
Jim`is there a way to upgrade from jammy to the next LTS via terminal?04:09
Jim`the machine been sitting over a year04:10
Jim`as a backup machine04:10
Jim`I'll just update Jammy first04:14
Jim`It looks like Jammy is supported for 3 more years though? April 2027 ?04:17
Jim`meh I'll just update Jammy's packages then since it's supported 3 more years04:23
leaftypeJim`: lts's are supported for 5 years, yup04:46
leaftypeand IIRC the way to update, once it's recommended, is "sudo apt do-release-upgrade" or something04:46
leaftypelet me look it up04:46
Jim`leaftype: eh I'll just upgrade jammy itself04:47
Jim`it's only a backup machine04:47
leaftypeI checked, and that is the command. If you want the development version (ie get it before it's meant ot upgrade), add the -d flag04:49
Jim`leaftype: Nah I'll just leave it on Jammy04:49
Jim`aint broke don't fix it04:49
leaftypeyou got it04:49
leaftypeit's a good release04:49
Jim`It's got a ton of upgrades sitting for a year though lol04:49
Jim`The following packages have been kept back:04:51
Jim`  ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard04:51
Jim`0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.04:51
Jim`I guess it's finished .. ish ?04:51
leaftypesounds good to me04:54
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pickanickKUbuntu 22.04 with all updates is using according to free -m, 36GB after I have closed firefox and other apps down. How do I find what is using all the memory? total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available : 63888       36371       20737        3895        6780       2253809:49
BluesKajHi all13:15

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