
=== zul is now known as wakkarto
gawmy headset only shows as source but not as sink (microphone shows up but I can't choose headset as output device). It worked fine until I plugged in a different headset at the same time via usb-c. Any clues?08:32
gawI've tried: Restarting pulseaudio for a rescan, Removing the second headset again, reboot. Still nothing showing up when executing "pacmd list-sinks" . only the mic on "pacmd list-sources"08:39
gawOK some weird stuff happening here. I list all the cards with "pacmd list--cards" and see my headset. Then I set output with set-card-profile on my card and now it suddenly shows up as source08:52
gawI don't know why it disappeared in the first place but apparently this fixed it08:53
stephenHi, is it impossible to upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 now?10:05
=== stephen is now known as steveire
steveiredo-release-upgrade just gives me a link to http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife which only tells me the lifecycle. Doesn't tell me how to upgrade.10:06
oerheksif the normal procedure does nto work, use the old-releases trick10:08
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:08
oerhekslast url10:08
oerheksonly 23.04 gives issues, you should be able to10:09
BluesKajHi all11:40
IrcsomeBot<Arnold_Ruppert> Hola gente una consulta de puede hacer upgrade de 22.04 a 24.04 en forma directa?18:54
oerheksNOTE: Upgrades from 22.04 to 24.04 will not be enabled until approximately the date of the 1st 24.04 point release, which is currently scheduled for 15th August 2024.19:02
oerheksif you cannot wait, fresh install, or the ugly -d option. i recommend to wait.19:03
* oerheks waits for KDE619:03
IrcsomeBot<Arnold_Ruppert> Muchas gracias!!! (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> NOTE: Upgrades from 22.04 to 24.04 will not be enabled until approximately the date of the 1st 24.04 point release, which is currently scheduled for 15th August 2024.)19:59
IrcsomeBot<Arnold_Ruppert> Me parece mejor hacer backup, imagen con clonezilla, y hacer instalacion fresh!!! siempre es mejor me parece20:01
IrcsomeBot<Arnold_Ruppert> se viene el KDE6?20:02

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