[00:41] saved and out. [12:52] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Gradience Theming App Now Unmaintained, GitHub Project Archived @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/06/gradience-linux-app-is-now-unmaintained [16:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux Mint 22 Beta is Now Available to Download @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/06/linux-mint-22-beta-is-now-available-to-download [18:52] UWN: Opening 846 to add stats/reports - working from the new 24.04 install, see how this goes :D [20:45] UWN: Issue846 up for review and final edits - frustrating to get this one together: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-846/45992 :D [21:13] UWN: Ouch: Important enough - UbuCon North America postponed - to make an exception and run this issue: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-north-america-2024-planning-meetings/41624/9