
=== aragubas1 is now known as aragubas
lotuspsychj3good morning03:41
lotuspsychj3tomreyn: its a thin red line too right, we dont want to be #ubuntu a second #linux channel neither?09:31
lotuspsychj3the user in question, has also been ranty a lot before that last question too, all non ubuntu chitchat09:33
tomreynlotuspsychj3: i don'T see why we should restrict questions on software available in ubuntu in #ubuntu09:36
lotuspsychj3yeah technicaly you're right i know09:37
tomreynother than that, i've previously asked them to stop a discussion they had earlier when things went OT, and they did (and would do it again or take other measures if neccessary)09:39
lotuspsychj3yeah i saw09:39

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