
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> πŸ‘Œthen can give a try to prove the theory ☺️06:37
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> will wait till everything finished then can give a try ..07:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I have forked/renamed sources for kirigami-addons, kwayland and libkscreen preety much done if we need them to ease landing of Plasma 610:45
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> nice, thanks10:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> kaccounts-integration, and signond may have been sidestepped by not building kf6-purpose with option kaccounts I think10:47
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> as long as we are happy with not having the online accounts KCM in plasma for a bit10:47
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills I am going to have a pile of uploads for you later. SRU's I need to fix version and they never got uploaded, stupid packageset and my inability to do my job.10:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> sure10:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Yeah, we have enough things to make sure works without adding that painful stack.10:49
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> on plasma 6 ibqaccessibilityclient in ubuntu now has a duel build for Qt5 and Qt6, so that is not a problem here10:49
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I think bismuth can be killed as it will be useless for plasma 6 and seems no upstream port10:50
mparilloAs far as the online accounts KCM, my primary use case was GDrive integration, and that has been unreliable for years. 10:51
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Yeah, we dropped kio-gdrive off the default install a while back10:52
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> For an interim release I think we can sacrifice a few things to get plasma in10:53
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> FYi, Debian have only plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop left to package, and I think they are WIP10:54
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Yeah, I think arraybolt is doing the copyright for Deltaone on those.10:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Rather him than me! :D10:55
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Right?!?! lol10:56
BluesKajHi all11:44
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/angelfish/+ref/kubuntu_noble_archive angelfish is ready.11:53
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I have been asking for our packageset to be updated for upload rights for months now and continued to be ignored. It just occurred to me that I am not going to be able to upload much of anything with qt6 stuff. I am feeling a bit defeated.11:59
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> gbp-archive only works for things that are UNRELEASED in the changelog (re @sgmoore: @RikMills https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/angelfish/+ref/kubuntu_noble_archive angelfish is ready.)12:00
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> gbp-archive worked fine. It got rejected because the sighner doesn't have rights to upload12:01
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> story of my life12:01
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I mean it now has noble, so I can't use gbp-archive to prepare the upload (re @sgmoore: gbp-archive worked fine. It got rejected because the sighner doesn't have rights to upload)12:02
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> oh, Simon never complained about that. I will remove the noble and tag. Apologies.12:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Yeah, it can be worked around, but it is a faff12:04
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> he probably doesn't use ka12:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> true12:05
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Fixed12:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills also going to need oracular uploads.. :( will fix the repo.12:11
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> is profile angelfish /usr/bin/angelfish flags=(unconfined) really all that is needed for the profile?12:13
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Well I had it more restrictive, but things didn't work. So I looked at all the gnome apps canonical did and that is what they had...12:14
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Nice. :)12:15
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> lol12:15
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> angelfish uploaded12:17
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> thank you, oracular archive is ready.12:18
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> KF6? (re @sgmoore: thank you, oracular archive is ready.)12:25
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> kf6 ppa doesnt have pub key12:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> It does, but the weaker one is now rejected in oracular (re @myfenris: kf6 ppa doesnt have pub key)12:30
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> uploaded (re @sgmoore: thank you, oracular archive is ready.)12:32
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @fenris edit the ppas source file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:41
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> owh its rejected .. (re @RikMills: It does, but the weaker one is now rejected in oracular)12:41
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> W: GPG error: https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks6/ubuntu oracular InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: E4DFEC907DEDA4B8A670E8042836CB0A8AC93F7A (untrusted public key algorithm: rsa1024) The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 17FB29293721A2CD12:42
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> E: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks6/ubuntu oracular InRelease' is not signed.12:42
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> to which key to edit? (re @RikMills: @fenris edit the ppas source file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d)12:43
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> replace the pgp signed bloc with this: (re @myfenris: to which key to edit?)12:44
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/87af4fda/ppasig.txt12:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> make sure to keep the one space indent12:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> launchpad admins are working to fix this, but it is taking a while12:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I ran into this a few days ago, which is why I know how to work around it12:47
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> thanks12:48
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> but it would not trigger any update/upgrade :)12:48
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> temp workaround works (re @RikMills: I ran into this a few days ago, which is why I know how to work around it)12:49
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> on purpose? or need to wait for the plasma6 too (re @myfenris: but it would not trigger any update/upgrade :))12:51
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> on purpose? or need to wait for the plasma6 packages too (re @myfenris: but it would not trigger any update/upgrade :))12:51
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> If you have any frameworks kf6 packages installed, they would upgrade (what is built so far) (re @myfenris: on purpose? or need to wait for the plasma6 packages too)12:52
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> If you don't have any installed, then it will do nothing12:52
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> for sure i don't have any kf6 πŸ™ˆ12:53
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so need to install separately ... co-exist kf5 n kf6?12:53
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> /me blurry12:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> kf5 and kf6 frameworks can live side by side12:54
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> owh12:54
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> same goes to plasma6 later?12:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> it is plasma that won't be able to12:54
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> owh i see (re @RikMills: it is plasma that won't be able to)12:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> which makes it difficult to land12:55
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> πŸ™ˆ (re @RikMills: which makes it difficult to land)12:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> because a lot of 3rd party packages have decide to depnd on parts of plasma 512:56
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so hows neon does that ? remove the 3rd party packages?12:56
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> they don't care if they break 3rd party things12:56
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> owh12:56
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so kubuntu will removed the 3rd party thingy or whats the workaround?12:57
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> in order of preference a) get them ported to Qt6/Kf5 if possible, (b) make a new source of the plasma 5 package they depend on so it can co-exist with the plasma 6 one, (c) remove it (re @myfenris: so kubuntu will removed the 3rd party thingy or whats the workaround?)12:59
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> The team need to decide it I guess? Is it's the 3rd party has long list or crucial apps to kde/kubuntu user's? Can't we choose (c) 1st while they do (a) & (b)?13:05
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> Just my 2 cent13:05
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> For some. Some however are part of other flavours core packages. e.g. ukiu packages that are part of ubuntu-kylin13:08
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> I see , noted .. they acknowledged about this right? (re @RikMills: For some. Some however are part of other flavours core packages. e.g. ukiu packages that are part of ubuntu-kylin)13:09
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Yes. They don't have any QT6 port in the pipeline13:10
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> so looking like (b)13:10
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> 🫣 (re @RikMills: Yes. They don't have any QT6 port in the pipeline)13:11
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> @RikMills , does experimental ppa ok to test?13:26
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> or until the discover solved ?13:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> No, it is missing plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop (re @myfenris: @RikMills , does experimental ppa ok to test?)13:27
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> it will break all the things...13:27
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> 🫑 (re @RikMills: it will break all the things...)13:28
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> need to wait for this right? (re @RikMills: FYi, Debian have only plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop left to package, and I think they are WIP)13:38
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> At least that. Maybe even longer, as things like dependencies may need fixing.13:40
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> We will say when we think testing is ok13:40
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/falkon noble ready13:40
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> btw, do dolphin/kio has similar to this : https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/set-up-onedrive-file-access-in-ubuntu13:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Not ware of it13:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> *aware13:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ok (re @sgmoore: @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/falkon noble ready)13:41
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> and so is oracular now13:45
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/ghostwriter noble is ready13:50
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore I guess oracular uploads as well13:53
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> yeah oracular as well please13:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore falkon in oracular archive is 24.05.1-1 but your upload is 24.01.75-1build614:03
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Oh, must have had a new release in Debian. How do I do that sync thing?14:10
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ka-sync-archive14:11
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> OK thanks14:11
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> then commit the changed files14:11
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills falkon fixed I hope... what a mess, I guess I have to PR that in debian? I am not sure they have the same userns issue as us though...14:42
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> They didn't when this first came up14:43
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I reckon they still don't as the maintainer seems pretty active.14:44
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> oh well, now I know to sync before anything haha. thank you14:45
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore am I missing something? oracular branches are still at 24.01.7514:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> umm14:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I am clearly missing something. it is syncing to noble. /me checks ka-sync-archive flags14:51
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Distribution %s is not either 'debian' or 'ubuntu' guess I need to update something14:52
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> also long as your ka knows that oracular is the dev branch, it should sync that14:53
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> is your ka from git or a ppa?14:54
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> How do I tell it that? updating ka-metadata didn't help. hmm not sure on this lappy.14:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> do which ka-sync-archive14:56
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> looks like I built the deb myself from git. But that was awhile ago, building new deb with the 5 million changes lol14:57
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I'm doing Option 3 for here: https://git.launchpad.net/ka/tree/doc/source/INSTALL.rst14:59
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> so I just have to do a git pull in ~/ka/ to be up to date with git master15:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I'm doing Option 3 from here: https://git.launchpad.net/ka/tree/doc/source/INSTALL.rst15:00
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> nice! will set that up to avoid cases such as today.15:01
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> in there is conf/defaultrc:ubuntu-unstable-name = oracular15:01
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> which I think is where ka-sync-archive gets its default15:02
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> k15:02
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> if your run git master, you can also bug santa_ about fixes and features needed πŸ˜‰15:03
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> ok... so now that worked lol, we have a kf6 package... we aren't ready for that I reckon.15:10
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> or are we?15:11
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> If someone wants to go to the trouble of converting the packaging, and depends are available, then we could15:12
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> it looks like it synced experiemental. I am so confused.15:12
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Wait... maybe I synced that15:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> So many packages to remember15:13
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> ok so I just need to re-do my apparmor stuff and call it a day on this one.15:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> :)15:15
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills falkon oracular ready15:43
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Going to have to do this manually, as the dingbat of a debian developer (not in qt/kde team) who maintains falkon refuses to use the release tars (re @sgmoore: @RikMills falkon oracular ready)15:47
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> yeah he uses very odd versions too. it is a pain15:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> uploaded (re @sgmoore: @RikMills falkon oracular ready)15:56
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Better set an alarm on my phone for session 216:02
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Of the flavour sync16:02
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Well this sync thing was a very valuable lesson for today. Kmail had changes too.16:03
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Yeah me too16:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore falkon FTBFS16:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> cp debian/falkon-apparmor debian/falkon/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.falkon16:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> cp: cannot stat 'debian/falkon-apparmor': No such file or directory16:04
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Oops16:05
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Pushed missing files @RikMills sorry bout that16:06
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> It happens16:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> but needs a changelog (re @sgmoore: Pushed missing files @RikMills sorry bout that)16:08
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> K16:08
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Pushed16:09
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> and uploaded16:12
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/plasma-welcome both noble and oracular ready.18:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> oracular barch is versioned 5.27.11-0ubuntu3.1 (re @sgmoore: @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/plasma-welcome both noble and oracular ready.)18:22
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> oracular branch is versioned 5.27.11-0ubuntu3.1 (re @sgmoore: @RikMills git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/plasma-welcome both noble and oracular ready.)18:23
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> should be ubuntu418:23
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> fixing18:23
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Bah, sorry18:23
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> np18:25
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> uploaded18:29
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> sorry , where can i monitor the debian wip for plasma-desktop & plasma-workspace ;18:47
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-workspace/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads18:50
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-desktop/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads18:50
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> thanks ...18:50
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> desktop - error at compiling , workspace - error with dependencies ... am i read it correctly?19:06
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> i read it at build jobs19:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Ignore that. That is just an automatic ci build which is going to fail on dependencies and other things.19:10
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Real things happen when it is uploaded to experimental repo19:11
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> sure ... just refreshing my CI knowledge19:11
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> its rusty 😏19:16

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