[20:15] can we please remove szstr/user9d ... again? He's been banned twice by different ops since last year and continues to join and troll the channel with garbage [20:23] they were also just banned from #ubuntu-offtopic [20:23] leftyfb: Yeah I threw them out of there [20:24] But I wasn't prompted by the bot for a reason [20:24] so uh [20:24] are you an op in #ubuntu? They started trolling there before joining #ubuntu-offtopic [20:24] Nope, just #u-o [20:25] But I know other ops in this namespace are aware of the situation [20:25] btw, it's not an LLM [20:25] it's just your typical troll [20:38] Yeah I'm aware [23:31] heh :/ funny, user9d certainly had good moments in years past, when he was only 20% silly .. szstr always seemed like 200%.