
=== LocutusO- is now known as LocutusOfBorg
blucaon the ppc64el workers, which filesystem is used for /var/tmp/ ?12:25
blucain the guest12:25
blucaseeing a sector size of 64k when creating a filesystem in a file in /var/tmp, which is strange12:31
Skiabluca: that seems to be very standard ext4, it's not a particular mount point, it's the same FS as `/`13:53
Skiado you want a particular command's output?13:53
blucanot sure what can be checked - on x86 the sector size is 4k as expected14:01
blucaso we are wondering why it's different, but not sure how to check14:01
bluca(it causes an image to be much much larger and running out of space)14:01
blucaany clue why it would be different from x86?14:01
Skiawe don't do anything different there that I know, but maybe the base image that we build upon has something weird14:06
Skiafdisk shows this:14:10
SkiaUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes14:10
SkiaSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes14:10
SkiaI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes14:10
Skiafor both pp64el and amd64 workers14:11
blucaok, thanks for checking14:20

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