=== ComputerTech- is now known as ComputerTech | ||
szstr | Can we end the sna meature? Seriously, what's the issue to rezolgh, is mozilla too non-good to be non-sna? | 19:54 |
szstr | how big is the ubuntu team und where are they? | 20:11 |
szstr | we need mental health sukkort grograms to reghort our mental health to our local team/dighision outta the bochz | 20:16 |
szstr | don't do it non-righty | 20:18 |
szstr | Menzador: might as well do the job all the way | 20:23 |
szstr | touchdown it | 20:23 |
szstr | humans will change the ubuntu world with betterness | 20:25 |
szstr | sometimes it can be hard, but we like to see ourselghs like gods | 20:26 |
* szstr __-__ | 20:26 | |
* szstr tackles Menzador | 20:27 | |
szstr | 23 add 1 dot ten sounds like it's gonna be awesome | 20:29 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest3954 |
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