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slingamnthe 24.04 graphical installer is crashing for me with https://gist.githubusercontent.com/slingamn/6e04954ca367f3d4d3309f71881cb340/raw/801ef45095e19acb5a323ec72c550a113caaf1b2/gistfile1.txt , has anyone seen this before?02:43
slingamnJul 04 02:27:08 ubuntu gnome-shell[2663]: DING: [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue02:43
slingamn"safe graphics" seeems to have fixed it02:55
slingamnis there a way to force subiquiti to do a MBR install?03:20
rboxMBR? what is this, 1980s?03:21
tomreynslingamn: i think if you create the partition table before starting the server install you can do that, but i'm not certain.03:26
bparkergpt/efi is bloat03:27
slingamnthis system is really old (it's a lga 775 motherboard from...2007?) and my initial install was unbootable03:28
slingamn"no system disk"...i think the bios doesn't like the gpt + bios boot partition03:29
Tingoslingamn: check BIOS of System.. if it has SecureBoot option Disable it..03:29
slingamnit doesn't03:30
slingamnthis is a https://support.hp.com/us-en/product/details/hp-compaq-dc7900-convertible-minitower-pc/378489203:30
tomreynthat's... old hardware03:35
slingamnyeah :-D just scratching an itch really03:35
slingamnit has a Core 2 Quad Q9500, 8 GB of DDR2, and a Radeon R7 450 4 GB03:37
tomreynquite a large pocket calculator03:37
slingamnvery power hungry too03:38
slingamnthat said03:38
Tingoslingamn: which OS are you trying to install on it ?03:38
slingamnit ran 22.04 desktop quite smoothly for the proverbial "web browsing and office" workload03:38
slingamni'm trying to do 24.04 desktop now03:38
slingamni think precreating the MBR table might have worked03:39
slingamn(it also ran Win10 decently and could even play some games)03:39
slingamna trick i've used on this generation of hardware is to `cryptsetup reencrypt` the filesystem with adiantum03:43
slingamnor specifically xchacha12,aes-adiantum-plain6403:43
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tomreyninstalling an ssd might be the better hack03:54
slingamnoh, i did :-)03:54
slingamnit has a 160 GB SATA SSD03:54
slingamnand also a 1 TB spinnydisk left over from when i bought it03:55
tomreynthen i would hope you could use aes-xts-plain03:56
slingamnit's a CPU performance issue03:56
slingamnCore 2's don't have AES-NI03:56
tomreynoh right that came later03:57
slingamnthey also don't have POPCNT or SSE4.2 which causes some interesting incompatibilities03:57
slingamnprecreating the MBR table worked in the sense that subiquiti did a proper MBR install, but it still won't boot...not sure what the deal is03:57
slingamni'm going to try 22.04.4 as a sanity check03:58
tomreynwhere does it get stuck?03:58
slingamninstall completes successfully, on reboot the bios prints "No system disk or disk error"03:59
tomreynand it's set to boot off the correct device?03:59
tomreyndoes the bios boot menu confirm that?03:59
slingamnit doesn't distinguish the drives, but that's a good idea, let me try unplugging the spinnydisk03:59
slingamnbtw thanks for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-8.0/+bug/185758404:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1857584 in mysql-8.0 (Ubuntu Hirsute) "MySQL X protocol port 33060 listening on network by default" [Undecided, Fix Released]04:01
tomreynhehe, my pleasure. i'm not sure why this got no cve, really04:02
slingamnoh nice04:04
slingamnunplugging the drive fixed it04:04
slingamnthis mainboard is bad lol04:04
tomreynmaybe if you just remove the boot flag off the partitions on this disk it will be fine?04:05
slingamni deleted the partition table entirely...this mainboard does a weird thing where it remembers the "storage configuration"04:06
slingamnand if you add or remove a drive, it prompts you to confirm the change04:06
slingamnso i think it somehow got convinced that the spinnydisk was the correct boot drive04:06
tomreynhmm it would probably have to store that in nvram, and shortening the cmos battery with the right jumper might solve it IF it can't be done in the bios setup utility.04:08
slingamnyeah that sounds right04:08
slingamni think i can just plug the drive back in and it'll work04:08
slingamnthat didn't work, but swapping which SATA ports the drives were using did04:12
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gebbionehi all, any suggestions about the below? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1519517/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu06:44
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fwehtis the ubuntu philosophy to always prefer snap when a package is available on both, apt and snap?08:22
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youndercockpit keeps saying upgrades are available when the update manager said they are phased. What does that mean? I mean I know Ubuntu deferred them for any number of reasons, I also know how to get around it. I just don't know why08:48
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lotuspsychj3!phasedupdates | younder09:56
ubottuyounder: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.09:56
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u0_a287hi everyone11:57
BluesKajHi all12:21
simon_so I have got a question13:25
simon_is lubuntu the same safu like ubuntu?=)13:25
xanguaSame, but lxqt simon_13:32
Guest74Hi os doesn't start13:32
Guest74how can i resolve?13:32
tomreynGuest74: is this a new install? which ubuntu version? where do you get stuck?13:32
Guest74no new13:32
semGuest74: can you give more details? The more you can tell us the better idea we'll get13:33
haydenmtmm accel photos settings13:33
Guest74https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-mYcblckZr19QhX1U7i0x4Re-lDlH2tD/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nbBRVAXJHR2Up0GP0mVXdUrfCllTdEl/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-oJZDOetE1iiiiPW4Tea0qkx-tReN0BP/view?usp=sharing13:33
Guest74tomreyn 22.0413:33
Guest74now i'm from live usb13:33
Guest74os from hd doesn't start13:34
Guest74sem it ask me username and password at start up13:34
Guest74tomreyn i try to purge nvidia13:36
semGuest74: your attachments aren't working for me. Is it booting up to a text console? Did you make any changes recently?13:36
Guest74i tried sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop13:36
Guest74but it doesn't work13:36
Guest74sem they are just photo of the screen13:37
Guest74like this https://images.app.goo.gl/CYBjdc86gMe8zGnw513:37
tomreyndid you run   sudo apt update   beforehand?13:38
Guest74sem i didn't any changes, just regular use13:38
semBest of luck -- this page might be useful https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation13:38
semWhat do you mean by "Guest74: tomreyn i try to purge nvidia"13:39
Guest74tomreyn i regularly update all both from "Software" "Ubuntu software" and "Updates and software" which ubuntu automatically suggest me to do13:40
Guest74A person adiviced me to write that command maybe for the graphical card13:41
tomreynok, but i recommend running   sudo apt update   whenever you haven't run it that same day, before you want to install software13:41
Guest74tomreyn i just do it by graphical way13:42
tomreynnormally, sure, taht's fine, but right now you're doing it on the shell13:42
tomreynso update apt sources at least once before you try to install anything else13:43
semGuest74: try what tomreyn is saying and let us know if you get any messages13:43
Guest74now i'm from live usb13:43
Guest74i have to write it in terminal?13:43
tomreyndid you chroot into the on-disk installation from the live system?13:44
Guest74but now i'm on live usb13:44
tomreynare these screenshots from the live usb system or the on-disk system?13:44
Guest74i don't know what is "chroot"13:44
Guest74tomreyn the photos are from istalled ubuntu13:44
Guest74now i'm from live usb because ubuntu doesn't start13:45
semGuest74: if I were you, I'd shut down the liveusb and boot back into the system. It will be easier to fix from the terminal once you login than from the live usb13:45
semYou can login on the installed system right? It asks for username and password?13:45
Guest74can i access the terminal referred to installed ubuntu from here?13:46
semNot easily13:46
Guest74because after it's uncomfortable to chat from smartphone13:46
semI understand13:46
Guest74terminal now13:46
tomreyni think what you mean to say is that the installed ubuntu does not reach the graphical login, but you are able to switch to y TTY and login there and work there using shell commands, right?13:47
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semHonestly it will be easier to chat from the smartphone than try and fix it from the liveusb13:47
Guest74can i access from live usb to user@user-X580VN13:47
Guest74i come back from smartphone and now reboot13:48
semUnless tomreyn has a different opinion?13:48
tomreyni agree13:48
tomreyngoing though chroot will be more difficult than using the smartphone to chat13:48
Guest74tomreyn i don't know what is TTY13:48
tomreynthe terminal13:48
tomreyntext interface13:48
Guest74i just ask if i can access position of ubuntu installed from live usb, but sem told it's worst. therefore i come back from smartphone13:49
tomreynsounds like a good decision to me13:49
Guest74ok see u later13:50
semtomreyn: do you think ubuntu-drivers will work for guest74 's situation?13:52
Guest51I came back13:54
Guest51tomreyn sem13:54
semGuest51: are you able to login with your normal username and password?13:54
tomreynsem: possibly. we don'T really know what the issue is, yet. but it might be the issue that the nvidia proprietary driver series needs to be changed. several people seem to have run into such issues lately.13:54
Guest51I also tried shift at the start.... , network.... and root (Shell) suggested by lotuspsychj313:55
Guest51It ASKED Enter or CTRL+D13:55
Guest51I didn t know What to do13:56
Guest51sem yes13:56
Guest51Usually i just put password at start13:56
semOk it's good that you can log in. What happens if you run 'sudo apt update'13:57
semJust to see what condition the system is in13:57
tomreynif you can fully boot and switch to the tty from there using ctrl-alt-f... it's actually better than using the recovery console which lotuspsychje pointed you to.13:57
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution13:58
semAh good call13:59
semI thought the system had dropped them into a virtual terminal automatically13:59
tomreynthat's also possible14:00
tomreynwell, not an emulated terminal then, but a real one14:00
tomreynGuest51: so how didto the shell now? did you fully boot then login with username and password on the text interface? or did you do what lotuspsychje suggested - as you just described?14:01
Guest51tomreyn i don t understand What press forse TTY14:02
tomreynyou're already working on tty1 according to this screenshot14:02
tomreynso all good14:02
tomreynyou have a fully booted system (just without the graphical desktop)14:03
tomreynyou have a PPA configured which does not support your ubuntu release (jammy, 22.04)14:03
tomreynthis ppa is nilarimogard/webupd814:04
tomreynyou need to remove or disable it.14:04
Guest51So what should I do?14:05
tomreynit's configuration will be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:05
tomreynlook for the configuration file and rename it to *.disabled14:05
Guest51How to do this?14:05
tomreyncd /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:05
Guest51I m just in Black screen14:06
tomreynls *webupd*14:06
tomreynthis will probably list one file?14:06
Guest51With or without asterisks?14:07
Guest51It appears.     nilarimogard-ubuntu-webupd8-jammy.list14:08
Guest51and after prompt again14:09
tomreynmv nilarimogard* *.disabled14:09
tomreyndoes this command print any output?14:10
Guest51Impossible to move14:10
Guest51Permission denied14:11
tomreyntry with sudo14:11
tomreynpress up cursor key to get the same command again14:11
tomreynthen edit it14:11
Guest51May e i wrong same space between the asterisk or words of command?14:12
tomreynyou have   nilarimogard* then a single blank space, then *.disabled14:12
Guest51Now maybe it take the commando, coz none message, just another empty line of prompt command14:13
tomreynls nilarimogard*14:13
tomreyndoes it say its file name ends with .disabled now?14:13
Guest51tomreyn i don t know where to see that14:14
tomreyntype the command i just provided:   ls nilarimogard*14:15
tomreynthat's: L S space nilarimogard*14:15
Guest51Impossible to Access 'nilarimogard*', file or directory doesn't exist14:15
tomreyncan you take another scrrenshot14:15
tomreynplease note down this url for later - you should learn at least the very basics of the shell. it's useful! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:18
tomreynplease do:  ls *.disabled14:18
tomreyndoes it show the file there?14:19
Guest51Did i wrong to type What u told me? tomreyn14:19
tomreyni think you typed properly, and the mistake is probably on my end14:19
Guest51Yes, it appears a line with.    '*.disabled'14:20
tomreynyes, my mistake, sorry.14:20
Guest51Don't worry, sorry for all the trouble, I don't understand anything about computers14:21
tomreynsudo mv '*.disabled'  nilarimogard-ubuntu-webupd8-jammy.list.disabled14:21
tomreynsorry for making you type so much14:21
tomreynyou can alternatively just remove the file, you most likely wont need it anyways14:22
tomreynsudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:22
Guest51I don t undestand14:23
tomreynjust type this:   sudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:23
Guest51I have to do even sudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:24
tomreynis this a question? then i don't know what it means.14:24
Guest51Or just previous one that is  sudo mv '*.disabled'  nilarimogard-ubuntu-webupd8-jammy.list.disabled14:24
semGuest51: yes, this command will delete the file which is causing your problem14:24
tomreynyou can omit this:   sudo mv '*.disabled'  nilarimogard-ubuntu-webupd8-jammy.list.disabled14:25
tomreynor "skip" rather14:25
Guest51Ok then do i have to type even this command sudo rm -- '*.disabled'?14:25
Guest51Tell me What IS better14:25
semsudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:26
tomreyni already did14:26
Guest51Tell me u what is better14:26
tomreynsudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:26
semYou will know it worked if it "completes silently". Then you can do "ls" to verify that the file isn't there any more14:27
Guest51U Said in alternative14:27
Guest51So i didn t understand14:27
tomreynright, i should not have provided an alternative, this was complicating it for you14:27
tomreynso please pretend as if i did not14:27
tomreynand just run   sudo rm -- '*.disabled'14:28
Guest51[16:21:54] <tomreyn> sorry for making you type so much14:28
Guest51[16:22:15] <tomreyn> you can alternatively just remove the file, you most likely wont need it anyways14:28
semGuest51: I understand. the alternative was to rename the file with the mv command, but that is not any better in this case, just another way14:28
tomreynthis is getting a bit tedious14:29
semThe command line gets easier over time, but at first every thing is new. It's all part of learning14:30
tomreynGuest51: are you still on it?14:32
Guest51tomreyn yes14:32
tomreynok. typing     sudo rm -- '*.disabled'     should not take too long, though14:33
Guest51Excuse me but i have even to use translator at each line, it s so difficiult forse me, i don t understand well the meanings of Your phrases and have to go on and back from transaltor, excuse me14:34
Guest51Photos, drive, etc... All from Phone, excuse me again14:34
tomreynoh ok, that's fine then14:34
Guest51Anyway it Said impossible to remove, file or directory doesn t exist14:35
tomreyngood. now run    sudo apt update    and post another screenshot14:36
momkenHow can I disable /cdrom from appearing in apt update?14:37
tomreynmomken: comment out the respective lines on top of /etc/apt/sources.list14:38
tomreynor, if you're using a graphical desktop, you can use the update-manager configuration tool to disable this source14:38
tomreyni forgot what this tool is called exactly14:39
tomreynGuest51: okay, apt is happy now, good! now install those pending updates: sudo apt full-upgrade14:40
Guest51tomreyn ok, after?14:40
momkentomreyn it worked, thanks dude14:41
tomreynGuest51: it's not likely that this fixed your graphics issue, yet, but to be sure, do a reboot.14:41
tomreynmomken: you're welcome14:42
Guest0tomreyn it finishes14:43
tomreyn<tomreyn> Guest51: it's not likely that this fixed your graphics issue, yet, but to be sure, do a reboot.14:44
tomreynctrl-alt-delete or type    sudo reboot14:45
Guest0No works14:46
Guest0It request me again login14:47
Guest0Textual user and pass14:47
tomreynthis was to be expected14:47
tomreynthen   sudo apt purge nvidia*14:47
tomreyndon't miss the asterisk14:47
tomreynsem: your turn ;)14:48
semHeh alright here is what we'll try next ...14:48
Guest0Updates, installed, to be remove and not updtared are all with "0"14:48
Guest0tomreyn now?14:49
tomreynGuest0: sem will provide the next steps14:50
semGuest0: just to make sure we are on the same understanding, we successfully updated the computer and removed all drivers that didn't work14:50
Guest0@sem now?14:50
semGuest0: now our task is to reinstall a graphics driver and reboot, and hopefully that will work ok14:50
semGuest0: first, are you able to translate this page, and we'll follow it together:   https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation14:51
Guest0Oh My God, so long page14:52
semFirst do this command and take a picture:    sudo ubuntu-drivers list14:52
semIt's ok, we won't need all of it14:52
Guest0Please tell me What to do because page is long and complicated and often translator is imprecise14:53
Guest0I also have some problems at My eyes :-(14:54
semGuest0 I'll walk you through it, don't worry14:54
semGuest0: First do this command and take a picture:    sudo ubuntu-drivers list14:56
semI'll be right back14:57
semOk reading15:00
semOk, next we will try the automatic installer, which should auto detect which graphics card you have and install the correct driver. Do this command and take a picture:       sudo ubuntu-drivers install15:02
Guest0So difficult for me take and share photo each time, when possible to avoid tell it me pls15:04
semOk, in that case,15:04
semRun the command and just let me know what messages you get15:05
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Guest0Anyway so much Lines, so the first ones i cannot show u15:05
semThe pictures help a lot15:05
Guest0I know15:05
Guest0Too many lines, only the last ones are visible, is this a problem?15:06
semShould be ok if I can get the overall picture15:07
semA lot of lines is sometimes normal15:07
semAnd usually the most important ones are at the end15:07
semI'll be right back again15:10
semOk reading15:12
semOk everything looks good. So now, cross your fingers and do: sudo reboot15:12
Guest0Not works15:14
Guest0Again textual login15:14
semOk, that means we have to install a different driver, but we can do a little faster now15:15
Guest0If there are long operations to do i have to go out15:15
Guest0But i can remain some other minutes15:16
semOk, in that case I'll tell you the outline first: we'll look up which driver your graphics card needs. What is your graphics card called?15:16
semOnce we know, we can use ubuntu-drivers to install that driver specifically15:16
Guest0I just Wanna know. If i want to install again all Ubuntu, do i have to create a new pendrive with the latest Version from Ubuntu.com site or using that one i already have but i createt it more than one year ago15:17
semEither way will work, but it's better to create a new one with the latest version15:17
semIt might solve your problem to reinstall the latest version if you want to do it that way15:18
Guest0I guess Nvidia geforce GTX15:18
semOk, do this:    lspci -knnd ::0300 | nc termbin.com 999915:19
semThis will give more information about the gfx card15:19
Guest0Yes but i always updated Ubuntu and all software15:19
semThis is a weird problem for sure15:20
semBut not uncommon with nvidia15:21
Guest0Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630 [8086:591b] (rev 4)15:21
Guest0Subsystem: Asustek computer inc. HD graphics 630 [1043:1b20]15:23
semLooks like it's not seeing the graphics card at all15:23
Guest0Kernel driver in use: 191515:23
Guest0Kernel modules: i9515:23
semMaybe there is a problem with your hardware :/15:24
Guest0Not 1915 before, but "kernel driver in use: i915"15:24
Guest0sem why?15:24
semThe problem is lspci should show you your nvidia gfx card if the system detected it15:25
Guest0Before Intel corporation there are other infos i forgot to write15:25
semSo if it is not detected, that might be a problem with the hardware? Does anything else say nvidia15:26
Guest000:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]15:26
semMaybe someone else will have a suggestion... I'm not sure what to do15:26
semHopefully your graphics card is ok and there is something else we can do15:27
Guest0Ok no problems15:27
Guest0Thanks sem15:27
semBut at this point, your computer is not detecting the graphics card for whatever reason15:27
Guest0If i install again Ubuntu formatting, will i resolve15:28
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Guest0If I install Ubuntu from scratch, will it solve the problem?15:29
Guest0Are u there sem?15:31
semIf it is a hardware problem, reinstalling won't help15:35
semBut you can use the live-usb to test ... It might not work. But if you run that lspci command in the live usb and you see the nvidia gfx card, then reinstalling may fix it15:36
Guest0Ok i m accessing by live usb15:38
Guest21I just wanted to understand how to redo the USB pendrive to be able to install Ubuntu with the latest version since now the operating system doesn't work15:41
Guest21from here i download the file to create the usb for install ubuntu again totally15:42
Guest21but now i'm from the same usb i should use for the installation, so i don't know how to do :-(15:42
semWhat system are you using to create the USB? Can you use another computer?15:43
Guest21i just have another old pc with lubuntu15:43
Guest21but i don't know if it works properly and good15:43
Guest21the firts time i create the pendrive usb to install ubuntu i did it from windows15:44
Guest21guide says: What you’ll need15:44
Guest21    A laptop or PC with at least 25GB of storage space.15:44
Guest21    A flash drive (12GB or above recommended).15:44
Guest21i just have another pendrive of 8 GB not 12 GB15:44
semHmm, 8 gb may be ok15:45
semI would try it anyway15:46
Guest21the current version is 24.04.15:46
Guest21Why didn't you update it when I was using the operating system which was 22.04?15:46
Guest21i always did all updates15:46
Guest21in 3 ways15:46
Guest21the app "Software" with coloured icon15:46
oerheksupgrade path LTS > LTS is not out yet.15:46
semIn my experience it doesn't update to major versions on its own15:47
Guest21The app "Ubuntu software" with orange icon15:47
oerhekswhen 24.04.1 comes out, august.15:47
Guest21and by Updates and software that ubuntu was suggesting me automatically15:47
oerheksonly 23.10 > 24.04 is out.15:47
Guest21ok oerheks thanks15:48
Guest21sem thanks a lot for all your work15:49
Guest21i ll try tomorrow or when i can, to reinstal ubuntu by creating new pendrive usb with 24.0415:49
Guest21from here right?15:50
semYes that's the one you want15:51
Guest21i asked because i don't understand if it's better from ubuntu.com or from italian site15:51
semI'm not familiar with the Italian site to be honest15:52
oerhekswhatever, same iso https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/24.04/release/15:53
semGuest21: you're welcome, best of luck!!15:59
oerheksyou have visted this channel so often, why not register a nickname?16:00
oerheksit is not that expensive ...16:00
Guest21i don't know how to does it16:02
semI'm going to try ubottu16:03
Guest21sem can i create live usb to install ubuntu from this live usb pendrive? I try to get a pendrive from some friend16:04
sem! register16:04
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera16:04
semUnless someone here says that you cannot, I am pretty sure that you can use a 8GB drive with 24.0416:04
sem12 GB is recommended because it will be faster with more space available16:05
oerheksthat 12gb is silly, iso is about 616:05
semBut 8 gb will work16:05
semLike oerheks says :)16:05
Guest21ok but my question is if i can create the new pendrive while i'm using this ubuntu on live usb that is the previous one i used to install ubuntu16:05
oerheksuse the one you have? if it had defects, it would not have written to usb16:06
semIf I understand correctly, yes you can. You would go on your older computer, erase the pendrive, and then create the new one16:06
Guest21no, the problem in on the operating system ubuntu 22.04 installed on computer16:07
simon_may I can ask why did apt install from snap?16:07
Guest21pendrive is just the same i used a year ago to install ubuntu 22.04 i guess it haven't any problem16:07
semGuest21: I don't understand your question then16:08
Guest21i just don't know i f i can create the new usb while i'm using the previous one in live usb versione by the option "TRY UBUNTU"16:08
oerhekssimon_, some packages in softwarecenter are snap, and apt would jump to that16:08
semI thought you were going to use your older Lubuntu computer to create the new pendrive16:08
semOr use a friend's computer16:08
simon_oerheks: so firefox is snap?16:09
oerheksGuest21, walking around in circles, try it?16:09
oerhekssimon_, yes16:09
simon_mhm ok16:09
simon_good to know16:09
oerheksopen terminal; snap list16:09
Guest21""""i just don't know IF i can create the new usb while i'm using the previous one in live usb versione by the option "TRY UBUNTU""16:09
Guest21oerheks I don't understad what u mean "....around in circles"16:10
Guest21now my pc is wasted16:10
simon_may I can ask why lubuntu is much slower than arch linux for example?16:10
Guest21i don't have ubuntu installed, i'm from a live usb16:11
Guest21sem why is it better from lubuntu?16:11
oerheksinstalling an iso on usb, in a live session .. no, i think that would jam the system16:11
simon_and why does my mouse turn big sometimes and why does the browser (snap version) open so slowly :P16:11
Guest21it's an old pc, i don't know if it works well and good16:11
oerheksjust use the one you have? it worked before16:11
semGuest21: earlier you told me that you had a second computer with Lubuntu installed, unless I misunderstood16:11
semThat will work fine16:12
simon_I am  the one with lubuntu sem16:12
Guest21oerheks yer but it has 22.04, the new version is 24.0516:12
Guest21anyway i mean from a live usb to ANOTHER usb, not to the same live usb i'm using for the live session of ubuntu16:13
Guest21do u understand now?16:13
simon_someone maybe knows the pkg which let my mouse become very huge? :D I want to delete it16:13
simon_yes you can do that guest2116:13
Guest21for oerheks and sem16:13
Guest21simon_ oerheks said that it would jam the system, and sem said it's better from lubuntu installed on another computer16:14
Guest21but this computer is so old, i don't know if it works well16:14
semGuest21: it's not a good idea to try to make a live usb from a live usb system16:14
oerheksagain: installing an iso on usb, in a live session .. no, i think that would jam the system16:14
simon_sem why not ? I mean both are just disks16:15
oerheksand you would need a 2nd usb16:15
oerhekssimon, no, creating an usb in a live session, downloading the iso, 6 gb, etc16:15
Guest21ok sorry, I thought you understood that I wanted to install ubuntu on the same live USB that was running ubuntu in live session16:16
simon_oerheks:  I dont see the problem in that :D16:16
oerheksmaybe if you have 16 gb ..16:16
oerheksbut that scenario is weird, not going to explain further16:16
Guest21oerheks yes i mean on a secondo usb, not on the same16:17
Guest21that's i wanna say16:17
simon_yes it is possible16:17
simon_why dont you just try it :D16:17
oerheksnot helpfull, simon_16:18
Guest21oerheks the pendrive with ubuntu live usb is 64 GB16:18
Guest21the other pendrive is 8 GB16:18
oerheks16 gb memory to work with*16:18
oerheksnot the size of usb16:18
Guest21ok i will try to create it by lubuntu16:19
Guest21by thanks all16:20
semGood luck!16:26
momkenHow can I add extracting RAR files directly in the Nautilus?16:33
momkenI search with no success16:33
oerheksrar non-free or the 7z package?16:33
oerheks!find rar16:34
ubottuFound: appmenu-registrar, coq-hierarchy-builder, dh-ada-library, fence-agents-raritan, fence-agents-raritan-px3, gle-graphics-library, golang-github-apptainer-container-library-client-dev, golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authentication-library-for-go-dev, golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt-dev, guile-library and 121 others <https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rar&searchon=names&suite=noble&section=all>16:34
oerheks!info unrar-non-free16:35
ubottuPackage unrar-non-free does not exist in noble16:35
oerheksor p7zip-full p7zip-rar16:35
oerheks!info p7zip-rar16:35
ubottup7zip-rar (16.02+transitional.1, noble): transitional package. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by p7zip-rar. Size 3 kB / 8 kB16:35
momkenoerheks Thanks for taking time. I installed packages 'rar' and 'p7zip-full' and 'p7zip-rar'16:35
momkenBut how can I add them to nautilus?16:36
oerheksi would do the last 216:36
oerheksi think one has direct access, or need to logout/login agian16:36
momkenoerheks Let me restart then. Thanks16:37
german-ferreiraHola a todos!16:45
german-ferreiraHello Everyone16:45
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german-ferreiraesto funciona?16:46
Guest16why does my ssh -V and apt changelog openssh-client or server give different versions?16:51
xxwhat do they both say?16:52
Guest16ssh -V says OpenSSH_9.3p1 Ubuntu-1ubuntu3.3, OpenSSL 3.0.10 1 Aug 202316:52
Guest16changelog says openssh (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.3) noble-security16:53
oerheksdid you reboot, after the ssh update?16:53
xxdid you run `sudo apt upgrade`?16:53
xxoerheks: wouldn't affect client16:53
Guest16yes to both16:53
xxit's possibly that staggered update system on ubuntu now16:54
Guest16I get "# OpenSSH CVE-2024-6387 has been fixed for 22.04 LTS, 23.10 and 24.04 LTS." but at the same time it says "The following packages have been kept back: openssh-client openssh-server ..."16:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead to sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>16:55
Guest16so my ssh is still vulnerable...?16:56
Guest16and I should manually upgrade it?16:56
oerheksyes, just force with; sudo apt install openssh-client openssh-server16:58
oerheksnot sure why thery are held back.. then reboot16:58
Guest16ok thanks16:58
Guest16oerheks okay strangle after I did this manual install and rebooted I got a bunch of other LTS updates as well, after reboot and redoing apt update && upgrade17:01
oerheksnice, have fun!17:02
Guest16they were held back too, before the 'sudo apt install openssh-client openssh-server'17:03
geniioerheks: Over here apt was complaining yesterday that the openssh RCE fix update was a phased update17:14
JanCgenii: do you have the security repositories enabled?17:31
momkenI rebooted but nautilus still can not extract RAR files17:33
geniiJanC: Yep. The update was successful earlier today, just the first couple times yesterday it was giving messages about the phased updates, etc17:33
simon_which ubuntu is in your opinion the best17:35
simon_lubuntu is very buggy17:35
oerheks'buggy' ?17:36
simon_yes very buggy17:36
oerhekslubuntu is the lightweightest desktop, AFAIK17:36
simon_it never saves my display settings17:36
oerheksand what are the system specs?17:37
simon_amd rx 760017:37
momkensimon_ Try XFCE edition. Lightweight and veryyyy stable. But not very beautiful17:37
momkenHow can I force nautilus to extrace RAR files?17:38
simon_momken: maybe I will just try the standart ubuntu?17:38
oerheksmom did 7zip not add something to nautilus?17:39
oerheksor open with, select ..17:39
simon_is 24.04 the most recent ubuntu?17:39
oerheks24.10 is a few months away17:40
JanCmomken: nautilus can't extract any files, but there is a fileroller plugin for it that can; it will support RAR files if you have rar or unrar installed17:40
simon_is ubuntu easy uprgradeable like debian?17:41
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sanomiadhello mates18:55
sanomiadI cannot get my ubuntu installation to boot as normal due to some issues with GRUB. I tried fixing it by following a few guides and it didn't work out for me.18:56
sanomiadI can get it to boot from the 'grub>' prompt, but fixing is where i got stuck!18:57
ExterminadorI just can think about: use a live ISO, install boot-repair, run it and see if it fixes your issue19:25
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JoeLlama-ok need to image a drive right now... what is the easiest way?  it's a 512 GB drive I don't wanna backup all the empty space too22:14
=== JoeLlama- is now known as JoeLlama
oerheksdd that partition/disk with compression22:16
JoeLlamais there a way to use dd without backup up all the unused empty space?22:16
JoeLlamaoh oerheks?22:16
oerheksalso clonezilla can do that22:16
JoeLlamaand I don22:16
JoeLlamathe compression will take care of all that extra space?22:17
JoeLlamayeah clonezilla22:17
ravageclonezilla can compress but also supports most filesystems22:17
JoeLlamabut dd can do it huh? with compression....22:17
JoeLlamawell I'd be happy with dd22:17
oerhekslets see the other channels answers22:18
JoeLlamaI am I did22:18
JoeLlamaok I think dd it is22:19
* JoeLlama goes to research22:19
JoeLlamaok thanks oerheks :) I go do dat now22:22
rboxwhat about the unused space that isn't empty?22:23
oerheksunused is unused.22:24
oerhekswhatever ghost data is there..22:24
JanCdepending on what you are trying to do you could also just archive all files (with the right permissions etc.)23:00

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