kf6-attica' not found.05:36
santa_like this right?05:36
RikMillssorry for the copy/paste fails this early morning05:38
* RikMills drinks coffee05:38
santa_RikMills: intended fix in git's master06:29
santa_thanks for spotting it, it went completely under my radar06:29
santa_- kf6 local dirs for git repos don't have the kf6- prefix this is intended to make directory access with 'cd <dir>' easier06:30
RikMillsthanks, can confirm working here :)06:31
santa_- because of this, I'm probably going to remove at some point the ability to clone all git repos with 'git-clone-all' (that would clone at the moment frameworks (5), plasma, applications), this feature is not very useful as we are usually working separately on fw, plasma, apps06:33
RikMillssanta_: yes, the only time I use it is with mass seed updates06:34
santa_- git-clone-all -r frameworks still clones extra-cmake-modules, at some point, it won't, as extra-cmake-modules should be considered now 'frameworks6' release type for all intents and purposes06:34
santa_RikMills: ack, also please note that you can still have multiple release types in the same dir, as long as it's not frameworks + frameworks6 because of the dirs names clash06:35
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> pushed my changes santa_ sorry, thought I was getting better with that.08:37
RikMillssanta_: KDE have archived gear 23.08.5 tars to https://download.kde.org/Attic/release-service/23.08.5/10:54
RikMillsobviously same on ftp10:54
RikMillsso gbp-* no longer works for 23.08.510:55
RikMillssanta_: in fact, ka seems no longer able to make a ftp map to go in ~/.kubuntu-automation/cache/kde_ftp/11:05
RikMillsi.e without the populated .json file in there, gbp-* fails11:07
RikMillsgit-clone-all -s fails11:08
RikMillsgit-clone-all -r works though11:11
RikMillsfound this by trying to set up ka in a clean container11:11
RikMillswait. it is still all the fault of KDE archiving 23.08.511:24
RikMillsfailing to find that on inspecting the ftp is braking multiple things11:24
RikMillsif I bump the gear version in ka-metadata to 24.05.1 things work11:25
* RikMills slaps KSE admins11:25
santa_@sgmoore: no problem, it hapens in the best families, the tag is still missing though, I think you should be abvle to push it from your local clone with 'git push --tags'11:54
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> pushed11:55
santa_RikMills: ack and thanks a lot for the info; I was aware apps 23.08.5 were no longer there, but I wasn't aware they were moved to that 'Attic' directory11:56
santa_so it should be possible to adjust the KA code to deal with that, i.e. falling back to 'Attic' if the things aren't found in the normal place11:56
santa_however it's going to take a bit of time to get all the adjustments done11:57
RikMillsthat sounds good11:57
santa_with KA from master gbp-* should work with apps 23.08.5 IF11:58
santa_1. you already have the tarballs in ~/kde_ftp11:58
santa_2. you already have the json file in ~/.kubuntu-automation/cache/kde_ftp11:59
RikMillsyeah, that is why I didn't notice until I tried to set up KA today in a clean container11:59
santa_the kde ftp / uscan attempt will fail but it will build the source anyway12:00
santa_@sgmoore got the tag now, thanks a lot, I'm going to sync now a no-change rebuild12:05
BluesKajHi all12:06

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