junyx | I was able to install ubuntu using an ethernet connection. What would a wireless card look like in the lshw output? I'm not seeing it there | 00:00 |
rbox | junyx: depends on what bus its on | 00:01 |
rbox | but if its not there, then most likely there is no wireless card | 00:01 |
junyx | rbox what am I greping for exactly? | 00:02 |
rbox | nothing? | 00:02 |
oerheks | lspci -nm | grep 0280 | 00:02 |
oerheks | $ lspci -v | grep -A 10 -i "Network Controller" | 00:02 |
oerheks | maybe wireless is disabled with a HW switch or FN + wireless | 00:02 |
junyx | oerheks yeah there's a Network Controller in there | 00:02 |
junyx | I'm on ethernet now. Trying to figure out what I need to install to get wifi to work | 00:03 |
junyx | oerheks its a BCM4331 | 00:05 |
junyx | I'm seeing this: https://askubuntu.com/a/1175754 | 00:06 |
oerheks | that needs the b43 driver, AFAIK | 00:09 |
junyx | Yeah I'm gonna try the instructions there | 00:09 |
oerheks | on desktop it would be sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 00:10 |
junyx | Ok I see the wireless device now! | 00:11 |
jsmooth | I looked up masking it apparently it makes it so that I cannot start it. | 00:13 |
jsmooth | It could also be a security risk | 00:13 |
jsmooth | WHy would you tell me to mask it? | 00:13 |
oerheks | mask does not make it starton boot | 00:13 |
oerheks | security risk? lolz | 00:13 |
jsmooth | Why do I need to mask it? | 00:14 |
jsmooth | I've never done that before | 00:14 |
oerheks | you were in the middle of removal, now you showed you reinstalled, i am lost here | 00:14 |
oerheks | again or read back; mask does not make it starton boot - indeed a little overdone, but to be sure. | 00:15 |
jsmooth | Umm..I want it to start on boot | 00:15 |
oerheks | unmask to enable on boot again | 00:15 |
oerheks | really, never seen a guide on services, status/stop/start/mask/unmask ? | 00:16 |
jsmooth | So I want to call mask on mysql-server? | 00:16 |
oerheks | if you want to completely remove it, yes | 00:17 |
oerheks | and such 'security risk' does not exist | 00:17 |
jsmooth | Okay, well I just put on the mask | 00:19 |
jsmooth | on mysql not mysql-server | 00:19 |
jsmooth | I coped the command from the article I looked up | 00:19 |
jsmooth | What should I do now? | 00:21 |
jsmooth | I don't know what the next step is after masking mysql | 00:40 |
oerheks | after stopping/mask, you can safe remove mysql ? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/completely-uninstall-mysql-server | 00:43 |
tomreyn | jsmooth: it's difficult to guide you if it's not clear what your overall goal is, and it seems that's not currently clear. | 00:45 |
junyx | oerheks no luck with getting the wifi to work. I'm gonna install Ubuntu desktop and see if I have better luck | 00:47 |
junyx | Ok nvm I figured it out. Had to do a reboot | 01:02 |
jsmooth | My goal is to reset MySQL so that I know the root password and also my web application can access database as well. I have no stopped, purged, and reinstalled mysql and then masked it. I don't know what I'd be doing next. | 01:45 |
bparker | jsmooth: not entirely sure what exactly you're trying to do, but if you just want an easy solution and don't mind blowing away any databases you have created, you should just be able to remove /var/lib/mysql and reinstall the server package and then you can set a new password | 01:47 |
jsmooth | THat's fine with me | 01:48 |
=== semitones is now known as sem | ||
jsmooth | Is there no default root password? | 01:49 |
ravage | the default is no password at all | 01:49 |
jsmooth | OKay. Do I need to unmask after I have purged and reinstalled mysql? | 01:49 |
ravage | if you purged everything that should not be needed. but you can unmask. does not hurt | 01:50 |
jsmooth | What is the proper way to set the root password? Is there a command for securing the installation? | 01:50 |
ravage | mysql_secure_installation | 01:52 |
jsmooth | THank you | 01:52 |
jsmooth | Do I need sudio on that? | 01:53 |
ravage | yes | 01:53 |
jsmooth | Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 01:53 |
jsmooth | Does that mean it's not running? | 01:53 |
ravage | then your mysql server is probably not running | 01:53 |
jsmooth | What's hte right way to start it again? | 01:54 |
ravage | sudo systemctl start mysql | 01:54 |
jsmooth | Job for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error code. | 01:54 |
jsmooth | See "systemctl status mysql.service" and "journalctl -xeu mysql.service" for details. | 01:54 |
jsmooth | Just wonderful | 01:55 |
ravage | so this is not a clean environment | 01:55 |
ravage | what ubuntu version are you on? | 01:55 |
jsmooth | I think I'll look into completely purging Ubuntu (WSL) so I can start completely fresh | 01:56 |
ravage | oh WSL | 01:56 |
jsmooth | Which command will tell me? | 01:56 |
ravage | then is is probably 22.04 | 01:56 |
ravage | if there is nothing else on that container purge ut | 01:56 |
ravage | *it | 01:56 |
ravage | that would have been a good information when you started this hours ago | 01:57 |
jsmooth | I completely purged Ubuntu and then reinstalled it, but attempting to install mysql-server, I get a few errors --> E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-8.0/mysql-client-core-8.0_8.0.35-0ubuntu0.22.04.1_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 02:00 |
ravage | sudo apt update | 02:00 |
jsmooth | Sorry, it's been a while since I've run Linux as my host OS, so I'm rusty. | 02:02 |
jsmooth | I used to use Ubuntu as my desktop | 02:02 |
jsmooth | But I only have 250GB HDD and I can't shrink any of it to install Ubuntu. | 02:03 |
jsmooth | I tried gparted, but the system said it was readonly....couldn't figure that out | 02:04 |
ravage | ubuntu can shrink your windows installation during setup | 02:05 |
jsmooth | Yeah, that's what I was counting on, but it woudn't do it. Said it was readonly | 02:05 |
sem | did u hibernate windows? | 02:05 |
ravage | does not sound exactly like a installer message | 02:05 |
ravage | but yes. fasboot could be a problem | 02:05 |
ravage | *fastboot | 02:06 |
jsmooth | Doesn't matter at this point, hard drive is full | 02:06 |
jsmooth | Anyway...mysql is now installed again | 02:08 |
jsmooth | mysql_secure_installation didn't prompt me to enter a password | 02:09 |
jsmooth | Oh, that's not a Ubuntu issue | 02:10 |
Anjor | :`q | 02:29 |
Anjor | oops | 02:29 |
nickgaw | Hi, What happens if I destroy a virtual private server with my pro token on it is it possible to deactivate it threw the web and if I have made a full image backup of my activated pro system can I deploy that image with my pro token to a smaller configuration and still keep pro? | 02:49 |
ravage | yes | 02:50 |
nickgaw | Yes to what? | 02:51 |
ravage | to your question | 02:51 |
ravage | if you deactivate the token you cant use it anymore of course | 02:52 |
ravage | i dont know what would make you think that | 02:52 |
nickgaw | What happens if I deploy an image in a smaller configuration with pro token on it will it see it as activated? | 02:52 |
ravage | yes | 02:52 |
jsmooth | Should I be needing to do 'sudo mysql' to access mysql as root? | 02:52 |
nickgaw | What if I do not deactivate the token? | 02:52 |
ravage | tokens expire after a while if the system does not phone home to the canonical servers | 02:53 |
ravage | jsmooth: no | 02:53 |
enigma9o7 | You do need 'sudo mysql' to access mysql as root. Should you be accessing it as root is a different question tho, and probably answer is no. | 02:53 |
ravage | jsmooth: oh sorry. as root yes | 02:53 |
oerheks | https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard | 02:53 |
nickgaw | If my token is on my virtual private server and I do a full Digitalocean snapshot then I deploy that backup to another system will that system also have pro on it? | 02:54 |
ravage | the tooltip implies that ir is 24 hpurs | 02:55 |
ravage | *it | 02:55 |
nickgaw | Will a realtime kernel help me on a virtual private server ? | 02:56 |
ravage | probably not much if the host does not have one | 02:57 |
ravage | and even that realtime and VM are not compatible at all | 02:57 |
ravage | *then | 02:58 |
nickgaw | I am not sure what Digitalocean uses for it's backend. | 02:58 |
ravage | you share a host with other clienrs | 02:58 |
ravage | clients. it can never be realtime | 02:58 |
nickgaw | So just use the default kernel then? | 02:58 |
ravage | yes | 02:59 |
nickgaw | Does ubuntu offer their own virtual private server hosting? | 02:59 |
ravage | no | 02:59 |
nickgaw | Can you configure pro to check for updates more often then it does by default? | 03:00 |
nickgaw | I am not sure how often it phones home. | 03:01 |
ravage | what do you mean by updates | 03:01 |
erwynne | Is there a way to get wobbly windows / compiz jello windows on Ubuntu? | 03:01 |
enigma9o7 | Well you can always check for updates manually... | 03:01 |
ravage | erwynne: no idea. tried that 10 years ago. nothing i miss at all 🙂 | 03:01 |
enigma9o7 | erwynne: are you using normal gnome based version of ubuntu? If you are using MATE edition, should be able to use compiz.... | 03:01 |
nickgaw | Like with the kernel live patching and the other security updates that pro supports is there a way to check how often it phones home for those? | 03:02 |
ravage | it does not phone home for updates at all | 03:02 |
ravage | you get them with apr | 03:02 |
ravage | like any other updates | 03:02 |
enigma9o7 | You probably want to configure unattended-upgrades | 03:02 |
ravage | *apt | 03:02 |
nickgaw | So what is the point of all of these pro services that are now running? | 03:03 |
oerheks | erwynne, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3210/compiz-windows-effect/ | 03:03 |
enigma9o7 | ravage, you can have it do them automatically, that's what "unattended-upgrades" is for... | 03:03 |
ravage | that is correct | 03:03 |
ravage | but it has nothing to so with his pro status checks | 03:03 |
nickgaw | unattended-upgrades is set to yes. | 03:03 |
erwynne | Thank you kindly oerheks and enigma9o7 | 03:03 |
enigma9o7 | nickgaw, what pro services do you mean? I use ubuntu-pro and hadn't noticed anything myself, but doesn't mean its not there.... | 03:03 |
ravage | not sure what services you mean. there are some timers running i think related to pro | 03:04 |
nickgaw | livepatch and esm-infra and esm-apps and lanscape. | 03:05 |
enigma9o7 | I have registered a couple machines for it (as a free home user) and what I notice is that there are additional packages available when I do normal apt update, that's the main reason I registered. | 03:06 |
nickgaw | Why is landscape disabled on this virtual private server? | 03:06 |
ravage | landscape is not even enabled by default | 03:06 |
ravage | it is not included in the free subsription | 03:06 |
nickgaw | What is its purpose? | 03:06 |
ravage | manage a large number of ubuntu installations | 03:07 |
ravage | but you can just google that | 03:07 |
nickgaw | Probably not very useful for virtual private servers right? | 03:07 |
ravage | probably not | 03:07 |
enigma9o7 | I think livepatch allows you to update kernel without reboot? But not sure, just feel like that. | 03:08 |
nickgaw | Is it mainly meant for the GUI? | 03:08 |
ravage | please just check the canonical docs about it | 03:08 |
oerheks | gui on a vps? | 03:08 |
nickgaw | No I meant the landscape feature is it mainly meant for the GUI systems? | 03:09 |
enigma9o7 | Ya I think you're best reading the official docs on this one, or if its the paid service you could likely contact canonical for support? | 03:09 |
nickgaw | Can a personal user buy subscriptions or paid support? | 03:09 |
oerheks | contact canonical about that? | 03:10 |
ravage | pleas contact canonical about their services. this is community only support | 03:10 |
nickgaw | Understandable. | 03:10 |
oerheks | we do not get paid. | 03:10 |
nickgaw | I understand that. | 03:10 |
ravage | oh you dont? i should not have said that maybe | 03:11 |
nickgaw | I get this is community support. | 03:11 |
nickgaw | What is the official name of the ubuntu installer? | 03:11 |
ravage | that depends | 03:11 |
ravage | the base is subiquity | 03:11 |
nickgaw | It is opensourced right? | 03:12 |
ravage | yes | 03:12 |
ravage | https://github.com/canonical/subiquity | 03:12 |
nickgaw | So if I want to I can rebuild the ubuntu installation media with a custom installer or just rebuild the main system just for testing to see how it is done? | 03:14 |
ravage | knock yourself out | 03:15 |
oerheks | make your own ubuntu with ,,, eh,,, i forgot the tool name | 03:15 |
nickgaw | Have you done it? | 03:15 |
oerheks | lolz | 03:15 |
ravage | i dont have time for that | 03:16 |
nickgaw | I just would like to see how long it takes and what steps are required. | 03:16 |
ravage | Ubuntu works just fine for me | 03:16 |
nickgaw | Yes it does I just like to rebuild things for testing and as I am totally blind I like to test out accessibility features. Do services exist that allow users to remote into linux systems like ubuntu GUI systems to do troubleshooting or provide support? | 03:17 |
oerheks | yes, rdp in the settings/sharing | 03:19 |
ravage | my advice would be to actually use Ubuntu before you rebuild it | 03:20 |
oerheks | rebuilds makes me cubic | 03:20 |
erwynne | on a fresh Ubuntu install, is there any additional packages or drivers that should be enabled for a Thinkpad system with Intel Graphics 620? I had poor FPS in light games until adding GL texture compression support, but are there any others? | 03:21 |
rysukx | ola? | 03:21 |
ravage | Intel Graphics 620 will never be a great gaming experience | 03:22 |
rysukx | lol | 03:22 |
enigma9o7 | ¡hola! | 03:22 |
enigma9o7 | How did you add GL texture compression support tho, what does that mean? | 03:23 |
erwynne | of course not, but it shouldn't pull 12 fps in a 10+ y/o game that on Windows is over 100 (which seems to be mostly ameliorated by adding OpenGL texture compression support via a community patch) but I'm hunting for anything else | 03:23 |
oerheks | give it max shared memory, 620 | 03:24 |
erwynne | An electrical engineer made a Ubuntu OpenGL texture compression support patch for Intel Graphics on Ubuntu 24 and up that I installed which fixed the lag I was having in Bloons Tower Defense 6 and Insaniquarium Deluxe, enigma9o7 | 03:25 |
enigma9o7 | sweet, maybe he needs to push that stuff upstream | 03:35 |
oerheks | maybe there is a bios update | 03:36 |
nickgaw | I have used the ubuntu system before with orca and the GUI. As I do not require a monitor and am looking for a new linux based laptop will a graphics card give me any better screen reading support or is it mainly for visual support so would a basic graphics card work for me as I want people who need to look at the screen to be able to do so? | 03:42 |
erwynne | A basic graphics card e.g. integrated graphics is more than suffice in your case, nickgaw. | 03:44 |
enigma9o7 | erwynne, the biggest thing you can probably do is run games in lower resolution. | 03:45 |
enigma9o7 | And you cannot add a graphics card to a laptop anyway. | 03:45 |
erwynne | You can add a graphics card to a laptop, enigma9o7. | 03:45 |
enigma9o7 | Well other than that one, forgot the name, that has one choice available. | 03:46 |
enigma9o7 | frameworks | 03:46 |
erwynne | You can add a graphics card to any laptop with a USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 port. | 03:46 |
enigma9o7 | Is that what you mean? The exception to the rule :) | 03:46 |
enigma9o7 | Oh thanks erwyne, I searched and yeah had no idea that was possible, but indeed it is. | 03:48 |
nickgaw | So with basic graphics someone with vision could see what is on the screen and use the mouse if needed right? | 03:48 |
enigma9o7 | Well you'd also need a hand to use the mouse. | 03:48 |
nickgaw | Yes | 03:48 |
enigma9o7 | Can't control the mouse with vision only, at least not easily. | 03:48 |
erwynne | Yes, with an integrated graphics card, people can see what is on the screen and use the trackpad to move the mouse. They could even run a small video game. | 03:49 |
nickgaw | What I mean is will the basic graphics card provide enought visual output shuld someone need to look at the screen for any reason? | 03:49 |
erwynne | Yes, integrated graphics is more than adequate to run even a massive TV screen of visual output under duress. | 03:50 |
enigma9o7 | Other than high performance 3D gaming, any gpu is fine, yes. | 03:50 |
nickgaw | What happens if you run a high quality video game on a basic graphics card will the game adapt to the lower graphics card? | 03:50 |
erwynne | A high quality new video game won't run well, if at all, on integrated graphics. | 03:51 |
enigma9o7 | Depends what you mean adapt. There are some requirements, lik ea minimum GL version, etc, that some very old gpu don't offer. | 03:51 |
enigma9o7 | Other than that, the other issue you'd notice would be low framerate. | 03:51 |
nickgaw | Go to a lower graphics mode if the card does not support the higher graphics modes? | 03:52 |
enigma9o7 | You can often improve framerate by running at a lower resolution, for example our gaming pc has nvidia 750ti which is now ten yeas old, but haven't ran into any real issues yet, whenever a game's graphics are too slow we just set it to 1280x720. | 03:52 |
enigma9o7 | Many of the games themselves have settings menu where you can set the resolution and graphics quality, etc. | 03:52 |
erwynne | Most "high quality" video games require very powerful dedicated GPUs. For example, there is no low enough graphics for ARK 2 to be playable. | 03:53 |
nickgaw | Audio only games that just use sound to let blind users know what is going on probably do not need a high graphics card right? | 03:53 |
erwynne | Audio games use your sound card, which is not a spec you need to worry about. | 03:53 |
nickgaw | Does ubuntu have those non-free blobs for the newer systems that require them for the sound card? | 03:54 |
erwynne | The only engine of audio game that would even use 3D is Unity games, and it would run on almost any integrated graphics in the last ten years. | 03:54 |
erwynne | Are you talking about codecs? | 03:55 |
nickgaw | Not sure as on debian there was talk on the list about some sound cards that used non-free blobs for the sound card. | 03:55 |
erwynne | Sound cards in laptops are near-universally supported by Linux. I have never seen a single computer including computers that do not support Linux where sound was not functional, if that helps, nickgaw. | 03:57 |
nickgaw | I am not sure of the exact issue that was being talked about on the debian-accessibility list about some systems and the sound cards not working. | 03:58 |
jsmooth | I believe I"ve managed to set a password for root and create a user as well. | 03:58 |
erwynne | These are likely to be extremely old sound cards such as sound blaster cards, nickgaw. | 03:59 |
nickgaw | I hate how ubuntu does not let root login by default. | 03:59 |
jsmooth | I'm actually talking about MySQL stuff. | 03:59 |
nickgaw | I read it was very new ones. | 03:59 |
nickgaw | Which is better mysql or postgresql? | 03:59 |
jsmooth | I don't know postgresql | 03:59 |
jsmooth | I don't know all of mysql lol | 03:59 |
nickgaw | Can mysql work with databases made with mariadb? | 04:00 |
nickgaw | as it is mysql clones right? | 04:00 |
erwynne | Most laptops have their own solution for sound cards which is mostly the same between motherboards by the same provider or same "series". | 04:00 |
rbox | nickgaw: thats like asking which is better coke or pepsi | 04:01 |
enigma9o7 | yes, mysql can open mariadb dbs. | 04:04 |
nickgaw | You probably can not run both mysql and mariadb on the same system right? | 04:05 |
nickgaw | What about mysql and postgresql? | 04:05 |
enigma9o7 | i dont think mysql is even still in ubuntu, but would have to double check. | 04:05 |
jsmooth | Yes it is | 04:06 |
jsmooth | I've just installed it | 04:06 |
nickgaw | You are sure it is not mariadb relabeled? | 04:06 |
jsmooth | Could be I guess | 04:06 |
nickgaw | If packages say mariadb-server with apt then it is relabeled but it might not be relabeled. | 04:06 |
nickgaw | ubuntu has more camercia software or non-free software then debian right? | 04:07 |
jsmooth | No I didn't install mariadb anything | 04:07 |
nickgaw | No when you install mysql instead it installs maria instead on debian. | 04:07 |
jsmooth | Oh | 04:08 |
LuckyMan | nickgaw, not beeing root is a good thing. You can always use sudo. | 04:12 |
LuckyMan | and you should | 04:13 |
nickgaw | true but I just like having a password set for the root user. | 04:13 |
rbox | so set one | 04:13 |
tutan | excuse me #ubuntu. pardon me. good evening. i have a question about the ircii package which downloads via apt-get on wsl -- my question is this, specifically: why does it connect to irc.debian.org by default, and why doesn't modifying the .ircrc fix this (even with -b) and how can i set a different default server or not connect to any? | 04:20 |
tutan | btw, even specifying the server on the command line is ignored ($ircii irc.freenode.net) | 04:21 |
tutan | or even $ircII :ln:irc.freenode.org such as in the man page example | 04:25 |
Guest1235 | I'm wanting to shift now to noble (v24.x) containers. But some of the vendors are not yet offering noble repos. Can I tell the repos to ignore the os codename and just grab the latest version, until others catch up? Is the os codename a required field in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* entries? | 04:26 |
ravage | all official mirrors have noble | 04:29 |
aiena | what is the difference between the ubuntu docker imags hosted on aws and the ones hosted on docker hub are both maintained by ubuntu? | 05:52 |
aiena | https://gallery.ecr.aws/lts/ubuntu vs the docker hub one | 05:52 |
blahdeblah | aiena: They appear to be identical: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ... | 06:04 |
blahdeblah | ubuntu noble 35a88802559d 4 weeks ago 78.1MB | 06:04 |
blahdeblah | public.ecr.aws/ubuntu/ubuntu 24.04_stable 35a88802559d 4 weeks ago 78.1MB | 06:04 |
blahdeblah | (apologies for bad paste - should have used a pastebin) | 06:04 |
aiena | ok | 06:05 |
blahdeblah | aiena: paste version: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/280929be/ | 06:06 |
aiena | Are these officially from ubuntu https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu/tags I was looking at https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu but cant reconcile the 2 links | 06:08 |
tutan | word | 06:14 |
tutan | kwak, thats a real screen name | 06:14 |
blahdeblah | aiena: Those are the official Ubuntu images; not sure what you need to "reconcile". They are the same image id, therefore the same contents. | 06:44 |
blahdeblah | If you want to verify this yourself, pull both of the images and run `docker image ls --no-trunc` and you'll see that they have the same sha256 sum. | 06:44 |
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junyx | I sit safe to systemcl disable motd-news.service and motd-news.timer? | 08:11 |
junyx | Is it* | 08:12 |
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Guest16 | hi all | 09:48 |
Guest16 | please I have a big problem | 09:48 |
Guest16 | I lost some important data due to an overwriting error, now I don't know what to do because at the same time I ended up with a broken Ubuntu | 09:48 |
Guest16 | I was about to reinstall it but then I saw that I lost a very important document, so thank goodness I didn't format it, because perhaps with the recuva program or similar I can find it again | 09:48 |
Guest16 | Can you please help me restart Ubuntu? :-( without that file, I now have a whole host of data, personal information and account problems | 09:48 |
lotuspsychj3 | Guest16: you cant boot your ubuntu anymore? or whats the issue exactly? | 09:56 |
Guest16 | the the big problem I had was that I lost a very important file. I noticed it a few minutes ago, thank goodness, because I was starting the procedure to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch, because in recent days thanks to other operators we have made attempts to restart the installed Ubuntu, but it didn't work. | 09:59 |
Guest16 | So thank goodness I didn't format it because now what I would like to do is restart Ubuntu and try to recover that file that I lost and that I usually extract onto the desktop using one of those file recovery programs like "RECUVA". So now I ABSOLUTELY NEED to restart my Ubuntu as it was and then if anything I'll reinstall it. | 09:59 |
Guest16 | lotuspsychj3 | 10:01 |
Guest16 | if you want to see previous attempts, i'll show u the screen | 10:01 |
lotuspsychj3 | Guest16: are you inside your ubuntu desktop now? or cant you boot it? | 10:03 |
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Jantz_ | danse-nr3 sup hows things? | 10:25 |
Jantz_ | Guest4 you rock my world man imma follow you haha | 10:26 |
Jantz_ | IntelRide sup man? | 10:27 |
Jantz_ | JenyaRus sup? | 10:27 |
danse-nr3 | awful music everywhere Jantz_ | 10:29 |
Jantz_ | how you been danse-nr3 whats news? where you based? you in a cyber team or? | 10:34 |
Jantz_ | beaver oh you didn't just leave us all we were getting in the groove!! oh my goodness | 10:36 |
danse-nr3 | trolling is not fun Jantz_ | 10:37 |
lotuspsychj3 | !ot | Jantz_ danse-nr3 | 10:37 |
ubottu | Jantz_ danse-nr3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:37 |
Jantz_ | sorry sorry sorry yeah was just firing up the convo before we get into helping people with the security enhanced version of Ubuntu | 10:37 |
lotuspsychj3 | we have other channels for polls & convo's enough Jantz_ | 10:38 |
Jantz_ | yeah sorry the real reason I was coming here I couldn't get Ubuntu to work properly wondering do you need specific motherboards to run Ubuntu? | 10:40 |
danse-nr3 | ##defocus, ##chat if you feel like being free to be more human | 10:40 |
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Saksham_Baba | https://71fa9a439ea4db70077f6b2b2feb7533.serveo.net | 10:49 |
ananke | that clown again | 10:51 |
ghodawalaaman | !ops Saksham_Baba | 10:51 |
Saksham_Baba | hey ghodawala | 10:52 |
Vivian | how do i get wine to work? | 11:01 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 11:44 |
drigy | hi | 11:48 |
Guest4 | hi lotuspsychj3 | 11:51 |
Guest4 | live session blocked, i'm back again | 11:51 |
Guest4 | do u read my message? | 11:51 |
azer_ | Hi | 11:55 |
dman777 | just to confirm, please, openssh-server 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11 is the latest stable openssh available in ubuntu? | 12:06 |
ioria | dman777, nope | 12:09 |
dman777 | ioria: why am I getting openssh-server is already the newest version (1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11) after apt get update | 12:11 |
ioria | dman777, what's your release ? | 12:11 |
dman777 | Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS | 12:12 |
ioria | dman777, latest stable release is 24.04 | 12:13 |
ioria | dman777, that has 1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.3 | 12:13 |
dman777 | ioria: but isn't the 20.04.2 LTS package repos kept up to date where it would have the more recent openssh? | 12:14 |
ioria | dman777, bug fixes and security, yes | 12:15 |
leftyfb | dman777: if you're worried, that openssh release is patched for regreSSHion | 12:15 |
Guest13 | hi lotuspsychj3 | 12:16 |
Guest13 | do u read my messages? | 12:16 |
leftyfb | Guest13: hello, what is your ubuntu support question? | 12:16 |
Guest13 | u can find a my messages some lines above | 12:17 |
Guest13 | don't start, i have to start it because i need to try to recovery a deleted file | 12:17 |
dman777 | leftyfb: should the patch be mentioned here? I don't see it but I am not sure if I am just missing it reading https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11 | 12:18 |
leftyfb | dman777: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387 | 12:20 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A security regression (CVE-2006-5051) was discovered in OpenSSH's server (sshd). There is a race condition which can lead to sshd to handle some signals in an unsafe manner. An unauthenticated, remote attacker may be able to trigger it by failing to authenticate within a set time period. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387> | 12:20 | |
leftyfb | it's not vulnerable | 12:20 |
leftyfb | sorry, I misspoke to say it was patched | 12:20 |
dman777 | leftyfb: no problem, thanks | 12:20 |
dman777 | is the openssh regreSSHion even a issue if only ssh keys are used and password login is disabled? | 12:21 |
leftyfb | yes | 12:22 |
dman777 | if a ssh key is invalid there is no logingrace time, correct? | 12:23 |
leftyfb | dman777: feel free to read up on the vulnerability https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2024/07/01/regresshion-remote-unauthenticated-code-execution-vulnerability-in-openssh-server | 12:24 |
mcphail | dman777: the version of SSH shipped in 20.04 was never vulnerable to this. The race condition was added in later releases due to careless code refactoring by upstream | 12:24 |
dman777 | mcphail: yep, I was just curious | 12:24 |
ioria | dman777, i don't think 20.04 is affected | 12:25 |
leftyfb | ioria: it's not. We just went over this :) | 12:27 |
ioria | ah, ok | 12:27 |
dman777 | ioria: so I understand ubuntu lts better... if openssh-server 1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.11 did have the exploit (just as an example), would the repo offer the patched version for 20.04 lts? | 12:27 |
ioria | yes | 12:27 |
leftyfb | they would patch the version in 20.04 | 12:27 |
dman777 | ok, thank you :) | 12:28 |
leftyfb | you wouldn't get the latest version of openssh | 12:28 |
ioria | it's in 'main' | 12:28 |
dman777 | join openssh | 12:28 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest4622 | ||
Guest32 | excuse me, on live session internet stops to work, i don't know why | 12:48 |
ioria | Guest32, do you mean 'it's not working' or 'it stops at some point' ? | 12:53 |
Guest32 | ioria it asks me textual login at the startup | 12:56 |
Guest32 | ioria https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-04R53W0KtFZfTNqGRo9449ppl5726I8/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-mYcblckZr19QhX1U7i0x4Re-lDlH2tD/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nbBRVAXJHR2Up0GP0mVXdUrfCllTdEl/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-oJZDOetE1iiiiPW4Tea0qkx-tReN0BP/view?usp=sharing, | 12:57 |
Guest32 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/10j_6I1lDA90MCQNgyuUKUFz94Ikoc8xV/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/10mkJbS4wjAmIcKJ7FIzjCYRBij5fTFam/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/11-jaf9XMg1Ar7q9FqiZihYIjO8oJxMxr/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/110novDDO9WBf62vp-vhp1pCsU4R8JN9l/view?usp=sharing | 12:57 |
Guest32 | previous attempts | 12:57 |
ioria | Guest32, sorry, i don't get the actual problem | 12:58 |
Guest32 | ubuntu doesn't open | 12:58 |
Guest32 | just textual logi, in command prompt | 12:58 |
Guest32 | *login | 12:58 |
ioria | Guest32, and what's the relation with connectivity ? | 12:59 |
Guest32 | no, i talked about connectivity because during this live session ofter internet don't work | 12:59 |
leftyfb | I don't think NM is running at that point | 12:59 |
ioria | Guest32, what are you booting ? | 13:00 |
Guest32 | *often | 13:00 |
Guest32 | ubuntu 22.04 | 13:00 |
ioria | Guest32, desktop or server ? | 13:00 |
Guest32 | desktop | 13:00 |
Guest32 | now, i'm from a live session by the same usb i used for installation | 13:00 |
ioria | Guest32, ok, boot with 'nomodeset' | 13:01 |
leftyfb | Guest32: what changed since the last time this was working? | 13:01 |
Guest32 | ioria what mean? | 13:01 |
Guest32 | i don't remember, no changes as i remember just the regular updates, i always do all updates | 13:02 |
ioria | Guest32, you probably have an nvidia card; nomodeset disable the graphics temporary | 13:02 |
Guest32 | from three different parts | 13:02 |
Guest32 | nomodeset? | 13:02 |
Guest32 | where? | 13:02 |
ioria | !nomodeset | 13:02 |
ubottu | Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there. | 13:02 |
Guest32 | i have to type it? | 13:02 |
ioria | Guest32, it's a kernel parameter; but i don't understand if you already have an install, or are you just trying ubuntu live | 13:03 |
Guest32 | where do i have to type it? | 13:03 |
Guest32 | in terminal? | 13:03 |
Guest32 | i already have an intall, just now i'm from live usb | 13:04 |
Guest32 | to chat | 13:04 |
Guest32 | because ubuntu doesn't start | 13:04 |
ioria | Guest32, nope, you need to set the parameter on your install | 13:04 |
Guest32 | how? | 13:04 |
ioria | Guest32, in grub, pressing shift or esc; then fallow the instruction down the screen | 13:05 |
ioria | *follow | 13:05 |
ioria | Guest32, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters | 13:06 |
Guest32 | ok but after the problem is solved or it's just a temporary solution? | 13:06 |
ioria | Guest32, we don't know for sure the issue, but it's probably related to your video card | 13:07 |
ioria | Guest32, old or broken drivers | 13:08 |
leftyfb | ioria: there's zero indication that nomodeset will solve anything. This isn't usually something you have to add after not needing it for a period of time | 13:08 |
Guest32 | ok i just don't understand if after i'll use ubuntu like before or just with a temporary repair | 13:09 |
ioria | leftyfb, we need the install running at least | 13:09 |
leftyfb | ioria: maybe, but again, there's zero indication that adding nomodeset will get it to boot | 13:09 |
ioria | we can try, no harm | 13:09 |
leftyfb | Guest32: when was your machine last working? | 13:09 |
Guest32 | a week ago | 13:10 |
ioria | Guest32, what's your video card ? | 13:10 |
Guest32 | 10 days about | 13:10 |
Guest32 | leftyfb | 13:10 |
leftyfb | Guest32: and since then, you made no changes to your system? You didn't need to come here for help with anything else? | 13:10 |
Guest32 | nvdia | 13:10 |
Guest32 | NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX | 13:10 |
Guest32 | as i remember not | 13:11 |
Guest32 | just i always update all by three different sources | 13:11 |
ioria | it's not easy (in general) upgrade and fix from a livecd; you need chroot and stuff | 13:11 |
Guest32 | "Ubuntu software, "Software" and those one it shows me by "Updates | 13:12 |
ioria | Guest32, so, i suggest you boot in Recovery Mode or (same thing) with nomodeset | 13:12 |
Guest32 | leftyfb i come back by phone | 13:12 |
Guest32 | ioria what is chroot? | 13:13 |
Guest32 | tell me what is better | 13:14 |
Guest32 | recovery mode or nomodeset? | 13:14 |
ioria | Guest32, Grub -> Advanced Options -> Recovery Mode | 13:14 |
Guest32 | shift at start? | 13:14 |
Guest32 | ioria | 13:15 |
ioria | left shift or esc ; be persistent 'cause sometimes it does not work | 13:15 |
Guest32 | ok i come back in few minutes, by phone | 13:15 |
Guest40 | I start recovery mode | 13:20 |
Guest40 | ioria | 13:20 |
Guest40 | I came back by phone | 13:21 |
Guest40 | Is he | 13:29 |
Guest40 | IS | 13:29 |
Guest40 | Are u here ioria | 13:29 |
Guest40 | I don t know how to proceed | 13:35 |
Guest40 | 😕 | 13:35 |
Guest17 | ioria are u here? | 13:42 |
ioria | Guest17 does it boot ? | 13:58 |
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matilde | #topic ola | 16:13 |
belovedsandworm | Have you tried asking the makers of SNMP? | 16:15 |
miguel_ | hello folks | 16:58 |
lotuspsychj3 | welcome miguel_ | 16:58 |
lotuspsychj3 | and bye | 16:58 |
nfbyte | hello, after disabling the ubuntu-dock extension on Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop, the GNOME activities / overview is opened and then quickly closed on every startup | 17:12 |
nfbyte | any idea what might be causing this exactly? (and how to just keep it open?) | 17:13 |
nfbyte | this seems to happen even with ubuntu-dock enabled and the "show overview on startup" option enabled for it | 17:19 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: sounds like bug #2048696 ? | 17:21 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2048696 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Desktop occasionally starts in overview if hotcorner enabled" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2048696 | 17:21 | |
ioria | nfbyte, maybe an extension might solve the issue; like this : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4099/no-overview/ - reference here : https://discourse.gnome.org/t/gnome-42-5-how-to-disable-activities-overview-on-login/15224/4 | 17:23 |
nfbyte | I think it's this: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1968513 | 17:23 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1968513 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng (Ubuntu) "GNOME login fails to stay in the overview if DING is enabled" [Medium, Confirmed] | 17:23 | |
nfbyte | yep, disabling Desktop Icons NG fixes it | 17:24 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: you plan on not using your dock? | 17:25 |
nfbyte | I prefer the way upstream GNOME works and looks | 17:25 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: i mean you wont be using a dock, or replace it with something else? | 17:26 |
lotuspsychj3 | like plank, or just use top panel? | 17:26 |
nfbyte | GNOME without dash-to-dock or ubuntu-dock already has a dock that is shown when the overview is open | 17:27 |
nfbyte | it looks nice | 17:28 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: maybe its in idea to test gnome classic on your gdm too | 17:28 |
nfbyte | what do you mean? | 17:29 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: when you logout, you can pick gnome classic now on 24.04 | 17:29 |
lotuspsychj3 | as you state, you like to have gnome vanilla | 17:30 |
nfbyte | lotuspsychj3: where? in the bottom right there is only Ubuntu and Ubuntu on Xorg | 17:31 |
lotuspsychj3 | hmm | 17:31 |
lotuspsychj3 | nfbyte: im seeing this https://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/gnome-classic-sessions.webp | 17:32 |
ioria | nfbyte, you need gnome-shell-extensions installed; log out/log in | 17:33 |
lotuspsychj3 | ah right tnx ioria i got that installed indeed | 17:33 |
ioria | yep | 17:33 |
nfbyte | ah yes, it shows up indeed after installing gnome-shell-extensions | 17:34 |
nfbyte | thanks for the tip | 17:34 |
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ioria | nfbyte, it looks like this : https://149366088.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/gnome-classic-session-ubuntu-19.04.jpg | 17:34 |
nfbyte | ah, I see, like older versions of GNOME | 17:35 |
ioria | kinda | 17:36 |
oerheks | 18:08 | |
belovedsandworm | 18:18 | |
K3ALA | what is the deal with a 2nd user on ubuntu not being able to change the dock? | 18:41 |
oerheks | 1st account is the administrator+user combined, 2nd is just a user. | 18:42 |
K3ALA | I made the 2nd account an admin before asking because I figured that was the cause but it still won't let me unpin stuff | 18:43 |
oerheks | it would be niceif you said that with the question itself | 18:45 |
oerheks | file a bugreport? | 18:45 |
JanC | that is unrelated to admin or not | 18:46 |
K3ALA | it's weird because I can unpin libreoffice writer but then if i unpin app center it puts writer back and the cycle just continues but on the primary user it works perfectly | 18:47 |
elias2 | how do i set up wifi printing on ubuntu server 24.04? | 18:47 |
elias2 | i want to print text files (physical printing) | 18:47 |
K3ALA | elias2: just set it up as a network printer, it's up to the physical layer to determine how to get it there | 18:47 |
elias2 | but what is the easiest way to do it | 18:48 |
elias2 | no wait | 18:48 |
K3ALA | go into settings > printing > add printer and put in the IP address of the printer and it will give you a bunch of options I usually use lpd | 18:48 |
elias2 | K3ALA there is no gui, i wan't to print from the CLI interface | 18:49 |
JanC | the "app center" is a snap package, so maybe it's related to that... | 18:49 |
K3ALA | JanC: that's possible, snap is so damn buggy | 18:50 |
* delsol wonders how long until someone makes a CUPS driver for their 3d printer..... | 18:50 | |
elias2 | oh thanks for reminding me of CUPS | 18:50 |
JanC | elias2: there is a web admin for CUPS | 18:50 |
K3ALA | elias2: I've never done it via cli i'm sure there's a way but i'm so damn busy trying to get this running right now | 18:50 |
elias2 | i have heard of CUPS, but what is it??????????? | 18:50 |
elias2 | is it a spool thing | 18:50 |
delsol | Common Unix Printing System. | 18:51 |
elias2 | ? | 18:51 |
elias2 | OK | 18:51 |
elias2 | aha | 18:51 |
JanC | CUPS is the print server used in linux & macOS | 18:51 |
delsol | print server. | 18:51 |
elias2 | but how do i set it up? | 18:51 |
elias2 | is it a program? | 18:51 |
lotuspsychj3 | http://localhost:631/ | 18:51 |
delsol | its a daemon yes. | 18:51 |
elias2 | explain | 18:51 |
elias2 | lotuspsych what is that adress | 18:52 |
lotuspsychj3 | click it elias2 | 18:52 |
elias2 | i have no gui | 18:52 |
K3ALA | JanC: maybe you know the answer to this, is /etc/skel only used for configuring guest accounts? I thought it became the baseline for all accounts but my new user didn't pull any of it | 18:52 |
elias2 | i'm using weechat, so i guess i'll type the adress into a browser on a windows px | 18:53 |
elias2 | *pc | 18:53 |
JanC | /etc/skel is used as a basis for all new accounts (at least when users are created using standard tools) | 18:53 |
lotuspsychj3 | elias2: this is ubuntu support, not windows | 18:53 |
elias2 | before i enter it, i just want to know what 631 on localhost is? | 18:53 |
oerheks | cups has a web interface too .. | 18:53 |
K3ALA | ok so there was something just completely fukt on that install | 18:53 |
oerheks | https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install-and-configure-a-cups-print-server | 18:54 |
JanC | how did you create that second user K3ALA | 18:54 |
K3ALA | I was getting a weird error on the gui method so I did useradd username and then went into the gui to add the password | 18:54 |
elias2 | can i install CUPS, then enter some settings for the printer adress, and then it's all set up? | 18:55 |
elias2 | hope it's easy | 18:55 |
K3ALA | most of the issues I've been having with getting this profile going I haven't been able to google and its been driving me crazy | 18:55 |
oerheks | cups should be standard on you non-gui ubuntu ? | 18:55 |
elias2 | ok | 18:56 |
oerheks | or try to install, you see | 18:56 |
K3ALA | like the fact that snaps don't work in guest mode, chrome keeps insisting on a keyring for guest mode etc etc etc | 18:56 |
elias2 | what is the command to print a raw text file written in nano | 18:56 |
JanC | K3ALA: 'useradd' is a low-level tool; better use 'adduser' to add new users | 18:56 |
JanC | (as the manpage of 'useradd' says ;) ) | 18:56 |
K3ALA | hopefully I won't need to use either one now that i'm reinstalling | 18:57 |
elias2 | so i'll just type "print test.txt"? | 18:57 |
K3ALA | it sounds like it got corrupted somehow but since I couldn't find out what code 82 means i have no idea | 18:57 |
elias2 | i'm a total noob | 18:58 |
elias2 | i guess i have used windows and command prompt too much | 18:58 |
elias2 | ubuntu server is my daily driver | 18:59 |
K3ALA | being comfortable with the terminal can only help you in linux elias2 but you'll need to learn one of the linux terminal languages | 19:00 |
elias2 | how???????? | 19:00 |
elias2 | i hope its not "code:fe304ef dfsdk 3490235++4'?`5234+'4+0+'go got frheu282930" | 19:00 |
K3ALA | there are ridiculous amounts of books out there, google, man pages info pages etc | 19:00 |
lotuspsychj3 | funny.. | 19:01 |
elias2 | or "10101003490320000numdf4+3r19jodfie4u90993" | 19:01 |
elias2 | ah i finally let my frustration of linux cli out | 19:02 |
oerheks | https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install-and-configure-a-cups-print-server | 19:02 |
elias2 | thank you oerheks | 19:02 |
ravage1 | https://opensource.com/article/21/9/print-files-linux | 19:03 |
ravage1 | happy to google for you | 19:03 |
K3ALA | so apparently removing a user and then trying to add a new one completely fucks ubuntu 24.04 | 19:33 |
oerheks | mind your language, thanks | 19:34 |
K3ALA | sorry, I'm just hitting that point where i'm going to scream all these words in real life too | 19:34 |
K3ALA | does 20.04 implement mandatory snaps? | 19:38 |
gordonjcp | K3ALA: that doesn't sound reasonable, what's happening when you remove users and add them? | 19:38 |
gordonjcp | K3ALA: what sort of behaviour are you seeing? | 19:38 |
K3ALA | any time I go through settings > users and remove a user that works fine but if I then try to add a new user it fails with code 82 and when I try adduser it fails too but doesn't seem to tell me why | 19:39 |
oerheks | after removing, did you reboot? | 19:39 |
oerheks | especially an user with root priv | 19:40 |
K3ALA | yes | 19:40 |
K3ALA | and the user I removed was just a standard user and the only thing I could find for code 82 was that it was encountering too many shared libraries which makes me wonder if it's skel that's messing this up | 19:41 |
K3ALA | ok so here's one for ya would secureboot mess this stuff up? I didn't realize it was enabled because none of the installers had yelled at me about it until I tried the one for 20.04 | 19:44 |
gordonjcp | I can't reproduce that | 19:48 |
gordonjcp | what exactly are you doing? | 19:48 |
K3ALA | I'm creating a lab computer with one admin profile for me and one standard user profile for the patrons that will employ lockfs to keep it clean and standard. Only thing I can figure is either skel was getting in the way or secureboot which would prevent you from being able to reproduce it | 19:50 |
oerheks | secureboot had nothing to do with such, AFAIK | 19:50 |
K3ALA | certainly doesn't seem like it should but skel doesn't either | 19:52 |
aiena | K3ALA: just look at your fstab file | 20:29 |
aiena | I have a suspicion that maybe the homedir is removed and the system is looking for a homedir and user on boot | 20:30 |
aiena | and/or user | 20:30 |
K3ALA | I went back to 20.04 at this point and just set everything up on the intended user profile, seems to be working now | 20:31 |
aiena | hmm actually fstab just has a /home | 20:31 |
aiena | something else changed I guess | 20:31 |
aiena | i'm on 20.04 so need to setup a 24.x vm to see | 20:31 |
aiena | just too lazy atm the go through that trouble | 20:32 |
K3ALA | it's ok that's a lot of me to ask of you anyway | 20:32 |
aiena | docker containers are easier but they are not a ful on system so its like adding more problems | 20:32 |
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
Sabotender | hi how can I make a persistent USB live image? I do not want to install desktop to a HDD. I also dislike gnome and want to load Cinnamon at startup | 21:13 |
Sabotender | is such a thing possible? I really want to run mythtv with Ubuntu because it appears its the only truly supported distro for hauppage tuners | 21:14 |
aiena | Sabotender: I think it definitely is possible. | 21:16 |
aiena | one way to do it to buy a sufficilently large pendrive. Live boot ubuntu from another pen drive and install into this pendrive fromthat live boot | 21:17 |
aiena | you'll have to create normal partition tables just like you would make for a hard disk | 21:17 |
aiena | I've not tried it but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. I'll need to test it though | 21:18 |
LuckyMan | but why would you want Ubuntu on a pendrive? | 21:19 |
LuckyMan | you will always need a computer to boot it | 21:19 |
aiena | Sabotender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2RYqahtkNc he tries it here | 21:22 |
aiena | LuckyMan: its like a portable hard disk i don't think this would work with secureboot though | 21:22 |
aiena | eralier we never hd that huge pen drives | 21:23 |
aiena | but now with 256gb usb3.0 usb sticks its feasible | 21:23 |
aiena | LuckyMan: I wonder if in the future we would have nvme drive inside with a usb and nvme namespces too to have more fun. | 21:24 |
aiena | you could use dd per namespace then | 21:24 |
aiena | or nvme like namespaces in USBs pen drives. | 21:25 |
aiena | but right now storage is large enough. | 21:25 |
Sabotender | my pen drive is 128 GB I believe | 21:27 |
enigma9o7 | There are USB SSD sticks these days. | 21:28 |
enigma9o7 | Luckyman: I have done it in the past on a machine with failed hard drive. But it is quite slow, eventually bought SSD and swapped drives around and put one in that machine. | 21:29 |
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oerheks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 21:37 |
oerheks | rufus could do that, ventoy unreliable AFAIK | 21:40 |
topcat001 | I have my portable Arch system on a USB 3.0 enclosure SSD (with trim support). It should work similarly for Ubuntu. Performance is good enough, and the SSD can be installed in a machine if needed and booted directly. | 22:12 |
topcat001 | (1 TB disk) | 22:12 |
=== Juesto is now known as Juest | ||
help-me-protag | Hi, My EC2 server has been working fine for some months, but the past week it's not letting any outbound connections. Mainly having issues with cURL, with it timing out / getting host unreachable. Thought it might be an ipV6 issue that EC2 ipV4 only instances can have and disabled ipV6 using grub, but no luck. Ports are all open, and security group | 22:27 |
help-me-protag | is all open for outbound. It's reachable fine inbound, the sites hosted work fine (besides anything requiring cURL). apt update/upgrade doesn't even work | 22:27 |
oerheks | on what ubuntu version? | 22:28 |
help-me-protag | 22.04 | 22:28 |
oerheks | EC2 is not really my thing though | 22:28 |
help-me-protag | I'm stuck on whether it's an EC2 issue or with the OS. Both are looking all good. Ports open on both ends | 22:29 |
oerheks | as you cannot update, tried a restart? | 22:31 |
help-me-protag | Yep, rebooted a few times | 22:32 |
oerheks | you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too.. | 22:34 |
K3ALA | is bilibop-lockfs an ubuntu specific package or is that linux-wide? | 22:37 |
CarlFK | DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --listactivemonitors -v | 22:39 |
CarlFK | xrandr program version 1.5.1 | 22:39 |
CarlFK | xrandr --verbose ... lots of stuff for all the monitors | 22:39 |
CarlFK | whoops, --listmonitors shows 0: +HDMI-3 1920/476x1080/268+0+0 HDMI-3 | 22:40 |
CarlFK | how do I get --verbose for just HDMI-3? | 22:40 |
oerheks | !info bilibop-lockfs | 22:43 |
ubottu | bilibop-lockfs (0.6.3, noble): lock filesystems and write changes into RAM. In component universe, is optional. Built by bilibop. Size 35 kB / 141 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) | 22:43 |
oerheks | universe, so linux wide | 22:43 |
K3ALA | wow that's a cool lil command there | 22:44 |
K3ALA | I just emailed the maintainer hopefully he's responsive. Running it is causing cups scheduler to fail | 22:44 |
CarlFK | orlock: I missed the backstory, but bilibop-lockfs reminds me of https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/overlayroot | 22:48 |
K3ALA | CarlFK: thanks for telling me about that package. I'm gonna give it a shot tomorrow and see if it works any better, I suspect the readonly nature of the base filesystem is what's causing the issue though and that i will have to somehow whitelist libpam.so | 22:51 |
CarlFK | K3ALA: I have been using it in project for 2ish years now. apt install, enable it, reboot, done. just works. | 23:17 |
Sabotender | so could I convert that live usb desktop but...how ramdisks could be used and personal user data saved to pen drive... | 23:42 |
* Sabotender sighs | 23:42 | |
oerheks | keep it simple, use a 2nd usb for data | 23:43 |
Sabotender | an rpi could do this with a microsd card. not sure why I couldnt do this with a usb pen drive for a standard desktop computer | 23:46 |
oerheks | rufus can do it, ventoy is unreliable. | 23:48 |
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