
Bashing-om^ However, 23.10 has reached End_Of_Life; support has ended.00:07
PheralSparkyonly thing they have released last is 22.1000:31
PheralSparkymy fingers dont wanna work00:31
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nick_a1 /msg nick_a1 test01:48
isfI found a video of richard stallman fighting: https://video.hardlimit.com/w/w9JkaBriEntWfbqGEakyqk?subtitle=es01:51
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esvhey folks, I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 and my headset always comes dead last when it is time to use an audio device, attached to the laptop there are the regular built-in mic and speakers, but the web cam, port extender & external monitors also seem to provide audio i/o which I'd like to disable02:58
esvis there a way to disable/mask these devices, perhaps via udev rules, in favor of the headset?02:59
esvI guess I could take a dive and test...let's see how more insane I become.03:01
pnutzh4x0rthere is a gnome extension for selecting audio inputs/outputs... from what I can recall it also will allow for setting preferences03:06
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pnutzh4x0rthat said, I had better luck with this one: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5135/audio-selector/03:09
ElliriaHey there. The https://ubuntu.com/pro page says that you can get Ubuntu Pro for free if you're an official Ubuntu Community member. I've been a member since 2008, but am not very active and only have a karma of 3 at the moment, Does the karma matter and is there a certain level that one has to get or maintain for the Ubuntu Pro membership?04:39
webchat81Windows 10 sees all of my SATA devices while Ubuntu does not.05:17
junyxwebchat81 how are you checking?05:17
webchat81They don't show up in ls /proc/partitions nor lsblk05:18
junyxwebchat81 try lspci command05:18
pnutzh4x0rwebchat81: what model is your computer?05:18
webchat81lspci does show a SATA controller but no access to disks nor cdrom drive05:18
blahdeblahElliria: I'm not sure about the exact specifics of your question, but you can get up to 5 machines for free regardless.05:19
webchat81The system has an ASUS Pro WS WRX80E-SAGE SE WIFI AMD Threadripper Pro (SN: M9M0KS1282069R4)05:19
webchat81motherboard with 64gb of memory and AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3955WX05:19
webchat81processor.  There are four SATA attached Seagate 18TB Exos drives and one05:19
webchat81SATA attached DVD drive.  Boot is from a 4TB SSD NVME card installed on the05:19
webchat81motherboard which contains Grub, Ubuntu and Windows.05:19
blahdeblahwebchat81: Can you pastebin what you see in lsblk and describe what is missing?05:19
webchat81oot@tr:/home/v# lsblk05:20
webchat81loop0         7:0    0     4K  1 loop /snap/bare/505:20
webchat81loop1         7:1    0  63.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/210505:20
webchat81loop2         7:2    0  63.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/231805:20
webchat81loop3         7:3    0  74.1M  1 loop /snap/core22/103305:20
ElliriaThe amount of karma doesn't matter, blahdeblah?05:20
blahdeblahElliria: definitely not for the first 5 machines05:21
ElliriaI did as many searches as I could come up with in Google to try to find out how much karma is needed to be considered active on Launchpad, but that's just not available.05:21
ElliriaOkay, good to know. I only need it for one machine.05:21
webchat81The dual boot is from an SSD stick on the motherboard.05:22
blahdeblahwebchat81: So not even the boot drive is showing up?05:22
webchat81Boot drive does show up but is not SATA05:22
webchat81The boot drive is nvme0n105:23
blahdeblahI only see 4 loop devices in your output above, nothing else.  Use a pastebin for more lines.05:23
junyxYeah you got muted05:23
pnutzh4x0rone think you can check is in your bios, you might need to switch from RAID mode to AHCI for your storage05:23
blahdeblahSee the topic for a link05:23
webchat81BIOS is in AHCI mode.05:24
webchat81root@tr:/home/v# lsblk05:24
webchat81loop0         7:0    0     4K  1 loop /snap/bare/505:24
webchat81loop1         7:1    0  63.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/210505:24
webchat81loop2         7:2    0  63.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/231805:24
webchat81loop3         7:3    0  74.1M  1 loop /snap/core22/103305:24
junyxwebchat81 stop pasting here05:24
junyxuse bpa.st05:24
pnutzh4x0rwebchat81: https://support.punchtechnology.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/6636489490845-Fix-for-disappearing-SATA-ports-when-using-Ubuntu-Linux-with-ASUS-Pro-WS-WRX80E-SAGE-SE-WIFI-motherboards <- looks relevant?05:26
pnutzh4x0rseems like a firmware update might fix it05:26
webchat81I sent it to ASUS and they said it is not their problem... sigh.05:26
junyxwebchat81 can you share a paste of the lsblk command?05:27
webchat81I will post it on a web page in a minute with all of the relevant output.  I will also check the punchtechnology link above... looks like it has potential.   See zlrp.org/diskprob.txt05:33
webchat81Thanks to pnutzh4x0r and junyx so far.  I have to go offline to try BIOS fixes.05:42
pnutzh4x0rgood luck05:42
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incel166The more firefox becomes like chrome the better privacy for average consumer change my mind06:34
oerhekshi incel166 this is ubuntu support, not a flamewar channel06:35
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-discuss for that06:36
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ghost123no one here?10:28
Mikroonly ghosts10:29
ghost123haha nice10:29
ghost123why are you guys using irc?10:30
oerheksghost123, do you have an ubuntu support question?10:47
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ghost123@Linux_Kerio you there ?11:17
ghost123join #hacking11:18
oerheksghost123 ?11:18
oerheksplease do not spam your just created channel, thanks11:20
oerheks!coc > ghost12311:20
ubottughost123: Please see my private message11:20
dabbler_I'm trying to upgrade from 23.04 to 24.04. I thought I previously read that I should do the upgrade one release at a time (i.e. to 23.10 in between), but do-release-upgrade tries to upgrade directly to the latest. How do I get around that?12:27
pragmaticenigmawhy? If the tool says you can go to 24.04, I see no reason to waste time and bandwidth for the update to 23.1012:28
dabbler_Because I think I previously read that upgrades shouldn't be done skipping releases12:29
pragmaticenigmaare you going to trust some random fact in your head of which you cannot recall the source of that information and whether or not it is true. Or the included tool in your OS that says, hey, I've got the latest for you?12:30
dabbler_The source was the ubuntu documentation12:31
dabbler_Yep, here it is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:32
dabbler_"To avoid damaging your running system, upgrading should only be done from one release to the next release (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 16.10) or from one LTS release to the next (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)."12:32
pragmaticenigmahasn't been updated since 2019... quite outdated information. Notice all the versions in there?12:33
dabbler_Of course I do, but they still point to it, so I'm not going to assume it's now wrong12:33
oerhekssee eolupgrade12:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:34
oerhekslast url12:34
oerheksthe -old-releases trick12:34
oerheksthere is just 1 server for that12:34
dontyouloveshortmy ubuntu laptop keeps disconnecting from network when its plugged in and left alone. in power settings ive disabled shutdown when plugged in, just screen out after 5 minutes.  where is the network setting?  it also does not shutdown after hours, just the network disconnects after some minutes of no user activity12:35
oerheksgo into settings > power , screen blank never and see if that solves12:37
oerheksif not file a bugreport, as there are more users experiencing this.12:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:38
endre2009what's up?12:38
dontyouloveshortoerheks, thanks#12:39
oerheks!ot > endre200912:40
ubottuendre2009: Please see my private message12:40
BluesKajHi all12:41
oerheksmorning BluesKaj12:41
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dabbler_oerheks: thanks! I'm getting 404 from apt for old-releases.ubuntu.com, though12:51
oerheksdid you change to 'main' ?12:52
oerheksin software settings*12:53
BluesKajhey oerheks12:55
dabbler_oerheks: don't know what you're referring to. no mention of Software Settings in that doc12:57
oerhekssoftware & updates12:58
dabbler_no mention of that either. do you mean "Software Update" in System Settings?12:59
dabbler_I don't see anything with a "main" in there13:00
dabbler_just manual or auto, select a frequency, and a checkbox13:00
dabbler_oh, i'm using kubuntu13:01
dabbler_sorry i forgot to mention that13:01
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oerhekslike this ? https://www.binarytides.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/kubuntu-23-04-software-repository-mirror.jpg13:04
fdani use ubuntu, is there a way who logged in as root last time and made changes to what?13:05
fdanhistory command tracks only the history of commands for my session13:05
oerheksfdan, in short, no. one can see sudo attempts with 'history'13:11
oerheksthe 1st user created has sudo priv13:12
dabbler_oerheks: no, mine looks like this: https://pasteboard.co/FKfanjWbugty.png13:12
dabbler_how would setting to main have any effect? i just replaced all occurrences of my mirror with old-releases.ubuntu.com in sources.list13:15
ioriadabbler_, and you did it correctly ?13:17
dabbler_ioria: as far as I can tell. example line: deb https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lunar main restricted13:19
ioriadabbler_, would be better paste you sources.list13:20
dabbler_ioria: https://pastebin.com/6QFEYs1b13:22
ioriadabbler_, looks fine13:24
ioriadabbler_, try this (it's the same btw) : https://termbin.com/cjex  ; and run sudo apt update13:26
dabbler_Err:12 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lunar Release13:27
dabbler_  404  Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::1a 80]13:27
dabbler_Err:13 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lunar-updates Release13:27
dabbler_  404  Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::1a 80]13:27
dabbler_Err:14 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lunar-security Release13:27
dabbler_  404  Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::1a 80]13:27
dabbler_Err:15 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lunar-backports Release13:27
oerheksdang, no Lunar repo ..13:32
oerhekssorry, backup data and do a fresh install13:32
dabbler_too difficult the installer doesn't support my setup13:32
ioriadabbler_, yes, it's not in ol-rel13:34
ioriadabbler_, you can use the usual repos13:34
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) was the 38th release of Ubuntu, support ended on January 25, 2024. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-December/000297.html13:35
ioriaa mistake, probably13:35
oerheksit was available then, i guess..13:36
ogra_still on archive.u.c13:36
ogra_probably just slow in getting moved over ...13:37
ioriasame thing for mantic13:37
dabbler_it's still on my usual mirror13:37
ogra_mantic only went EOL this week IIRC13:37
ogra_it usually takes a few days/weeks ...13:37
ogra_though lunar should surely be on old-releases by now ... you could ask over in #ubuntu-release why it has not been moved yet13:38
dabbler_do-release-upgrade tries to skip 23.10. should i just use the upgrade tool for it manually? (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/mantic-updates/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/mantic.tar.gz)13:38
dabbler_well, i've started the upgrade tool manually. thanks for the help13:51
JymI won't have access to startup/grub menu (remote box), how can I revert to previous kernel from desktop, then reboot for it to take effect?14:23
oxfuxxxyou can still change the default boot kernel in grub cfg and reinstall grb from the shell then reboot14:25
oxfuxxxif the old kernel is still installed14:26
pnutzh4x0r^ https://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry14:28
oerheksedit grub, and change set default="0" to "1" https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/465201/how-do-i-roll-back-to-a-previous-ubuntu-kernel-running-ubuntu-16-0414:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:28
oerheksoh, pnutzh4x0r gives also a good url14:28
oerheksrun update-grub after that14:28
bewilledHello all when I create a launcher from myapp.desktop it shows the icon when I search the app but it doesn't appear on the sidebar, it shows a gear instead. Any ideas? this is my .desktop file https://pastebin.com/LhXP7JEq14:37
oerheksyou might need to logout/login to let it take effect14:37
bewilledalready did that14:38
bewilledI'm on 24.04 btw14:38
oerheksdid you store it in ~/. local/share/applications/  ?14:42
oerheksput the svg there too ?14:43
oerheksand adjust the Icon line ?14:43
oerheksthe icon might not change with an update, i guess14:43
bewilledwill try to move the svg there14:44
bewilledsec brb14:44
bewilledoerheks, nothing14:48
bewilledwhat's weird is that the icon appears in search14:48
oerheksno clue then .. maybe someone else reading this too?14:52
oerhekssvg is scalable, so it is not a format error14:53
oerheksoink, i made a boo boo :  .local/share/icons14:54
Jymoerheks Before I muck with things. Can I enable 10 second grub menu display? (not hidden) somehow? does it matter if it's grub or grub2?  What does the =1 do?14:55
oerheksJym, the 1 is the previous entry in grub14:55
oerheksyes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Timed_Display14:56
Jymoerheks Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a "previous" entry... https://pastebin.com/raw/wzeh73RK14:57
Jymand https://pastebin.com/raw/xP0mGVPm14:59
oerheksJym, o is current, 1 is the previous, if you do , and run update-grub, does it work?15:02
oerheksthe grub.cfg is hard to read15:03
Jymoerheks This box is 800 miles away, And the person there has ZERO knowledge of boot menus. Before I make any significant changes, I'd like to have the boot menu displayed for 10 seconds, then I can deal with flipping between kernels (if that makes sense)15:05
oerheksJym, yes, it makes no sense, you won' t see that menu remote15:06
oerheksgive him the grub manual, hold shift or esc on boot to enter the grub menu15:07
JymI backed up /etc/default/grub to grub.2024-07-17-075815:10
pnutzh4x0r"GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu" is probably what you want so the menu is not hidden15:11
JymI see:15:12
JymChange to:15:12
oerheksyes, that would do15:13
pnutzh4x0ryes, that should display the menu for 10 seconds before booting15:13
oerheksnot that you see it ..15:13
Jymyay, lol15:14
oerheksmulti lines make the servers go bonkers15:15
JymYeah, I dind't mean to flood.15:15
JymIs it MENU or VERBOSE ?  (I didn't see mention of either one in the links above)15:16
bewilledoerheks, tried to save the file there... nothing15:17
pnutzh4x0rJym: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html15:18
pnutzh4x0r> If this option is unset or set to ‘menu’, then GRUB will display the menu and then wait for the timeout set by ‘GRUB_TIMEOUT’ to expire before booting the default entry. Pressing a key interrupts the timeout.15:18
bewilledinstalled software from apt or snap do show icons15:18
Jympnutzh4x0r ty15:19
pnutzh4x0rbewilled: did u create the .desktop yourself or did webstorm generate it?15:19
oerheksbewilled, looking at an other jetbrain .desktop file, they use Encoding=UTF-815:20
pnutzh4x0rbewilled: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/installation-guide.html#ykkm47_15415:21
K3ALAhas anyone else run into this issue with sound where the output device is dummy output nothing I'm trying seems to correct it I've found a number of things online saying to remove pulseaudio and reinstall it remove the config file and let it regenerate force daemon-reload none of it is working15:21
pnutzh4x0rit says on the welcome screen, there is an options menu to create a desktop entry15:21
pnutzh4x0ru can see if the generated one has better luck15:21
oerheksoh, and are you sure it is the folder  /home/behlok/WebStorm-2024.1.5/  or /home/behlok/.WebStorm-2024.1.5/15:24
bewilledpnutzh4x0r, this worked15:25
bewilledpnutzh4x0r, thanks now I can get back15:26
* oerheks just found https://snapcraft.io/webstorm15:26
JymWhat the heck is sudo -H?    --> Request that the security policy set the HOME environment variable to the home directory specified by the target user's password database entry.  Depending the policy, this may be the default behavior.15:40
pragmaticenigmaJym: -H is the default for a lot of distros. In some cases, sudo will only elevate user privilage, meaning without the -H using the command `cd ~` would send you to the local user's home directory, not /root.15:44
Jympragmaticenigma Ah, ty15:46
pragmaticenigmaanother tidbit, sudo can also be used to execute programs as another user, not just elevate user privelege. Alice could impersonate Bob, and -H would set the home env variable to /home/bob15:47
pragmaticenigmaSomething that I have to use when I'm working with my MythTV installation. Since my system has a mythtv user that executes scheduled tasks and reads its configuration from the /home/mythtv direcotry15:48
Jymsudo su bob touch blah.txt  //  /home/bob/blah.txt ???15:51
pragmaticenigmathe su is redundant there15:52
pragmaticenigma`sudo -u bob` would let you impersonate bob15:53
pragmaticenigmathough I think I'm missing a different option to enable that15:54
pragmaticenigmanope, I wasn't just forget to enable interactive mode15:55
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lotuspsychjecan we help you Jym16:11
JymJust preventing from being timedout16:11
junyxJym is it possible to start your own channel and do that there?16:12
JymIf I change 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"' to 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""', is that the correct way of doing it?16:18
Jymor do I not need the set of double-quotes at all?16:18
lotuspsychjeJym: if you want text only boot change to "" indeed16:19
JymI just wasn't sure on the syntax =)16:19
lotuspsychjethen sudo update-grub and reboot after edit16:20
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pycuriousMatplotlib is saying: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown. when I call   plt.show() - on my ubuntu 22.04lts machine. Any ideas on how to fix this? (I've installed python3.12.0 using pyenv)16:36
pnutzh4x0rpycurious: sounds like you need to either change the backend to say TkAgg or install PyQt516:40
pycuriousThanks! That helps.16:45
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ajn125Hello, I am trying to develop some kernel modules on an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine (kernel version 5.15.0) . I need to use the sched_setscheduler function from /usr/include/sched.h, but gcc complains that it cannot find this header. Additionally I see that the contents of /usr/include/linux/sched.h are completely different from what is expected and don't contain any of the type or function declarations that are supposed to be in17:15
ajn125there. Does anyone know how I can resolve this?17:15
lotuspsychjeajn125: you could try the #ubuntu-kernel channel for more specific kernel questions if you like17:16
lotuspsychje!contribute | ajn125 see also17:17
ubottuajn125 see also: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see https://ubuntu.com/community/contribute and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/3774617:17
JymMy question is at the bottom... https://pastebin.com/raw/nFxBb8W017:17
oerhekso default is -11617:18
lotuspsychjeJym: maybe its also a good idea, to state your end goal purpose with the volunteers, they could point you in the right direction17:18
oerheks1 would be -11317:18
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oerheksi helped him before lotuspsychje17:19
lotuspsychjeok oerheks , you're in good hands then Jym17:19
JymWill I be able to switch between kernels using the menu now that it'll be enabled, with =1 just being the default (-113)?17:20
oerheksyes Jym ..17:20
Jymty, wish me luck, gonna reboot =)17:20
oerheksmake sure you run update-grub17:20
JymI did17:20
Jymas sudo17:20
oerheksthen your good17:20
Jymthanks =)17:21
=== GenericPlayer127 is now known as GenericPlayer12
JymIt did NOT display grub menu, and booted into kernel -116 instead of -113...  https://pastebin.com/raw/dz0TwYF017:48
JymYes I ran update-grub and rebooted twice17:48
ioriaJym, i just did a script to automate this stuff (still testing); are you interested ?17:51
Jymoerheks Now, I DID enable the BEEP in grub file, and that did work at boot, but just not the menu or the default=117:53
oerheksi see you did grub-update, this is how i did it before too, forcing previous kernel17:54
Jymoerheks IT's now at  grub> prompt17:57
Jymafter having her hit ESC at the beep17:57
oerhekslet her boot again, hit shift or esc, and choose from the menu18:17
oerheksif that does not work let her edit grub the dame way and restore 018:18
oerheksthen boot again, ht esc/shift and choose previous kernel18:18
oerheksi do not see how this is going wrong18:18
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darkspac3hi people20:53
i-need-helpi have problem with login21:07
i-need-helpi can not login to my acc21:08
i-need-helpafter many try my account is susped21:08
i-need-helpnow i can not change password21:09
i-need-helpcan sambady help me21:09
leftyfbi-need-help: which account?21:10
i-need-helpmy personal acc just for ubuntu pro21:10
leftyfbi-need-help: https://login.ubuntu.com/+forgot_password21:11
i-need-helpi try and it is suspended21:11
i-need-helpPlease type your email:21:12
i-need-helpI don’t have an Ubuntu One account21:12
i-need-helpI have an Ubuntu One account and my password is:21:12
i-need-helpYour account has been suspended. Please contact login support to re-enable it21:12
leftyfbi-need-help: all I can find is maybe try emailing  isd-support@canonical.com21:13
=== sebastian is now known as Guest4982
i-need-helpyes please i will emailing . and thanks for info21:14
dirgeableHi there! I am having trouble upgrading from 20.10. I tried using the old sources method from EOL wiki page21:16
dirgeableany tips?21:16
leftyfbdirgeable: install 24.0.4 from scratch and restore from backup. 20.10 webnt end of life 3 years ago and is 8 releases ago21:18
leftyfbyou will have a MUCH better experience this way21:18
leftyfband will be a LOT quicker21:18
i-need-helpthanks i send email21:22
i-need-helpi start to test orange pi5 plus21:23
i-need-helpand it is very nice , playback 4k with gpu diver , kodi 4k streaming is very fast and satbile21:24
dirgeableleftyfb, i have some production software running so id prefer to upgrade if possible21:25
leftyfbdirgeable: all the more reason to have a stable, clean environment with backups and restoration plans21:25
leftyfbas ansible playbook would be perfect in this case21:26
guzzlefryWhat's the proper recovery route when a kernel upgrade fails with "zstd: error 25 : Write error : No space left on device (cannot write compressed block) "?21:39
guzzlefryRerunning `sudo apt upgrade` doesn't show any new packages even though the kernel upgrade failed.21:40
leftyfbguzzlefry: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; df -h  ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) | nc termbin.com 999921:41
guzzlefryleftyfb: I'm on 22.04.4 LTS. Kernel  5.15.0-107-generic #117-Ubuntu SMP. /boot is ext2 with 183.1M free out of 471M total.21:45
guzzlefryI'm pretty sure I resolved the space issue by running autoremove. But I don't know how to reattempt the kernel install.21:45
leftyfbguzzlefry: sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0421:46
pnutzh4x0rguzzlefry: u probably just want linux-image-generic if u are running 5.15... otherwise u will be upgraded to 6.521:47
leftyfbI highly recommend the HWE kernel over the GA kernel21:48
guzzlefryWhat's the difference?21:48
leftyfb!hwe | guzzlefry21:48
ubottuguzzlefry: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:48
enigma9o7better floppy access speed21:48
leftyfbenigma9o7: lets not21:48
guzzlefryI want to go with 'least likely to break' right now. Zero backups on this system.21:49
leftyfbwhich would be the HWE kernel21:49
leftyfbguzzlefry: if you have zero backups, that makes things easy. It means there's nothing important on it21:49
guzzlefryThere is, I'm just negligent and trust SSDs and my fingers too much. :P21:50
pnutzh4x0ri run the HWE kernel on my machines, im just pointing out that you are not currently running HWE, so if you want to keep the same kernel version, you just want to reinstall linux-image-generic21:50
guzzlefryI miss the old days of running the important stuff in a VM.21:51
leftyfba VM is still a server that needs backups. Being a VM doesn't magically make it resistant to losing your configs/data21:51
guzzlefryRight, but I can just copy the entire disk image in those cases.21:52
enigma9o7for what it's worth, you can copy the entire disk image of live systems too.21:53
enigma9o7the magic of dd21:53
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larrytriumph650hi all, how do i delete a user account for which te password is lost ?22:30
enigma9o7sudo deluser username22:31
enigma9o7you may also wanna add --remove-home to delete their home dir too22:32
larrytriumph650many thanks22:32
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sconesIf someone here is able to talk about Ubuntu Pro licensing, I'd like to talk to someone at Ubuntu about a few things.  The form/email I submitted from the page seems to have sailed into the ether.22:36
sconesDM/PM at will if you would.22:36
scones"I'm inquiring about how to give you money!  Please make this simpler?!"22:37
amaslim90who can help with phpmailer file23:03
circuitbonedid you send a message through this page and nothing eventuated ?  https://ubuntu.com/pricing/pro23:30
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=== nshire2 is now known as nshire

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