
=== antonispgs7 is now known as antonispgs
Guest25I have really long dick and I want to fuck a hairy muscular man01:38
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gebbionehi all05:49
gebbioneany suggestions for the following? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78700358/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu06:14
=== remy__ is now known as Remy
=== neo|desktop is now known as neo
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=== deepSleep is now known as Guest1404
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=== root is now known as Guest8867
Guest10hi all12:39
Guest10i did what u said yesterday12:39
Guest10Shift at start, network and root (shell)12:39
Guest10i asked if i have to do "ENTER" or "CTRL-D"12:41
Guest10mi hanno detto di fare Shift all'avvio, network and root (shell)12:45
Guest10mi chideva se fare ENTER oppure CTRL+D cosa dovevo fare?12:45
Guest10c'ho sempre il solito problema che non parte il sistema operativo, chiede logic con username e password all'avvio12:45
Guest10ho fatto questi tentativi che mi sono stati suggeriti anche qui12:46
Guest10https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-mYcblckZr19QhX1U7i0x4Re-lDlH2tD/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nbBRVAXJHR2Up0GP0mVXdUrfCllTdEl/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-oJZDOetE1iiiiPW4Tea0qkx-tReN0BP/view?usp=sharing12:46
Guest10excuse me, i wrong chat windows12:54
vladoskihow can I get easily all the packages installed from a ppa?13:19
leftyfbvladoski: why would you want to do such a thing?13:19
vladoskii just wanna know all the packages that I've installed from that PPA so I can remove them and remove the PPA since it's not longer needed13:20
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:20
leftyfbah, I see. A difference in wording13:20
xanguammm I don't think those instructions are updated13:21
leftyfbapt-cache policy $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall$ | awk '{ print $1 }') | perl -e '@a = <>; $a=join("", @a); $a =~ s/\n(\S)/\n\n$1/g;  @packages = split("\n\n", $a); foreach $p (@packages) {print "$1: $2\n" if $p =~ /^(.*?):.*?500 http:\/\/ppa\.launchpad\.net\/(.*?)\s/s}'13:21
vladoskileftyfb, your script works with other apt repositories that are not ppa right?13:29
vladoskiif I change the regex13:29
vladoskiand also how can I remove that repo?13:37
vladoskii've tried doing add-apt-repository --remove <repo>13:37
vladoskiit doesn't work13:37
leftyfbremove the file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:37
BluesKajHi all13:42
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BluesKajHi all14:33
TrevorHiya, BluesKaj. :)14:45
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K3ALAdoes anyone have a good guide to creating a customized guest profile on 24.04?14:47
BluesKajhey Trevor14:47
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sprokkelDoes anyone know how to send audio from one ubuntu to another using pipewire? I can't find anything usefull on google.17:24
* MassiveAttack hi all17:39
=== five618480333 is now known as five61848033
=== antonis is now known as ntany
fursprokkel: As far as i'm aware pipewire doesn't provide functionality of streaming but in theory you should be able to do that through pulseaudio as pipewire is almost fully compatible with it20:30
furOr just going the easy way with de.haeckerfelix.AudioSharing from flathub20:31
sprokkelfur: thanks i'll look into it.21:31
junyxIs there a nicer way of printing the time it took the system to start up instead of the default output from systemd-analyze? Which is Startup finished in 2.893s (kernel) + 5.700s (userspace) = 8.593s. I want to be able to capture this value to do other work21:49
jeremy31junyx: I use a stopwatch as that info isn't always accurate21:51
junyxjeremy31 like a physical hand held stop watch?21:51
jeremy31junyx: yes21:52
junyxjeremy31 I don't think thats going to work for my use case. I need to capture it for automated work21:52
oerhekssystemd-analyze critical-chain or systemd-analyze plot > boot.svg21:55
sprokkelfur: I tried AudioSharing and it's working very good.21:57
sprokkelfur: thanks for the tip!21:57
=== mike is now known as Guest6663
Roeyhi.  why is my sound so garbled over a bluetooth headset?  I used "pactl list" to find out more information. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RDXrRHSCd2/  <- I don't know which profile this thing is using.  Am I even looking at the right entry? there are a bunch of entries in the output of "pactl list".22:52
sarnold/  :)22:54
oerhekscheck for firmware? https://www.nielsvandermolen.com/bluetooth-headphones-ubuntu/ i use this a lot to scan, connect, trust devices.23:03
jsmoothI'm having trouble accessing a web project on Android phone, using http://<ip-address> in browser. Im' using Ubuntu in WSL 2.23:33
jsmoothFor the server, that is, Ubuntu in WSL 223:33
jsmoothI thought it would just work on a WiFi network, but it's not.23:34
Roey<oerheks> check for firmware? https://www.nielsvandermolen.com/bluetooth-headphones-ubuntu/ i use this a lot to scan, connect, trust devices. <- ok one momen23:38
Roeyoerheks: [489806.300078] Bluetooth: hci0: SCO packet for unknown connection handle 623:39
matrix1boa noite23:39
matrix4_fala miller23:45
matrix1miller é preto23:48
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:48
sarnoldjsmooth: some router/firewall gizmos prevent wifi devices from contacting each other23:54
sarnoldjsmooth: what's the error message you get?23:54
jsmoothIt times out23:54
sarnoldjsmooth: can you contact the server via other devices on the network?23:55
sarnoldtimes out suggests a firewall that drops packets23:55
jsmoothActually, the printer/scanner doesn't work either23:55
sarnoldthat's a vote for double-checking the admin interface in the wifi/router/firewall gizmo :)23:55
jsmoothHmm. Well I don't have admin access I don't think, but I'll check about that23:56
jsmoothI know when trying to reinstall the router it says drivers are not available23:57
jsmoothWe decided the printer got too old23:57

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