
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
schopinzhsj: isn't it the middle of the night for you?19:00
zhsji wasn't aware it's such late19:00
bdrungwe should offer better timeslots for people in your timeslice of the globe19:01
zhsjthe first one is on 16:00 UTC, which is better19:01
rbasakI don't see everyone here though19:02
rbasakUtkarsh doesn't seem to be online19:02
bdrungzhsj, you could still move your application to the next 16:00 UTC meeting and go to bed.19:02
rbasakAny volunteers to chair please?19:02
meetingologyMeeting started at 19:02:55 UTC.  The chair is tsimonq2.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology19:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick19:02
rbasakThank you!19:03
tsimonq2#topic Shengjing Zhu Core Developer Application19:04
tsimonq2zhsj: Welcome! Could you please introduce yourself and post a link to your application?19:04
zhsjI’m Shengjing, working for Canonical and focusing on the Go toolchain in Ubuntu. I've been a Debian Developer since 2018 and involved in the Debian Go packaging team for many years and contributed many Go packages.19:04
zhsjthis is my application19:04
tsimonq2Thank you! Does anyone have questions for the applicant?19:06
rbasakzhsj: o/19:07
rbasakzhsj: do you have an example of an SRU that you've done that contains a regression analysis please?19:08
zhsjzhsj: i didn't do many SRU, and no regression so far. so unfortunately i can't give your an example19:09
zhsjbut for regression about SRU, the process is documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Regressions19:11
rbasakNo, that's not what I'm asking19:11
rbasakI'm asking about "Where problems could occur" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure19:11
rbasakCould you show an example of where you have been thoughtful about what problems might have occurred, and adjusted the test plan accordingly, for example?19:12
zhsjso for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gobject-introspection/+bug/206590219:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2065902 in libkkc (Ubuntu Noble) "libkkc FTBFS on noble: can't resolve libraries to shared libraries: m" [Undecided, Triaged]19:12
zhsjand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-18/+bug/206418719:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2064187 in llvm-toolchain-18 (Ubuntu Oracular) "llvm-18-linker-tools does not include LLVMgold.so" [Undecided, Fix Released]19:12
rbasakI don't think an FTBFS fix really allows to show a good example of that unfortunately.19:12
zhsjmaybe the second one19:12
rbasakI'd like to see an example of a more "regular" SRU where you're changing code paths that users are already using19:13
rbasakI don't think bug 2064187 is a good example of a quality SRU submission.19:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2064187 in llvm-toolchain-18 (Ubuntu Oracular) "llvm-18-linker-tools does not include LLVMgold.so" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206418719:13
zhsji see. but as i said in my application, i hope i can do more SRU in the future19:14
rbasakOK. Next, do you have any examples of doing Ubuntu package merges?19:14
zhsjyes, i have listed the merges on my applications on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/zhsj/CoreDeveloperApplication#Examples_of_my_work_.2F_Things_I.27m_proud_of19:15
rbasakThe "Merge" section in your application page seems to refer to merge proposals in Launchpad, rather than the Ubuntu "package merge" process which is a bit more specific.19:15
zhsjha, but when we doing merges with git-ubuntu, merge proposal are more nature19:16
rbasakSure. I just want to see examples19:16
rbasakI found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runc/1.1.12+ds1-2ubuntu1 but that was sponsored by kanashiro who didn't endorse you19:16
zhsjdo you mean merge with m-o-m?19:17
rbasakI don't care how it's done. I just want to see examples of you doing it well.19:17
zhsjyeah, i didn't ask everyone who only sponsors once to endorse19:17
zhsjactually the runc one is through git-ubuntu iirc, i send the git patch to kanashiro19:18
rbasakI found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmod/30+20230601-2ubuntu1 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmod/31+20240202-2ubuntu1 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runc/1.1.12+ds1-2ubuntu1 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgcrypt20/1.10.2-3ubuntu1, going backwards in history. The oldest there was sponsored by me.19:20
rbasakThe others were Dan, Nick and Lucas, none of whom have endorsed your application (and nor was I asked).19:21
bdmurrayI think he explained why he didn't ask people who only sponsored one thing19:21
rbasakUnfortunately it means that nobody is speaking to his ability to do an entire category of work that is important to be an Ubuntu uploader at all.19:22
rbasakzhsj: have you driven any transitions in Ubuntu?19:22
bdmurrayWhat would you like to seen then rbasak? Him to have multiple merges sponsored by multiple devs so they all feel comfortable endorsing him?19:23
rbasakI have detailed my expectations at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobieBasak/DMB/CoreDev19:23
zhsji only drive the uncommon transitions in ubuntu, like every golang-default transition.19:23
rbasakThe last paragraph is relevant here I think.19:23
zhsjbut i have driven c library transition in debian19:24
rbasakzhsj: have you touched any seeds? How well do you understand how seeds work?19:25
zhsji didn't touch seed yet.19:25
tsimonq2zhsj: What drove your decision to apply directly to be a Core Developer instead of MOTU or PPU as a first step?19:25
tewardtsimonq2: get the hell out of my head i was just typing that19:26
tsimonq2teward: ;)19:26
zhsjtsimonq2: for PPU, i write in my application that i'm interested in all golang packages, which is more than 2k packages.19:26
zhsjtsimonq2: for MOTU, because i also doing work like merges for many main packages.19:27
tsimonq2zhsj: What is the difference between packages in Main vs Universe?19:28
zhsjtsimonq2: the most difference is who can upload them and who is responsible for them. for main packages, canonical is committed to maintain it19:29
tsimonq2zhsj: How would you ask for a Universe package to be put into Main?19:29
zhsjthe process is called MIR19:30
zhsjit's documented at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/blob/main/README.md19:30
rbasakThere's one MIR he's done that's documented on his application: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcpcd/+bug/201919119:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2019191 in dhcpcd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dhcpcd" [Undecided, Fix Released]19:31
bdrungzhsj, what are the differences for C library transitions between Debian and Ubuntu?19:31
zhsjrbasak: for seed, my understanding is it's about what will be shipped in ISO19:31
zhsjbdrung: i think they are mostly same, as both share the same transition tracker. but debian has binNMU process, the corresponding thing for ubuntu is no-change rebuild19:32
zhsjwhich is source full upload19:33
bdrungzhsj, You wrote that if patches are got reviewed more actively, contributors would be more interested in becoming developers. What is your experience regarding sponsoring and did the sponsor time had an influence on becoming an Ubuntu developer?19:33
zhsjthat was my feeling before the restart of patch pilots19:34
rbasakI'm busy writing up my thoughts.19:35
bdrungzhsj, do you think that the current speed of the sponsor queue (with the patch pilots helping) is fast enough or should still be faster?19:35
zhsjmaybe only my experience with the patch pilots currently, the speed for SRU sponsor is slow19:36
tewardlet me be more specific with bdrung's question19:37
tewardExcluding the time it takes for SRUs to actually be processed by the SRU team, is the rest of the sponsorship queue with patch pilots helping fast enough, or should it still be faster?19:37
teward(CC hat on: There are multiple reasons that the SRU process is slower than standard sponsoring process that go far beyond the scope of DMB discussion, hence why i'm being more specific with the question)19:37
zhsjyeah, i mean the sponsor time for SRU patch, not the entire process.19:38
tewardjust checking ;)19:38
zhsjit's only personal feeling thought19:38
schopinzhsj: let's say you find that a package is broken beyond repair and should probably be removed from the archive. What would you need to check and how would you go about the removal?19:38
bdrunglooking at http://sponsoring-reports.ubuntu.com/ a lot of old entries are SRUs. So that would bake your feeling.19:39
rbasakThe sponsorship queue is intended to foster community contributions. Canonical employees can "skip" the queue because they have no shortage of colleagues who can sponsor, and an employer who task their employed sponsors with priorities that matter to them. So I'm not sure that zhsj's experience is really representative of what we need from the sponsorship queue and/or patch piloting. In internal19:39
zhsjschopin: i would check the reverse deps, with the help of tool `reverse-depends`19:39
rbasakdiscussions I keep asking about how to stop the big Canonical sponsorships from clogging up the sponsorship queue.19:39
zhsjschopin: than if nothing blocking, i will file a bug on lp, and subscribe ubuntu archive admin to ask them to remove19:40
rbasakWhen we have a moment I have a long post ready to paste.19:40
tsimonq2rbasak: Go ahead, unless you'd like to wait until after the vote.19:41
zhsjschopin: and maybe need to block them from sync from debian as well after removal19:42
rbasakIt looks like the work you are doing is excellent. However, your track record seems narrow in scope compared to what I'd expect a core dev to know. In particular, when you become a core dev people look to you to sponsor anything, and this pressure is especially true for Canonical employees. I appreciate the difficulty in getting things sponsored, but equally I also expect core devs to have19:42
zhsjor if it's broken in debian as well, ask debian to remove as well19:42
rbasakdemonstrated understanding across the wide range of things that core devs are expected to be able to sponsor into the archive.19:43
rbasakI don't think it's unreasonable to ask Canonical employees seeking core dev to "do the rounds" and get that wide range of experience first. I have documented my expectations and advertised them for long enough that they should be well known to your peers and mentors at Canonical (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobieBasak/DMB/CoreDev). I've stood for the DMB multiple times on the platform that I stand by19:43
rbasakthese expectations. I think your application falls well short of what I've written there, particularly in the last paragraph.19:43
rbasakSeparately, I regret that we don't have a good process to unblock you _except_ to get core dev. Unfortunately that's a harder problem to solve but I acknowledge that it exists. In the meantime I think that asking you to build up a more comprehensive track record first is reasonable, and get endorsements that can speak to your abilities and understanding _across_ the various different aspects of19:43
rbasakthat. Please see my wiki page of expectations, and let me know if you have any specific questions.19:43
rbasakTherefore, following my own written criteria, my vote would be -1 and I've seen no reason that an exception is warranted in this case.19:43
rbasakI'm open to feedback / discussion. I understand this is frustrating to hear, including for some others on the DMB. But I really think that my expectations have been clear for years, that it would be better for Ubuntu for applicants from the Canonical Foundations team to simply meet them, and so I think it's appropriate for me to hold the line here. I don't see why it's difficult to meet these19:43
utkarsh2102out of curiosity, there's no Foundations packageset, no?19:44
tewardutkarsh2102: no, but Foundations has a dedicated group of sponsors in it19:44
tewardwho have coredev19:44
rbasakThis is probably aimed more at zhsj's colleagues and mentors than at zhsj himself, FWIW. I don't expect zhsj himself to have fully understood my expectations, but his core dev mentors and colleagues certainly should.19:45
rbasakUnfortunately Foundations work doesn't really fit any packageset except for the '*' packageset19:45
tewardutkarsh2102: we also have to be careful because this would be one of the cases where I would expect there to be a golang packageset specifically for golang stuff19:45
rbasak(ie. core dev)19:45
bdrunglooking at https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=Benjamin+Drung&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Shengjing+Zhu&sponsoree_search=name I should have given my endorsement.19:45
tewardbecause Foundations includes '*'19:45
tsimonq2Any further questions for zhsj before we move to a vote?19:45
utkarsh2102aah, interesting :)19:46
zhsjbdrung: i did't ask you because you are on the board, and afraid conflict of interest19:46
rbasakconflict of interest> FWIW, I don't think that's a conflict of interest19:46
bdrungme neither. I agree with rbasak19:46
tewardyeah i don't see a CoI here19:47
rbasakIt's good for DMB members to have direct experience of work from applicants.19:47
zhsjsame for tsimonq2 and kanashiro who have sponsored me :/19:47
tewardSimon knows well enough whether to endorse someone or not19:47
bdrungI did a lot of sync request, because they are quick to do. But on the UDD page there are other sponsoring as well.19:47
tsimonq2#vote Add Shengjing Zhu to Ubuntu Core Developers19:48
meetingologyPlease vote on: Add Shengjing Zhu to Ubuntu Core Developers19:48
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')19:48
tsimonq2#voters tsimonq2 rbasak bdmurray utkarsh2102 bdrung schopin teward19:48
meetingologyCurrent voters: bdmurray, bdrung, rbasak, schopin, teward, tsimonq2, utkarsh210219:48
rbasak-1 reasons as above19:48
meetingology-1 reasons as above received from rbasak19:48
tsimonq2-1 I would like to see more work in Main directly19:49
meetingology-1 I would like to see more work in Main directly received from tsimonq219:49
rbasakNote that I haven't done the usual quizzing on specific knowledge areas like release cycle, milestones and exception process. I would expect to do that on a reapplication.19:49
teward-1 My reasons echo rbasak's reasons - namely, I want nto see more work in Main but also I think there's a missing set of knowledge requisite for unsponsored uploads (such as pure SRU and pure package merging that ISN'T git-ubuntu patching)19:49
meetingology-1 My reasons echo rbasak's reasons - namely, I want nto see more work in Main but also I think there's a missing set of knowledge requisite for unsponsored uploads (such as pure SRU and pure package merging that ISN'T git-ubuntu patching) received from teward19:49
tewardagreed with rbasak, specific knowledge would show on a reapplication provided the base knowledge expected of a core dev (unrestricted uploader) is met19:50
zhsjhmm, for packaging merging, don't we advertise git-ubuntu?19:51
tewardgit-ubuntu can do it, but git-ubuntu on its own isn't the *only* way of merging packages19:51
bdmurraySure but if the "best practice" is git-ubuntu why learn all the old ways?19:51
rbasakPersonally I only care that the applicant can produce a correct result that matches Ubuntu developers' expectations. I don't mind how it's done.19:51
schopin-1 While zhsj does splendid work both in the golang ecosystem but also in the wider package set, I do feel his knowledge of Ubuntu processes isn't enough yet to warrant Core Dev. I'm especially interested in seeing more "garden variety" SRUs, as a Core Dev will be asked to sponsor those and will often need to push back.19:52
meetingology-1 While zhsj does splendid work both in the golang ecosystem but also in the wider package set, I do feel his knowledge of Ubuntu processes isn't enough yet to warrant Core Dev. I'm especially interested in seeing more "garden variety" SRUs, as a Core Dev will be asked to sponsor those and will often need to push back. received from schopin19:52
utkarsh2102-1; zhsj is a Go expert and I can rely on him to fix anything and everything around that, so I absolutely love that. Thank you for that, Shengjing. As others have noted, it'd be nice to work with a mentor and work on main packages and have them endorse you (whether they're from DMB or not!) and also advice you to touch on all the other areas like19:52
meetingology-1; zhsj is a Go expert and I can rely on him to fix anything and everything around that, so I absolutely love that. Thank you for that, Shengjing. As others have noted, it'd be nice to work with a mentor and work on main packages and have them endorse you (whether they're from DMB or not!) and also advice you to touch on all the other areas like received from utkarsh210219:52
utkarsh2102the release cycle, milestones, exceptions, schedules, regular SRU work, et al. As much as I'd like to +1 on Go* stuff, I am afraid we don't have a way to do that right now. :(19:52
tewardwhen i say pure package merges, I mean a full merge.  a-la Version in Ubuntu is 1.2.x, version in Debian is 1.6.x and has extreme changes and there's a substantial delta between U and D anyways19:52
tewardresolving those deltas is the core thing in a merge.19:52
tewardwhether you use git=ubuntu, do it manually, whatever.19:52
tewardwhether you use git-ubuntu, use MoM, do it manually, whatever.19:52
rbasakAh - as opposed to git-ubuntu MPs that merely add delta. I think that was just a misunderstanding.19:52
tewardblah i forget this is IRC and not Element RIP19:52
bdrung+0 I am torn apart. I like to see more endorsements from your sponsors.19:53
meetingology+0 I am torn apart. I like to see more endorsements from your sponsors. received from bdrung19:53
tewardrbasak: correct.19:53
schopinI haven't looked at it too closely but I would have thought console-setup qualifies as a complex merge?19:53
tewardit may, but i'd like to see more than 1 example of complex merging19:53
tewardat least, that's one of the things I don't see enough evidence to support full knowledge/experience in (outside of golang)19:54
tsimonq2bdmurray: Do you have a vote?19:54
tewardthis does bring up a question though i'll propose on devel permissions list separately (RE: golang and stuff)19:54
bdmurrayI'm a +0 too19:54
meetingologyVoting ended on: Add Shengjing Zhu to Ubuntu Core Developers19:54
meetingologyVotes for: 0, Votes against: 5, Abstentions: 119:55
meetingologyMotion denied19:55
tewards/Abstentions: 1/Abstentions: 2/19:55
teward(because meetingology is annoying and expects the vote to come first in the text)19:55
rbasakzhsj: please don't take this as a criticism of your existing work. That looks excellent!19:55
utkarsh2102I think that's the right syntax to follow; it's not too hard to follow that. :)19:55
tewardi agree your current work is very very good!19:55
tewarddon't take it as a criticsm of the current work, we're just wanting to see more in other sections19:56
schopinI'm pretty sure we're all in agreement on that :)19:56
tsimonq2zhsj: Thank you for putting your application forward, and for taking the time to be here! Hopefully we can see a re-application from you soon.19:56
bdmurrayAlso that you for showing up in the middle of your night.19:56
rbasakIf it helps, when I mentored Utkarsh we targetted my wiki doc specifically. The result was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtkarshGupta/CoreDevApplication19:56
rbasakIf you can make your application look like that one, you'll get a +1 from me :)19:57
tsimonq2#topic devel-permissions19:57
teward*coughs* #subtopic Kubuntu PackageSet19:57
utkarsh2102yes, that's on me19:58
tewardutkarsh2102: i assume that it's being handled then?19:58
tsimonq2Yeah, I'm looking to see if there's anything else.19:58
utkarsh2102so I'm in middle of replying to Scarlett19:58
tewardsince they were prodding us for > 1month19:58
rbasakIt might be in Utkarsh's email but volunteers to help with the automatic packageset script would be very much appreciated.19:59
tsimonq2That sounds interesting.19:59
tsimonq2#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2024-July/002535.html19:59
utkarsh2102yes, this slipped out for last 2 weeks because I wasn't sure I'll make it to the new board + being added to the DMB LP team officially. So I wanted to make sure I am on DMB officially when I reply to her19:59
rbasakIt's been rotting for years, and nobody trusts it any more. If it would be sorted out, that'd make these requests much easier to handle.19:59
rbasakAnd it doesn't need an DMB member to work on that. Only review of code changes and actual execution need to be the DMB.20:00
utkarsh2102since the last meeting, everybody was automatically removed from the board20:00
utkarsh2102including me20:00
utkarsh2102so Mitch's ACL is also left for ubuntu-server packageset20:00
utkarsh2102which I'll do, too20:00
tsimonq2https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members you're still there?20:00
rbasakautomatically removed> ah, sorry. I didn't think anyone was blocked, else I'd have happily extended people again.20:00
utkarsh2102yes but that's reinstated now, I wasn't a member last and last to last week20:00
tsimonq2#action Utkarsh to follow up with Scarlett re: Kubuntu packageset updates20:01
meetingologyACTION: Utkarsh to follow up with Scarlett re: Kubuntu packageset updates20:01
tewardrbasak: what's the script currently written in?20:01
tewardalso where's the code20:01
tewardso it's just ugly python and needs rewritten xD20:01
tsimonq2#action Utkarsh to follow up on Mitch's ubuntu-server packageset20:01
meetingologyACTION: Utkarsh to follow up on Mitch's ubuntu-server packageset20:01
tsimonq2#topic AOB20:01
tsimonq2rbasak: I'd be happy to take a look as well.20:01
tewardtsimonq2: i think you and I just volunteered to tackle it xD20:02
tewardyay collaboration!20:02
bdrungI am not sure if I am interested in seeing this Python code.20:02
schopinI don't know about everyone's TZ, but would anyone object to move the earlier time slot 1h earlier? Because asking applicants to attend in the middle of the night is not great.20:02
utkarsh2102it's 1:30 AM right now for me20:03
rbasaktsimonq2: here it is: https://git.launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+git/packageset20:03
utkarsh2102so def +1 for moving a bit earlier :)20:03
tewardactually I would love to move our meeting a bit earlier20:03
schopinutkarsh2102: I was actually thinking of the *other* time slot, sorry :/20:03
tewardat least this time slot up20:03
rbasakI'm running out of time. My dinner's getting cold :-(20:03
utkarsh2102ah, crap20:04
tewardwe can move it to email20:04
schopinI can move this discussion to the ML.20:04
bdrunghaving the both timeslots more than 3 hours apart makes a lot of sense to have better TZ coverage20:04
rbasakI'm open to changing the meeting times FWIW20:04
tewardand i have a thing i got to get to for FT job so20:04
rbasakIf somebody wants to drive that20:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-meeting's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone20:04
tsimonq2I think schopin volunteered :)20:04
tsimonq2or utkarsh2102 *shrug* :)20:04
teward*pushes ubottu into the void*20:04
utkarsh2102I said not me :P20:04
tsimonq2#topic schopin to email the list about adjusting meeting times20:05
schopinI guess it's fair :)20:05
tsimonq2#action schopin to email the list about adjusting meeting times20:05
meetingologyACTION: schopin to email the list about adjusting meeting times20:05
tsimonq2We're over time o/20:05
meetingologyMeeting ended at 20:05:29 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-07-08-19.02.moin.txt20:05
rbasakOh did we have someone take the action to close out the application?20:05
rbasakPerhaps one of the new members would like to take that?20:06
tewardrbasak: i'll take that and nreply that it was unsuccessful20:06
tewardor we can let someoen else20:06
tsimonq2Sorry, I'm a little bit rusty ;)20:06
tewardi need to find the original application in my 10k+ messages20:06
rbasakCall it yours unless someone else volunteers?20:06
tewardi am already writing it up now20:07
tewardso it's mine anyways20:07
schopinAnything else? I'm hungry too.20:08
bdrungschopin, dinner that late?20:08
schopinHence the hunger20:09
bdrungWe already ended the meeting. So let's release the hungry dragons!20:10
tewardFOOD TIME20:10
rbasakOh sorry I'd already left to eat :)22:08

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