
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
Avago_BroadqualI am struggling with apt post-invoke. I have added my 100 file to apt.conf.d and it will not work. I am trying to get a script to run after I do an apt upgrade05:25
Avago_Broadqualbut it does nothing05:25
=== TheCaptain8982 is now known as TheCaptain898
odcAvago_Broadqual: works for me. I used number 86 for the file (no particular reason) and the content is a single line: `APT::Update::Post-Invoke {"/usr/local/bin/apt-patcher";};`18:24
Muliganafternoon folks, working w/20.04.6LTS, attempting to bring all the way up to 24.04LTS, however, I'm seeing a possible problem with 'do-release-upgrade', at first it was missing, but I've installed the update manager for it, and now I'm getting a response back from what I think is something jacked up with python18:47
MuliganI've set this server's python version from 2.7.18, to 3.10.1418:48
Muligangetting the ol 'File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", lline 11, in <module> error18:48
Muliganis python version 3.6 required?18:54
JanCupgrading to 24.04 with do-release-upgrade is not supported20:52
MuliganJanC, but do-release-upgrade to 22.04 is supported, no?20:55
Muliganthat's the plan is to step upgrade20:56
Muliganbut not directly from 20.04 to 24.0420:56
JanCand you should not change the default python/python3, which is 2.7 & 3.8 in 20.04 I think21:01
JanCand I think there is no 3.10 available in 20.04 even?  where did you get that from?21:05
Muliganfixed my issue21:35
MuliganJanC, one of our dev's installed it21:36
Muligansource, unknown21:36
JanCinstalling it is fine, but making it the default is not21:36

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