
Guest67Is it safe (for long term) to always use Suspend option and Shut Down and never hibernate? I use Ubuntu 22.0401:44
devslashdoes anyone know if the 24.04 update upgrade is working reliably ?01:44
oerheksdevslash, upgrade path is released, so yes.01:45
devslashjust so i understand, where does it say that ?01:46
oerheksif it was not working correct, would it be released?01:47
devslashwell I have seen the prompt to upgrade since 24.04 was released01:47
devslashI'd like to understand how it works01:48
oerheksyes, from 23.04 to 24.04 directly, but LTS > LTS takes a little more time01:48
devslashi am on 23.1001:48
oerheksgo for it. to be sure, prepare a fresh 24.04 usb before upgrading01:49
devslashI'm confused01:50
oerheksbut that should be standard practice01:50
devslashwhy do i need a fresh usb ?01:50
devslashI was going to update by running do-release-upgrade01:50
pnutzh4x0r> Upgrades will not be available immediately following the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Upgrades from Ubuntu 23.10 will be enabled shortly after the release, once any known upgrade issues are resolved. Upgrades from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS are not enabled until the release of Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS. This is currently scheduled for August 2024.01:50
oerheksthanks pnutzh4x0r01:51
devslashis that different from do-release-upgrade ?01:51
oerheksone can see the upgrade in update-dialog screen01:52
oerheksit is the same01:52
Guest67Is it bad practice to only use Suspend and never Hibernate, even if you leave your laptop for extended periods?01:53
oerheksGuest67, no idea about that, why would it be?01:55
Guest67oerheks I dunno, maybe power consumption concerns. I haven't had an issue. I just wanted to sanity check on this01:57
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pnutzh4x0rGuest67: I don't think so. I  only ever use suspend, never hibernate01:58
pnutzh4x0rhibernate could be worse actually, since it requires writing memory to disk, and that can add wear and tear to your disk (particularly a SSD)01:59
oerhekswear and tear to ssd, was a long time ago02:00
oerheksalso white spots02:00
pnutzh4x0rthe issue with suspend is that it may still drain battery, so if you are not going to use it for a long time, it is better to turn it off or hibernate02:00
oerheksi would be more concerned with a traditional spinner and walking around with a laptop in hybernate/sleep02:00
Guest67thanks. this is good news for my swap partition02:07
devslashoerheks thanks for the help. Just finished updating yo 24.04 and everything worked just fine02:49
oerhekshave fun!02:52
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Guest79anyone in here ever had a leg cast?05:18
pinkergloopso i have another troubleshooting question08:11
pinkergloopever since updating to 24.0408:11
pinkergloopi can no longer find my HDMI sound output on my TV08:11
pinkergloopi tried to restart pulseaudio but it doesn't work08:11
pinkergloopjk i got it08:12
pinkergloopi just changed the profile to the correct HDMI output08:12
NorthwoodsThe last command in ubuntu is showing some ip addresses09:54
Northwoodsi want to see login's done through shell09:54
BluesKajHi all12:24
simon_what if ventoy failed creating a windows media14:16
simon_which else can I try14:16
oerheksventoi is know for problems, try rufus14:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:17
simon_rufus on linux?14:17
oerhekson ubuntu, just use the usb creator?14:18
oerheksoh wait, i read wrong, windows media14:18
oerheksno, you need WOE usb.14:18
oerheksthat can take an hour or so, better do this on a windows machine14:19
oerheksgood luck!14:19
simon_could I try also older version of ventoy14:20
oerheksnot helping with ventoi, crappy tool14:20
simon_shit :D14:21
simon_why did I install linux14:21
simon_on all my machines14:21
simon_guys is 6.9.9 kernel doing anything better than the old kernel=14:31
leftyfbsimon_: that kernl is not used in any current ubuntu releases14:34
simon_is this from ubuntu14:48
simon_how to add tomtom repo14:48
leftyfbsimon_: sudo snap install woe-usb14:48
leftyfbsimon_: there is no repo for tomtom software that I can find14:49
oerheksthe line above ppa:tomtomtom/woeusb shows how to add, but the snap is much easier14:49
oerhekssudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomtomtom/woeusb14:50
TomTomI also do not know a repository ;-)14:50
oerhekssingle ppa maintainer, never read about him before14:50
simon_and how do I use woeusb now?15:02
oerheksclick the icon in your menu15:02
leftyfbsimon_: did you open it?15:02
simon_no icon there15:03
simon_have only this command in command line15:03
simon_sudo snap install --edge woe-usb15:04
simon_I did this correct15:04
leftyfbwhy did you install from edge?15:05
simon_it said to me woe-usb only available in edge15:05
oerheksoh this is not how i remember, it had a gui ?15:06
oerhekswoeusb --device <source media path> <device>15:07
leftyfbyou can do either15:07
simon_woe-usb.woeusb Win11_23H2_German_x64v2.iso /dev/sda15:08
simon_like this?15:08
simon_oh forgot --device15:09
simon_sudo woe-usb.woeusb --device /dev/sda --target-filesystem NTFS --windows-iso Win11_23H2_German_x64v2.iso15:11
simon_does not work15:11
oerhekssda is your hdd?15:12
oerheksit is made to create an usb15:12
simon_doesnt work15:13
simon_this error I get15:15
simon_help pls15:17
oerheksi doubt that sda is your usb, where is your OS installed?15:17
simon_Disk /dev/sda: 115,63 GiB, 124160966656 bytes, 242501888 sectors15:18
simon_Disk model: USB DISK 3.015:18
simon_sda is my stick15:18
oerheksi have no clue then15:20
Guest46i have this adapter https://www.verbatim-europe.com/en/hubs-adapters/products/usb-c-to-vga-adapter-4914515:26
Guest46i doesn't work15:26
Guest46it says no signal15:31
SanShihi, can someone tell me where the file "autoexec.bat" is located in ubuntu?18:09
oerhekshaha,, linux does not have that file, it is windows solely18:10
chmod777_lmtrhi Which is the oldest ubuntu version to receive updates?18:19
leftyfbchmod777_lmtr: depends if you're paying for ESM support from Canonical.18:21
leftyfbif not, then yes, 20.0418:21
leftyfbif you are, then 16.04 is supposed till 202618:21
leftyfbbut if you're paying for esm, you probably already knew that18:21
chmod777_lmtrI will buy ubuntu vps. But I want the old version and I want it to get updates.18:24
leftyfbchmod777_lmtr: why do you want the old version?18:25
oerheksyour vps provider will give you a choice what versions they support18:25
chmod777_lmtrI buy cheap vps. latest versions. may have difficulty operating18:25
leftyfbchmod777_lmtr: your vps provider won't give you the option of an OS that "may have difficulty operating"18:26
leftyfbchmod777_lmtr: I strongly recommend going with 24.04 or 22.04 at the oldest18:26
chmod777_lmtrI understand. I will choose 22.04. Thanks18:28
oerhekshave fun!18:29
enigma9o7older versions get some updates thru Ubuntu Pro... I still get updates on 18.0418:41
oerheksfor your 18.04 desktop?18:42
leftyfboerheks: pro/esm is free for 5 years for 5 computers18:43
leftyfbfor ubuntu members18:43
oerheksit does not include gnome, right?18:43
leftyfbwait, no, for just having an account18:43
enigma9o7just checked now, got 11 updates.   mainly python 3.6 related.18:43
leftyfbit's all security updates18:44
enigma9o7i dont use ubuntu-desktop so dunno.  i would assume if there's a security issue tho it would be included.18:44
beaverenigma9o7: have you finished with your urls? By the way, do the urls contain malware?18:46
enigma9o7I don't understand the question.18:46
leftyfbbeaver: please stay on topic18:46
enigma9o7updates come from esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu bionic-infra-security/main18:46
beaveryou've been spamming your urls for weeks on libera.chat... changing your pseudonym won't solve the problem </ot>18:48
oerheksthe url cop?18:48
chmod777_lmtrI chose 22.04 and bought it. I have already started the installation with the sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies command and putty. Thank you18:48
chmod777_lmtrI hope I can complete the installation without any problems.18:48
JoeLlamaso, if I format a usb drive to install ubuntu on a system....  is there a place on that drive where I can also store other files?19:00
oerheksstandard, no persistence part19:01
oerheksone needs to use an other tool, rufus?19:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:01
oerheksor use a 2nd usb, much easier19:01
JoeLlamanope the applications requires that I can boot off the single USB and store files there too19:02
JoeLlamathanks for the links19:02
beaverenigma9o7: I think EnlGmA [~EnlGmA@user/EnlGmA] is you. With your url *.serveo.net  ;)19:04
oerheksbeaver, no personal attacks here19:04
oerheks!coc > beaver19:04
ubottubeaver: Please see my private message19:04
JoeLlamaI need to be able to boot from the flash drive and image the drive after zero filling unused space and then doing a dd | 7z back to that flash drive all in one USB drive19:05
JoeLlamaI mean image the drive on the target system19:06
oerheksif you create a persistent part, no need to fill with 00s19:06
beaveroerheks: but what personal attack? He may have spread malware on the network, he may even have been k-line. But okay, I'll comply.19:06
leftyfbbeaver: this is a support channel. Take it elsewhere19:07
JoeLlamabasically I need a usb drive that boots to the os so I can compress and back up that drive on the target system back to the bootable flash drive19:07
leftyfbJoeLlama: you can make your own custom iso19:07
beaverleftyfb: sorry19:07
bparker18:48 < chmod777_lmtr> I chose 22.04 and bought it <- how does one buy ubuntu19:08
leftyfbbparker: the VPS19:08
JoeLlamaoerheks the reason to zero fill is to reduce the size of the image backup using 7z... 7z is set to use minimum compression (level 1)19:08
JoeLlamaso I need a writable area on the USB dive19:08
oerheksJoeLlama, i understand, was mixed up with the space on usb.19:08
oerheksgo for rufus19:09
JoeLlamaya I don't explain right huh :(19:09
JoeLlamaso like... just plug the usb in boot from usb zero fill then dd | 7z to a file on the flash drive...  like to automate it so that you just plug i and boot from USB and it does the rest19:10
JoeLlamaeasy peazy19:11
leftyfbJoeLlama: you'll need to make your own custom iso19:11
JoeLlamaI dunno if I can write to the usb and if I can I dunn where19:11
JoeLlamaoh ok19:11
JoeLlamawhat's the trick leftyfb19:12
JoeLlamaso you are saying if I just use a standard install of ubuntu to a USB I can't write to is?19:12
JoeLlamagotta go custom huh...19:12
leftyfbJoeLlama: make your own custom iso. It's not "easy peazy" unless you follow 1 or more tutorials and have a basic understanding of how it all works19:12
JoeLlamabut wouldn't that be slick if it wa all autmmagic from one UDB drive?19:13
oerhekslook for cubic, not in our repos19:13
JoeLlamacloning would be a snap19:13
leftyfbJoeLlama: yes, I've done it19:13
leftyfbthe writing part, I don't understand of making a backup and then writing it back to the same drive19:13
JoeLlamajames bond style spy stuff too (: heh if you are notorius... I'm a white hat however19:13
leftyfbJoeLlama: good luck19:13
JoeLlamano no19:14
JoeLlamanot the same drive...19:14
JoeLlamayou got a notdbook19:14
JoeLlamathere is a drive in it19:14
JoeLlamayou wanna clone it19:14
JoeLlamayou only wanna use one usb flash drive19:14
JoeLlamajust plug in and F-12 for alternate boot select USB and let it go19:15
leftyfbmake sure you're changing the hostname and machine-id on the written OS as part of your custom script19:15
JoeLlamaubuntu loads and makes an image file that is saved on that same usb19:15
leftyfbJoeLlama: I get it19:15
JoeLlamaand then shuts down when complete19:15
JoeLlamasweet right?19:16
JoeLlamagood :)19:16
leftyfbif that's the sort of thing you want, sure19:16
leftyfbI prefer ansible19:16
JoeLlamathats what I need so I ca literally plus in the USB and leave the building19:16
JoeLlamawhen I come back later the laptop is off and the USB has the image and output from the tourines to make sure it  completed without errors19:17
JoeLlamayou an just leave it plugged in all the time or better yet maybe t's possible to do it from an M.219:17
JoeLlamaeven faster19:18
topcat001Ventoy can boot the Ubuntu iso and then its data partition can be used to save stuff - this is a quick and dirty way19:18
JoeLlamaI'm using Move Speed usb they do 1000 MB/Sec19:18
JoeLlamastill getting used to that :)19:18
oerheksventoi is know for bugs, topcat00119:18
topcat001If it works it works19:19
oerheksthat is why it is not in the usb factoid19:19
leftyfbit also won't do what JoeLlama is looking for19:19
JoeLlamaok so the consensis is that I gotta do a custom thing19:19
JoeLlamait would be nice to just fill a slot withj an M.2 then all I need to do at the end of the day is F-12 boot menu and pick the M.2 then walk away19:20
topcat001ok this is a more complicated requirement - just read the backlog19:20
JoeLlamacan store multiple backup images19:20
chmod777_lmtrThis is virtual computer. virtual personal computer has limited features. web master self-improvement, website design. website hosting It has uses such as. You can buy ovh canada. https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/vps/19:20
chmod777_lmtrThis is virtual computer. virtual personal computer has limited features. web master self-improvement, website design. website hosting It has uses such as. You can buy ovh canada. https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/vps/19:20
leftyfbchmod777_lmtr: what do you need help with?19:20
JoeLlamaokee doke I read those two links and go from there19:21
JoeLlamathanks guys :)19:21
chmod777_lmtrsomeone asked, okay I'm going, thank you19:21
yes-ubuntuhey! man limits.h returns not found? How do I solve this, please? :D20:57
enigma9o7What are you trying to solve?  Finding a package with that file?20:58
oerheks!info  manpages-posix-dev20:59
ubottumanpages-posix-dev (2017a-2, noble): Manual pages about using a POSIX system for development. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by manpages-posix. Size 1,744 kB / 2,229 kB20:59
oerheksvoila, optional. install it with apt20:59
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yes-ubuntuThank you! :) (all good now)21:00
oerhekshave fun!21:00
eddi5hello all21:21
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eddie5ll /etc/resolv.conf21:27
eddie5lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 24 21:57 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf21:27
eddie5i want return to classic resolv.conf. By default ubuntu install avahi in systemd21:27
eddie5resolv.conf is empty and locked, impossible to edit21:30
oerheksmaybe this howto works for you too https://www.ricmedia.com/tutorials/set-permanent-dns-nameservers-ubuntu-debian-resolv-conf21:32
eddie5oerheks: basically deleting avahi the dns sistem remain locked. I DONT WANT avahi21:33
eddie5not edit resolv.conf locked21:34
jeremy31try editing /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf instead and hope you don't really mess it up21:35
eddie5file /etc/resolv.conf21:36
eddie5file /etc/resolv.conf21:36
pnutzh4x0reddie5: you can use systemctl to stop, disable, and mask avahi-daemon if you just want to not use that service21:37
eddie5#/etc/resolv.conf: broken symbolic link to ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf21:37
jeremy31eddie5: The results you showed before showed /etc/resolv.conf was just a symlink21:37
oerheksindeed, that file links to /etc/resolv.conf21:37
eddie5no avahi no21:37
oerheksor jump to netplan21:38
eddie5avahi is purged but locked sysyem21:40
eddie5jeremy31:  yes , the file is used by another process21:49
TheChinaskiBoyanyone else have wayland crash when opening pdfs, either in-browser or with a reader? crashes with both nvidia 535 and 545 drivers so assume that's not to blame.21:57
enigma9o7It doesn't crash when you do the same thing in an xorg session?22:06
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nickgawHi, after installing mysql-server I find that not only is mysql not connecting threw a local unix socket like it should but I do not know the default password for the server as it was just installed so the mysql_secure_installation script does not run and mysql gives me errors about not able to connect using root as I am on the server as root so how can I fix this system?23:56
nickgawUbuntu 2423:56
junyxnickgaw sounds like you may need mysql support #mysql23:57
nickgawYes but this is the ubuntu mysql-server package.23:58
nickgawso who knows what they messed up from the defaults here.23:58

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