
=== ken is now known as Guest5525
junyxIf I have an ubuntu server live somewhere on the internet can I mount that server as a device on my local MacOS machine and interact with the ubuntu file system? Is sshfs the right tool for that?01:06
sarnoldsshfs is indeed a decent way to do that; there's "more native" options but I would be less interested in using them over the public internet01:07
karenthedorfSounds sensible (VPN and NFS would be my first thought, but that needs more infrastructure to set up the VPN in the first place)01:07
sarnoldbut the latency on operations might be so unpleasant that you wouldn't actually like it01:07
junyxOk I'll give sshfs a try then thanks01:07
Trevor(And please use a private key login, and disable password login.)01:17
Trevor...Please. :D01:18
karenthedorfAmazing how many attempts I see for root/admin/superuser/etc. on any server with ssh exposed to the internet. (If you can, firewall it only to your home or business location, don't expose it to the internet)01:19
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
JanCdoesn't the MacOS file manager have support for SFTP ?01:21
junyxApparently sshfs doesn't work on MacOS any more01:24
sarnoldo_O weird01:24
junyxbrew install sshfs gives this error: libfuse: Linux is required for this software01:24
junyxOn a Mac! lol01:25
JanCbrew is not only used on MacOS01:27
junyxOh ok then01:27
karenthedorfThere is a macos port of libfuse apparently, but brew either doesn't know about it, or sshfs doesn't work on macFuse. *shrug*01:30
JanCit used to work on it, at least01:30
JanCmaybe https://www.fuse-t.org/ is useful (it seems to be available through brew also)01:32
JanCI don't have a MacOS machine though, so I didn't test it01:33
junyxTrying that one. Will let you know01:37
junyxI don't know. Something feels unsafe about it. I'm gonna hold off on installing it for now01:46
sarnoldso, if sshfs is out, maybe samba or nfs over a vpn01:47
sarnoldsamba feels more likely to be better supported on macos, but it's not a perfect fit for either os01:47
junyxsarnold I'll check those out. Thank you02:21
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=== karenw is now known as karenthedorf
momkenGood morning05:13
momkenDoes anyone know why I get "Failed to mount Windows share: Permission denied" when I try to access a shared folder from Ubnuntu in Ubuntu?05:14
junyxmomken what command are you running when you see this error?05:29
bizmatehi all, i installed cairo dock but when i open it i can see it on the top and if i try to right click or interact with it nothing happens and it disappears as if the click event is collected by the underlying element as if Cairo is not there06:43
ArnabHello everyone,07:11
ArnabI'm trying to configure the .desktop entry for Spring Tool Suite (STS) on my Linux system, and I'm unsure about setting the StartupWMClass correctly. Could someone please explain how to correctly determine the StartupWMClass for an application like Spring Tool Suite? What exactly should I use as the StartupWMClass value in my .desktop file?07:11
ArnabI'm using Ubuntu with Gnome, and any guidance or clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!07:11
=== Psil0 is now known as Psil0cybin
=== Psil0 is now known as Psil0Cybin
stuffandthingsThere might be a bug in a recent update for timeshift or something related to it.07:55
stuffandthingsI have 2 machines, one with 23.10 and one with 24.04, both run ts just fine on the base install, but on a recent update, both are dog slow making snapshots or deleting them. BTRFS mode.07:56
stuffandthingseverything still works fine, but it slowed down a lot on those operations07:57
stuffandthingsjournald reports errors everytime i make a snap or delete one08:07
stuffandthingsgonna pastebin it...08:08
jkliSo I have an old girl chugging along on ubuntu 18 and want to migrate that girl to ubuntu 22 or 24, should I try to migrate it in stages like 18 to 20, 20 to 22, 22 to 24? Or should I try to go directly to 24? what do you think could break? I mainly run nginx and docker on it08:38
stuffandthingsthings do brake with upgrades but i think one by one is the way to go08:39
AndreiosWhy does ufw block incoming ipv6 connections? I can't have open ports on ipv6.08:47
stuffandthingshttps://pastebin.com/B5BRWeTZ - Look for the line "***Here is where it got stuck***", this is what always happens with timeshift while taking a snapshot on ubuntu, with recent updates. Was fine on stock 23.10 and 24.04.08:54
tekisui09any idea to fix tearfree for nvidia ?09:01
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tekisui0918.04 was easy to fix09:07
bizmatehi all, i installed cairo dock but when i open it i can see it on the top and if i try to right click or interact with it nothing happens and it disappears as if the click event is collected by the underlying element as if Cairo is not there09:07
tekisui09have you tried starting it with terminal ?09:08
bizmatei also tried to join https://glx-dock.org/subscribe.php but the form is insecure and wont let users join09:08
bizmatetekisui09, i ll try now09:09
tekisui09it might give some error messages09:09
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bizmatelots of warnings https://bpa.st/563A but if i start it from the terminal i cant even see the UX09:12
bizmateactually it does show up, but still i cannot interact with it09:13
tekisui09it says the latest stable version is 3.4.009:17
tekisui09seems you have 3.4.1 ?09:17
blinkyI need help with something.09:18
blinkyAnyone online?09:18
tekisui09hey blinky09:18
blinkyHey tekisui0909:18
blinkyHow do I install this - https://github.com/Martichou/rquickshare/tree/master09:19
blinkyI'm new to ubuntu09:19
tekisui09lots of programs are on synaptic package manager09:21
tekisui09at preferences09:22
Psil0Cybinblinky: u have the .deb file rite?09:25
blinkywhich one is better? .deb, .snap or .appimage?09:25
blinkyor .rpm?09:26
Psil0Cybini do not know the program i tend to go with snaps if they are offered due to Virtualization09:26
blinkyI see09:26
Psil0CybinRPM + Deb = same thing just for diff systems09:26
Psil0Cybindo you want to go with snap? I do not know your software and trust level09:26
blinkySo I have the .snap09:26
Psil0Cybinbut if you want to go with the .deb since you are using ubuntu ';sudo dpkg -i r-quick-share_${VERSION}.deb'09:26
Psil0Cybinyou would type that.09:26
Psil0Cybinsnap install --dangerous r-quick-share_${VERSION}.snap09:27
Psil0Cybini would tend to get it from the snap store, though like snap install etc if it iis offered do not know the software i am even looking at just thought i would kind of guide you to a few places you caan read highly on it, once you have time if you are new to Linux.09:28
blinkySure! Please suggest some readings.09:28
blinkyThank you for your help @Psil0Cybin . I have successfully installed rquickshare on my ubuntu laptop.09:29
Psil0Cybinsure well what are you trying to read up on when it comes to Linux specifically, first off just read more about whati s snap vs regular app images  https://phoenixnap.com/kb/flatpak-vs-snap-vs-appimage09:31
momkenjunyx I don't use any terminal commmand. I go to "smb://" and try to mount folder "share_momken" by double clicking on it in Nautilus09:31
Psil0Cybini prefer snaps + flathub if its RHET based over the rest right now, as I feel like it is more of a security 1up09:31
Psil0Cybinmomken using a mouse is good, i used it once when i played lemmings, never again09:32
blinkyPsil0Cybin, I see09:32
bizmatetekisui09 it looks like Cairo has 3.5 out already https://github.com/Cairo-Dock/cairo-dock-core/tags09:37
bizmatei think 3.4.1 is the one supposed to be stable for CairoDock09:38
bizmatefor Ubuntu09:45
jklihave you guys patched the regression cve for ssh?09:53
jklihow the heck do I patch that on ubuntu 18?09:54
LuckyManjkli, I think Ubuntu 64bits is not affected10:04
LuckyMananyway if it would be affected, a patch would soon arrive in your updates, specially if you have Ubuntu pro10:06
bizmateis finder the app for opening and viewing folders? I cannot see an icon for it in my taskbar10:14
bizmatenot sure where it has gone10:15
bizmateit looks like any action to open a folder just opens disk analyzer instead10:15
bizmateis nautilus supposed to be installed?10:17
bizmatebasically i have this problem too10:22
bizmatedo i need to install nautilus?10:24
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sixwheeledbeastis it not installed? I use another flavour so not sure what vanilla ubuntu is using for file manager now.10:37
stuffandthingsshould be nautilus10:48
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the_bofhhey there, just a quick question on the latest OpenSSH vulnerability;  I've got dpkg -s openssh-server | grep Version ==> Version: 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1011:06
the_bofhCanonical's pages say it's the patched version but I haven't run any apt updates or anything of that sort to some of my servers in months, so I'm wondering if there's a versioning discrepancy or do I actually have a fixed version (22.04.x) ...11:07
the_bofhravage: yep, that's the one! been wondering how can some of my Ubuntu Servers already be running that version, did it auto-patch via snap or something?11:08
ravageprobably unattended-upgrades is running11:08
ravagecheck for both. i dont recall the name11:09
ravageneed my coffee first11:09
the_bofhravage: ah yes! it must be unattended-updates, systemctl shows that it's been up and running for almost half a year now :o) *cough*11:12
the_bofhI saw the CVE and was wondering how some of my servers showed up as being up-to-date although I haven't updated them in a while, but that'd explain it for sure.11:13
ravageenglish please11:18
ravagealso the Administrator is not in today11:19
Guest20fuck you11:20
ravagehave a nice day too11:20
Saksham_BabaI have this rule where I only talk to strangers on the Internet about pizza. So, thin crust or deep dish?11:26
Guest91who wanna join the fuck party with me tonight11:41
Guest91i have huge dick11:41
Guest91I fuck you11:41
Guest91u fuck me11:41
Guest91let's cum11:41
Saksham_BabaLet’s just skip to the important stuff: Chunky or smooth peanut butter?11:45
* zaggynl slaps Guest91 around a bit with a large trout11:45
BluesKajHi all11:54
Guest91let's have a group fuck party today11:55
Guest91send me ur dick pic11:55
Guest91let me fuck u11:55
Guest91and you fuck me as well11:55
Guest91we can cum on each other's chest11:55
Guest91send dick pic11:56
Guest91see if yours or mine is bigger longer darker11:56
BluesKajfuck off asshole11:56
Guest91i'm horny11:56
Guest91yeah cmon let's fuck!!!!11:56
Guest91fuck HARD11:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant11:56
Guest91REALLY HARD!!!!!!!!!11:56
kimowhat !ops mean?11:57
kimois it a irc command?11:57
sixwheeledbeastswitching the bat-singal on11:58
ravagemost of the time it has a broken light bulb though11:58
Saksham_BabaChoose your own adventure: Brunch date, hiking date, or movie date?11:58
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
fwehtwhy dont i see my pinned folders from the file manager in the open file dialogue in vscode?12:41
fwehtah sorry i do see the pinned folders but i also see all the folders which i unpinned like Videos, Photos, etc.12:42
BodsdaHi, I'm having an issue with my mouse. When holding down the LMB it will randomly produce a ButtonRelease event even if I am still holding it. This is happening with both bluetooth and wired, through a hub and through on-board USB slots. xev recognises the ButtonPress and the phantom ButtonRelease events. This is happening on both Ubuntu 24.04 and12:43
BodsdaFedora 40. I'm at a loss on how to troubleshoot further, I don't think it's a hardware issue identically affecting 2 different mice. Any ideas?12:43
i-have-got-a-reaI HAVE GOT A REALLY LONG DICK!12:48
fwehtalso how to set xkbmap options permanently?12:51
spicy-frogI want my dick sucked12:52
toomanyHello World!13:35
Liblxhi toomany13:40
toomanywanna have sex?13:40
LiblxSince some days I get multiple message boxes saying errors occured but no reason mentioned. I've got Ubuntu 22.04. How can I find more about these errors?13:42
Guest72what are some decent websites for gay porn13:42
pragmaticenigma!ops | Guest7213:43
ubottuGuest72: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant13:43
Guest72suck my dik13:43
Guest72suck it13:43
lotuspsychj3Liblx: usualy when Ubuntu gives an error, you can unfold the details on that window13:45
Guest3210Fedora is the best Linux distro13:45
Guest3210Fedora is the best Linux distro13:45
Guest3210Fedora is the best Linux distro13:45
Guest3210Fedora is the best Linux distro13:45
Guest3210Fedora is the best Linux distro13:45
lotuspsychj3Liblx: other than that, you can check your journal logs or dmesg too13:45
Liblxlotuspsychj3: not with these. just little windows. nothing in.13:45
Guest51Fedora vs Ubuntu, which one si better?13:46
lotuspsychj3Liblx: check /var/crash dir too, maybe related items in there13:46
Liblxthanks lotuspsychj313:47
Liblxi check that first13:47
Liblxany experience with many error boxes without any info?13:47
pragmaticenigmaLiblx: in the past, when I've gotten those, it has been from packages installed from 3rd party repositories. Which may not be compiled with options for Ubuntu to see what errors are emitted from the application when it crashes. Also, custom programs I have written that I have setup to run in cron have also triggered vague error messages when they fail.13:50
i_am_muscularFedora is the best13:50
Liblxlotuspsychj3: thank you very much. i'll check those.13:51
pragmaticenigmaLiblx: your best option is what was mentioned earlier, look in /var/crash to see what's in there. If anything, there will hopefully be an execution path of the application that crashed. /var/crash is the staging area for Ubuntu for crash reports, pending the user to click submit13:51
Liblxlotuspsychj3: that's exactly what i need. and there are about 4 files inside.13:52
fwehthow to make setxkbmap permanent?14:14
pragmaticenigmafweht: Usually you add it to the end of the file in `~/.profile` (if the .profile doesn't exist you can create it)14:17
fwehtthank you!14:17
fweht`/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d` also ok?14:19
pragmaticenigmafweht: no14:22
fwehtbecause it doesnt work or bc bad customs?14:23
pragmaticenigmaxorg is deprecated, so it's will eventually go away or become less common. xorg.conf files should be reserved for things specific to the display server to work, not customizations. making such things global is not a good idea because it can come back to haunt later, when something goes wrong but now the keyboard isn't working right because you can't get to the configuration file14:25
pragmaticenigmaalso, the appropriate place for a global change like that would be /etc/profile ... but again not recommended for the similar reasons. .profile is read by the login manager which is a preferred approach, as when you exit an active session, the customizations are removed for the login manager screen14:26
Guest24ddtfuck me14:29
* Liblx closes temporarily because of the spam.14:31
fwehtpragmaticenigma: thanks for the info!14:33
fwehtif xorg goes away, does that mean i cant use xfce anymore :(14:34
pragmaticenigmafweht: xfce developers are hard at work on wayland compatibility https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland_roadmap14:35
pragmaticenigmafrom the last article I recall, xfce runs in wayland. There's just miscellaneous tools and applications that XFCE project make that still need porting14:37
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
fwehtreally cool14:44
fwehti still need to checkout gnome classic shell though, maybe ill like it even better than xfce, but xfce is pretty cool imo14:45
tuxicktrying autoinstall on noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img  gives me "Skipping autoinstall module. Expected one of the Ubuntu installer snap packages to be present: subiquity, ubuntu-desktop-installer"15:02
tuxickam i doing something wrong?15:02
ogra_tuxick, i think the cloud images only have cloud-init on them and no installer at all15:27
ogra_for autoinstall you will likely need the normal server image15:28
ogra_(try asking on #ubuntu-server, they might know even more)15:28
tuxickok thanks15:29
=== ayjay_t_ is now known as ayjay_t
belovedsandwormsup boo18:11
madogi im rollapp18:11
madogcan you hack rollapp18:12
bparkerwhere's the patches for 20.04 ?18:19
nyo2hi I font my sshd port changed, can it happen by itself for some odd reason?18:20
pragmaticenigmabparker: it's not required for 20.04... 20.04 isn't running a vulnerable version18:20
tomreynbparker: 20.04 LTS is also known by its release name, "focal". And when you click on the link on the bottom of the page you listed, you'd have learnt what pragmaticenigma just explained.18:21
pragmaticenigmabparker: also see this: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-638718:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A signal handler race condition was found in OpenSSH's server (sshd), where a client does not authenticate within LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default, 600 in old OpenSSH versions), then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>18:22
tomreynthe link listed under Refences, that is18:22
tomreynnyo2: i can't think of a reason the port sshd is listening on would change by itself, no. maybe the external port changed due to firewall / NAT reconfiguration?18:24
nyo2no firewall is ok18:24
nyo2I have just run rkhunter to see if there are other things...18:24
nyo2so it is just hacking ok18:25
nyo2but ssh has only key auth so they font the key to enter as well as the username....18:26
tomreynrkhunter is not entirely useless when you expect the system has been compromized AND backdoored. it's hardly a useful intrusion detection and not an intrusion prevention tool, though18:26
nyo2this is a pc at home, I am on holiday, it manages security cameras...18:27
nyo2I can ssh to it still18:27
nyo2it is ubuntu 23.10, has it a vulnerable sshd ?18:28
pragmaticenigmanyo2: How are you able to connect if the port changed, how did you figure out the new port remotely?18:28
nyo2I did nmap18:29
nyo2it went to port 22 so I tried it and it worked with key auth18:30
tomreyn23.10 is known as mantic, and ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387 can be read as "mantic is affected, openssh version 1:9.3p1-1ubuntu3.6 provides the fix"18:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A signal handler race condition was found in OpenSSH's server (sshd), where a client does not authenticate within LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default, 600 in old OpenSSH versions), then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>18:30
nyo2if I recall right it also says host changed18:30
tomreynnote that mantic (23.10) has almost reached end of life.18:30
nyo2ok so is just that18:30
nyo2yes I have to upgrade but to keep a story short, the server was a pc that I barely use and I had to run for holidays and haven't had time to update ubuntu18:31
nyo2also because after update I should have checked if everything was working ok, scripts, etc18:31
pragmaticenigmanyo2: the exploit is extremely difficult to pull off and most exploits at this time are using it as a denial of service. Chances of your home connection being the target of a hacker are limited, but not entirely none. However, the goal of an attacker would be to not give away any indication they were on your system. So to randomly change a port doesn't sound like anything more than a forgetfullness about how you configured things before18:32
pragmaticenigmayou left home.18:32
tomreyndon't allow for password authentication to sshd, use key authentication only. don't expose it ont he default port. better yet, hide it behind a modern vpn such as wireguard instead.18:33
nyo2if I just update sshd with apt will I solve this? I have not physical access to this pc so if something during the sshd update goes wrong I cannot access to this pc18:33
nyo2yes the port change is strange, an attacker could just have had left things as they were and the system compromised18:34
bparkertomreyn: does disabling passwords even prevent this recent CVE from being exploited though?18:34
pragmaticenigmaif you are concerned, the only thing I would do remotely is power down the system. trying to update the system over ssh is not recommended18:34
nyo2I have key auth only on that host18:34
bparkerpragmaticenigma: lmao18:35
nyo2yes I thought the same but cameras are needed18:35
bparkernobody is going to do that, and that's quite an alarmist position18:35
tomreynbparker: i'm not sure about this, i haven't seen enough technical details about the vulnerability to tell. this was a generic recommendation.18:35
bparkeralmost everyone updates their system over ssh, especially on servers18:35
bparkerwithout issues 99% of the time18:35
pragmaticenigmabparker: perhaps you haven't enjoyed a mid update network decides to go down while remotely running an apt update... but I have... and it sucks when you can't reach the machine anymore18:35
nyo2if I just update sshd with apt, config files remains the same?18:36
bparkerpragmaticenigma: no, because I use screen/tmux18:36
pragmaticenigmaespecially since the update in question is to update sshd, the very thing they're connected through18:36
bparkerso the network is not tied to the update18:36
bparkernyo2: yes18:37
nyo2ok going to update sshd18:37
pragmaticenigmanyo2: as mentioned earlier, make sure you are using tmux or screen when doing that18:37
nyo2I know screen18:37
pragmaticenigmaif the connection goes down, your session terminates and so does the update18:37
nyo2screen has terminated after I sent sudo screen apt-get upgrade sshd18:40
pragmaticenigmanyo2: Launch screen as a local user, then run your `sudo apt-get` commands inside the screen session18:41
nyo2problem is that now it wants to update also other packages, 450 mb in total18:42
nyo2I am wondering if should avoid this update18:42
nyo2alsa-ucm-conf apt apt-utils bind9-dnsutils bind9-host bind9-libs dpkg libapt-pkg6.0 libdpkg-perl libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 linux-firmware ppa-purge snapd vim-common vim-tiny xxd18:43
nyo2is what it wants to update18:43
nyo2something can go wrong, also because the connection is from an usb-modem18:43
nyo2so I think better I leave it as it is...18:44
pragmaticenigmanyo2: can't really make that determination for you. personally, I wouldn't. But I also don't let updates lapse as long to accumulate such a massive update size.18:46
nyo2ok thanks you all guys18:46
pragmaticenigmaif all that's attached are cameras, and you don't have any other machines with sensitive stuff at home running... just take care of it when you get back18:46
nyo2I leave as it is, in the end that computer doesn't has sensitive data18:46
nyo2just my gmail psw18:46
nyo2but without OTP they cannot access18:47
nyo2thanks again, bye18:47
junyxAnyone have any experience installing ubuntu on a framework laptop? Just curious of any issues faced18:53
pragmaticenigmaI though Ubuntu was one of the choices for install direct from the factory18:53
junyxpragmaticenigma I'm not seeing that on the website but I do recall that was the option before18:54
junyxI think they only do windows 11 now18:54
oerheksframework gives guides18:55
pragmaticenigmajunyx: I just noticed that too, I know that they test their machines using Ubuntu. They do have a focus on making sure their machines are linux compatible as much as possible.18:55
pragmaticenigmajunyx: Here's some documentation on Ubuntu/Fedora support for Framework machines: https://knowledgebase.frame.work/en_us/officially-supported-vs-compatible-linux-distributions-ByVPFgyTs18:57
junyxThanks pragmaticenigma18:57
tomreyntheir online shop has a "DIY Edition" (building the device and installing Linux yourself) vs "Pre-Built" option. the latter comes with the Windows OS pre-installed.18:57
junyxtomreyn yeah that's pretty cool. I want to build it myself. I've never built a full laptop before18:57
pragmaticenigmajunyx: Interesting fact: Framework builds all their machines at the factory, the DIYs go through the extra step of being disassembled before they get sent to you.18:58
JanCthats' part of QA I suppose18:59
JanCanyway, offtopic for this channel, so probably better move this to #ubuntu-offtopic or #hardware or so18:59
junyxJanC are you an op of the channel?19:00
JanCno, why is that relevant?19:01
junyxpragmaticenigma yeah that's weird that they disassemble it at the factory. Is it just for people who want the experience of building their own?19:01
junyxSounds like it would just increase their operating costs19:03
pragmaticenigmajunyx: components have to be tested assembled to provide accurate QA. but we should probably focus on Ubuntu going forward19:06
JanCat least here; there are other channels available  :)19:08
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tekisui09hello anyway to solve tearfree ?20:26
tekisui09on 18.04 it was a simple fix20:26
pragmaticenigmatekisui09: without details of your current system, it's really hard to provide an answer to your question20:27
tekisui09ah it has nvidia gpu, i read nvidia and ubuntu are not best friend20:28
pragmaticenigmathose are not the kind of details we're needing20:28
tekisui09well there some glitch with ubuntu and nvidia20:29
tekisui09it was easy to fix on 18.0420:29
oerhekson what ubuntu version now?20:30
pragmaticenigmaThat doesn't help me to help you in any way. I need details about your current system What version of ubuntu, what type of CPU, what type of GPU, how much RAM, are you running a Wayland session or X-server. Are you trying to run games under steam using proton, and if so have you checked to see if said games are well supported20:30
oerheksi would start wirth details  about what nvidia gpu20:30
tekisui09it´s more watching movies, it tears20:31
tekisui09geforce gt53020:31
oerheksnvidia-driver-390 should work fine20:37
oerheksmaybe you can add !HWE20:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:38
epaphusHi. I have UIbuntu 22.04 Jammy. I noticed that the regreSSHion vulnerability in OpenSSH affects versions " versions from 8.5p1 to 9.7p1 running on glibc-Linux, are vulnerable" I run OpenSSH_8.9p1    so.. does this mean iam vulnerable? I have the updates applied .20:38
oerheksyes, see the changelog? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh20:40
tomreynepaphus: can you tell by looking at https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387 ?20:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A signal handler race condition was found in OpenSSH's server (sshd), where a client does not authenticate within LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default, 600 in old OpenSSH versions), then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>20:40
oerheksnot vulnerable anymore, if you rebooted20:40
tekisui09ok, thanks i will first try to switch the driver, then need to tinker a bit more20:40
epaphusoerheks help me to understand? https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387  its not obvious... i ran apt-get update and it didnt find any new packages to apply. How can I make sure the correct package was applied that fixes this?20:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A signal handler race condition was found in OpenSSH's server (sshd), where a client does not authenticate within LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default, 600 in old OpenSSH versions), then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>20:41
tomreynepaphus: use    apt list --installed openssh    or    dpkg -l openssh    to tell which version you have installed. don't rely on the version number the running openssh process reports.20:43
epaphustomreyn: I tried that, but it doesnt yield anything.. dpkg-query: no packages found matching openssh20:50
epaphus dpkg -l | grep openssh-server20:51
epaphusii  openssh-server                     1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1020:51
epaphusSo how can I be sure the correct update was applied?20:51
oerhekscompare that to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh  ??20:51
oerheksand read the changelog20:52
oerheksand your dpkg log should show this update.20:54
tomreynepaphus: sorry, i got the package name wrong20:59
JanCtearing when playing movies also depends on the application used for playing movies20:59
JanC(potentially depends)20:59
pragmaticenigmaepaphus: dpkg is reporting you have `1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.10` which matches the listed package on https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387  for jammy. Which means you should be patched at this point. Ultimately if you regularly apply updates as they become available to you, you really should not have anything to worry about. Validation is a good idea and the best source is to list what dpkg lists for your installed packages and compare21:01
pragmaticenigma that to any changelog for the package, or articles referencing the patched version for your specific ubuntu version.21:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A signal handler race condition was found in OpenSSH's server (sshd), where a client does not authenticate within LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default, 600 in old OpenSSH versions), then sshd's SIGALRM handler is called asynchronously. However, this signal handler calls various functions that are not async-signal-safe, for example, syslog(). <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>21:01
epaphuspragmaticenigma thank you!21:14
junyxThat was pretty quick. Upgraded my server from 20.04 to 22.04 and it only took less than 20 minutes22:39
chandoohi I have issues with bluetooth. i can detect the device but fail to connect22:42
chandooerror is "Device added successfully but failed to connect"22:42
chandooits a bluetooth gps device22:43
chandoohow to troubleshoot this issue22:43
chandoothis should make serial connection via bluetooth22:45
junyxchandoo you can check sudo service bluetooth status22:48
chandoojunyx,          └─nv-bluetooth-service.conf22:49
chandoo   Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-07-02 15:06:11 EDT; 3h 43min ago22:49
junyxHmm ok. So you have bluetooth active. Do you have another bluetooth device you can test? Maybe its the device you're using22:50
chandooother device i have same issue22:50
junyxOk. I'll let someone else answer. That's the extent of my knowledge with bluetooth22:51
chandoomy guess is it not able to make /dev entry for the bluetooth22:51
junyxchandoo what ubuntu version are you on?22:53
chandoobionic 1822:54
chandooI see this in bluetoothctl Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress22:54
junyxMaybe its a driver problem. I don't think new drivers are supported on 1822:54
chandoomy gps is pretty old, holux gpslim 23622:55
chandooit can discover pair, but failed to connect , not sure what else i can do22:56
chandooi am using Nvidia jetson nano22:56
junyxUnless someone else responds, my idea would be try to live load into a 22.04 or 24.04 image and see if you still have the issue. If you do then its probably an unsupported driver22:56
junyxIf you don't* then it's probably...22:58
chandoojunyx, i pretty much like to have 24, I am not able to find any image for jetson nano23:02
chandoonvidia only does bionic23:02
junyxOh ok23:02
chandooI am not sure if i can install ubuntu 24 directly23:03
enigma9o7Are you using the hwe kernel?  There is a chance 5.4 has the driver but not 4.15 chandoo23:04
enigma9o7And they were suggesting tryint to boot ubuntu 24 live as a test; that'll give you an idea if its likely to install, and if it picks up your device that's not working on 18.04/bionic.23:04
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
chandooLinux nano 4.9.337-tegra #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 11 16:07:05 PDT 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux23:05
enigma9o7There are also different versions of bluetooth, so maybe your machine is old and only supports bluetooth 1-3, and your device is new and only supports version 4-5, in which case, no drivers gunna do anything.23:05
enigma9o7Hmmm well that's a custom kernel, and arm64, so I dunno about that.23:06
enigma9o7ubuntu 18.04 normally has 4.15 kernel and hwe version is 5.4; so dunno why you have 4.923:06
enigma9o7but it  ay be speciality oem build23:07

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