
Sabotenderoerheks:  I hope you don't mind my highlighting you, but do you mean that I can use Rufus to create a persistent bootable  Ubuntu USB pen drive so that modifications and changes to the file system is not lost apart system reset? I am not planning on doing anything massive with this, just the tv tuner, with data storage restricted to actual spindle drives00:25
oerheksehm it gives some storage, not actually updating the system00:30
oerheksand firefox needs to be downloaded every time, AFAIK00:30
oerhekstv tuner .. does that need restricted extras?00:31
junyxAny way to get audio working on Ubuntu Server 24.04?00:37
oerheksinstall some audio programm, sure it will pull in the rest00:39
junyxoerheks I tried a few but it keeps saying it cant find the audio card00:39
junyxoerheks https://bpa.st/JXRQ00:40
Sabotenderhmm I think it needs a modified kernel for maximum stability but it should otherwise work with mythtv00:40
Sabotendermythtv is the primary purpose00:41
topcat001junyx: `cat /proc/asound/cards`00:44
junyxtopcat001 https://bpa.st/KYJQ00:44
topcat001Maybe you are missing firware? (firmware-sof-signed)00:48
junyxtopcat001 any way to install that?00:48
junyxOr is firmware-sof-signed the name of the package?00:50
topcat001The package name is in parentheses. BTW also try `aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav`00:50
junyxtopcat001 same error00:50
topcat001try installing the fw package (might need a reboot)00:51
junyxslightly different. extra line at the end: aplay: main:834: audio open error: No such file or directory00:51
junyxtopcat001 firmware-sof-signed is already the newest version (2023.12.1-1ubuntu1)00:51
junyxSeems its already installed. I can try a reinstall00:52
topcat001no need. Do you have any custom alsa config?00:52
junyxtopcat001 I do not00:52
junyxI have ffmpeg installed if that makes a difference00:52
topcat001don't think so00:53
tomreynyou should run alsa-info and post its output online so you and others can go over the cmoplete configuration00:53
topcat001also, are you running (or have installed) pulseaudio? Please post `systemctl status`00:54
topcat001(pa or pipewire)00:55
topcat001if you are then you need the alsa emulation package00:55
topcat001this is almost surely a setup issue00:56
tomreyn /usr/share/alsa-base/alsa-info.sh00:56
junyxalsa-info output: https://bpa.st/3QZA00:56
tomreynoh its a macbook00:57
junyxsystemctl status: https://bpa.st/NVKQ00:57
junyxI do see some pulseaudio files on the system00:58
junyxAnd yes I have pulseadio command00:59
junyxShould I uninstall it?00:59
tomreynis this a regular ubuntu installation?01:02
junyxtomreyn yes ubuntu server 24.0401:02
junyxInstalled yesterday01:02
topcat001actually PA is quite useful. I would use it (after your issue is resolved). Anyway it is not running.01:04
tomreynwhen you run   lspci -knn   what does it output on the "Audio device" line?01:04
junyxtomreyn 00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller [8086:1e20] (rev 04)01:05
topcat001I see a number of `speech-dispatcher` processes01:06
junyxtomreyn I tried installing espeak and others and thats how I found out audio doesn't work01:06
junyxtopcat001 ^01:07
topcat001junyx: is your user in `audio` group? What is the output of `id`?01:09
tomreynpretend you want to install ubuntu-desktop by running   sudo apt --simulate --assume-no install ubuntu-desktop   and go over those packages it lists, maybe you're missing something relevant for audio, such as pipewire.01:09
junyxtopcat001 user is not in audio group: uid=1000(mb12) gid=1000(mb12) groups=1000(mb12),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),101(lxd)01:10
topcat001although this is usually handled using ACL01:10
topcat001could you please post `getfacl /dev/snd/controlC0`?01:10
topcat001tomreyn's suggestion is also worth looking into01:11
junyxtopcat001 I don't have acl installed. Any alternative?01:11
tomreynthe main issue is likely the chipset though, there are few reports of it actually working   https://linux-hardware.org/?id=pci:8086-1e20-8086-727001:11
junyxtomreyn that's a lot of output. I'll have to go through that later01:11
junyxOk I just tried somethiing01:13
junyxAnd it worked01:13
junyxI did sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav and it played some woman talking01:13
junyxJust had to add sudo01:13
topcat001ah I was right then :)01:13
junyxtopcat001 please explain01:13
topcat001I was going to make you check the permissions01:13
junyxYeah that's what gave me the idea. I didn't see audio group01:14
topcat001ok let's figure this out. Do you have a `getfacl` command?01:14
junyxtopcat001 I don't01:14
tomreyngetent group | grep audio01:15
tomreyndoes this not output anything?01:16
topcat001getent group audio01:17
junyxtopcat001 audio:x:29:pulse01:17
topcat001should only show pulse, as users are01:17
topcat001granted access using acls01:17
topcat001by logind01:17
tomreynoh, i'm not on 24.04, maybe it's different there01:18
junyxIts ok. I can run with sudo.01:18
topcat001even on 22.04 it's like this. I am on 22.04 (and also 24.04)01:18
junyxI do notice that mp3 and m4a files sound like static. Do I need some kind of codec to use the aplay command?01:18
topcat001nono dont sudo, and aplay can only do wav01:18
topcat001we can cheat by adding your user to the audio group, but the question is why is the ACL not getting set? Maybe server?01:19
junyxAh ok. I'll convert it then01:20
topcat001I don't have a server handy to test unfortunately; both my installs are desktop01:20
junyxThank you both so much for your help01:20
topcat001for now you can just add your user to the `audio` group01:20
junyxtopcat001 ok I'll do that. Thank you01:20
topcat001good luck01:20
topcat001junyx: if you don't mind, may I see your `ls -al /dev/snd` please?01:22
junyxtopcat001 I'll show you mine if you show me yours ;) jk. One sec01:24
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/TheAudioGroup is really old, but it states:01:24
tomreyn"The ConsoleKit daemon automatically switches access to the audio device according to the currently logged in user.  It does so by setting access rights to the sound device nodes (i e everything under /dev/snd/* ). You can verify that by downloading the acl package, then running the "getfacl /dev/snd/* " terminal command, it should list the current logged in user as having read and write access."01:24
junyxtopcat001 https://bpa.st/2YIA01:24
tomreyni'm not sure if that's still how it works, this was pre-systemd01:24
topcat001yup no ACL bits set. Anyway audio group should work01:25
topcat001tomreyn: not anymore01:26
junyxThanks all! You guys rocks01:26
topcat001it is now handled by systemd-logind with ACL01:26
topcat001for example from my 22.04 desktop:01:26
tomreynokay so ConsoleKit no longer handles it but systemd-logind now, but still using acl's01:26
tomreynon a multi-user / desktop system at least01:27
topcat001for some reason the ACL is not set on junyx's server machine01:28
topcat001(there are no '+'s in the ls listing)01:28
tomreynso, fortunately, it's just a matter of configuration, not a hardware/encoder/firmware issue01:33
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tomreynmaybe going through the list of packages a desktop would install will point out what's missing01:33
tomreynjunyx: check whether    loginctl   says that a seat is assigned to your user01:37
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/445557/control-sound-permissions-revoke-access-to-audio discusses the acl commands, but this should really not be done directly.01:38
topcat001junyx: Are you logging in remotely, as in you don't have a "seat"?01:41
topcat001`loginctl list-sessions` please :)01:41
junyxtopcat001 I do both. But the audio issue was only tested via ssh01:41
topcat001if you don't have a seat you don't have an ACL entry.01:42
junyxThis is ssh: 1 1000 mb12 -    pts/0 active no   -01:42
topcat001you can then 1. either add yourself to audio group, or 2. go through pulseaudio which is in audio group01:43
junyxI added already to the group01:43
topcat001a direct console login will have a seat and set acl01:44
topcat001junyx: so it works fine now? Sorry I might have missed your update :)01:44
junyxtopcat001 yes all working now even without sudo01:44
junyxThanks you so much01:44
Sabotenderokay, so I discovered that the Ubuntu live usb mode saves changes and remains persistant between boots but how do I get rid of Gnome and install Cinnamon in its place04:24
SabotenderI really hate that clunky interface.04:24
bparkerhow do I install puppeteer on ubuntu 22.04? npm/node is too old and refuses to update itself on its own, and all the solutions I could find on google were not helpful04:25
bparkerand I'm not a fan of curl|bash style installs04:25
Bashing-om!info node-puppeteer | bparker04:29
ubottubparker: node-puppeteer (13.4.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1, noble): API to control Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Built by node-puppeteer. Size 402 kB / 5,249 kB04:29
bparkerway too old04:31
bparkerlatest is 2204:31
bparkerhow do I get less to actually be case-sensitive, which I thought was supposed to be the default04:43
bparkerwhen searching with / key04:43
grybparker: normally 'less' is case sensitive searches, unless option '-i' or '-I' (uppercase i) was used04:47
bparkerit's not being used04:47
grybraxas: printenv | grep LESS04:48
grybraxas: sorry, unping04:48
grybparker: printenv | grep LESS04:48
grybparker: does that return anything, or nothing?04:49
grybparker: echo $LESS04:49
grybparker: does this return anything?04:49
grybparker: ok, your 'less' is started with options '-RXF' by default, it means (something about raw ansi colors) (something about terminal initialization strings) and (quit if file fits one screen). they don't look related to the issue04:52
grybparker: i'm personally out of ideas here; i'd suggest asking #bash or #gnu about it, if there is no success in here after a short while04:53
bparkerok, onto my next question then04:53
bparkerwhen I click the file folder icon at the bottom of my screen, nothing happens04:54
bparkerthis one at the bottom left https://x0.at/-AKj.png04:55
bparkerany idea why that is04:55
SabotenderZoinnks, is that you bparker ? long time! I hope you get your issue resolved.04:55
bparkerif I run nautilus from the terminal, it opens fine, but the process stays running after I close the window. if I leave it running and THEN click on the folder icon, it actually does work... until I finally ctrl-c that nautilus process, and then it stops working again04:57
bparkerand I don't think it's supposed to run as a daemon or anything?04:58
bparkerso I'm confused04:58
Sabotenderwow this really bites! U just created a bootable Ubuntu usb thumb drive, installed build-essential and Cinnamon Desktop and now it has suffered A catastrophic error! I seriously did nothing else except for those two things.05:22
SabotenderI guess trying to get rid of Gnome is not an option. Ill just dl Ubuntu Cinnamon from da web. i'm just really disappointed.05:23
SabotenderIts the dreaded, "Oh no! Something has gone wrong!" error. ah well05:26
SabotenderI give up.05:27
ngongMy USB-C connected SSD does not show up in lsusb after boot. Unplug and plug shows and mounts it. How to re-scan USB ports w/o physically unplugging?05:28
oerheksinstalling build essentials in a live environment?05:31
oerheksngong, there is a snap for that https://snapcraft.io/install/usb-reset/ubuntu05:35
ngongoerheks, will try05:39
webchat94Hi All, I was hoping to get some help in regards to the /etc/shadow changes from Ubuntu 20.04, to Ubuntu 24.04. Previously I had a regex such as ^(root:[$][0-9][0-9a-zA-Z]?[$][^:]+)(:[^:]*){7}$ which worked on 20.04. However it appears that the first digit after the `$` is no longer present on the newer system. Is this some change in the underlying05:58
webchat94crypt library?05:58
stagasi press ctrl+. anywhere and it enters some weird input mode, any ideas?06:03
dzilvysHi all, I am having an issue with the /etc/shadow structure. On Ubuntu 20.04 I had a regex such as ^(root:[$][0-9][0-9a-za-z]?[$][^:]+)(:[^:]*){7}$, However in Ubuntu 24.04 this seems to have changed. it's as if the first digit no longer exists after the first '$'. Has the underlying crypt library potentially had some changes, if so is there a changelog to explain the new structure of the shadow files?06:04
dzilvysstagas: Not that I would be able to help, but maybe also say which window manager/ desktop environment you are using?06:05
stagasi think i found the issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1397082/pressing-ctrl-shows-e06:05
stagasdzilvys: the regular one that comes with ubuntu06:06
stagasyup it was that, it was entering emoji input mode, but why did it suddenly appear, weird. i don't remember changing anything related06:09
dzilvyshave you always used CTRL+. or only recently have started pressing it?06:10
dzilvysto add onto my question, has ubuntu potentialy changed the hashing algorithm used when generating its /etc/shadow files/06:10
ngongoerheks, the result of usb-reset is, that any class for "usb-reset -c <class>" has no effect. The output of lsusb stays constant, missing the SSD. Issuing "usb-reset -a" results in that no USB device works any longer until I physically reconnect at least the keyboard and mouse.06:13
oerheksngong, sorry to hear that, no idea howto reset and soft-plug an usb device06:18
dzilvysngong: If I remember correctly, some devices need to be essentially power cycled, as in having the power reset so a soft reset I don't think does that06:21
ghodawalaamanhello, Ubuntu isn't showing grub when I poweron it06:22
oerheksit never did, press esc or hold shift while booting06:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:22
oerheksin that url is enough info to make it show, if you want to06:23
ghodawalaamanoerheks: I don't want the grub command line. I just want the grub menu like we get in arch linux06:23
ravage1press shift or ESC06:24
ngongdzilvys, power reset does not lead to detect the USB-C SSD, but reconnecting after power reset. I fear that the connectors will give up after a while.06:24
ghodawalaamanok so pressing shift or ESC should do06:24
ghodawalaamanthanks you!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。06:24
dzilvysngong: no I mean the ssd's need a power reset not the device itself06:25
realivanjxanyone here using webdav? i found quite a large difference in terms of performance between the files app and davfs2 (latter is a lot slower). for example, loading thumbnails for large video files is a lot lot faster compared connecting via davfs206:25
ghodawalaamanoerheks: I pressed esc06:26
ghodawalaamanand now I am in grub command line06:26
ghodawalaamanI don't know what to do06:26
oerheksnever happened to me, boot again, hold left shift06:27
oerhekssee grub2 manual06:27
ghodawalaamanI pressed esc06:27
oerheksyeah, there are 2 different types of interrupt, we cannot tell06:27
ngongdzilvys, ok - the SSD has no power button other than reconnection. Some delay while booting may be too short, waiting for the SSD to power up is required.06:27
ravage1on UEFI it is shift 06:27
ravage1ESC too often will drop you into the shell 06:28
oerhekson old bios too, not all machines, especially laptops do this06:28
ghodawalaamancan I permanently disable it06:28
ghodawalaamanI mean I always want to see the grub menu06:28
ghodawalaamanif I set it to some time will it show me menu?06:29
oerhekswhatever you do, run update-grub after that06:29
ghodawalaamansure sir!06:30
dzilvysngong: I wasnt in the server to see your original messages, but can't you just solve your issue by unmounting and mounting it?06:33
dzilvysDo you have to reconnect it?06:33
oerheksdzilvys, as it is not recognized after boot, he needs to remount, but wants to do this soft06:36
dzilvysdoes it show up in `lsusb`? also does it show up in `/dev`? if it does you could potentially use udev to automount it on boot06:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest1682
enyc** Hrrm, packages.ubuntu.com seems to be failing07:48
oerheksworks fine here07:52
oerheksno notices https://status.canonical.com/07:52
ravage1that is not monitored there at all 07:59
ravage1and it always had performance problems 07:59
oerhekssometimes when a mirror get updates, known issue07:59
gebbionehi i have tried to troubleshoot this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1519517/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu the only solutions i found were disk space related but there is plenty of disk space in the partitions/disk . Anyone else can suggest a solution to this? Would it be possible to downgrade from 24 to 22 ?08:04
ngongdzilvys; you asked: "does it show up in `lsusb`? also does it show up in `/dev`? if it does you could potentially use udev to automount it on boot", my answer: no. It is not recognized at all. One possible cause is that some timeout waiting for the device to come up is too short, and SanDisk Extreme needs power down after that non-successful trial08:35
ngongat boot.08:35
Guest12Is here anybody for my problem?08:37
Guest12I came back by Phone yesteday but ioria wasn t here08:37
Guest12I opened recovery mode08:38
Guest12But i didn t know how to proceed08:38
jack123Anyone around?09:07
jack123Hi Jantz!09:16
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.10:26
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BluesKajHi all12:09
Guest74R here anybody to help me with12:25
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.12:25
=== Guest5218 is now known as sotaoverride
skinkieWhere can I find any information why Ubuntu does not upgrade libxml2 (2.9) to more recent versions (2.13)?12:55
leftyfb!latest | skinkie12:56
ubottuskinkie: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:56
skinkieleftyfb: the latest version of the 2.9 series is two years ago.13:00
Guest97ioria i Read nomodeset but i don t know how to proceed13:14
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.13:14
Guest97Yesterday i came back but maybe u didn t be here13:15
Guest97Can anyone else help me? I Lost a too important file 😕13:19
Guest57Is there anyone else?  Maybe @ioria is busy13:39
Guest57 😕 I absolutely have to solve this, that file is too important 😕13:39
lotuspsychjeGuest57: please dont keep highlighting volunteers, just ask your question and remain patient until someone helps you13:44
Guest57Ok excuse me, i just start to try to solve the problem and after all stops because i don t have the Next steps13:46
hwpplayer1We solved our microphone issue let me show you13:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2054266 in linux-signed-hwe-6.5 (Ubuntu) "microphone and headset does not work [solved]" [Undecided, Confirmed]13:47
lotuspsychjeGuest57: re-ask your question you want to solve here in the channel, so other volunteers can try helping you13:48
Guest57I already re-asked13:49
Guest57lotuspsychje Ubuntu doesn't start, just text login13:49
Guest57Yesterday ioria gave me13:51
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.13:51
Guest57But i don t know how to proceed13:51
Guest52lotuspsychje From chat via phone the connection always drops, I don't know why13:56
Guest52Do u Read me?13:56
=== sebastian is now known as Guest9486
Guest69lotuspsychje The chat always drops and I don't know why 😕14:22
Teridongetting an error trying to install the lxd snap:  https://bpa.st/JQHA14:30
K3ALA.tell carlfk I owe you a beer man that worked perfectly14:57
=== TheCaptain8982 is now known as TheCaptain898
ogra_Teridon, try asking in the LXD forum https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/lxd/12615:24
Angelim angel16:45
Angelgariel turganti16:45
tomreynhi Angel, do you have an ubuntu support question?17:09
belovedsandwormew how did I get here?17:50
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kuthow would I recover a folder full of subfolders full of photos? photorec dumped some folders with files in them but none of them seem to be the Photos dir that was deleted by rclone, though it's still recovering19:37
tomreynkut: photorec is usually the best tool for it. still, your chances that it can succeed will be somewhat limited with most modern file systems.20:32
tomreyna pity that you don't have backups apparently20:33
yuemduany body here?20:36
=== xrandr is now known as Guest4053
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kuttomreyn: ext421:52
K3ALACarlFK: hopefully you got my message, overlayroot works fantastically22:00
eelstreborwhat happened to openssh-server? Package 'openssh-server' has no installation candidate22:06
oerhekssure it does22:12
oerheks!info openssh-server noble22:12
ubottuopenssh-server (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.4, noble): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Built by openssh. Size 498 kB / 2,097 kB22:12
eelstreboroerheks, then something broke on my 22.04 installation. I can't copy anything in my web browser after highlighting the text either. i just upgraded firefox so i don't know if firefox is broken. sudo apt install openssh-server still won't install after rebooting the box22:19
oerheksif you just updated firefox, close firefox and open again?22:19
eelstreborand openssh-server doesn't show up in synaptic22:19
oerhekssnap package22:19
oerheksweird, no answer to that..22:20
eelstreborit doesn't show up in snap either22:21
oerheks22.04 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1022:22
oerhekslaunchpad is slow today22:23
leftyfbeelstrebor: apt-cache policy openssh-server | nc termbin.com 999922:26
eelstreborleftyfb, https://termbin.com/nwea22:28
leftyfbeelstrebor: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999922:29
=== nethunter is now known as Filohuhum
leftyfbeelstrebor: why is your sources.list so broken?22:35
leftyfband also has 3rd party repos22:35
eelstreborbroken? been working fine until now. i do have PPAs added22:36
leftyfbit's not working fine, or else you would have access to the packages in main and -updates22:36
leftyfbit's broken22:36
leftyfbremove the 3rd party repo's, add them to relevant files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if you want to keep them. Then override your sources.list with this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7fHgDF2gpC/22:37
leftyfbonce you do that, you'll have a properly functioning system again22:37
oerheksmaybe jammy put a fresh sources list in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list , with universe disabled22:42
leftyfboerheks: he has main and -updates disabled22:42
leftyfbuniverse was enabled22:42
leftyfbjust use mine, it's the cleanest and simplest way to go about it22:43
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=== sotaoverride is now known as Guest2593
gebbionehi i have tried to troubleshoot this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1519517/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu the only solutions i found were disk space related but there is plenty of disk space in the partitions/disk . Anyone else can suggest a solution to this? Would it be possible to downgrade from 24 to 22 ?22:55
oerheksis installing sof-audio-pci not enough?22:58
oerheksand there are multiple zenbook 14, hardwaremay differ..22:59
en1gmai installed ubuntu 24.04 amd64 desktop LTS a while back. in my dell laptop i made sure secure boot and legacy roms was disabled. everything installed fine. auto enroll MOK? well im having a problem. im not sure if its because i reset bios or what but when i try and boot up it wants me to enroll an mok key or hash from disk23:27
en1gmaim typing from a different machine (desktop). the laptop ive tried just about every uefi setting possible. i do have the ubuntu 24.04 live usb stick23:28
kutfamiliar with photorec? I recovered the files and unsure what to do with img_remaining.dd and/or how to rename them23:32
Tingokut:  its a Disk Image File (.dd) Dont rename it.. have to check its size as well as explore it more .. 1st find out its size : $ ls -lh img_remaining.dd  and then $ sudo fdisk -l img_remaining.dd or $ sudo cfdisk img_remaining.dd23:49
Tingoen1gma:  You should not Reset BIOS after installation.. now its not finding Boot partition..23:51
Tingokut:  its a big size.. have you recoverd all of files which you had need ?23:52
kutI think so. I had it search for all images and videos.  https://pastebin.com/cYZHuEt523:53
kutthey're all in dirs like recup_dir.##\f########.ext23:54
Tingopastebin $ sudo cfdisk img_remaining.dd23:55
kutlabel type? assuming gpt23:56

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