
=== matttbe1 is now known as matttbe
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
sudipI uploaded my first merge, so unsure about the process about what I need to do with the merge proposal I have opened in git-ubuntu. I have marked it as approved. but how will it get merged in git ?06:29
=== juergh_ is now known as juergh
dviererbeHi, I just finished merging dash from unstable & testing it. Could someone review  & sponsor it? https://code.launchpad.net/~dviererbe/ubuntu/+source/dash/+git/dash/+merge/46878007:45
adriensudip: your changes are not merged through git, instead it's re-imported in git based on what was uploaded08:19
adrienin some cases (not sure which), the history can be preserved in the re-import08:20
sudiphmm.. ok.. thanks adrien, though juliank uses some extra options in the builds so that the bot merges the branch... I tried to use that but didn't work in my setup, I will look over this weekend why..08:22
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
juliankadrien: sudip: to get it merged you gotta pass $(git-ubuntu prepare-upload args) to the build command or I think it also has a mangle command to mangle the .changes file, that's where it adds a bunch of fields indicating the repository and commit to merge08:49
sudipjuliank: yeah, I tried that by my dpkg-genchanges failed, I will check later tonight why.08:51
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
sudipjuliank: found the problem... :(09:02
* sudip is so ashamed of himself now :(09:02
Skiamapreri: ddstreet: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~hyask/ubuntu-dev-tools/+git/ubuntu-dev-tools/+merge/468091 ? It fixes a long standing bug, and is pending review :-)10:04
ahasenack@pilot in16:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: ahasenack
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
ahasenack@pilot out19:15
sergiodj@pilot in20:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: sergiodj
sudipjuliank: that worked, git-ubuntu bot has merged  :)20:32

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