[02:18] good morning === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === JanC is now known as Guest4647 [06:44] Ooops... Sorry everyone (up to 565 everyones anyway)... I just sent a message to a lot more people than I intended too ... Sorry (it was supposed to go to leaders of group; I think I sent it to all members)... [06:52] mistakes happen, guiver, don't feel bad about it. [06:58] yeah i know... (I wish I didn't make as many..) but thanks tomreyn [06:58] :) [14:04] https://www.phoronix.com/news/NVIDIA-555.58-Linux-Driver [14:16] great, stable wayland support just 10 years after everyone else! [14:17] lol [15:41] are you certain about he "stable" part though? [15:42] that has to be tested by the masses first