
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
* nuxil sips some coffee and listens to music12:05
BluesKajHi all12:06
nuxilanyone else having a minor issue with FF and the audio no being set to 100%.12:06
nuxilyou can see what i mean here. https://i.imgur.com/dGsBVhK.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/kuSBy6j.mp412:06
nuxilBluesKaj, howdy12:07
BluesKajhey nuxil12:09
oerheksthat is beyond 100%, good thing that is not autmaticly set.12:10
nuxilhow is that beyond 100%?  and if the values allows to go past 100% if should say so. ie 110% so forh. like you see in VLC12:11
nuxilthen its beyond 100%, but it states 100% .12:12
nuxilhmm so.. there is some sort of audo sensing on the amplitute of the sound comming from FF. cos. if i set audio to 100% in the panel.. then hit next song in FF/YT. it adjust the volume.12:16
nuxilso its fake values you see in the panel :(12:16
=== richard_ is now known as richard__
nuxilwhy is the audio menu on the panel showing FF in there when its no longer running ? https://imgur.com/a/rhRpa4W13:22
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> Anyone here know? (re @gigabenzed: I just moved from windows to kubuntu 5 days ago, so far everything almost smooth. Except that sometimes some of my brave browser profiles disappear (only to magically re-appear after))13:42
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> I use the vivaldi browser, don't have this issue.14:43
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> Alright, and about the taskbar?14:43
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Maybe this is issue only in a brave browser?14:43
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> Could be. Worked for today so far (re @wu_ma: Maybe this is issue only in a brave browser?)14:44
jason4pepsihow does the vivaldi browser compare to firefox? ive been thinking about switching.14:44
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Maybe this is issue only in brave browser?14:44
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> emm... vivaldi can use chrome extensions.14:44
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> For me, just this14:45
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Vivaldi have email and calendar, but i use the thunderbird14:47
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> ff and vivaldi have prefect privacy protection both (re @wu_ma: emm... vivaldi can use chrome extensions.)14:50
yossarianukI've just found a fairly big issue (for me at least) with 24.0415:24
yossarianukopenvpn 2.5 is EOL in days - so we have upgraded to 2.615:24
yossarianukKubuntu 24.04 cannot connect to out openvpn 2.6 severs using network manager15:25
yossarianukbecause network manager included in 24.04 has no idea about data-ciphers15:25
yossarianuki have found a workaround - by editing the netplan file - but if i then alter it in network manager it breaks again15:26
yossarianukI created https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/207136615:26
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2071366 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "Network Manager openvpn (24.04 ) doesn't work with openvpn 2.6 (2.5 is EOL in days) - no data-ciphers options" [Undecided, New]15:26
oerheksanother older report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/199363415:31
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 1993634 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "network-manager-openvpn: --cipher option deprecated in OpenVPN 2.6, no option to set suggested --data-ciphers flag instead" [Undecided, Confirmed]15:31
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> Yeah thunderbird best (re @wu_ma: Vivaldi have email and calendar, but i use the thunderbird)16:15
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> Yeah thunderbird best (re @wu_ma: Vivaldi have email and calendar, but i use the thunderbird)17:06
=== victor is now known as Guest2088
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> @wu_ma you know? (re @gigabenzed: Alright, and about the taskbar?)17:37
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> vivaldi browser don't have the taskbar problem. (re @gigabenzed: @wu_ma you know?)17:39
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> not task bar of vivaldi17:39
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> of kde plasma17:40
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> kde plasma taskbar running good17:40
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> ok17:42
IrcsomeBot<gigabenzed> oki17:42
=== aaaaaa is now known as Mariannn
=== sky_ is now known as Prisoners_w_Jobs
karenthedorfNot sure if better off asking here or #ubuntu as it's no KDE-specific. Is there any way to improve boot times? I changed my initramfs.conf to use MODULES=dep, but it still takes a while. I feel like the answer is probabally "Don't use a 10 year old laptop with a HDD", but... needs must.23:42
tomreynif you can afford an ssd, that's probably the best way to solve it.23:44
canurabushi. I'm trying to upgrade from mantic since I have a notification that the version I'm will stop receiving updates in a couple of weeks. When I ran `do-release-upgrade`, I got the message that my gpu drivers are no longer supported (No longer supported: nvidia-dkms-525 nvidia-driver-525)23:49
canurabusWhat does that mean, and what specifically do I have to do to deal with it23:49
karenthedorftomreyn: Yeah, figures. Encrypted spinning disk is *so* last decade.23:50
canurabusAlso, I have read that there are issues using nvidia cards with wayland - does the upgrade automatically install wayland? I just want a painless upgrade23:50
karenthedorfA fresh install did not even install wayland for me (using minimal desktop install, not the full desktop install)23:51
karenthedorfI had to manually install plasma-workspace-wayalnd, and then switch at the login screen. And I can (and occasionally do) go back to a pure X session.23:51
canurabusIf that's the case I wonder why I get the 'no longer supported' message23:52
karenthedorfBecause the driver is now nvidia-driver-550 I think?23:53
ubottuUbuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) is the 39th release of Ubuntu and the current regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-release-notes/3553423:53
karenthedorfMantic has an nvidia-driver-550 package, so maybe worth switching from the -525 packages *first* before doing the full upgrade23:53
tomreyn23.10 has 9 months of support, it released in october 202323:54
tomreynso by july, you should have upgraded to the newer release23:54
canurabusyes, thats what im trying to now23:55
tomreynthe fact that the older nvidia driver series and also old hardware is no longer supported by nvidias proprietary driver is a separate issue.23:55
karenthedorfSo to be more specific, the -525 driver has moved from Restricted to Multiverse according to packages.ubuntu.com, that's what it means by "unsupported", it's now only community supported not canonical supported.23:56
canurabuswith respect to upgrading the nvidia drivers, I guess I'm confused - I have to manually upgrade them? I see that the drivers are part of the ubuntu packages, and I just ran a full apt update and dist-upgrade23:56
canurabusThat doesn't automatically update to a newer driver version I guess23:57
karenthedorfIf you do nothing and just run the full dist-upgrade, your drivers are no longer supported by Canonical, only by the community. but they shouldn't stop working.23:57
karenthedorfUnless you have a support contract with canonical, it's probabally fine.23:57
karenthedorfSo up to you, you can update your drivers to a newer nVidia release, or you can stick with the current version with the understanding that your on a pretty old version which might not see security or bugfixes.23:59
karenthedorfBut that you know works with your hardware23:59

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