
Eickmeyerteward: It does CC the list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2024-July/023233.html00:39
=== sleeperbarbie is now known as _sleeperbarbie
guivercI've not seen any 23.10 EOL ML post; coming/planned I assume  :)03:51
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=== liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu
dokovorlon: gcc-13 migration: that comes down to the gcc-13-cross migration. you seem to have removed the s390x multilib binaries from gcc-defaults already. this is a britney bug. we worked around it in the past, by promoting stuff, and then demoting again after the migration. could you (or who currently looks at britney) look at a fix in britney instead?07:46
dokothe issue seems to be building binary packages with the same name from different source packages07:51
dokodebian's britney doesn't seem to have that issue07:52
adrienvorlon: arf; not sure if it's really trivially feasible to pass that; anyway08:18
adrienand for reference, openssl seems to have no issue so I guess it's only in python which can use custom settings unfortunately08:18
=== levihackerman-10 is now known as levihackerman
=== levihackerman is now known as levihackerman-10
=== levihackerman-10 is now known as levihackerman
levihackermanHi I'm a new Go Toolchain engineer in the Foundations team. I was working on the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-safchain-ethtool package and noticed that autopkgtest was failing on i386 arch (https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/golang-github-safchain-ethtool/oracular/i386).11:21
levihackermanI found that this is maybe because i386 is added as a foreign arch to the amd64 chroot on Launchpad, so I wanted to consult with the releases team about whether it's worth spending time on fixing the cross build problem?11:22
levihackermanThis is an issue on a lot of Go packages11:24
jbichalevihackerman: it's usually not worth trying to work on fixing i386 for a package that isn't built on i38611:48
jbichaubuntu-release: could you hint in golang-github-safchain-ethtool ?11:48
jbichalevihackerman: britney hints allow forcing a package to migrate. They're maintained by the Release Team at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu11:49
jbichabritney is the service that handles proposed migration, it's used by Debian too11:50
ginggsagreed, golang-github-safchain-ethtool-dev is arch:all so the autopkgtest is attempted on i38611:52
ginggslevihackerman: would you pastebin a list of the affected package in -proposed please?11:54
jbichaginggs: could you also consider hinting piuparts ? because it's not in release, migration-reference doesn't work. It looks like piuparts is unaware of Ubuntu's ports11:58
ginggsjbicha: piuparts hinted12:07
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levihackerman-10ginggs https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/dPVJmVHPSj/ these are the ones I can see with the same pattern for now14:01
=== sleeperb1 is now known as _sleeperbarbie
vorlondoko: did you see my email to the archive admins about this? I think it's a bug in component-mismatches not in britney. (also I don't know what you mean by "Removed the s390x multilib binaries")14:51
dokovorlon: s_chopin removed the s390x multilib binaries, I started building gcc-13 and gcc-14 without those as well, and removed the NBS binaries. I thought you did the same with the binaries built from gcc-defaults, but apparently you didn't15:04
dokohmm, I don't see any emails in June or July15:06
ginggslevihackerman (who is no longer here) golang i386 things hinted15:13
vorlondoko: sent to doko@ubuntu.com, does this email address work for you? Subject: bugs in component-mismatches report15:32
vorlondoko: anyway, I reported a bug too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive-tools/+bug/206807515:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2068075 in ubuntu-archive-tools "component-mismatches report has wrong results when same binary built from two sources" [Undecided, New]15:36
dokovorlon: email: no :-( will ask IS next week15:44
bdmurrayI'm really fully phasing grub2 and friends for Mantic now16:59
bdmurrayguiverc: We were still cleaning up the archive for mantic before closing the doors etc...16:59

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