
Unit193That CVE (https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/security/advisories/GHSA-79w7-vh3h-8g4j) looks more Windows based.00:06
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
rbasakmdeslaur or sarnold maybe: please could you see if you have an opinion on bug 2065915 or could otherwise help out? It seems like a couple of community contributors are trying to fix up quite a bit of a mess in relation to apparmor, possibly related to userns. I'm also not sure what to make of it from an SRU review perspective and would appreciate your opinion.12:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Bug 2065915 in tellico (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] Fix hard coded path in apparmor profiles." [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206591512:43
rbasakOr jjohansen maybe? ^12:44
mdeslaurhrm https://launchpadlibrarian.net/738546122/plasma-welcome_5.27.11-0ubuntu3_5.27.11-0ubuntu4.diff.gz12:47
mdeslaurthat looks weird, I don't now what that is solving12:48
mdeslaurrelated bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akregator/+bug/206449212:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Launchpad bug 2064492 in tellico (Ubuntu Noble) "failed to execvp: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess" [High, Fix Committed]12:48
mdeslaurI'll let sarnold and jjohansen comment12:49
rbasakAIUI, it's trying to solve that bug you linked. See comments in the 915 bug.12:49
=== Jozo_ is now known as Jozo
=== jozo_ is now known as Jozo
georgiagrbasak: it seems that the packages from the SRU use userns and to make it work they created a profile based on what was done for plasmashell https://git.launchpad.net/apparmor/tree/profiles/apparmor.d/plasmashell which doesn't really make sense for those applications. it seems that what they actually wanted in the first place was an unconfined profile similar to epiphany https://git.launchpad.net/apparmor/tree/profiles13:22
georgiag/apparmor.d/epiphany which is what the SRU is proposing... now we have to decide what's worse: fix only the @{multiarch} aspect and leave an apparmor policy that is overly broad and doesn't make sense for the package but confined nonetheless or use the flags=(unconfined) which I believe should have been the initial policy and makes it consistent with what we're doing in the apparmor package but now makes the 13:22
georgiagapplication unconfined13:22
rbasakgeorgiag: ah that's a helpful analysis thanks.13:24
rbasakIf the multiarch paths are fixed, then that would be a minimal safe change that we can have confidence in. The risk is that there are other code paths not being exercised that will continue to fail I suppose, but it might be reasonable to wait for such a bug report before deciding to go fully unconfined.13:27
rbasakOTOH if we have a few examples of where the confinement is a problem in other cases, then that would provide some justification towards dropping the confinement altogether across these packages.13:27
rbasakPerhaps that will help make a decision? If the security team reaches a (documented) conclusion of the preferred path with sgmoore in the bug, then I see no reason why the SRU team would want to do something different.13:28
jjohansenrbasak: dropping confinement is going to be really problematic going forward. unconfined profiles are just a temporary place holder as well. Those will get transitioned to real profiles13:30
jjohansenmultiarch is looser than we like but it will get tightened. Fixing conditionals so they can be applied to variables is on the todo list13:31
jjohansenthen multiarch will be able to be specific to distro and even runtime platform13:32
jjohansenfor the SRU:13:36
jjohansen- new profiles can be flags=(unconfined)13:36
jjohansen- new profiles should have a non-path based name, and the attachment can use the multiarch var13:36
jjohansen- existing profiles should just be adjusted to use multiarch13:36

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