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junyxDoes anyone know where the default nice value is set? I noticed in my system its 5 but I may want to configure that04:06
rfmjunyx, the only thing I know of is pam_umask which can set the nice value for a user based on a value in the GECOS field in /etc/passwd.04:24
junyxrfm thanks I'll look into that04:24
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LuckyMangood morning06:20
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simon_is there an ubuntu which is considered less buggy than lubuntu and ubuntu?06:37
simon_maybe kubuntu  or xubuntu?06:37
simon_I mean I could also just ignore the fact that l- and ubunutu have severe issues.06:39
momkenoerheks Good morning, Not p7zip didn't add something to nautilus right click menu!06:52
LuckyMansimon what issues?07:14
LuckyManoh he left...07:15
momkenI could open a password-protected rar file with File Roller but not with nautilus itself07:15
momkenIs it even possible to open password-protected rar files with nautilus07:16
LuckyManmomken, that's a good thing, I think.07:16
momkenLuckyMan why?07:16
LuckyManwhy would you want to use nautilus if you have File Roller?07:16
LuckyManIt's the KISS philosophy07:17
LuckyManyou want to keep it simple07:17
momkenLuckyMan Because it is easier to open files in file manager than using another program -> Better user experience07:17
LuckyManmomken, that would also mean it would be harder to catch problematic files when you open them07:18
LuckyManmomken if you really want to open rar files with a file manager that can be achieved by associating a program with that kind of file07:21
LuckyManbut I wouldn't recommend that07:21
LuckyManbtw you can use right click menu on a compressed file07:22
LuckyManalso user experience varies with what you actually do. I had problems on other OS sending a zip file over the internet because the file manager always opened the file and show it's contents instead of just showing me the .zip07:26
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aogmy system connects here periodically: connectivity-check.ubuntu.com -- any way to stop this?08:41
aogsixwheeledbeast: that shows how to setup the check not how to remove it08:44
sixwheeledbeast"If set to 0, it disables connectivity check" ?08:45
aogthough it's still present and be re-enabled by a system upgrade08:47
aogfound a way to get rid of it digging more08:47
aogapt purge network-manager-config-connectivity-ubuntu08:48
gebbioneanyone knows if arc graphics exist for noble yet? https://dgpu-docs.intel.com/driver/client/overview.html08:50
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tradingi have huge dick09:30
tradinglooking for a man to fuck09:30
zaggynlsummer trolls are out in force again I see09:50
respawnno school so kids are bored to tears09:51
panos_How can I tell if my server has been hacked by the latest ssh vuln?10:00
aogpanos_: it's very hard to hack using that vuln, in test environment on local network takes over 2 days of conn attempts to break a 32bit glibc system10:13
respawnaog, IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl10:14
aogrespawn: are you implying something?10:16
respawnjust the use of word hacking  be carefull10:17
Unit193..."hacking" is more than fine.10:17
aoglol are you nuts respawn ?10:17
respawnthe subject is against rules of channel10:17
respawnjust be carefull10:17
Unit193respawn: If he were to try and help someone do it, if he's explaining that using the vuln worried about is much more complicated...no.10:18
sixwheeledbeasti mean context...10:19
respawnmust be some command to see what version of ssh is using and witch one is afected by that10:19
Unit193https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2006-5051 should have the fixed versions.10:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Signal handler race condition in OpenSSH before 4.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash), and possibly execute arbitrary code if GSSAPI authentication is enabled, via unspecified vectors that lead to a double-free. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-5051>10:21
respawnssh -v localhost in terminal10:22
respawnto see the version10:23
Unit193Or, you know, `apt-cache policy openssh-server`..?10:24
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akatalaog:   6-8 hours, I've read:    https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/openssh-vulnerability-mitigation-cve-2024-6387-regresshion/51603/11:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead to sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387>11:37
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akatalopenssh-server is already the newest version (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.3).  Why isn't ubuntu updating sshd and keeping the vulnerable version???11:52
ravagethe version you have is patched11:54
fraxiwhere can i edit keyboard shortcuts for the gnome classic desktop? "Keyboard Layout" from the "Systems Tools" menu doesnt start.12:11
fraxifound it12:14
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)12:16
aogakatal: https://gnu.cat/blw12:17
aog6-8 hours on LAN w/ max conns setup on both systems12:19
aogwho knows how much it takes on 64bit systems + over the internet12:19
aogyou're gonna be generating lots of traffic, which will be catched, rate limited, filtered, etc..12:20
aogas i said, it's not simple to breach a system w/ this vuln12:21
BluesKajHi all12:22
aogso not to worry too much about it + it's already patched; just apt upgrade12:22
akatalOK. Thanks ravage and aog.12:26
aogthough even if you're vulnerable, you should have other systems in place like ufw w/ limit on 22, fail2ban, etc..12:27
aogwhich will make this vuln impossible to execute as it needs so many tries >10k -- which is like a brute force attack12:28
gordonjcpaog: it's a bit theoretical, isn't it?12:31
aogit's not theoretical anymore as the vuln works in test environment on 32bit systems, i'd say it's more like 'impractical' to exploit this vuln in the wild12:37
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:37
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unknown_how do you download ms office in linux13:32
larefhola buenas, hace un dia instale el ubuntu 24.04 lts pero al revisar la seguridad del sistema me aparecio un icono de alerta diciendo falto la comprobacion y en secureboot esta en verde, a alguien le paso lo mismo?13:35
ravage!es | laref13:39
ubottularef: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:39
larefHello good, a day ago I installed the ubuntu 24.04 lts but when checking the security of the system I got an alert icon saying the check was missing and in secureboot it is green, did the same thing happen to anyone?13:40
ravagecan you upload a screenshot of that icon. im not sure i know what you mean13:42
larefI don't think you can upload images here, or can you?13:43
larefIt can't be done u.u13:44
ravageyou can use imgur.com for example13:44
larefhttps:/ -- /imgtr.ee/image/ ---  INZksD13:47
larefThere's the image, just remove the hyphens13:48
larefThe verification was missing, that's what he says, a colleague told me that it is surely the TPM of the BIOS but it is enabled13:50
ravageyou can click on that13:50
ravageand it generates a report with details13:50
ravagei have that too13:50
ravagefor example: Linux Kernel Verification:                     ! Fail (Tainted)13:51
ravagei use the nvidia kernel driver13:51
ravagethat would already cause that "fail"13:51
ravageso i would not worry about it too much13:51
larefSi le doy clic y recoge toda la información de mi portátil, con un texto enorme, si solo tengo NVIDIA13:52
larefIf I clicked on it and it collects all the information from my laptop, with a huge text, if I just have NVIDIA13:52
ravageit is almost impossible not to fail this check13:54
larefonly that I worry a little, for security it is not that I am going to do any hacking but I did not know what I got out of13:54
ravageand i think it should be modified not to show "fail" for everything13:54
ravageyour system is fine13:54
larefYes my system is fine, and both the TPM and Secureboot are active but I got that, but then, that is an Ubuntu failure or maybe an NVIDIA failure, because that kernel, a few days ago I wanted to update it but it gave me an error so I went back to what I was13:57
larefThanks bro, I'll read the link you shared14:01
Fixarintoim getting no TLS key found in PEM data when trying to import my certificate into the snap-store-proxy15:10
leftyfbFixarinto: I would try asking for help in #snappy15:14
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bondkinggreets frens17:19
bondkingI am on 24.04, xfce. I have tried to open links in Slack. I am getting error "Failed to execute default browser Input/Output error".17:20
bondkingAnyone know what I need to do to fix this?17:21
bparkerbondking: what happens if you run xdg-open www.google.com17:22
bondkingxdg-open www.eff.org gives the same error17:23
bparkerxdg-settings get default-web-browser17:24
bparkerand which browser do you want it to use17:24
bondkingwhich is what I want17:24
bparkerdoes your menu entry for firefox execute properly?17:25
bondkingI set the default application in xfce as firefox. idk why it won't use it17:25
bondkingit does17:25
bparkerwell we don't know that it's *not* trying to use it, there may be a problem with doing so17:25
bondkingfind -iname firefox17:25
bparkerunfortunately further troubleshooting methods past this point are going to get extremely technical17:26
bondkingthat's ok. I'm a very technical17:27
bparkerwell first thing I would is run xdg-open under strace and see if that gives more helpful info about why it's failing17:27
bparkerI would do*17:27
bondkingI was trying to find the .desktop file and see what its opening17:27
bparkeror execsnoop and/or opensnoop may be helpful as well17:28
bparkerfrom bpftrace package17:28
bondkingoh wow17:28
bondkingCommand '/usr/bin/firefox' requires the firefox snap to be installed.17:28
bondkingPlease install it with: snap install firefox17:28
bondkingthat's at the end of strace xdg-open www.eff.org17:29
bondkingthis is like a sick joke?17:29
bparkerare you using the snap of firefox?17:30
bparkeror a ppa or something17:30
bondkingI am using a ppa I think17:31
bparkerit firefox is working normally, I wonder what it's actually running, and what package installed it17:31
bondkingthe snap version of firefox is broken in some ways17:31
bparkerperhaps it installed a different .desktop file17:31
bparkerbesides one called 'firefox.desktop'17:31
bondkinghm, lets see17:31
bparkerthat may be the issue17:31
bparkeror it's not installed in the right place or something17:32
bondkingI forgot where .desktop files are at I thought it was like /usr/share/applications17:32
bparkerit may depend on the DE17:32
bparkerand I think there can be user-local ones too17:32
bparkerI use the mozillateam ppa on 22.04, and I have a /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop, and 'firefox.desktop' set in xdg works fine for me17:33
pnutzh4x0rthe user ones are in ~/.local/share/applications17:33
bondkingxdg-open /usr/share/applications/firefox-esr.desktop    opened firefox successfully17:36
xanguaWhy are you using Firefox ESR?17:36
bondkingbecause the snap firefox is woefully broken17:37
xanguaHuh, ok...17:37
lotuspsychj3define broken?17:38
bondkingFor example you can't setup smart card certificates17:40
leftyfbdo you need smart card certificates?17:40
lotuspsychj3its true that specific bug still exist on 24.04 FF snap, in my case belgian EID still blocked17:42
lotuspsychj3using google chrome temporary as workaround17:42
leftyfbbondking: I would reach out to Mozilla for support with Firefox from their PPA. It might warrant a bug report for them17:43
xangua11:25 AM <bondking> I set the default application in xfce as firefox. idk why it won't use it | If you're using firefox-esr, you need to setup firefox-esr as default17:45
bparkerbondking: you should be able to fix it then with: xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox-esr.desktop17:47
bparkerbut also, the mozilla ppa has up-to-date non-ESR version if you prefer that17:47
bondkingthanks bparker I think that should work.17:47
bondkingActually yeah how would I get that version?17:47
bparkerit says ESR but it has both17:49
bparkerif you already have that ppa maybe you just need to apt install firefox?17:49
bparkernot sure where you're getting esr from17:49
bondkingyeah idk either. I just grabbed it quickly after the snap failed me17:51
junyxWhere are the initramfs image files located on ubuntu? I don't see them in the /boot directory18:56
oerhekssure they are in /boot19:01
junyxoerheks under what name?19:01
junyxAh ok19:01
leftyfbjunyx: on ubuntu 22.04 and every other release since they are in /boot called initrd.img-$(uname -r) with initrd.img pointing to the current kernel19:02
junyxthanks leftyfb19:02
leftyfbjunyx: I'm curious what you were looking for in /boot/19:02
junyxleftyfb I'm doing some linux sysadmin training and we're in the grub section now19:03
junyxleftyfb in the class they said it started with the prefix initramfs. But the instructor is using Alma Linux so I guess its different there.19:08
oerheksAlma is based on RHEL, not debian19:09
oerheksso naming and numbering might confuse you19:10
junyxoerheks yeah19:10
leftyfbjunyx: I'm pretty sure that is wrong19:11
leftyfbwhere are you doing this training exactly?19:11
junyxleftyfb its right. I can see his directory right now19:12
nualathis intel rst thing. when we don't care bout dual boot. we could just disable it (its a personal laptop, I had a hard time explaining them what RAID is already. just dont want to break their heart and hardware) so it's "safe" to disable rst?19:13
leftyfbnuala: Intel RST is fake RAID. Disable it19:13
nualayeah! smelt like it :D thanks for affirmation!!19:14
leftyfbjunyx: sure enough, I just installed Almalinux 9: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BbsbVS5M8j/19:19
oerheksso we name them different.19:20
junyxVery interesting to see the subtle differences19:20
leftyfbeven ob redhat releases I don't remember them being named like that19:20
oerhekssame on fedora, AFAIK19:22
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junyxleftyfb wanna hear something even funnier? The recovery command for recreating your initramfs is called mkinitramfs on ubuntu and mkinitrd on alma linux. Complete the opposite of what the files are called. lol20:03
leftyfbjunyx: ok. Good luck with your training. Since you're using Almalinux, you'll have to discuss and seek support elsewhere. We can only support Ubuntu here.20:04
junyxleftyfb I'm not asking for support on Alma Linux. My original question was on ubuntu. I wanted to share something interesting with you, human to human. I guess you're not open to that20:04
leftyfbjunyx: we try to keep this channel to support topics only. For anything else, there's #ubuntu-offtopic20:05
junyxleftyfb are you an op of this channel?20:06
leftyfbjunyx: no20:06
junyxOk then. Just a jerk I guess20:06
leftyfbjunyx: lets not20:06
ali__سلام عليكم21:36
bombastickHi. I have a single drive Windows laptop that I want to dual-boot on. It came with 3 partitions: EFI, Windows C:\ (950GB, Bitlocker protected), and Windows Recovery (2GB). Using Windows' disk manager, I shrunk the main partition down to 300GB, leaving the rest as an Unformatted entry like this: https://i.imgur.com/3Thdncf.png . When Linux proposes to install alongside Windows, without letting me21:39
bombastickselect the partition, it says I need to disable Bitlocker according to  help.ubuntu.com/bitlocker . Will I be able to re-enable Bitlocker later on the Windows partition once Linux is installed, and both OSes work?21:39
bombastickMy goal is to have: 1) UEFI, 2) 300GB Windows with Bitlocker, 3) 650GB Linux, 4) Windows Recovery. Basically intall Linux in the unformatted area which would be in 3rd slot.21:40
xypronbombastick: Changes made by the installer result may result in changed TPM measurements which would stop you from logging into Windows with the the long recovery key (which some user may not have printed out). By stopping bitlocker before the installation and reenabling (manually) afterwards locking yourself out of Windows is avoided.21:43
xypronbombastick: Changes made by the installer may result in changed TPM measurements which would stop you from logging into Windows without the the long recovery key (which some user may not have printed out). By stopping bitlocker before the installation and reenabling (manually) afterwards locking yourself out of Windows is avoided.21:44
bombastickxypron: nice, so I can re-enable it after. Good to know, thanks. Was worried I'd need to leave it off.21:44
bombastickxypron: you can say that again!21:44
bombastickoh crap, Bitlocker has an error (on Windows). I think maybe because I created a local account and didnt give in to Microsoft's online account nonsense.21:45
bombasticki cant seem to even disable it, it's stuck in this limbo21:46
bombastickI'm gonna try asking #windows but those guys really drink the MS koolaid and I might get muted for asking how to use it without a MS account21:46
oerheksthere is some tool to mount bitlocker volumes, to save data .. not sure it can undo the bitlocker partition22:20
oerheks!info dislocker22:21
ubottudislocker (0.7.3-3.1build2, noble): read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes. In component universe, is optional. Built by dislocker. Size 21 kB / 91 kB22:21
bombastickoerheks: I just winged it. You disable Bitlocker, install Linux, re-enable Bitlocker. Worked fine. Full steps here: https://paste.debian.net/plain/132244422:35
bombastickI just wish I remembered to leave like 100GB as a shared partition, in case I ever need to transfer files22:35
bombastick(between the two OSes)22:35
junyxbombastick you can't just mount the windows partition while logged in to ubuntu?22:45
bombastickjunyx: it's asking for Bitlocker password which I dont have22:49
junyxAh ok22:50
topcat001bombastick: You can create a recovery key (should do that in any case) and use that.22:57
topcat001I'm assuming the main bitlocker key is stored in the TPM.22:58
bombastickOK I'll give it a driveby23:00

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