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guivercnag_message:  I've still not seen mantic EOL ML post...  (no hurry now; missed UWN issue, general nag)04:04
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LocutusOfBorgvorlon, hello, we have some i386 sadness: libraqm-dev wanted by libgd209:12
LocutusOfBorgand also libkvazaar-dev needed by libheif09:17
LocutusOfBorgkvaazaar needs hm :/09:19
santa_hi there10:02
santa_vorlon RikMills: if I'm not mistaken the shlibs file was autogenerated by dh_makeshlibs10:03
santa_regarding that library, my expectation is that it's only reverse depends would the the kirigami qml module10:04
santa_so we could even put it in the qml6-* package, but just in case that I'm wrong I decided to put it in a separate one10:05
santa_that being said, I didn't add a symbols file, and I was thinking "ok at some point a proper shlibs file will be generated"10:06
santa_so from here imo we could either:10:06
santa_a) provide a symbols file10:07
santa_b) provide a more strict shlibs file10:07
santa_imo a) would be better and I think RikMills has an already modified package10:07
santa_so what do you think? we go for a) and that's it?10:08
ricotzhello ubuntu-sru :), please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/207305412:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2073054 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] libreoffice 24.2.5 for noble" [Medium, In Progress]12:45
rbasakricotz: this was only uploaded yesterday and the SRU unapproved queue is long. If you need priority I suggest you explain why.13:17
jjohansenhey rbasak: so reverting the 4.0.1 is going to cause regressions in QRT, this is expected because 4.0.1 fixed several issues. georgiag is aware. We will be testing the proposed revert.14:22
jjohansenand update the bug14:22
jjohansengeorgiag: will be working on a new reversion of the 4.0.1 sru, with the bwrap profile disabled14:23
jjohansenthat we can follow the revert in proposed with14:23
rbasakjjohansen: I appreciate your testing of the revert package in proposed - thanks! As soon as you say it's good I am happy to release it. I've resolved most of the autopkgtest failures, just waiting on libreoffice but it seems unlikely to be a real regression so unless there's an actual suggestion that it might be, I'm happy to release when you're ready.14:26
rbasakI feel it's urgent too - the number of users reporting themselves as affected is piling up, and I suspect the real number is an order or two of magnitude above the reported number.14:27
jjohansenrbasak: agree, libreoffice is probaby not a real regression14:27
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vorlonsanta_: right, so I think dh_makeshlibs autogenerated shlibs for a 'private' library is probably wrong...15:09
ricotzrbasak, hello :), I am aware, but I would consider this libreoffice update straight forward as usual15:25
RikMillsvorlon: plasma-activities binaries were accepted ~17hrs ago, but are still not avialable in proposed?16:11
santa_vorlon: ack, RikMills please proceed with the -0ubuntu2 upload of kirigami16:13
RikMillssanta_: done16:15
santa_thanks a lot16:16
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georgiagrbasak: I ran QRT on 4.0.1really4.0.0-beta3-0ubuntu0.1 and it looks good. I updated 2072811 with this info16:22
rbasakgeorgiag: thank you! I've released the revert and updated the various bugs.17:12
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vorlonRikMills: I believe you'll find the plasma-activities binaries were accepted during my morning, not 17 hours ago19:07
RikMillsvorlon: apologies, I must have misread something on the accepted queue then. without queubot, it is hard to pin these things down :/19:13
Eickmeyervorlon, RikMills: For what it's worth, there is something acting as a queuebot on #ubuntu-release:ubuntu.com on Matrix.19:37
EickmeyerNils is the owner.19:38
RikMillsEickmeyer: yes, I know. but it seems not to be announcing all the messages I would expect19:38
RikMillse.g. it did not the ones I was querying here19:39
EickmeyerRikMills: Query Nils about that.19:39
RikMillsEickmeyer: I may well do19:40
rbasak> #ubuntu-release:ubuntu.com19:54
rbasakUh. Why "ubuntu" twice?19:54
rbasakIf we move over "officially" please can we avoid that?19:54
RikMillsrbasak: it is ubuntu-release on the ubuntu.com matrix instance. so it is like #ubuntu-release on libera.chat20:07
RikMillsexcept if federated, users of other instances will be able to join witb that reference20:07
RikMillslike I am in the ubuntu rooms with my kde.org account20:08
rbasakRikMills: right, and I'm saying that prefixing room names on the ubuntu.com matrix instance with "ubuntu-" is redundant.20:09
vorlonthe whole thing was uncoordinated with the release team in any case20:16
RikMillsvorlon: really? that is a little sad, as I thought the move to matrix (on new rooms) was with the teams involvement20:19
RikMillsoh well. fragmentation strikes again20:20
Eickmeyervorlon: It's there as a placeholder, mostly.20:35
Eickmeyerrbasak: Since everything is federated and the syntax is {room-alias}:{hosting-instance}, it's technically not redundant.20:35
EickmeyerThe intention was to eventually bridge that room, but that kindof stalled, the Matrix Council wanted to coordinate that.20:37
rbasakEickmeyer: I still argue that it's redundant. I'd expect everything on the ubuntu.com instances to be about Ubuntu. It's not a generic instance like other instances that are for general purpose use.20:39
Eickmeyerrbasak: Except the actual room name is !pLHjpBXmYoWUcQFDoF:ubuntu.com, so that falls apart quickly.20:40
rbasakI don't see why. I'm talking about a sensible name for the alias.20:40
EickmeyerBecause federation doesn't work that way. You can also have #ubuntu-release:matrix.org for the exact same room.20:41
rbasakBecause an alias can point to a different federated instance?20:41
EickmeyerNo, it'd be the same instance, just different alias.20:42
rbasakI think we mean the same thing20:42
EickmeyerIt's not like IRC where you log-in to one and have access to only that server. You log-in to one server and have access to every Matrix instance.20:42
rbasakYes I know that20:43
rbasakMy point is that in an ubuntu.com namespace, the ubuntu name for any alias is redundant.20:43
EickmeyerHowever, the Matrix council, to my knowledge, wants uniformity and chose that as the placeholder.20:43
rbasakIf you have an alias in a different namespace, then sure, stick an ubuntu- prefix in there.20:43
rbasakWell it's not consistent with the other rooms I'm in.20:44
Eickmeyerrbasak, vorlon: I do apologize, I just looked again. It is actually #release:ubuntu.com20:44
rbasaksupport, discuss, server etc all lack an ubuntu- prefix in their alias20:44
EickmeyerIt started out one way and was changed at some point and I missed it.20:45
EickmeyerSorry about that misunderstanding.20:46
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: fwiw we're still intending to bridge, it just turned out that Canonical IS ended up with a lot of the work of making that happen, and things are taking much longer than expected. (Not IS's fault, just turns out Matrix-to-IRC bridging requires "fun" network configuration that nothing in Canonical's stack needed before evidently.)20:58
arraybolt3(among other things)20:58
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Understood, but it seems the release team wasn't contacted about 1) a room being set-up on the Matrix side (which I explained is a placeholder for eventual bridging), and 2) bridging in the first place.20:59
arraybolt3I fail to see how either of the two involved the release team in any significant capacity, so I didn't see the need to contact or coordinate in that regard. They're busy people, I don't want to take up more of their time than is needed.21:01
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: I understand that assumption but... 01:15:13 PM <vorlon> the whole thing was uncoordinated with the release team in any case21:02
arraybolt3(We are coordinating with the IRC team on the other hand though, since things like this do directly involve them from a setup and governance standpoint. But at this poitn we're a bit off-topic.)21:02
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: Yes, I saw that. I discussed it with vorlon back when the room was first created (not to coordinate, but to explain what had happened). It was my understanding that everything was square thereafter, though perhaps I was mistaken?21:03
arraybolt3In any event RikMills was just mentioning that there's another queuebot that can be a bit of a standin for the moment, it doesn't replace this room obviously and it doesn't even really replace the real queuebot. It's just enough to help people who need it to get by for now.21:04
EickmeyerI'm just here trying to keep the peace and make sure there are no misunderstandings (even if I had one of my own >_< )21:05
EickmeyerThe queuebot in Matrix was an experiment, AIUI.21:05
rbasakFWIW, I am not keen on extensive use of bridging. It reduces bandwidth to a lowest common demoninator kind of thing. I have no objection to an individual using one as a "client", but what I don't want to see is a community split into two such that nobody can use the richer features of Matrix but IRC users cannot see who's online, etc.21:06
arraybolt3rbasak: Understood. We're planning on deploying the same kind of bridge that was used back when EMS bridged all of Libera.Chat with Matrix, only we're working with the Libera.Chat admins to ensure that it's deployed in a fashion that is performant, stable, does NOT interfere or harm the IRC network like the old bridge did, and that should allow people on both ends to have a rich experience.21:07
arraybolt3It'll be more-or-less like the old bridge, except it will actually work :)21:07
rbasakSo I am opposed to setting up a "placeholder" for actual use (by all means test though). I'd prefer to see a day agreed in advance on which we "move", with the bridge covering the gap (pun intended I guess) for people who haven't moved yet or insist on sticking to a poorer experience without dragging back everyone else.21:09
rbasakI asked around Canonical how people felt about moving, FWIW.21:10
arraybolt3That sounds doable. (And yes, right now the room isn't in any kind of actual use, it's just sitting there for testing and for eventual bridging.)21:10
rbasakI got: Yes: 10; No: 1; further discussion: 6.21:10
arraybolt3Had I realized the Release Team had enough stake in the communication platform used to wish to be coordinated with, I would have done so. I see there is a significant desire for there to be coordination rather than one day there just be a second chat platform in the room, so I'm happy to make sure the Matrix Council takes that into account and coordinates properly21:11
rbasakI suggested merging #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-release as part of a move, and received a mixed reaction.21:11
arraybolt3(And like I mentioned, the room intended as the bridge target is unused right now so no real progress has been made on that front beyond testing.)21:12
rbasakIMHO, it's increasingly difficult to keep pushing Canonical staff to use public channels when the IRC experience is so poor for most of them. Personally I've given up on replying to threads on (Canonical-internal) Mattermost asking them to move their discussion (that contains nothing private) to public IRC.21:12
rbasakEg. someone pings me on a private channel asking for a public thing. I cannot reply to them on IRC because they aren't logged in there. I ask them to ask me in IRC and they struggle to just do that. Etc.21:14
arraybolt3rbasak: do you have time for me to DM you?21:16

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