[00:00] have to find out Filesystem in it.. [00:01] did anyone see my question? im using the web client in windows. usually im in ubuntu with xchat [00:01] en1gma: the last we saw was en1gma> im typing from a different machine (desktop). ... [00:01] What was the size of that disk from which you had recovered your data ? [00:01] no issues after running fsck [00:02] wow. wonder where i was logged in at. i was just here 10mins ago [00:02] i think* i was somewhere where i typed a bit of info [00:02] Tingo: it's unmounted to avoid writing to it more [00:02] en1gma: go into the bios and make sure secureboot is still disabled [00:02] ok will try on that machine right now. [00:03] Tingo: this is the first screen: https://imgur.com/screenshot-T9C661S [00:03] should I try writing partition table to disk? [00:03] kut: what was the filesystem on your recovery partition ? [00:04] ext4 [00:04] kut: nop dont write partition table.. [00:04] @leftyb it just stays at the dell logo boot screen [00:04] en1gma: if you can't get into the bios then your problem isn't the OS [00:04] exit/Quit from cfdisk.. [00:04] i was in the bios [00:05] i just changed it from enabled to disabled [00:05] now it hangs at the dell logo screen [00:05] when enabled it asks for the mok key [00:05] leave it disabled [00:05] !bootrepair | en1gma [00:05] en1gma: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info. [00:06] why MOK, for nvidia drivers? [00:06] @leftyb will it retain my data [00:06] with photorec, can you specify the path? seems like it searched the entire partition [00:06] en1gma: yes. Though you really should have a backup or the data wasn't important to begin with [00:07] will check into it. thanks leftyb. i imagine it has to be ran from the ubuntu live usb [00:07] photorec's job is to find things that don't exist any more -- there isn't a "path" for the file any more [00:08] its easy to run out of extra storage pretty fast these days between phone storage so limited and even sdcards full, usb sticks. just got a 4TB drive external and am ready to backup to that. [00:09] leftyb when i boot up the ubuntu 24.04 live usb stick i can see the drive and mount it. [00:10] i can even go into my home directory and sub directories but when i get down to the file level i cant read them [00:10] en1gma: follow the boot repair instructiond [00:10] instructions* [00:10] ok cool. doing that now [00:14] kut  sudo apt install kpartx  and then $ sudo kpartx -a -v img_remaining.dd and then $ ls -l /dev/mapper/ [00:16] https://pastebin.com/5ZzuYbcL [00:17] kut: ls -l /dev/mapper/control [00:18] nothing [00:18] https://pastebin.com/j4DWffc4 [00:20] ls -l /dev/mapper/control/ [00:21] ls: cannot access '/dev/mapper/control/': Not a directory [00:26] $ sudo kpartx -d img_remaining.dd and then $ ls -l /dev/mapper/ [00:27] same thing [00:27] and then $ sudo kpartx -l img_remaining.dd [00:28] working on it but in the instructions it only says to hit the info button [00:28] i get nothing from those commands [00:29] $ sudo kaprtx -avd img_remaining.dd [00:29] 1 min [00:29] I have a question for you #ubuntu, regarding system restore proceedures that do not require external media (such as a cd-rom or usb stick) [00:29] $ sudo kpartx -avg img_remaining.dd [00:30] this one [00:30] https://pastebin.com/9ZTdXDSr [00:31] is there not a way to have a system restore partition on the disk with my ubuntu install. a system restore partition which could be booted from grub and used to format and reinstall ubuntu on the other partition [00:32] tutan: you probably could, but most of the time, backups are made to handle things like "the computer was stolen" or "the hard drive died" or "the house caught fire" etc [00:34] what i am saying, is, does ubuntu not have its own way of doing this? or need i put it together myself [00:34] the ubuntu iso? [00:34] kut:  it should show the output of this command.. well, $ sudo fdisk -l [00:34] livecd/usb [00:35] right kut, the aim is, that i have the installer iso contents set up on a partition that i plan to use to format and reinstall ubuntu on the main partition [00:35] im saying, media-less reinstall process, does ubuntu have it, or do i yet have to do it myself? [00:36] Tingo: https://pastebin.com/gS7dxSs3 [00:37] tutan: there's no single "blessed" way to do backups, you'll have to decide among the different tools that are available, or write your own [00:37] do it yourself since it's not a standard thing to do. [00:37] writing iso to hdd vs writing iso to usb/dvd [00:38] ok [00:38] thansk [00:38] shutup sarnold you're a devil (sarnold is evil) [00:39] thanks kut. take it easy #ubuntu. [00:39] Tingo: came from sdf1 and looks like it's on loop28 [00:42] kut: yes, so $ mkdir /mnt/new and then $ sudo mount -o loop /dev/loop28 /mnt/new and then $ ls -l /mnt/new/ [00:43] strange they should create in /dev/mapper/ but it has been created /dev/loop28 [00:45] https://pastebin.com/UiGU7aH0 [00:46] https://pastebin.com/bYEPBRq5 [00:47] $ losetup --list [00:47] https://pastebin.com/qD35Qwrn [00:55] its showing that loop28 is showing correct path.. but why did you gave mount command with /mnt/recover folder ? this folder is already empty ? ls -l /mnt/recover/ [00:55] i named it that instead of /mnt/new [00:55] yes, i created it for this task [00:56] ok.. [00:56] @leftyb i tried to run the auto repair with repair-boot and i had to copy and paste some links in another term to get it to run more but in the end it still crashed [00:57] this is using it from within ubuntu live. im going to try and make an usb live repair-boot next [00:57] gpt fat32 or mbr fat32 [00:57] ill be using rufus and not selecting DD but iso method [00:58] wait i can make it from the booted up ubuntu 24.04 right now [00:58] hmmm [00:58] going back to the boot-repair wiki [00:59] kut try this .. $ sudo kpartx -d img_remaining.dd and then re-create it $ sudo kpartx -av img_remaining.dd and then check which loop deivce name it got.. by $ sudo fdisk -l [01:02] looks like 28 again [01:02] $ sudo mount -o loop /dev/loop28 /mnt/recover [01:03] https://pastebin.com/ZCU6EpqK [01:03] the original partition says dos, is there a way to specify that it's dos instead of ntfs? [01:05] hmm.. why is it going to /dev/loop30.. and showing NTFS.. [01:06] there isn't a loop30 listed [01:06] disklabel: dos means ..it has MBR based parition table and Disklabel: GPT for GPT based partition table.. [01:08] for example: /dev/sdf is MBR and /dev/sde is GPT [01:08] files were on sdf1, yes [01:09] you were recovering data from /dev/sdf1 ? [01:10] 1 min. /mnt/recover has many folders in it.. [01:10] $ sudo mount [01:12] yes [01:12] as i said we need empty folder in /mnt/NEW_EMPTY_FOLDER so thats why wanted to created a new folder so $ mkdir /mnt/new [01:12] @leftyb https://pastebin.com/UpBSCQav [01:13] i still get errors even when i run it from live usb with internet and updated [01:14] it's not mounted right now btw. do you want me to mount it then run mount? [01:14] mount command will show what are already mounted... [01:14] are you looking for info on sdf1? [01:14] https://pastebin.com/guUH58ne [01:14] 1st give mount command $ sudo mount [01:16] thast what i wanted to see : /dev/loop27 on /mnt/recover type squashfs [01:16] its mixing up so thats why... first create empty folder for our mount $ mkdir /mnt/test [01:17] done [01:17] $ sudo mount -o loop /dev/loop28 /mnt/test [01:17] same thing about ntfs signature missing [01:18] pastebin ? [01:18] https://pastebin.com/JtgfkYBg [01:23] hmm.. its look like its empty space disk...which was created by photorec.. [01:25] otherwise this commnand ( kpartx -av img_remaining.dd show output add map loop1p1 [01:26] lets see what this command say.. $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/loop28 /mnt/test [01:27] https://pastebin.com/DNpM2A8u [01:32] as you said that you were recovering data from EXT3 based disk ..is it /dev/sdf or /dev/sdf1 ? [01:34] sdf1 [01:34] ext4 [01:41] I did another restore with photorec and it made a 192.7GB file for image_remaining.dd [01:44] it recovered files and also put this file along with it.. ? [01:45] yes [01:45] https://imgur.com/2GsYerU.png [01:48] so when you did you run photrec it asked about Creat an image_remaining.dd file with the unknown data (Y/N) and you pressed Y ? [01:49] yes [01:50] are those folders has recovered data in it ? [01:56] next time whenever you run photorec Press N for creating img_remaining.dd its for recovery else things by using  manual recovery of data with an hexadecimal editor or similar tools [02:04] any how $ sudo kpartx -d image_remaining.dd [02:12] or we can dig more about it.. [02:15] $ sudo fls -rp image_remaining.dd === sebastian is now known as Guest1265 [02:16] $ sudo minfo image_remaining.dd and $ sudo fstat image_remaining.dd [02:40] how does this work? [02:40] ;) [03:12] Tingo: they have images in them but not sorted and all f######.jpg filenames [03:13] did you gave this command $ sudo fls -rp image_remaining.dd ? pastebin? [03:14] Cannot determine file system type [03:15] and $ sudo fstat image_remaining.dd [03:15] I did it on the latest image_remaining and it's showing the disk's folders as they would have been [03:16] https://pastebin.com/a7LQN9vk [03:16] they have images in them not sorted.. are you talking about folders or output of commands ? [03:17] hmm.. [03:18] latest image_remaining.dd .. the another one which you were saying that its about 192GB ? [03:18] yes the 192gb one gave me that result [03:20] https://pastebin.com/eQjMA8DB [03:20] d/ means those were deleted [03:21] yes i would like to undelete a folder within OneDrive [03:22] first check out filesystem of that New file $ sudo fdisk -l image_remaining.dd [03:22] https://pastebin.com/gJFteVUY [03:29] $ sudo kpartx -l image_remaining.dd [03:30] k [03:35] $ sudo kpartx -av image_remaining.dd [03:36] then we can use mount ...and for verifying above command $ sudo losetup --list [03:38] https://pastebin.com/w0gn03ZF [03:40] pastebin $ sudo kpartx -l image_remaning.dd and $ sudo losesetup --list [03:42] https://pastebin.com/7VsaiWWf [03:43] $ sudo parted image_remaining.dd UNIT s print [03:43] https://pastebin.com/wyFfymzp [03:45] and also check by chance did you got $ ls -l /dev/mapper/ [03:45] same as before [03:46] k [03:47] $ mount -t ext4 -o loop /dev/loop30 /mnt/test [03:47] couldn't find in fstab [03:48] pastebin [03:48] https://pastebin.com/xbkQvKgS [03:50] $ mount -t ext4 -o loop image_remaining.dd  /mnt/test [03:51] https://pastebin.com/KAiwxC9e [03:51] and you gave this wronge command in last pastebin :  mount -t ext4 -o loop /mnt/test/ .. it was this $ mount -t ext4 -o loop /dev/loop30 /mnt/test [03:52] ok [03:52] same error [03:53] https://justpaste.it/d2t20 [03:56] $ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/loop30 /mnt/test [03:57] same [03:57] hmm..on OLD image.dd file $ sudo parted image_remaining.dd UNIT s print [03:58] i think its also have EXT4 [03:58] https://justpaste.it/d2t20 [04:01] $ sudo fsck image_remaining.dd [04:01] its not getting open, https://justpaste.it/d2t20 [04:02] https://justpaste.it/fwub2 [04:02] 24.04 graphics help? inxi -G: https://termbin.com/u607 [04:02] Dual intel/nvidia (i915/nouveau), no way in BIOS to select GPU. [04:02] Running X, not sure which GPU. 2min black screen on Bootup, &then [04:02] 90sec on login. No gear icon (to choose X) visible until logout/in. [04:02] here, justpaste.it is not getting open.. [04:03] do you have another? [04:03] i did too many times on pastebin [04:03] cat file > nc termbin.com 9999 [04:03] https://bpa.st [04:04] https://ctxt.io/2/AAAYQ3MGFQ [04:04] yea, can also do this $ cat file > nc termbin.com 9999 [04:04] sorry, pipe it "|" [04:06] https://bpa.st/2LJA [04:06] $ sudo fsck /dev/loop30 [04:07] https://bpa.st/Q4GQ [04:09] have to press Y [04:09] is there a way to upgrade from jammy to the next LTS via terminal? [04:09] https://bpa.st/QDBQ [04:09] the machine been sitting over a year [04:10] as a backup machine [04:12] $ sudo fsck -fvy /dev/loop30 [04:14] https://bpa.st/67SA [04:14] I'll just update Jammy first [04:15] ... and that'll take atleast 30 mins there.. [04:16] $ mount -t ext4 -o loop image_remaining.dd /mnt/test [04:16] i meant.. [04:16] $ mount -t ext4 -o loop /dev/loop30 /mnt/test [04:16] It looks like Jammy is supported for 3 more years though? April 2027 ? [04:20] https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [04:20] Jim`: Yep - jammy survives til 2027 :D [04:20] Bashing-om: Well I don't even need to update yet lol [04:20] besides the packages [04:20] mount: /mnt/test/: failed to setup loop device for /dev/loop30. [04:21] since I got it plugged in I might as well update Jammy and leave it [04:21] kut Sorry, Have to go.. Good Luck !! [04:21] lol thanks [04:22] I'm sure by then they'll have whatever LTS it needs to go to figured out how to upgrade "smoothly" to the next big thing [04:22] wink wink [04:22] too sleepy:) .. well again your issue.. might be else knows about it.. === JoeBk is now known as Guest1870 === itu is now known as Guest3711 === Guest1870 is now known as JoeBk [05:11] probably a dumb question.. but if I have a ubuntu based container, what package manager should I use to install new packages? [05:12] ooh.. looks like it has 'apt-get' installed. [05:12] JeffH: is it a container based on ubuntu or is the container actually an ubuntu: if its the former, you have apt, if its the latter you have both apt and snap [05:17] its a container based on ubuntu [05:26] there are many containers .. === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [07:01] i'm trying the cinnemon desktop on ubuntu 22.04, but keyboard shortcuts for navigating workspacs and windows not working at all. any ideas? [07:03] i'd rather stay with gnome flashback, but workspace shortcuts only work for a while until they get broken again. [07:03] gnome classic no problems with shortcuts, but other issues. [07:04] there's #ubuntu-cinnamon, if you have ubuntucinnamon-desktop installed [07:04] i like cinnamon so far. but without keyboard shortcuts for navigating the workspaces, no way. [07:05] ok [07:08] #ubuntu-cinnamon not on libera server nor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [07:15] tomreyn / any chance you'd have a moment to give a hand with a graphics issue? [07:18] 'shortcuts only work for a while until they get broken again.' ... curious [07:18] Diagon: it's always best to just post your questions here and whoever has time and feels like they could contribute will then get back. [07:20] oerheks: starting e.g. gnome-terminal breaks shortcuts. changing gnome-tweaks "additional layout options" back to normal. [07:21] прив === root is now known as Guest4681 [07:22] прив [07:22] hi Guest4681, please note this is an english speaking channel only [07:22] hello [07:22] i see no "additional layout options" ? [07:22] idk [07:22] !rootirc [07:22] It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. [07:23] im using account root [07:23] xfc4 session [07:24] Graphic question with details: https://termbin.com/u607 [07:25] oerheks: tweaks - keyboard & mouse - additional layout options [07:26] fraxi, oh oke, do you use that tool in cinnamon? [07:27] i bet they bite [07:27] not yet, since shortcuts are not working at all in cinnamon. nada. [07:28] Diagon: so your question is "24.04 graphics help?"? [07:28] Diagon: i assume you want to diagnose and get rid of the hgaphics hangs during boot and graphical login? [07:28] *graphics [07:29] if so, sharing dmesg would be a good first step. [07:29] any cinnamon users confirm desktop keyboard shortcuts are working? [07:29] Correct. Ok, I'll post dmesg. [07:30] cinnamon on ubuntu 22.04 i have to say [07:35] tomreyn / dmesg: https://termbin.com/50f8 ; journalctl: https://termbin.com/eanc [07:37] Diagon: thanks. but the first one is incomplete, contains only log spam, the second one is old, June 21. can you run sudo dmesg |& nc termbin.com 9999 or journalctl -k |& nc termbin.com 9999 [07:42] Ah! Done: dmesg: https://termbin.com/8a4m ; journalctl: https://termbin.com/bf35 [07:42] tomreyn ^^^ [07:43] snap refresh [07:45] oerheks: would that overcome the log spam? [07:46] I do snap refresh regularly. [07:46] Diagon: you have these parameters on the linux command line - why? intel_iommu=on,igfx_off [07:46] I see that dmesg output didn't change. [07:47] Trying to remember. It came from my 22.04 install, and I'm not sure if it booted otherwise. I could reboot and check. [07:47] Or maybe it did and I thought it might speed up the boot, but it didn't work. [07:47] yes, sorry about having you post dmesg again, i was thinking it'd post just the topmost, not the latest, records. but the journalctl -k output is essentially the same, so nothing to do there [07:47] NP [07:49] when you set custom options on the linux command line, you should know why you set them. i recommend making notes in /etc/default/grub when you do so [07:49] I know 22.04 didn't boot, but that was a thinkpad w530. This is a w541. [07:50] It turns of iommu for intel graphics. [07:53] Besides getting rid of the hangs, I also wouldn't mind figuring out which gpu I'm using. I'm not clear how to do that. [07:54] if you don't know the exact reasoning for why you set this linux command line parameter, i recommend trying with defaults for now. [07:55] K. Should I reboot and get dmesg/journalctl output? [07:55] with the current configuration, the nouveau driver is running into difficulties: "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes" is repeated twice, and the first black screen event will be "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: not ready 1023ms after resume; waiting" (and following) where nouveau is trying to start driving the graphics card. [07:56] ...and failing to [07:57] glxinfo -B # would show active GPU, likely that k1100 [07:57] Diagon: yes, please try booting without intel_iommu=on,igfx_off and post another journalctl -k === PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga [08:13] tomreyn/ dmesg: https://termbin.com/18af ; journalctl: https://termbin.com/nzcz [08:22] inxi etc. output: https://termbin.com/a758 [08:48] KUbuntu 22.04 with all updates is using according to free -m, 36GB after I have closed firefox and other apps down. [08:49] How do I find what is using all the memory? total used free shared buff/cache available : 63888 36371 20737 3895 6780 22538 [08:51] One of the options in ps should tell you that. [08:52] top or install htop [08:53] rss : "resident set size" [08:55] top shows the largest RES is 288000 which I assume is 288M. Only three processes have RES > 85M. [08:57] System Monitor says plasmashell is 242 MiB, VM size 7.9G [09:00] htop sort by RES gives strange results, when I scroll down I find it's not sorted by RES. [09:01] maybe because process tree does not report cumulative memory use? [09:14] neither top nor htop show any large resident process. Any ideas on where to look / what to do without rebooting? [09:15] if snap firefox leaked memory, should it be released when all firefox processes died? or could the snap processes be somehow harboring the leaked memory? [09:16] (when all firefox processes were quit-ted) === rukusza_ is now known as rukus === ubuntu is now known as Guest2858 [09:35] Hi May anyone help me? I don t know if u Read My yesterday's messages [09:40] keyboard shortcuts on cinnamon desktop (ubuntu 22.04) are not working at all, null, nada. logging into gnome desktop, shortcuts are working. how can i activate keyboard shortcuts on cinnamon? === ComputerTech- is now known as ComputerTech === Guest3711 is now known as itu [10:49] Ubuntu starts only text-based, the graphical session is missing, how can I reactivate it? [10:50] The chat always drops, how can I avoid it? [10:51] i think you used systemctl set-default multi-user, try systemctl set-default graphical [10:51] if chat drops, it is your connection, not Libera === yne is now known as alabalistic === alabalistic is now known as yne [11:23] check === TheCaptain8983 is now known as TheCaptain898 [12:15] oerheks i didn t write anything, pc at boot opens a text-based login, another volounteer told me Ubuntu works yet, i just don t have graphical session. I tried several attempts in the previous day but it still doesn't work [12:15] I let u see [12:22] oerheks Here I am [13:15] Hi all [13:25] i need serious aid [13:26] !ask szstr [13:27] !question [13:27] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:30] What is the nerdiest way to use Ubuntu while teaching CS 160 to kidnegarteners? [13:30] szstr: feel free to ask your non-support questions in #ubuntu-offtopic [13:46] Hi [13:46] I playing around with ubuntu cloud-init installer. I added a list of packages to the "packages:" area and while running the whole thing I realized that the installer starts a chroot for every single package in the list, installs it and the closes the chroot. [13:46] This takes forever if the list is long. Is there a way to install the packages in ne bulk action? [13:49] check the source? [13:49] dig out the roots [13:50] szstr: stop [13:52] yogg: you should join #cloud-init [13:52] thx [13:53] i am a kidnegarten teacher, i'm a gro [13:53] szstr: stop [13:54] саламалейкум [13:54] !ru | qq [13:54] qq: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [13:55] че у вас тут происходит === szstr is now known as guest030 === guest030 is now known as szstr === PasiZ8 is now known as PasiZ [14:47] Hi, I upgraded this cloud digitalocean system to development and now pro is totally broken so is there a way to deactivate this broken system from my personal account so I have 5 systems again? [14:48] the pro command has an unattach option I think  [14:49] If that will not work will just destorying this system in the cloud do any good? [14:50] did you try it? [14:50] It is pro deattach. [14:50] detach [14:50] right  [14:51] So should I now loing to my dashboard to check if it is gone? [14:51] I don't know of that is live [14:51] ok [14:52] tokens expire after 24 hours of the tooltip is correct  [14:52] *if [14:52] or better devices attached to a token [14:52] So if things are really broken just wait for a day and it should be done for right? [14:54] nothing will repair itself by waiting [15:00] What I do not want to happen is for the pro service to think I have more systems then I do have. [15:01] you already detached this device [15:02] Not yet as I am backing up everything in my normal user home directory before I do anything or should it be safe to run pro detach as root? [15:03] I'm having what seems to be an interesting problem, on a standard user account the profile absolutely refuses to remember the password for the chrome login keyring. I for now am just telling people to click cancel until it lets them in but this isn't really a sustainable course of action. I've already tried removing the keyring and also tried setting the password to blank neither of which have [15:03] changed the outcome. [15:19] How do I fix sshd not allowing users to connect to this system as after the system information the connection is closed automatically reguardless of what user is logd into this system and I can connect to it using sftp to download files so how can I fix this system to be able to login again what log file should I download first in var/log as root?? [15:20] huh? [15:20] Somehow I broke this system when upgrading to development. [15:21] "upgrading to development" what does that mean exactly? [15:21] I did do-release-upgrade -d [15:21] why? [15:21] To see what would happen. [15:21] no real reason. [15:22] it broke [15:22] yes [15:22] no surprise here really [15:22] backup your files and install 24.04 from an ISO if you need it [15:22] ok, now reinstall from scratch since this is obviously not a critical piece of infrastructure [15:22] can sftp do .tar.xz archives on the fly? [15:22] i dont think so [15:23] Would digitalocean's recover mode help at all? [15:23] no idea. ask their support [15:23] don't know, contact DO [15:24] All I really to do is download or move off the Android source code which is around 300 gigs so not really small. [15:24] nickgaw: good luck [15:25] and the android source code is open. so you can just download it again [15:25] Yes but I do not really want to have to rebuild it all over again if you get my point. [15:25] good luck 🙂 [15:39] It is not ssh but something in my main shell so I can use recovery mode to backup anything I need to. [15:41] nickgaw: what release are you running? cat /etc/os-release [15:52] Got it working again moved /etc/profile to profile.bak [15:53] PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu Oracular Oriole (development branch)" [16:02] Now I can download everything as normal. [16:03] nickgaw: you are running an unreleased and unsupported version of ubuntu. Don't [16:03] !next | nickgaw [16:03] nickgaw: Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [16:05] Can I downgrade or will I have to restore from their factory image? [16:05] nickgaw: start over [16:05] there is no downgrade [16:05] So backup everything I need and then reload? [16:05] yes [16:06] Pro is broken on here so I am probably better at reloading right? [16:07] nickgaw: unreleased versions of ubuntu have no expectation that anything is working [17:12] Diagon: sorry, i had to move on earlier. did you get around to have a look at the log you posted at https://termbin.com/18af ? there's a(n unrealted) cups-proxyd segfault, and then several kernel oopses in nouveau after nouveau tried to start managing your nvidia hardware. [17:13] search for "cut here" to see the nouveau kernel oopses [17:21] Diagon: i guess i would try the proprietary nvidia driver instead, or blacklist nouveau. === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === docmax_ is now known as docmax [19:20] Do the normal ubuntu kernels have any major differences other then the normal kernel sources? [19:22] ZFS support for example  [19:23] Ubuntu can be installed natively with ZFS? [19:23] !zfs [19:23] For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS [19:25] !hardware [19:25] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [19:25] !laptops [19:25] Laptop support information can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [19:25] you can do this in PM with ubotto too [19:25] go wild 🤪 [19:26] I am trying to locate a laptop maker that sells ubuntu on them? [19:27] that is not in the factoids [19:28] nickgaw: system76 [19:29] I will look there. [19:33] ayntroducing [satire:] megabuntu: 21 gigabyte ligh ISO with 16 string editors, seibenty-one games, too much altogether, get ready: comes with 200 backgrounds outta the bochz, chromium browser, und Eh-kh-zz-lice deskh-taw enghirement,,, but wait there's more: 6000 issues awn the rekostory, a kernel riddled with bad maintenance, beware! 10x more recommended than windows 10+2 beta,,, "Are you in?" is our distro-release motto. === esv_ is now known as esv [19:51] Can we drop the whole snap thing? Seriously, what's the point? [19:52] Some of these snaps are broken. So a user could sudo apt install and receive something broken. [19:52] short answer; no [19:52] 'Some of these snaps are broken' which ones? [19:52] Firefox has several known bugs. [19:53] For example. [19:53] just one major; belgium EID does not work. [19:53] Smart card certificates generally don't work. And that's a problem with the snap, not with Firefox in general. [19:53] Emacs snap also has bugs. [19:54] I just don't understand why Ubuntu offloads packages to snaps when most other distros maintain their own repos. [19:55] added your issue to #ubuntu-nekkkst [19:55] Aww [19:55] because we can? [19:55] lolz [19:56] then i want a3ache ayn a docker tlatack with kubernetes cloud akt rekositories [19:57] Is that really the reason? [19:57] yes [19:58] This is why UwUntu is eating our lunch. [19:58] bleeding edge is really about cutting aynocent users [19:59] kernel.org looks too good to be true, they're hiding something, something dangerous [19:59] lets move this to #ubuntu-discuss [19:59] Happiness is the most insidious prison of all. [19:59] support only please [20:06] Hi [20:06] :-) [20:06] oerheks do you use discord ? [20:07] hola combrendo englai como amigo reddit das Discord community le links surely [20:07] haswell, no [20:31] hola meanyono need les ubuntu aid, ya? [20:35] is there a shortcut to se-kh-uring ubuntu like with my-es-kh-you-el with its my-es-kh-you-ell bin ek-se-kue-tebl? [20:36] !en | szstr [20:36] szstr: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:37] stop the drunk talk, thanks === DubPirate1 is now known as DubPirate [20:40] Could I get help with an intermittent issue I'm having? [20:41] the answer lies within [20:41] husky2490: don't ask to ask... [20:41] Sometimes when I go to take a screenshot using the PrintScreen key, it doesn't work [20:42] Shift+PrintScreen doesn't work either when it happens but Alt+PrintScreen strangely does [20:42] could be the keyboard [20:42] on what ubuntu version? [20:42] Plugging in a second keyboard fixes the first keyboard which deepens the mystery [20:43] Ubuntu 22.04 is the version [20:43] so you have a fix for the keyboard, but don't know why it happens [20:43] ? [20:43] what are sthe specs, laptop? [20:44] Desktop [20:45] i had to reset my kb shortcuts to get printscr to work properly [20:46] kut that would not explain why his 1st keyboard is different [20:47] nothing ever seems to work as expected on ubuntu. sad it used to be a decent os [20:47] i didn't try a second keyboard but back to defaults fixed my issue so i didn't go further [20:48] i kinda got itunes working on it finally.. [20:48] in a vm? [20:49] I'll try resetting the screenshot shortcuts if it happens again [20:49] no.. i tripple boot.. i have a 2TB SSD with WIN10 on it and another 2TB split in half with LM 23.1 on one and Ubuntu 22.04 on the other partition [20:49] I'm kind of waiting to see if it will happen again with the second keyboard plugged in [20:50] itunes only kinda works on the Ubuntu, not LM [20:50] typical [20:51] LM 24 is gonna be based off Ubuntu 22.04.. so who knows.. [20:58] i meant 24.04... [20:58] xboxbml, offtopic === youngeagle8827 is now known as friendlydolphin8 === friendlydolphin8 is now known as friendlyflipper8 === friendlyflipper8 is now known as youngeagle8827 [21:43] And you probably meant LM22. [21:44] And 21.3 earlier. === JanC is now known as Guest3954