
juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:01
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:01:16 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:01
juliank#topic Lightning rounds15:01
juliank#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2024-07-11/15:01
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* vorlon waves15:03
schopinNo status from me right now, I'm a *bit* late and I'd rather read yours ;)15:08
bdmurrayI thought hibernate wasn't "supported"15:09
schopinvorlon: "used my skills as a native speaker of English" Hah!15:10
bdmurrayaren't references links?15:10
schopindon't focus on the links15:10
vorlonsome of them were actually <link>s :)15:10
vorlon(ok ok <a href)15:11
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report15:11
juliank(no incoming bugs today!)15:11
bdmurrayspeaking of native english "Begun investigating"?15:12
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:12
juliankvorlon: You weren't here last week, but we have a new tool for proposed migration!15:12
juliankBut it's an internal link15:12
schopinwe do?15:12
vorlonso are we not doing rls incoming bugs first?15:13
schopinApparently no incoming bugs today.15:14
schopinWe're doing too good a job.15:14
vorlonfor any series? ok15:14
bdmurrayI did have a question about bug 204382015:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2043820 in firefox (Ubuntu Noble) "Unable to contact snap store on Xubuntu from Jammy to Noble" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204382015:14
bdmurrayenr0n: were you going to pick that up again?15:14
schopinI also have one that I didn't tag (because it wouldn't have made it to the page anyway, too late)15:15
enr0nbdmurray: I need to prioritize, but can certainly add it to my backlog15:15
schopinbug 2044104: fheimes thinks it'd be nice to have in Oracular15:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2044104 in systemd (Ubuntu Noble) "[UBUNTU 20.04] chzdev -e is rebuilding initramfs even with zdev:early=0 set" [Medium, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204410415:16
bdmurrayI think it'd be good to sort out the upgrade bug before 24.04.115:17
vorlonit is tagged foundations-todo15:18
vorlon... since December15:18
schopinGoes to show how good we are at backlog grooming, I guess?15:19
bdrungI commented it in December15:19
enr0nI can propose this in Debian, sure15:19
enr0nbdmurray: I think that's fine. I just don't know if I will get to it next pulse15:20
schopinre the s390-tools one, I can assign it to me to try and figure out what the next step should be.15:20
vorlonsounds good!15:20
vorlonso, proposed-migration15:21
vorlonpyopenssl: assigned to adrien15:21
vorlonapport: assigned to schopin15:21
vorlonfakeroot: assigned to zhsj15:22
vorlondh-cargo: assigned to Skia15:22
Skiathis one is almost done, you can give me something else if needed15:22
vorlongcc-13-cargo: assigned to doko, who isn't here?  I might steal this one15:22
vorlon(needs an AA)15:22
vorlonglibc: assigned to schopin15:23
vorlongcc-defaults, just waiting for gcc-13*15:23
vorlonbpfcc/bpftrace blocking linux; seems this needs assigned out15:24
vorlonmkukri: bpf{cc,trace}15:26
vorlonglibc is blocking linux-meta; but I assume that should be taken from the kernel team side unless they escalate it to us explicitly15:26
schopinI haven't heard anything from them.15:27
vorlonlibxml-libxml-perl - ah I see this is a fix from Debian from the thing mentioned in Zixing's +1 maintenance report, which I commented on :)15:28
vorlonso now just blocked on libxml2 itself which is not ours15:28
vorlonand various test failures with new openssl; adrien are you on these, or do you want us to divide them up?15:29
adrienmost are DEB_HOST_ARCH15:29
adrienso the question actually goes to bdrung15:29
bdrungfor DEB_HOST_ARCH we have our master bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/207146815:30
vorlonif that's the case then presumably a baseline retest would show they've regressed in the release pocket?15:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2071468 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "ELF package metadata failure: environment variable ‘DEB_HOST_ARCH’ not defined" [High, Triaged]15:30
adrienone or two are not and I'll be looking at them (right now I'm doing some python-oauth2client)15:30
vorlon(libtpms is on the list, but shows a test regression only on armhf, hrm)15:30
adrienvorlon: indeed; I don't know if Benjamin has specific plans15:30
adrienbaseline failed everywhere else I think :/15:31
vorlonwell I'm saying that whoever is responsible for this should just do a --no-proposed rerun of the tests15:31
vorlonadrien, bdrung: so which of you is responsible :)15:32
adrienI can't look at that but probably tomorrow morning15:32
bdrungvorlon, adrien and he can hand over the DEB_HOST_ARCH ones to me15:32
vorlonthis is all very confusing and I have just gone ahead and run `retry-autopkgtest-regressions --blocks openssl --no-proposed` here15:33
vorlonanyway, that's everything for today then15:34
juliank#topic AOB15:34
vorlonsounds like no :)15:36
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:37:16 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-07-11-15.01.moin.txt15:37
juliankau revoir, arrivederci, hasta luego, auf Wiedersehen!15:38
* schopin is preparing juliank for DebConf Brest ;)15:39
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