
gamer191https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/phased-updates.html hasn't been updated for 3 days02:31
gamer191Is the bot down?02:31
gamer191(I'm gonna disconnect now because I'll check replies on the logs)02:37
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liushuyuEickmeyer: https://launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/+archive/ubuntu/misc/+sourcepub/16242445/+listing-archive-extra However I have no idea how to test the thing properly04:37
Eickmeyerliushuyu: That looks about right, I guess we'll see how it plays out in the build. Large diff (obviously), but I looked at it and as long as debhelper-compat =13 then it should do the right thing.04:39
liushuyuEickmeyer: Also do you know the reason why a lot of the activities in the software got blocklisted in the Debian version? I did not see the original maintainer note down the reason04:44
Eickmeyerliushuyu: I can only speculate it has something to do with dfsg, but again, only speculation.04:44
EickmeyerI've seen the software in action in actual classrooms in use under Windows, but not under any Linux distro.04:45
liushuyuEickmeyer: https://launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/+archive/ubuntu/misc/+build/28612043 amd64 version is now built. Unfortunately, due to the newer version moving to Qt WebEngine (Chromium-based engine), the software will no longer build on a lot of architectures04:46
Eickmeyerliushuyu: I imagine we'll lose namely s390x and armhf? I hope we don't lose arm64; need that for Raspberry Pi.04:47
* Eickmeyer isn't in a position to check right now04:48
liushuyuEickmeyer: It will only build on amd64, armhf and arm64. Nothing else04:48
EickmeyerOk, I can accept those terms.04:48
liushuyuLooks like Qt WebEngine is a hard requirement for the newer version of openboard too. It's kind of unfortunate that browser engines usually do not (want to) support many CPU architectures due to the complexity of what they do04:54
philrocheahasenack>: RE Mantic livecd-rootfs . Thank you08:27
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=== LocutusO- is now known as LocutusOfBorg
ahasenackjbicha: wrt poppler, NBS is now just gambas and inkscape12:46
ahasenackinkscape I made progress, but it still ftbfs elsewhere12:47
ahasenackgambas I can do more troubleshooting, I was chatting with LocutusOfBorg yesterday here for some ideas12:47
ahasenackboth have bugs with details12:47
jbichaahasenack: I almost replied to the gambas bug yesterday. The gambas dh_install bug is the reason that Locutus started building it with gcc-11 (the actual error is earlier)12:49
ahasenackso we need to find a way to use gcc-11 with std=c++2012:49
ahasenackor figure out why gcc-11 is needed12:49
jbichaahasenack: or we could probably just drop gambas3 on armhf since it has no rdepends and armhf isn't a fully complete architecture since noble12:50
ahasenackand in armhf, which is just barely faster than riscv64 :(12:50
ahasenackI think it takes 40min on my pi4 to reach the failure point each time12:50
ahasenackwell, I still have a few hours of +1 today12:51
tarzeauis kai chuan hsieh here?12:51
jbichaI vote for just removing it on armhf :)12:52
ahasenackjbicha: inkscape is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape/+bug/207036712:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2070367 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with new poppler" [High, Confirmed]12:52
ahasenackI just can't grok those c++ error messages12:52
ahasenackIn instantiation of ‘Inkscape::UI::Widget::ComboBoxEnum<E>* Inkscape::UI::Dialog::FilterEffectsDialog::Settings::add_combo(T, SPAttr, const Glib::ustring&, const Inkscape::Util::EnumDataConverter<E>&, char*) [with T = SPBlendMode]’:12:52
ahasenackit's like a poem12:52
ahasenackwritten in klingon12:53
dviererbeHi, can someone review & sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~dviererbe/ubuntu/+source/dash/+git/dash/+merge/468432 ?13:05
LocutusOfBorgdviererbe, sponsored after fixing changelog version13:07
LocutusOfBorgbtw dviererbe please merge 0.5.12-9 from Debian next time :)13:08
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, https://launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+archive/ubuntu/locutusofborg-ppa/+sourcepub/16243012/+listing-archive-extra13:09
LocutusOfBorgthat none needed flag is coming from an m4 internal of gambas313:10
LocutusOfBorgI'm adding some troubleshooting there13:10
dviererbeLocutusOfBorg: Oh, sorry didn't notice that debian had a higher version number. I will merge dash then next pulse13:11
ahasenackI'd like to see the gcc command line invocation at that stage13:11
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, sure!13:12
LocutusOfBorgI also printed config.log, hopefully will give us what we need13:12
LocutusOfBorgdviererbe, if you prepare it.... just tell me13:12
LocutusOfBorgI can do it13:12
* LocutusOfBorg afk13:12
jbichaseb128: could you check into removing gambas3/armhf? it was discussed a bit above, relates to bug 201242013:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2012420 in gambas3 (Ubuntu) "armhf patch no longer necessary, causes FTBFS with new poppler" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201242013:40
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, we can try to fix still, but removing works even better13:43
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: I don't think it's worth the time, but if it is fixed, it can come back :)13:49
seb128jbicha, I didn't realize it had that list of binaries, need to script that, I will try to squeeze it before eod but if some other archive admin want to deal with it please do14:23
LocutusOfBorgI don't think too, gambas is a programming ide, not sure if anybody runs a basic ide on armhf :D15:59
liushuyuHave you tried building gambas using clang on armhf as well?17:01
jbichaahasenack: ^18:22
ahasenackI'm not sure I understand18:23
ahasenackall I tried was to drop the patch that was forcing armhf to use gcc-11, and see that it fails elsewhere18:23
jbichaahasenack: there is code in debian/rules & debian/control to use clang for armel, you could try switching that to happen for armhf too18:24
jbichaI tried in a PPA but I probably did something wrong because it failed to build on all architectures18:24
ahasenackarmel is armhf but without floating point by hardware?18:24
liushuyuahasenack: Yes. armel requires fp emulation in the software18:25
ahasenacklemme finish a review and then I can try18:27
ahasenackbut it takes about 1h to build (when it fails)18:27
liushuyuahasenack: I have a local ARM device18:28
liushuyuClang: gbx_exec_loop.c:4301:2: error: cannot jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets18:28
ahasenackme too, a pi4, I use an armhf lxd container on it18:28
ahasenackand i/o is ok-ish, 150Mb/s on hdparm18:29
ahasenackI use external storage18:29
ahasenackbut this code is just a beast18:29
ahasenackliushuyu: that error was on armhf using the armel trick?18:37
liushuyuahasenack: Yes, I am using clang 1818:38
liushuyuClang does not support some of the GCC extensions18:38

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