
valorieI updated last night, got a new kernel, which would not boot00:52
valorie"error: load kernel first00:52
valoriehit any key"00:52
valoriecould only shut down with the power button00:52
valoriewas able to update with zero issues with this travel laptop so I dunno if it is nvidia or what.... any other reports of this?00:53
valoriewas unable to file a BR yet, because it's taking forever to memtest, and I wanted to go down the options that grub is offering00:54
valoriethere appears to be a former kernel and I'm hopeful I can login with that whenever it's done memtesting00:55
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I also had boot failures, I hit this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1392141/running-scripts-init-premount-delays-ubuntu-20-04-3-boot and the fix worked. Not sure if it's related. Same laptop that hit the blackscreen bug.07:36
RikMillssgmoore: arraybolt3: it looks as it stands that we won't be able to land plasma6 discover or plasma-systemmonitor until KDE PIM is also KF6 based09:47
RikMillsreason being that disover and plasma-sytemmonotor need kf6 kirigami addons and Qt5 PIM need KF5 kirigami-addons, and a dul build is not possible09:48
RikMills*dual build09:49
RikMillsso I would suggest a new kf5-kirigami-addons source, and then sync the existing kirigami-addons with the KF6 one in experimental09:50
RikMillsdoes that sound sensible?09:50
sgmooreseems reasonable09:50
BluesKajHi all11:35
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> So looks like all KF6 is though NEW, built for all arches, and migrated.13:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> kf6-purpose had to have its optional kaccounts  build dep disabled, but that can come back when signond and kaccounts-* can be synced from experiemntal13:48
arraybolt3RikMills: Are you sure KF6 is through and migrated? libkf6screen isn't there18:06
arraybolt3Pretty sure it's a thing too - lxqt-config requires it (aaaand now you know my ulterior motive for asking about it)18:07
arraybolt3and yeah it exists in Debian18:07
arraybolt3and isn't on LP AFAICT18:09
RikMillsarraybolt3: libkf6screen is part of plasma 6 not frameworks 618:10
arraybolt3ah fun :(18:12
arraybolt3why on earth does it start with "kf6" then XD18:12
arraybolt3but yeah, I think I vaguely remember that now that you mention it.18:13
RikMillsindicates it is a lib based on the kf6 Qt extensions18:13
arraybolt3usually I see "libkf6" and parse it as "library - KDE Frameworks 6", indicating it's a kf component.18:14
arraybolt3but ok, that makes sense18:14
RikMillsmost kf5 based libs follow the same convention18:14
RikMillse.g. libkf5screen818:15
RikMillsfrom the KF5 release of plasma libkscreen18:16
RikMillsarraybolt3: so really your lxqt things depend on plasma 6 landing :(18:19
RikMillsunless you do your testing via a ppa18:19
arraybolt3I'll probably go that route, yeah18:19
arraybolt3but once I have some spare time, I want to try to help with plasma 6 - I tried to take a swing at it once earlier, but got too busy18:20
RikMillsall help appreciated. 7 weeks to feature freeze!18:20

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