[02:13] good morning === deepSleep is now known as Guest8741 === deepSleep is now known as Guest496 === deepSleep is now known as Guest2064 === deepSleep is now known as Guest4745 === deepSleep is now known as Guest36 === deepSleep is now known as Guest4134 === deepSleep is now known as Guest6465 === deepSleep is now known as Guest6394 === deepSleep is now known as Guest6937 === deepSleep is now known as Guest6685 === deepSleep is now known as Guest5346 === deepSleep is now known as Guest2274 === deepSleep is now known as Guest86 === deepSleep is now known as Guest5048 === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [14:31] tomreyn: hey let me know if I'm muddying the waters... Might be better if I don't confuse things [14:31] sem: i'm glad you're helping, too, thanks [14:33] Glad to hear it :) [14:54] sem: hope you don't mind me pushing it over to you? i want to have some food and i think you'll be able to help them just fine. [14:54] Not at all! [14:55] If it's more complicate than sudo ubuntu-drivers install I'll run into trouble though [14:55] cool, thanks. personally, i'd just try sudo ubuntu-drivers install (so try the autoinstall) and hope this selects the right driver series and it just works after reboot [14:56] if this would not work i'd have them sudo apt purge nvidia* again and then find out which GPU they actually have: lspci -knnd ::0300 | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:57] and then check the nvidia website to try to understand which driver series they recommend for this very model (which is a pain) [14:57] and then have them install that very series [14:57] so, for example: sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia:535 [14:58] good luck, bbl [15:01] you can have them run export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 or just export LANG= to get english output, i would think [15:37] lspci isn't showing his nvidia card. At this point I suspect hardware but advised him to try lspci on the live usb and possibly reinstall if that works [17:19] sem: sorry, the command i provided would only list the first gpu. you could have used lspci -nn | nc termbin.com 9999 instead, this would show all pci devices [17:40] Oh well [17:42] I almost asked him to run lspci | grep nvidia just in case because I didn't know what those lspci flags do. But at that point I forged ahead [17:43] I thought he would share the termbin link but he didn't [17:56] thanks for taking over, though