
rmpshello everyone, I just installed lxle on a pentium m/512mb ram/128gb sdd and it runs almost great!16:05
rmpsthe only thing that is worrying me is that I can't find how long it will be supported16:06
rmpsI also ordered an additional 1gb of ram and I am anxiously waiting for it16:06
rmpsI am also trying to test debian 12 on the computer16:08
rmpsbut I have problems with getting wifi up and running16:08
xanguaIf you plan to browse on this, Falkon browser might be a lighter solution16:13
rmpsWhen I receive the ram that I've ordered I will have 1.5gb or ram which should be enough for firefox16:14
xanguaIf you think so16:16
rmpshow do I install Falkon?16:29
rmpssudo apt install falkon doesn't work16:29
genii!info falkon16:48
ubottufalkon (24.01.75-1build3, noble): lightweight web browser based on Qt WebEngine. In component universe, is optional. Built by falkon. Size 2,768 kB / 12,941 kB16:48
geniiEnable universe repository16:48

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