
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== mhcerri_ is now known as mhcerri
=== JanC is now known as Guest6880
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
juerghjohnnie, why are you building your own kernel? and have you looked at https://github.com/mwhudson/livefs-editor?12:58
juerghThe ISOs use the generic hwe kernel from the archive, so nothing special about them.12:59
ghavilHas anyone here run into issues with the linux-aws kernel 6.5.0's use of MG LRU on cgroups v1 nodes? I'm trying to debug why the OOMKiller seems to be getting involved against containers that use a lot of cached memory. It looks like disabling mglru or switching to v2 fixes it. As far as I can tell, I think the cgroupv1 is counting cached memory as used triggering the oomkiller w/ mmlru enabled whereas with it disabled that's not the case. 14:22
ghavilI'm trying to get a good repro so I can open an issue if there isn't one already but, figured I'd check here first. 14:23
ghavilRelated, if there's a way to boot the kernel to disable mg lru via a parameter (versus having to always echo into /sys/kernel/mm/lru_gen/enabled) that'd be sweet, I'm not seeing anything so far. 14:26

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