[07:03] good morning, please take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/817486 [07:52] ruinedyourlife, good morning, please take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/817486 [07:52] hey there, on it ^^ [07:56] ricotz, done! ill reply on asnwers.launchad.net too (: [07:56] ruinedyourlife, thank you very much! :) [07:56] yw <3 [12:43] since the last attempt at opening the translations failed, we will try again now [12:43] therefore, some essential services will be stopped [12:43] same as last time, we'll get everything back up asap! [14:17] due to my mistake attempting this during a long-transaction job, i cannot proceed with the openings yet [14:17] im restoring the services now [14:17] once that job is finished, ill announce an other (i hope) quick downtime to retry this [14:17] sorry everyone [15:06] back to opening translations, quick downtime i hope [15:06] sorry for the inconvenience :heart: [15:42] starting the services again [17:22] s390x is stuck at cleaning...