
valoriekombucha! yep03:27
valorielooooong day today and really hot at the end03:28
valorieso tired03:28
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Good morning,  I was in a car accident yesterday and I have a broken arm. I am ok though and will be back at work tomorrow, albeit a bit slower.12:23
arraybolt3sgmoore: Oh my word I am so sorry to hear that!18:13
arraybolt3Praying you have a speedy recovery.18:13
valorieOMG sgmoore, you have been through a ringer of a year20:28
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you. Yes it has been for sure.20:34
mmikowskiSo sorry to hear that Scarlett. Next year has to better.  How about we have a great second half of 2024?22:50
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Absolutely, it will be better. It could have been so much worse. As my husband calls them, my 'tippy tappers' still work 😆23:01

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