
oerheksgnome2 gtk2 kde5 ... wait for kde600:00
leftyfbgrolongo: the actual answer was in the first link given you to00:00
oerheksmaybe this 24.04 LTS should not be called LTS00:01
bparkerI feel like systemd is the opposite of progress lately00:01
grolongooerheks: that I agree00:01
grolongoprogress... I call that "enshittification" except the profits won't come lol00:01
oerhekssystemd timers in soconds are a breeze00:01
leftyfbbparker: please stop on topic here00:01
bparkeroerheks: so easy I have no idea how to do it00:02
bparkerI think it is on topic00:02
grolongoleftyfb: you have been helpful and I thank you for that, but the fact that you were struggling with me earlier to pinpoint where my issues were doesn't prove my point?00:02
leftyfbgrolongo: we're here to provide support, not prove points00:03
leftyfbgrolongo: feel free to rant in #ubuntu-offtopic00:03
leftyfbthey love it over there00:03
younderLet's face it people get pissed off when things don't work like they expect. That doesn't mean the changes are bad, but they could be communicated better00:06
bparkerit might not but I feel like in this case, a great many people believe it is00:07
younderPeople go to the web to find help. So I guess the suggestion I would make for Ubuntu at least is to always check the date and the release before they just make a change.00:15
younderA Doh I guess, but we have all fallen into that trap00:16
grolongoyounder: You know how to change a car's wheel right? 1. jack up the car 2. remove lug nuts 3. mount spare wheel. Simple, effective, universal. Now a car manufacturer decides to change this, you now have to open the hood, remove some unrelated cable and unlock the option on the digital screen in the front seat. Except that it's barely mentioned in the car documentation and worse, it's not even working as it's supposed to be. Is it a00:17
leftyfbgrolongo: that's enough. Take ranting to #ubuntu-offtopic or the forums00:18
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aragubasok, I'm having that internet issue I mentioned earlier this morning00:19
leftyfbaragubas: which issue is that?00:20
aragubasI think we might have a new "Can't print on Thursday"00:20
leftyfbtoday is Saturday00:20
younderA Linux system is more like a organism composed of thousands of parts that need to be integrated and that function, but just barely, and you just try to keep your head above water00:20
leftyfbyounder: stop00:20
younderIn my experience00:21
aragubasleftyfb so, this morning my internet was working fine, I was getting 500 down and 500 up, but now it's past 8 AM and I'm getting 1 Mbps down and 600 up00:21
aragubasI had this same issue yesterday,00:21
leftyfbaragubas: sounds like an ISP/hardware issue00:21
aragubasif I boot Fedora workstation LiveCD I get 100 Mbps down and 600 up (which is still, not correct)00:21
leftyfbaragubas: contact your ISP00:22
aragubasit's not my ISP, because the other devices are working00:22
leftyfbaragubas: then it might be an issue with your hardware00:22
leftyfbaragubas: if you're also having the same issue with a different distro on the same hardware, the issue isn't ubuntu00:23
aragubaswell, this is so weird because, on macOS, Windows and Fedora I don't have this issue00:23
aragubasand yes I hackintoshed this baby as well00:23
leftyfbyou just said you have the issue with fedora00:23
aragubasI mean, 100 Mbps ain't 1Mbps, I can barely load google00:24
aragubasat least it's usable at 100 Mbps00:24
aragubastho it's still reduced speed00:24
aragubasbtw my Ethernet NIC is the RTL8111/8168/8211/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 0c)00:26
aragubasok it's actually my ISP, sorry00:45
aragubastested on my other devices, and it's even worse xD00:45
younderThanks for letting us know.00:51
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TrevorPretty good for image search, but for everything else, I prefer Google's engine, either directly or through DuckDuckGo.01:39
oerheksassange should freenode01:44
eloerheks: please not here.02:45
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junyxWhat certification should I look into if I want to get really good with linux?03:48
universumhi i have a question. is ubuntu os secure or i have to mody something first.03:49
Bashing-omuniversum: All closed by default - nothing to do // until you explicitly open ports.03:52
universumgood, i dont have open ports on the router ( no forwarded),03:52
butchWhich Anti-virus software is good for Ubuntu?03:54
Bashing-om!virus | butch03:55
ubottubutch: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:55
junyxBashing-om um that's not true...03:57
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Fuzzy_BuzzHi all05:02
junyxWhat is the purpose of the Birth field seen in the output of the stat command? I created a file with touch but I don't see anything in that field.05:11
rboxjunyx: depends on the filesystem05:15
junyxYeah someone was saying on #linux its not used in most file systems05:15
junyxWould be nice to see when the resource was created05:15
rboxso use a filesystem that implements it05:19
junyxOk thanks05:20
luckylinuxIs there a known issue where files in /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf are NOT loaded during boot ? On Ubuntu 24.04 I have /etc/modules-load.d/beep.conf containing pcspkr, but it's NOT getting loaded. modinfo shows that the module exists, while lsmod | grep -i pcspkr shows nothing. I already rebuilt initramfs and GRUB, then rebooted (several times).05:42
luckylinuxOr the first line is ALWAYS ignored ? I just had the module name there, NOT the first line # This will load the PC Speaker Module (or something like that)05:43
luckylinuxNope, it's not that :(. It's betting completely ignored05:48
luckylinuxIs there any way to troubleshoot systemd-modules-load.service not doing anything ? The status and journal just shows "systemd-modules-load.service: Changed dead -> exited" twice05:50
luckylinuxActually I cannot even enable systemctl enable systemd-modules-load.service ... It gives The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy=, RequiredBy=, UpheldBy=,. Weird06:01
luckylinuxI'm not getting any errors. It's "just" NOT doing anything06:06
luckylinuxThe only "error" I see (but I see for a whole range of systemd services) is: systemd-modules-load.service: Failed to send unit change signal for systemd-modules-load.service: Connection reset by peer06:08
luckylinuxI set Sysloglevel=debug in the service file and now get Module 'pcspkr' is deny-listed (by kmod)06:12
luckylinuxIt was blacklisted in  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf -> # ugly and loud noise, getting on everyone's nerves; this should be done by a06:16
luckylinux# nice pulseaudio bing (Ubuntu: #77010). Duh06:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 77010 in One Hundred Papercuts "Overuse of system beep without volume control" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7701006:16
lotuspsychj3luckylinux: please dont use this channel to describe every step you take, ask a question then await until volunteers pick up on your issues06:16
luckylinuxlotuspsychj3: Sorry :(. But I managed to solve it thankfully. So better that nobody spends time on this when the issue is already solved.06:18
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)06:18
vivaanyone here use yt-dlp ?06:20
bparkerlots of people06:21
vivadoes anyone have as varied of an experience with it as i do? im having zero consistency doing things other than a simple yt-dlp "link"... particularly cutting video clips/segments.06:21
bparkerI think 99% of people do not try to cut clips with it06:22
bparkerI would leave that to ffmpeg or an mpv script afterwards06:22
vivai have currently around 5 different "variations" of options and methods mixed together to make clips and STILL get wildly differing results06:22
vivaso even the ffmpeg stuff, when optioned using the --externald-downloader-args (or whatever it is) fails me06:22
luckylinuxI tried yt-dlp yesterday and it took AGES to download at 1-2 MiB/s. And when it was finished, I had a 1GB .webm (IIRC the extension) which I couldn't play with anything06:23
bparkerluckylinux: because that was the requested format, you can choose other ones06:23
bparkeror have it remux into a new container06:23
vivamaybe i need to try mpv? yt-dlp "suggests" they fixed this problem with the --download-sections option, but that ALSO gives wildly differing results (audio only, video only, wrong time stamps, etc. etc.)06:23
bparkerviva: I use a script that lets me set start/end times by a hotkey while playing, then it muxes that into a new file, so no recompression necessary06:24
vivaim unfamiliar, "muxes" like tmux? are you using a tiling wm?06:24
bparkerof course with simple muxing you won't get frame-perfect cuts, it will be relative to a keyframe06:24
bparkerviva: no, muxing as a video thing06:25
vivahmm, i need to google i think06:25
luckylinuxbparker: ah alright, I need to specify some extra options like .mp4 format or something. I guess I'll make a Script wrapper then :)06:25
vivaoh multiplexing06:25
bparkerwebm and mp4 are just container formats06:26
bparkerso you need a muxer to put audio and video streams into such a file06:26
vivaso clipping/transforming youtube DLs is considered a component of multiplexing? didnt realize that06:26
bparkeronly IF nothing was ever recompressed, then yes06:26
bparkerotherwise you're simple re-encoding06:26
bparker(and probably re-muxing afterwards too either way)06:27
vivaok thx, this would explain why getting it out the way i want it, in a one liner, is a bit of a trick06:27
bparkerwell it can still do it for you06:27
vivado you happen to know why some formats are unavailable for yt-dlp? i get that like, video quality resolutions may be unavailable but sometimes i'll download 1 yt vid and its avialble to be downloaded in webm, mp4, etc. other times webm isnt an option... is that related to what you just mentioned?06:28
bparkeryou can either ask yt-dlp to find a complete, existing mp4 file on youtube and download that version (which often works fine), *or* you can ask it to remux separate streams into some other specific container you specify (like mp4 if the codecs are compatible) after it is done downloading the stream itself06:28
vivaok so its a codec compat issue when im finding format unavailability? that makes sense, but i dont understand why there would be incompatibilty...06:29
vivaunless the original file that gets uploaded to youtube is preserved or affects the way that youtube is able to render the file?06:29
vivai thought yt takes your video, in whatever format, transforms it into a format they want to employ for sharing and that was that? but perhaps codec and formatting are still preserved to some extent in the final shared video which constrains how it can be processed/downloaded by yt-dlp? does that sorta sound right?06:30
bparkerwebm is often picked by yt-dlp because codecs like say, VP9 or AV1, won't work in an mp406:31
vivaand the "i think" part of that statemtn is more "i guessed"06:31
vivai have no actual understanding of what yt is/isnt doing with the uploads06:31
vivabparker: i see, lucky for me i prefer webm06:31
bparkeryt-dlp usually never re-encodes anything by default unless you explicitly ask it to, it just re-muxes after downloading a stream of format X (whatever you specify or it could find)06:31
bparkerand it tries to find compatible combinations whenever possible06:32
bparkerbut it will error if you try to do things that are impossible, like force VP9 into an MP406:32
bparkeras for why certain formats are available for certain YT videos and not others, I'm not really sure, it could be a combination of things like when the video was uploaded versus what formats were actually supported at that time (I think they usually don't ever "re-encode" anything or add additional format encodes later on if they don't have to)06:34
vivaah, makes sense06:34
bparkerthe only time I recall them actually re-encoding everything manually was when they switched away from flash/FLV video to HTML5-based playback with h264/etc.06:35
luckylinuxbut then why cannot I play .webm files with any player ? VLC also fails06:38
luckylinuxMissing Codecs ?06:39
luckylinuxI was thinking more of a corrupted file seeing how yt-dlp stopped then restarted like 20 timees06:39
vivaluckylinux: webm should work OOB with vlc... ubuntu (right?) i just did a clean install of 24.04 and mines worked OOB06:41
vivawell i opted for the "complete" install, which included libre office (i think?) and all that jazz, which is typically irregular for me06:42
vivain fact, installing ubuntu is irregular for me. im a debian user, but the damn thing kept failing to install over and over again... plus i did a minimal install last time and it didnt install friggin man pages and shit, so im gun shy.06:42
vivai had a heck of a time getting gnome to look like kde06:43
vivaand speaking of... due to my lack of deep familiarity with linux i tend to get excessivley hung up on things like installing a distro with a particular DE/WM and then wanting to add/change the DE/WM is this an irrational hang up or is adding a DE on top of another already existing DE bloating and modifying the OS in a way that is not ideal?06:44
bparkerwebm works fine here with both vlc and mpv06:45
bparkerprobably just your file06:45
bparkermake sure yt-dlp is up to date also06:46
bparkerYT changes things all the time06:46
luckylinuxviva: 00B ? I also have Libreoffice etc installed but no joy06:47
luckylinuxAnd I installed quite a bit on top of it as well06:48
vivaOOB - out of box06:48
luckylinuxThx for the explanation :)06:48
luckylinuxNope. Same on another Ubuntu with even more Packages Installed. VLC Says "Check the log for more details". Where is the log ?06:48
vivaprob in /var/log/ ?06:50
Abraxanybody know why urls are added to the right click menu of chrome when i open link from here06:50
vivaPreferences -> Interface tab -> Show settings (at bottom) = "ALL" -then-> Advanced -> Logger.06:50
vivaAbrax: what browser or irc client are you using?06:51
Abraxchrome browser and weechat06:51
vivawhats your default browser set as in ubuntu?06:51
luckylinuxviva: Thanks, nothing was set06:51
luckylinuxNow I write to  ~/Log/vlc.log06:51
Abraxchrome browser06:51
Abraxusing kde plasma06:52
vivahmm im using de-googled chromium here, and not seeing that behavior06:52
vivathe link is showing up in the r click context menu, along with the other options? open in new tab, open in priv tab, etc.?06:52
Abraxvery weird behavior06:52
Abraxshows up in the r click context menu06:52
vivamind taking a screen shot?06:53
vivaand sharing? https://freeimghost.net06:53
Abraxits not ubuntu06:53
Abraxbut should be able to be teh same solution06:53
vivayou're not using ubuntu? or you dont think its the OS doing it?06:53
vivausing a deb* OS?06:53
Abraxits garuda06:54
vivaerr... debian based distro*06:54
Abraxbut should be the same solution for kde plasma06:54
vivaoh i see arch06:54
vivahrm, might be out my wheel house here06:54
luckylinuxIt's firejail. Even with a noblacklist it still won't allow me to access the folder06:55
Abraxcontext menu for sure06:55
Abraxjust add its and need to be cleared out06:55
vivaoh, interesting its interpreting the link as though its a file of uknown extension or some such06:56
vivaor at least thats what it appears to be doing06:56
vivatouch a new file call it rando.mfile or some shit, an unknown extension06:56
vivathen right click it06:56
Abraxcreate a new file?06:56
Abraxwhat would that accomplish06:57
Abraxi created the file06:58
vivaok r click it06:58
vivasee what happens06:58
vivaYou dont see a similar icon?06:59
Abraxonly happens if i try to right clickk and open link here06:59
vivathe file icon with a ?06:59
Abraxjust shows as a file06:59
vivaok it was a sanity check to see if we were on the right path regarding the thinking that it was a "defaults" issue06:59
vivawe would expect a file of unknown extension to behave similarly when r clicked07:00
vivahmm, im reaching the limits of my linux familiarity here... my next thought we be to create a shortcut (.url?) then right click that and see if arch acts similarly07:00
vivai just dont know how shortcuts are made or what extension they are...07:00
vivaerrr.... hyperlink shortcuts07:01
Abraxwould it be possible to clear out the stuff in the r menu07:01
Abraxin kde07:01
vivawell, i think if you did that it would remove that same feature when you actually need it07:02
Abraxjust want to clear out the menu07:02
vivathough based on the test we just did it seems to be picking and choosing when/if it wants to identify a link/shortcut/file/etc as unknown or whatever that icon means07:02
Abraxand dont really need it to do that07:02
Abraxwhen i right click and open link here it will open in chrome and add it to the r click menu07:03
Abraxi want to clear the menu out now07:03
vivaok so im seeing context menu editors for xfce, basically all DEs except kde07:06
vivathe info im getting online suggests that KDEs context menu cannot be edited... and you /can/ install a context menu replacement which can be edited via config file07:07
vivadont take my word on this though, these articles might be dated or just wrong07:07
Abraxtaht is weird07:08
vivaok try this07:08
Abraxso whenever you open the link you will always add a new url to your contect menu forever07:08
vivaright click the right click menu item.... hover over that ? icon and right click it see if a properties option appears07:08
Abraxyou cannot right click the right click menu07:09
vivaoh gosh, you're saying that not only is itย  queerly adding the URL as an item in the context menu but its STORING it (and any other URLs clicked?) in the context menu indefinitely? (or until reboot or some such?)07:09
viva"you cannot right click the right click menu"; abrax: you tried and got nothing?07:10
vivacause what im hoping is this happens: https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/m6thl7/til_that_you_can_rightclick_the_rightclick/#lightbox07:10
Abraxya you cannot right click the right click menu07:15
vivaluckylinux: when did you install firejail? was it to get around the SUID issue until a solution is distributed?07:22
luckylinuxviva: no, just to sandbox applications as much as possible. Turns out for some apps you need BOTH noblacklist <path> AND whitelist <path>07:23
luckylinuxUsing only one of those does NOT work07:23
luckylinuxin your ~/.config/firejail/vlc.local I mean07:23
bparkerI don't trust firejail, it has attack surface the size of the moon07:24
vivabparker: my first time hearing about it. i thought it was related to the SUID panic that was in the news recently07:25
Abraxooh i cleared history and it got rid of it07:25
vivaim also wondering just how much of an issue that is, in reality... to the standard at home linux user07:25
vivaabrax: you never mentioned (i dont think) when you r. click multiple URLs is it storing ALL of them in the context menu?07:25
luckylinuxbparker: well there is bwrap / bubblewrap but nowhere near the easiness of use of firejail. Is something better than nothing ? Yes. Is it the best solution ? No07:26
vivaluckylinux: i guess im just risking it all then?07:28
Abraxits storing them in recent files07:29
Abraxi just cleared it and they were removed from the context menu07:29
luckylinuxviva: without anything ? That's what I was doing until 1 Month ago or so ... So I can see the benefit. E.g. 1 Rogue APP will not delete you entire $HOME. But yeah, it can be a PITA to configure so you can do your work when you need to.07:31
luckylinuxAnd it's of course NOT a perfect solution07:31
luckylinuxIt's a choice. Ease of use vs protection. Tradeoff07:31
vivaAbrax: that makes sense, and also why our sanity check failed (the creation of uknown extension files)07:33
vivaSo just set a chron job to remove stuff out the recent files menu?07:33
vivaor symlink the recent files dir to /dev/null ?07:33
vivasupposing you dont care about any recent files (i dont either, i find the concept an annoyance)07:34
vivaluckylinux: oh i feel you, i just... im unsure of what is/isnt risky behavior i thought we enjoyed a certain baseline of security on linux (though i know this in no way means we're immune to any attack)07:34
luckylinuxviva: this is enlighting but do NOT read if you don't want to know - https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html07:38
luckylinuxSomething can be tuned via sysctls, some blacklisting network/fs/other Modules. SELinux > apparmor IMHO. But then ... you have to dig out why X app is not working the way it should. That can take a LOT of time to troubleshoot07:39
luckylinuxAnd I'm by no means a Security Expert, but I can definitively see why some aspects of Linux are not that secure ...07:39
bparkerPSA madaidan is not the most well-trusted source of accurate and up to date information07:41
vivaheeded, but im qutie green to this so im sure its going to be of benefit07:42
luckylinuxWell I still believe it's good to read and have some critical thinking about it07:43
luckylinuxNot everybody that writes and article is an expert, true07:43
luckylinuxBut I still believe it's worth to have a read, investigate, and make up your own opinion07:43
luckylinuxPSA ... Well, if it's what I think it is (quite the insult !), then you'd better come out with some BETTER stuff07:44
luckylinuxbecause everybody can say something is bad. Are you doing something better ?07:44
bparkerwhy are chefs baking bread? there's buildings to construct07:46
luckylinuxVery useful ... Again I'm open to listen. But please bring out constructive arguments07:46
vivaany yall got experience working in another country as a migrant worker?07:47
tomreynplease all note that this is a support channel, not a place for discussions to be had07:47
tomreynthe topic being ubuntu support (nothing else). there are a lot of other channels and you're welcome to continue there07:48
vivadoes anyone know the name of that tool that gives you a brief explanation and example/demo of what a cmd does? its kinda like apropos but a little bit more helpful08:13
spinningCatviva, what about man page?08:27
vivalooking for something a little less daunting than the man page itself but slightly more helpful than apropos08:31
vivai am getting better at grepping so i can sorta sift thru to the option or segement in question im after... but there was a util that i used to use that gave a brief explanation and demo of the most common uses and options of a command in a one liner (or not much longer) format08:32
gordonjcpviva: info?08:36
gordonjcpviva: Arch Linux wiki?08:37
bodhi_Hello World!08:39
vivathis was a cmdline tool08:39
bodhi_stup bodhi linux08:40
vivaah its tldr08:40
vivaim tryign to identify why a port is in use, i used lsof to identify two PIDs that are using the port and im having trouble identifying the process name...09:10
vivawhen i type ps -aux the PIDs arent there09:10
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vivais there a way to use ps along with a PID?09:11
vivanvm its `ps PID`09:12
vivaand i was typing the PID wrong09:12
lotuspsychj3viva: these kinda of questions are really not ubuntu specific, see the #linux channel for general linux/command questions09:22
tomreyni'd say it's perfectly fine to ask questions about generic linux user space utilities available on ubuntu here09:27
=== Alpha is now known as Guest8665
=== Guest8665 is now known as Alpha
BluesKajHi all12:14
iconoclastheromy do-release-upgrade from 22.40 to 24.04 failed.  for some reason my backscroll wasn't working and I was not able to capture why, but there were problems with a lot of python modules.12:29
iconoclastheroi booted into the btrfs snapshot i took before attempting so i guess this is what having a backup feels like.12:30
iconoclastherois there any point in trying it again or some way to log the process or was there a log or how do i get to 24.04 in the least painful fashion while preserving all of my 22.04 configurations?12:31
iconoclasthero/var/log/dist-upgrade/ is empty12:35
guiverciconoclasthero, upgrades from 22.04 to 24.04 won't open until after 24.04.1 is released; the release notes for 24.04 said this will occur on or after 15 August 202412:37
iconoclastheronot sure what that meams.12:38
iconoclastheroobviously, do-release-upgrade -d attempted to install 24.0412:38
iconoclastheroso how are those two things squared?12:38
guivercthe `-d` is there for quality assurance testing; bug reporting etc.  (use a development upgrade before its deemed stable/open)12:39
iconoclastheroI don't understand what your point is12:43
iconoclastheroit should upgrade to whatever's in the -d release12:43
iconoclastherothe release notes just say that it won't be made available, not that it won't work, "Users of 22.04 LTS however will be offered the automatic upgrade when 24.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for the 15th of August."12:44
JanCit means that only people who do development/testing should use it12:44
iconoclastherook, well i want to test it on my system12:44
iconoclastherowhen it doesn't upgrade why ?12:44
iconoclastherohow do i track that dow?12:44
guivercyour description reminds me of bug reports I've seen iconoclasthero , but I don't recall enough detail to be of any help sorry12:44
JanCyou could try looking if there are existing bug reports indeed12:45
iconoclastherohow can i log do-release-upgrade?12:45
guivercubuntu-release-upgrader package12:46
JanCit should already log12:46
JanCif not, maybe there is another bug12:47
iconoclastherodoes it normally delete it's logs if it fails?12:47
iconoclastherobecause /var/log/dist-upgrade was empty12:47
iconoclastheronow that it's running again, main.log exists.12:47
JanCdeleting logs when things go wrong (=when they are most useful) would be stupid, right?  :)12:48
iconoclastherosure would be12:48
iconoclastherothat's why i'm nonplussed at the empty directory12:48
iconoclastherothe snapshot rollback12:48
dbolserI burned an ubuntu iso, but when I try to boot from it, I just get the word GRUB, and nothing progresses...13:13
dbolserI'm coming from an ancient mint install13:13
dbolserNot sure what to do13:13
irgendwer4711hi, where is the binary package for the game 0ad? There is some data package but not binary...13:13
dbolserWhen I plug in the USB, it automounts and 'looks' fine... should I do the MD5SUM check?13:13
dbolserGetting some FAILED when I run md5sum --check in the drive :-/13:15
dbolserdbolser@dbolser-Latitude-E6520 /media/dbolser/Ubuntu-Server 24.04 LTS amd64 $ md5sum --check md5sum.txt13:15
dbolser./pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-535-server/libnvidia-extra-535-server_535.161.08-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb: FAILED13:15
dbolserI could try burning it again I guess?13:15
dbolsersudo dd if=/home/dbolser/Downloads/ubuntu-24.04-live-server-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc13:17
JanCirgendwer4711: it's called '0ad', but it seems like it's missing from recent distro versions indeed, I don't know by13:18
JanCirgendwer4711: did you try searching for a relevant bug report?13:18
irgendwer4711JanC: not yet13:19
dbolserHmm... Should have unmounted first :(13:19
JanChttps://packages.ubuntu.com/0ad shows it was still in mantic (23.10) but not in noble (24.04) or oracular (development version)13:21
irgendwer4711JanC: seems to be planned for 24.1013:22
JanCif that works, maybe they can backport to 24.04 also13:25
irgendwer4711seems to be a little late13:25
JanCit could go to -backports13:26
irgendwer4711I am confused, apt show me Version 0..0.26-1 for 0ad data packages13:26
dbolserCan I cat the /dev/sdb to md5sum?13:29
JanCirgendwer4711: why does that confuse you?13:30
irgendwer4711JanC: because there are 2 of 3 needed packages avaiable13:30
JanC0ad & 0ad-data are separate source packages13:31
dbolserbah. somehting aint right... seems to be two partitions on sdc13:31
irgendwer4711JanC: 0ad-data is game data13:32
JanCI assume the game engine ('0ad') can (at least in theory) be used with other "maps" than the default ('0ad-data') "map"13:33
irgendwer4711no you need all 3 packages13:36
irgendwer4711and the other 2 are linked to 0ad13:37
JanCto play the official game, yes13:37
JanC(there appears to be a "modder" community that makes alternative maps & scenarios, so technically you don't need the official game data, which is why there is no hard dependency, I suppose)13:43
realivanjxwhat is port 56898 by rsyslogd used for? can i turn it off?14:13
tomreynrealivanjx: a web search for this port number and rsyslog doesn't bring up anything useful, which makes me think that's not a port which rsyslogd usually listens on.14:22
tomreynwhat makes you say it does?14:23
tomreyndbolser: did you get it sorted, yet?14:26
tomreyndbolser: here's how you can check whether an .iso written to a usb stick was written properly: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75483/how-to-check-if-the-iso-was-written-to-my-usb-stick-without-errors/75513#7551314:28
tomreynyou can also use the balena etcher GUI tool, which also verifies the written data by default.14:28
realivanjxtomreyn: netstat says that14:31
realivanjxubuntu 22.04.4 server14:31
tomreynrealivanjx: what does netstat say exactly? can you share the line of output?14:34
realivanjxtomreyn: udp        0      0 *                           1119139/rsyslogd14:36
realivanjxthe columns: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name14:37
tomreyni'm guessing this may be imudp, the syslog input module's port14:42
ravagebut that is not active by default and not on that port14:42
tomreynrealivanjx: which parameters did you pass to netstat? because this is not the default output?14:46
realivanjxtomreyn: -plntu14:46
realivanjxdont ask me what they actually mean but i have been using that for years14:47
ravagealso just do a "sudo grep -r 56898 /etc"14:47
ravagethat may be enough to find out that it is14:47
realivanjxravage: it returns nothing14:48
ravageis it in "sudo ss -lntu" ?14:49
realivanjxravage: yes: udp         UNCONN        0             0                            *14:49
ravageand sudo "udo lsof -iUDP -n -P" also shows rsyslogd as the command?14:50
realivanjxrsyslogd  1119139          syslog    7u  IPv4 11782954      0t0  UDP *:5689814:51
realivanjxhow can i get a path of a pid?14:51
ravagecat /proc/1119139/cmdline14:53
realivanjxlsof of the pid: https://pastebin.com/1KDmxUyf14:55
upstartwhat is all this?14:56
realivanjxrsyslogd listening on an unknown port14:56
tomreynps -F 111913914:57
realivanjxtomreyn: /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE14:57
ravageis it the legit rsyslogd but that port must be set somewhere14:58
tomreynwell it could be a dynamically assigned port14:58
ravagethat would be very weird14:59
realivanjxyes i believe it is a random port but why listen on
ravageright. makes no sense here14:59
realivanjxi do send syslog into another centralized logging server though15:01
realivanjxrsyslog.conf: *.* @server-ip:514415:02
ravageyes thats it15:04
ravageudp        0      0 *                           102        1087835    1424/rsyslogd15:04
ravageshowed up after i added a remote source15:04
realivanjxthats weird15:05
ravagedifferent port after every service restart15:05
realivanjxthe rsyslog is supposed to just send logs not receive them15:06
ravagethat has to do with the UDP protocol. see tomreyn link15:07
realivanjxdoes syslog really need 2 way comm?15:07
ravageFor each outgoing UDP connection, the system needs a source port. By default, the operating system assigns a random ephemeral port for this purpose. This is standard behavior for most network applications that do not specify a particular source port15:08
realivanjxhmm thats news to me. thanks for the info.15:08
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephemeral_port discusses more use cases15:08
jsmoothI'm having problem with this error "-bash: cd: Projects: Input/output error", I get the Input/Output error no matter what command I do, other than 'ls'.15:11
jsmoothI see online that it could mean bad hardware, but this laptop is only a year old, I don't think it's a bad drive15:13
ravageand is Projects actually a local directory or mounted somewhere remote?15:14
jsmoothOh, I believe it's a symlink to Windows, I'm using WIndows Subsystem for Linux 2 to run Linux.15:16
jsmoothAnd I just noticed i can create/read a text file outside of Projects directory. So now I'm not sure what it going on, unless Ubuntu isn't reading Windows anymore.15:17
ravagei think there is #windows-wsl for that kind of questions15:18
NateDogeHow much pussy do you think Julien got?16:52
rboxdo you have somethign related to ubuntu to talk about?16:53
NateDogeI use a mans distro. Gentoo.16:54
NateDogeI'm good.16:54
NateDogePeace out.16:54
artist_9911tint2 executor never works whatever I do17:01
cryobryI am trying to make some changes to dconf, I am very familiar with all of the gsettings tooling but I've run into a strange issue: dconf and gsettings are reporting different values for the same key and when I modify it with one tool, the other does not recognize the changes17:06
cryobry%gsettings get org.mate.caja.preferences show-backup-files17:06
cryobry%dconf read /org/mate/caja/preferences/show-backup-files17:06
bparkerhow do I make programs start in front of all other windows? every time I run something from my terminal window, it's invisible because it's behind it17:09
bparkerreally annoying17:09
leftyfbbparker: I have the Unite gnome extension which I think handles this, but can't seem to find the exact setting to enable17:11
leftyfboh, there's "Auto focus new windows"17:11
leftyfbI don't have it enabled but new windows do focus for me17:11
bparkerso there is no way to do this by default? seems like a massive glaring oversight to me...17:23
bparkerI haven't been able to get any external tweak plugins to work right either17:24
bparkerit just doesn't show up in the app and I can't figure out how to even begin troubleshooting it17:24
AavarBy default. What does control the network on a ubuntu server?18:27
AavarIs i network manager?18:27
leftyfbAavar: netplan18:34
Aavarleftyfb: ok. What files controls that?18:35
leftyfbAavar: https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/networkmanager/networkmanager-and-netplan18:35
Aavarleftyfb: thank you.18:37
leftyfbAavar: https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/stable/netplan-tutorial/18:38
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
tomreynleftyfb: note this is documentation for the "ubuntu core" product, while Aavar is using "ubuntu server"18:40
tomreyni don't think network manager is packaged as a snap there18:40
leftyfbtomreyn: huh?18:40
tomreynsee the url you posted18:41
Aavarit looks like I am using NetworkManager after all.18:41
leftyfbtomreyn: core/snap isn't mentioned at all in the tutorial other than to install lxd to use for learning18:41
AavarHow can I "restart" the network after making changes in nmtui?18:41
tomreyn<leftyfb> Aavar: https://ubuntu.com/core/[..]18:41
tomreynthis page says "snap set network-manager defaultrenderer=false"18:42
leftyfbah, the first link18:42
leftyfbAavar: Network Manager isn't installed on ubuntu server by default18:42
tomreyn(also: "snap install network-manager")18:42
bparkerwait, network manager is a snap now??18:42
bparkerplease god no18:42
leftyfbtomreyn: why?18:42
tomreynbparker: not on ubuntu server, i don't think so18:43
leftyfbwhy are we even mentioning NM on server?18:43
Aavarleftyfb: as I said. It seems I am using NetworkManager after all :)18:43
leftyfbit's all netplan18:43
leftyfbAavar: why?18:43
Aavarleftyfb: I cant remember. It's been a while...18:43
leftyfbAavar: do you have a desktop environment installed on your "server"?18:43
Aavarleftyfb: no18:43
leftyfbAavar: then I would suggest removing network-manager and sticking with netplan18:43
tomreynleftyfb: https://ubuntu.com/core - in case you're not familiar with this product18:44
leftyfbI am18:44
leftyfbtomreyn: though the documentation provided should be fine with either18:44
Aavarleftyfb: I will try :)18:45
leftyfbit's the first result on google for "ubuntu netplan"18:45
leftyfbAavar: https://people.ubuntu.com/~slyon/netplan-docs/examples/18:45
tomreynleftyfb: i don't think network-manager is meant to be used as a snap on ubuntu-server, though it may be possible to do so.18:46
leftyfbright, I'm not sure why we're mentioning it beyond for some reason Aavar installed it (not confirmed as being from snap or apt)18:46
leftyfboh right, that documentation says to install it18:47
leftyfbthat's a very bad first result18:47
leftyfbI was mainly using it to point out the files and syntax of netplan18:47
tomreyni got so much, it's just a bit misleading to point to ubuntu core documentation so that's why i pointed it out.18:48
leftyfbyeah, you're right18:48
tomreyn(and i don't think you meant to)18:48
AavarI removed all network-manager packages. I hope the network returns after a reboot :)18:51
tomreynunless you also have systemd-networkd setup that's unlikely18:53
Aavartomreyn: why?18:54
tomreynbecause there won't be a network connection unless one is configured18:54
tomreyn(and managed)18:54
tomreynand those two frameworks (optionally with netplan on top) are what ubuntu uses for this very purpose18:55
Aavartomreyn: It is configured :) How can I know if systemd-networkd is set up? How can I know if netplan or systemd is resposible?18:55
tomreynyour system logs, you system configuration, netplan's configuration, if you use it18:56
tomreynnetworkctl for systemd-networkd on current releases18:56
tomreyn"nmcli status" for network manager18:57
Aavarsystemd-networkd is active. Can/should I dissable it?18:57
Aavarnetworkmanager is removed.18:57
tomreyndepends on whether you intend to use it or not. it doesn't hurt to keep it enabled.18:57
leftyfbAavar: sudo apt install --reinstall netplan.io18:58
Aavarleftyfb: what does that do?18:58
leftyfbreinstalls netplan18:58
Aavarleftyfb: ok, but why?18:58
leftyfbwhich I'm pretty sure networkd is a dependency of18:58
leftyfbAavar: in case you removed or broke it during your network-manager journey18:59
leftyfbthen run: sudo netplan try18:59
iptomreyn: hey, i was having the network problem, i was not trying to what u r thing, still i'm sorry for it19:00
tomreynip: glad you got it sorted. have a nice day.19:01
=== PasiZ7 is now known as PasiZ
iptomreyn: you too. :)19:03
iptomreyn: this will not happen again, i'll make sure of it.19:03
tomreyngreat, thanks. now let's get back to ubuntu support on this channel, please. :)19:04
AavarI cant seem to get two devices configured correctly with netplan. Do you have an example with two devices?19:15
tomreynhttps://netplan.io should have19:16
leftyfbAavar: two devices? Can you explain in detail what you have and what you're trying to accomplish?19:16
Aavarleftyfb: right now I am trying to configure two devices connected to the same network. What I am trying to accomplish in the long run is to install a VM with router software running between these networks.19:18
Aavarbut now I am just trying to learn :)19:19
leftyfbAavar: you have 2x network interfaces on the same bare metal server that you both want on the same network? Why? Static or DHCP? what release of ubuntu?19:20
Aavarleftyfb: as I said, to learn... I am trying to set up static ip's. Ubuntu 22.0419:21
leftyfbAavar: ok, first less, unless you're doing some sort of load balancing or failover, don't configure 2x interfaces on the same network19:21
Aavarleftyfb: why? as I said. This is for testing.19:22
leftyfbAavar: that said, you've been given at least 3 links with examples on how to configure a static ip using netplan19:22
leftyfbAavar: unless you're testing load balancing or failover with proper LLDP switch ports, or the wrong way to do networking, I would move on to learning other things19:23
Aavarok, just pretend I am connecting to two different networks ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ19:24
leftyfbAavar: you've been given at least 3 examples of how to set static ip's on network interfaces. Let us know if you have any issues, the exact issue and error log you are receiving and pastebin your netplan configuration file19:25
leftyfbalso, no19:25
Aavarleftyfb: I don't understand the hostility. You have made it perfectly clear that the configuration is stupid, and I respect and understand that.19:26
leftyfbAavar: there's no hostility. Let us know if you run into any issues and we'll be happy to help19:26
Aavarleftyfb: ok, cool :)19:29
AavarI got it working and am moving on. If I want to use these network cards with a VM. I don't need to configure with netplan on the host, right?19:31
leftyfbare you doing bridged interfaces or NAT or .... ?19:32
Aavarleftyfb: I don't know. What I am planning to do is to install opnsense in a VM and use it as a "normal" consumer router. That's the plan anyway. I am just testing at the moment. Trying to create a system that I am able to keep alive :P19:34
leftyfbyou'll want to setup bridge interfaces then19:35
leftyfbthe interfaces on the host doesn't matter if they're static ip dynamic19:35
Aavarleftyfb: ok, tnx.19:36
leftyfbin fact, one of the interfaces that connects to your ISP's modem you'll probably want to set it up as passthrough and set dynamic on the VM (unless you have a static ip with your ISP)19:36
Aavarleftyfb: Yes, but if I understand correctly. None of the interfaces need a configuration on the host as long as they are passed trough to the VM?19:38
leftyfbif you are doing passthrough, correct19:39
leftyfbbut then if you don't have any interfaces on the host with an ip on any network then the host is inaccessible and useless. Why bother putting anything in VM's at that point?19:39
leftyfbI would set 1 interface as passthrough to your ISP's modem and the other bridged so it gets DHCP from your "router" on your VM19:40
Aavarleftyfb: I didn't think about that...19:40
Aavarso, the interface connected to the ISP needs to be passed trough and the other one needs to be a bridge?19:41
AavarIs it easier with 3 physical cards?19:41
slicktuxHello all, I've noticed some apps on my Linux box install via Snap and others via the conventional apt-get install; Why the Chimera and which method is better?19:47
leftyfbAavar: that's correct. no need for a 3rd interface19:48
leftyfbslicktux: it shouldn't matter19:49
Aavarleftyfb: Ok, I'll try. Tnx :)19:49
slicktuxI guess; I kinda answered my own question here. . .it's up to me. I shall containerize install at my wit.19:49
slicktuxleftyfb: I guess it does matter; I installed curl using snap and my .sh had trouble locating .zip in /tmp. Obviously, I can re-direct the .sh to where curl, in snap, uses /tmp?? For now I just got curl from sudo apt so as to not mess with .sh \0/19:58
tomreynslicktux: it's mostly up to you. some software is only available as a snap now (and apt would actually install the snap there). and other software is not available as a snap.19:58
leftyfbslicktux: you can change filesystem access in the snap settings19:58
slicktuxleftyfb: I will have to look into that man page. Thanks19:58
junyxI'm trying to increase the swap size. My swap resides in /dev/sdb and I've done sudo swapoff /dev/sdb. I'm finding confusing information about what to do next. I want to increase the swap to 1G20:36
CosmicDJ junyx: are you sure you have a whole disk (without any partitions) dedicated for swap only?20:38
junyxCosmicDJ I have this:20:39
junyxsda    8:0    0 24.4G  0 disk /20:39
junyxsdb    8:16   0  260M  0 disk [SWAP]20:39
junyxThat's the output of lsblk20:39
tomreynthis is likely a VM, right?20:41
CosmicDJjunyx: just adding a swap file is not an option? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How_do_I_add_a_swap_file.3F20:41
junyxIts doing something let see20:42
junyxCosmicDJ dd: error writing '/dev/sdb': No space left on device20:42
junyxI think the original partitioning only set aside 260M for the swap20:43
tomreynyou can possibly increase the existing (virtual?) swap storage (backing device) from your hosts' web panel.20:43
CosmicDJwhat are you doing?!20:43
junyxI ran this: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=104857620:43
CosmicDJwhy? that was dangerous...20:44
junyxCosmicDJ that's the instructions you sent20:44
CosmicDJthe link above says: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1GiB.swap bs=1024 count=1048576"20:44
junyxYeah my of is different20:45
CosmicDJthere's no "/dev/sdb" there20:45
junyxAh ok. I guess the system sets that later?20:45
CosmicDJrunning dd will not magically increase your disk size20:46
junyxCosmicDJ thank you. I understand now20:46
leftyfbjunyx: is this a VM?20:46
junyxIt seems to have worked now. Do I need to delete the /mnt?20:46
junyxleftyfb its a play server I have20:47
leftyfbwhat worked?20:47
leftyfbjunyx: /dev/sdb is only 260M. You can't make it bigger if that's a physical drive20:47
junyxleftyfb The instructions that CosmicDJ shared20:47
junyxSo that /dev/sdb is unusable now?20:47
leftyfbthat creates a 1GB file20:47
leftyfbnot partition20:48
leftyfbjunyx: what is /dev/sdb? What sort of device?20:48
junyxIt was a SWAP partition20:48
leftyfbsdb is not a partition, it's a drive20:48
leftyfbwhat sort of device?20:48
junyxSorry leftyfb still learning the terms20:48
junyxHow can I find that out?20:49
leftyfbjunyx: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999920:49
junyxleftyfb I pasted the output above20:49
junyxsdb    8:16   0  260M  0 disk [SWAP]20:49
junyxBUt now the [SWAP] is gone20:49
leftyfbok, so you have 2 physical storage devices plugged into this server. What sort of storage device is your 2nd storage device?20:50
junyxleftyfb I'm not sure. It was auto set up with linode20:50
junyxI'm assuming its virtual20:50
leftyfbok, so if you want to make that drive bigger, you'll need to need to contact linode20:51
junyxQuestion, can I delete the /mnt now or does that need to stay there forever?20:51
leftyfbjunyx: contact linode to make your drive bigger, don't make any other changes20:51
junyxleftyfb I'm good. Im trying to learn how to do this myself. Its not a problem for me to have that 260M partition just sitting there20:52
junyxDoes the /mnt/1GiB.swap need to stay there?20:53
leftyfbjunyx: ok, if you use the swap file that CosmicDJ walked you through creating, anything in that memory will be slightly slower20:53
junyxleftyfb yes I'm aware20:53
leftyfbjunyx: you'll want to set that file up to be swap and then use swapon /mnt/1GiB.swap and update your fstab20:54
junyxI did20:54
leftyfbjunyx: sudo mkswap /mnt/1GiB.swap20:54
leftyfbthen sudo mount -a20:55
leftyfbtechnically you can have both the file and disk for swap20:55
bizmatehi, i m getting all sorts of weird problems in my fresh install of ubuntu, ie https://bpa.st/5PIA21:24
rboxwhats weird?21:25
bizmatethe permissions errors And the fact that chrome does  not start21:26
ravagethat notice (N:) ist totall normal when installing a local .deb file with apt21:26
ravageand not "weird" at all21:27
bizmatewell app centre wont install chrome and chrome is not opening right now ... running it from terminal just shows a warning - MESA-INTEL: warning: cannot initialize blitter engine21:29
bizmate and the app does not run, processes run in background with no actual app21:29
bizmatewhat alternative is there to app centre other than apt21:30
ravagechrome is not on the app store21:30
ravagemaybe you mean chromium21:30
enigma9o7synaptic is an alternative to apt21:31
bizmate"google-chrome"  is in the deb package and i try to open it with the app centre. This is what i used in the previous version of ubuntu21:31
enigma9o7It's a GUI version of package manager.  Not exactly the same as ubuntu's app store which only lists apps.21:31
ravageand you can install chromium with: sudo snap install chromium21:31
bizmateravage, afaik chromium is not google-chrome21:31
enigma9o7And synaptic, like apt, only handles system packages, not snaps.21:31
ravagethat is correct21:31
ravagegoogle chrome is not part of the app store at all21:32
enigma9o7is google-chrome in the snap store?21:32
bizmatei d rather use google chrome21:32
ravagegood luck then ๐Ÿ™‚21:32
ravageask google support21:32
bizmatenever had problems running it on ubuntu21:32
enigma9o7You can get it from google themselves, I believe if you install their deb package it adds their repo to your apt sources and continue updating it.  But it is not supported by ubuntu to use third party debs & repos.21:33
enigma9o7So how did you install google-chrome in the first place?  Do you have their repo enabled?  It sounds like you already have it installed anyway.21:34
enigma9o7In fact I just looked at the paste, looks like you did install it.21:35
bizmateyes but it is not opening21:35
bizmateand firefox is not working well21:35
bizmatei m getting problems with rendering of some sites21:35
bizmatenot sure why21:35
enigma9o7If you're commenting about that last Note line, that's normal.  If you want to avoid that note, run from /tmp dir because then user "apt" can write.   They can't write in your home dir cuz not permision.  But it won't affect you rinstallation.21:35
enigma9o7You also still have 101 packages to upgrade.21:36
JanCthat's a lot21:36
bizmatestrange i just installed from latest ISO21:37
JanCif this is 24.04 then the latest ISO was made in April, I think?21:38
enigma9o7latest iso is from april21:38
JanCnormally the installer asks you if it can download updates though (if it has internet available)21:40
enigma9o7The error you're getting running chrome tho may be related to something fixable, but first run upgrades and make sure everything up to date, that might just solve it.  Otherwise paste the output when you try to run chrome, and tells us what kinda gpu(s) you have (maybe share something like inxi -G in a pastebin)21:40
bizmatetried upgrading them, something failed during the upgrade of all packages (the install was internet enabled, but cannot remember if asked for package upgrades)21:41
bizmatehere are some errors i saw during upgrade and the output of inxi -G https://bpa.st/YQ6Q21:45
bizmatetried also vivaldi - it does not open and the only warning that shows is MESA-INTEL: warning: cannot initialize blitter engine21:48
enigma9o7Ya its something to do with your fancy intel arc gpu but I dunno mucha bout them.21:51
enigma9o7Maybe focus on updates first, I didn't quite get the context of what you shared before.   Can you share complete output of "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" ?21:54
enigma9o7And on your old system, do you remember if you were using the i915 drivers that come with linux/ubunutu or did you install intel's new stuff like https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/747008/intel-arc-graphics-driver-ubuntu.html21:55
oerheks gnome-menus (3.36.0-1.1ubuntu3 points to Mantic?21:57
bizmatehere are the update and upgrade errors https://bpa.st/SYFQ22:04
bizmateit doesnt look like ubuntu likes the cairo dock ppa anymore22:04
oerhekscairo has no candidates, indeed22:05
bizmatemeaning it cannot be installed on 24 going forward?22:06
oerheksinfo cairo-dock22:06
oerheks!info cairo-dock22:06
ubottucairo-dock (3.4.1+git20201103.0836f5d1-1build3, noble): Metapackage for cairo-dock. In component universe, is optional. Built by cairo-dock. Size 6 kB / 19 kB22:06
oerheksit is in universe22:06
oerheksremove ppa, as it never installed one..22:06
bizmatei thought i tried installing it but it didnt work22:07
bizmatei ll try again22:07
oerheksthose were just warnings.22:07
enigma9o7Please share complete output so can see if it still needs updates or not.22:17
enigma9o7And of course remove that ppa, how did it get there in the first place, you said this was new install?    Was the ubuntu version of cairo not new enough for you?22:17
bizmatei removed cairo-dock ppa and tried installing it ... but get these errors also for attempting the upgrade https://bpa.st/6I4Q22:24
enigma9o7okay well at least you down to only one thing not upgraded, before was over 10022:26
bizmateindeed but i am not familiar with the file roller error and the other one about unmet dependencies with cairo-dcok22:26
oerheksapt update first? that would get fresh lists22:27
enigma9o7the file roller thing is telling you it's due to phasing.  thats when ubuntu updates are rolled out in phases.22:27
oerheksalways run proper updates before installining anything22:28
enigma9o7You can disable phasing, or just `sudo apt install file-roller` now if you're in a hurry... otherwise just wait til tomorrow or the next day, it'll upgrade like normal.22:28
enigma9o7So now, you got a few issues to deal with still tho.  Chrome/vivaldi giving that weird error, and cairo-dock being uninstallable it seems due to plugin requiring pulseaudio.22:28
enigma9o7Is that it?  Or anything else?22:28
bizmateenigma9o7, indeed, about file roller i ll wait. Update fetches no new upgrades required22:29
bizmateinteresting enough chromium seems to work22:31
bizmatecairo does not run well even after installing it with pulseaudio , ie nothing appens when overing over it so it looks like it is not stable22:40
bizmateanyway time to sleep22:40
bizmatethank you anyway22:40
bizmategood night22:40
=== dtomato3 is now known as dtomato
RoeyI have a Logitech web cam attached via USB.  Trying to use it from Discord on my Firefox instance; I've given it permission to access my microphone and camera.  Mic access works.  Camera doesn't show anything.  How can I diagnose the issue?23:11
JoeLlamacan a bitlockered hard drive be just fdisked and reformatted?23:17
JoeLlamaalso... to ubuntu pro or not to ubuntu pro?23:17
JoeLlamaafk for a bit while waiting thanks (:23:18
enigma9o7Well it gives you more updates, at the "cost" of registered with Canonical.   So sure why not?23:18
JoeLlamawell it's free for me up to 5 workstations I'm told23:19
JoeLlamao k bbl keep answering if youi don't mind and also someone just told me the hard drive should be okay :)23:19
enigma9o7Roey: I'd make sure it works with something simple like vlc or cheese or something.  If not I'd start looking at device list like "lsusb" and seeing if a driver for it is loaded.23:19
JoeLlamaafk for a bit bye for now23:19
enigma9o7Yeah my assumption was you are home user so no monetary cost.23:19
JoeLlamaok englishm thanks23:20
JoeLlamaI just can't get away from this computer...  shutting the lid now bye23:20
Roeyenigma9o7: I reconnected it23:21
Roeykind of worked at first? one moment23:21
Roeydoing lsusb on it23:21
RoeyI see this in dmesg output: [249306.919417] uvcvideo 3-10.3:1.1: Failed to set UVC probe control : -110 (exp. 26).23:23
=== pr3sonic is now known as highrate

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