[07:14] santa_: thanks :) [10:20] Reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/2071541 [10:20] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2071541 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to v1.2.x in oracular. Needed by upcoming Plasma 6" [Undecided, New] [12:14] Hi all [15:31] hmmmm we can't package new Qt6 versions of haruna as we or debian does not have MpvQt packaged and in out repos [15:32] that is a non optional build dep in aany new version [15:32] https://invent.kde.org/libraries/mpvqt [15:35] haruna is maintained in debian by Debian Multimedia Team, not the Qt/KDE one [15:42] hi everyone [15:43] RikMills: please see the last 4 commits I've just pushed to KA, that should fix the "tarballs moved to Attic" situation [15:44] santa_: nice. thanks :) [15:44] regarding plasma, if you don't mind I'm going to take some notes, so we don't forget [15:57] sure [15:58] brb [17:31] @RikMills will current KF5 break if i enable staging kf6 in ocular? [17:32] No, because staging kf6 is empty :P [17:32] empty? [17:33] there is 5 packages [17:33] ah, no should not break. newer packages are in the archive after all [17:35] have deleted the ones in the PPA as they are superseded [17:35] opsss now its emptied ☺️ [17:35] maybe my browser cache [17:36] it might get something soon. kf6 6.4 is not far off [17:45] how far away ... can't wait 🤪 [17:59] Well the qt6 snap is almost done, my gsoc student is working on it. Can be emergency fallback. (re @IrcsomeBot: hmmmm we can't package new Qt6 versions of haruna as we or debian does not have MpvQt packaged and in out repos) [18:13] RikMills: updated https://pad.riseup.net/p/uUGH3GQsHLZz1--651Kk-keep with the things you have been saying [18:33] Well the qt6 snap is almost done, my gsoc student is working on it. Can be emergency fallback. (re @IrcsomeBot: hmmmm we can't package new Qt6 versions of haruna as we or debian does not have MpvQt packaged and in out repos)