
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
pipianMy music folder disappears but that still shows a link to it. I was copying a file from down load to music when thunar hung. I tried to close it. After a minute or so it closed but if I click on directory in Thunar I get an error message:  Error when getting information for the file "/home/mydir/Music": no such file or directory. I'm using Xubuntu03:42
pipian22.04. thanks for any help.03:42
ChrisMdoes that directory exist? what happens if you open a terminal and run the command: 04:15
ChrisMls -la /home/mydir04:15
ChrisMIs this directory a special mount?04:17
ChrisMYou could also try the mv command: mv /home/mydir/Downloads/file.txt /home/mydir/Music/file.txt04:18
luis_Good afternoon everyone, after lots and lots of issues and looking on google can´t find a solution, i had to installas xubuntu 23.10 and did an upgrade frome there to Xubuntu 24.04, everything was just fine until last night that there was an update to the system specifically on kernel from 6.5 to 6.8 and something went wrong and i can´t fix it. Can someone help please?18:28
kfankI got a SW update yesterday and today I got around to rebooting.  Now I can't print.  The update history shows a bunch of updates to CUPS.  The syslog shows the the CUPS Scheduler won't start with "cups.service: Failed with result 'protocol'".  Has anyone else run into this?  How to fix?23:53
kfankThis is 22.04.4 LTS23:58

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