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Guest324what the sigma?01:18
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gebbionehello ... any suggestions to fix this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1519517/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu02:54
gebbionehello ... any suggestions to fix this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1519517/fix-boot-device-compatibilities-for-zenbook-14-on-ubuntu03:25
shengwhat is fortran code03:35
dabbler_Hi, everyone. I'm running into an issue dist upgrading from 23.10 to 24.04. When configuring the updated grub-efi-amd64-signed package, I get the message "The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no longer present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason. It is important to make sure that the installed GRUB core image stays in sync with GRUB modules and grub.cfg. Please check again to make04:24
dabbler_sure that GRUB is written to the appropriate boot devices." Then it lists "GRUB install devices" and gives me one option, a partition on an external disk I have attached. The devices holding my /boot and /boot/efi aren't listed. I've run grub-install and update-grub, but it still gives me that message when configuring that package. Anyone know why that might be?04:24
ArchDaverun update-grub first then grub-install04:25
dabbler_both steps completed without issue, but I still get that message04:27
ArchDavein the specified order, updated changes the grub file, install does what is says04:27
ArchDavesudo grub-install /dev/sda  <--- change the last part to be where you want the grub installed to04:28
ArchDaveshort instructions writeup --> https://gcore.com/learning/how-to-install-grub-bootloader-in-linux/04:30
ArchDaveYeah, disk not present means it's gone or was assigned a new UUID, so you gotta find which one it is now, see the link04:31
dabbler_ArchDave: https://pastebin.com/gkagaGcb04:33
ArchDaveThis should install it per your pastebin:  sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --target=x86_64-efi /dev/sda04:39
ArchDaveI don't know why you would do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64-signed04:40
ArchDavedo you have the source web page for the directions you used?04:41
ArchDaveMight be able to figure out given that webpage to read04:41
ArchDaveTo me it appears the last command reconfigure the grub packages, but if you needed that I would think you would do that first then the others04:42
dabbler_ArchDave: I'm not following a webpage. I'm trying to get that package configured because that's that configuration step derailed the do-release-upgrade script, leaving me 99% through the "installing files" step with a "your system may or many not be stable"/"good luck" message. Following the suggestion of someone here last night I ran `apt-get -f  install` to hopefully take care of the other packages, but configuring that package04:45
dabbler_still seems to indicate something is wrong04:45
dabbler_* it's that configuration step that derailed04:46
ArchDaveIF you don't do that step, does it work? IF so, don't do that last step04:49
dabbler_does what work? booting the machine? I haven't tried because I stand to lose my currently operable running system.04:51
ArchDaveInitial thought is that grub-efi-amd64-signed can not be found. It might be grub-efi-amd64-bin04:51
dabbler_what do you mean that package can't be found?04:52
ArchDavedpkg -l | grep04:52
dabbler_followed by that -signed package name?04:52
ArchDavedpkg -l | grep "grub-efi-amd64"04:53
ArchDavesorry, mistyped it04:53
ArchDavecannot be found means it isn't a valid package in your distribution04:54
ArchDavethat grep command will show you what grub-efi-amd64 are actually currently installed04:54
bparkerplease don't use pastebin.com04:54
dabbler_bparker: how come?04:55
bparkernon-free/corporate/ads/tracking/pick a thing :p04:56
dabbler_bparker: noted05:00
ArchDavebparker, is there a channel recommened one?05:00
dabbler_bpa.st is in the topic05:01
dabbler_i think that paste shows both packages are installed05:02
ArchDaveUbuntu has it's own on it's website" https://paste.ubuntu.com/05:04
ArchDaveI don't see a reason to reinstall grub unless you mucked with it a bad sort of way05:07
ArchDavein a bad sort of way05:07
dabbler_to eliminate any potentially old UUIDs anywhere in its configuration. that's the reason i re-did it05:07
dabbler_again, it's the configuration that was attempted by the dist upgrade script that i'm trying to complete05:08
ArchDaveoh yeah05:08
ArchDavehmm. the upgrade got confused ... wondering05:09
dabbler_the weird thing is I upgraded from 23.04 to 23.10 just hours earlier and got no such message in the process, so it seems to be version-specific or something05:10
ArchDavedid you do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in 23.10 prior to upgrading to 24.02?05:11
ArchDaveIt's recommended to always keep backups for just this kind of circumstance05:12
dabbler_because it had only been a couple hours since 23.10 was installed, nothing was out of date05:12
dabbler_I can try to reboot. I have the grub commands to boot my system memorized at this point haha. But if something has become corrupted or misconfigured, the usual linux and initrd lines may not be enough. I have backups of / and /home on my external. I'm just trying to avoid the hassle of restoring from them if possible only to have to deal with this again later05:13
dabbler_otherwise all I can think to do is use strace to see what's being read from during the package configuration, but I expect that'd be like drinking from a fire hose05:16
ArchDaveI get it, I myself just went through a few days of repeated backup recoveries ... it's not that much fun05:16
ArchDaveRedo that series of commands but don't do that last one that reinstalls and reconfigures grub. Reboot then, that'll probably work out05:17
dabbler_ok. well, if I can't boot my system, I could use my 23.04 live "disc" (thumbdrive) to mount and try to recover. I just know it'd be easier to recover from the system itself while it's still running.05:19
dabbler_fortunately i can chat here from my phone :)05:19
ArchDaveI usually fix grub errors/problems using the liveusb stick05:22
ArchDaveOnce it won't boot05:23
dabbler_maybe i should upgrade my usb stick to 24.04 first. that may make fixing easier by avoiding version issues05:24
ArchDaveuse gparted to find the right disks/partitions, then mount those disks/partions, chroot etc etc05:24
dabbler_ArchDave: great to hear you have experience with it :D05:25
dabbler_hopefully I won't need it, but...05:25
ArchDaveonce you're in the chroot, you would be using the new 24.02 to do the repairs05:25
dabbler_the binaries would be of the right version, but the running kernel would be 6.2 instead of 6.8. not sure whether that might cause issues05:29
ArchDaveNaw, don't think so05:39
ArchDaveyou could always just download the 24.02 iso, write it to a usb and just live usb install it from scratch. Recover any user files to a safe place first, of course05:40
ArchDaveTo me it sounds easy, but I have 16TB of storage space to use05:41
ArchDaveBut, I still do remember those days of 8GB usb sticks05:44
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ArchDaverepeated backup recoveries due to the backup program used not being able to successfully recover both a windows 11 nvme and a ubuntu nvme concurrently. Took me a while to realize the backup program was the problem.06:11
pagios:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# mongod06:29
pagiosIllegal instruction (core dumped)06:29
pagioshello, i am trying to install mongo fresh on ubuntu 22.04, once it installs i get06:29
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eoli3nwhat is the patched version of openssh for ubuntu 18.04 ?07:02
eoli3nis this even patched ?07:02
eoli3ni get 7.6p1-4ubuntu0.707:02
junyxeoli3n I'm on OpenSSH_8.9p107:05
eoli3non ubuntu 18.04 ?07:05
junyxNo I'm on 22.0407:06
oerheksas bionic is EOL, you would get https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:7.6p1-4ubuntu0.7 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/openssh07:08
eoli3nit seems non affected07:08
oerheksif you have ESM, https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-6560-207:09
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dabbler_ArchDave: oof. well, i've got a confirmed working 24.04 thumb drive. if things don't go well i might have to install from it anyway. about to try rebooting. fingers crossed07:26
dabbler_ArchDave: it boots! I even fixed my EFI vars so I don't have to type anything into GRUB07:52
dabbler_After entering my password on the login screen it seems to be hanging though :(07:53
dabbler_The mouse cursor moves, but I can't switch to a console with, for example, Ctrl-Alt-F207:54
dabbler_Oh wow. Spoke too soon. It finally proceeded. Maybe plasma was migrating my user config07:55
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BluesKajHi all11:40
Guest88Did some new firmware update bork the latest kernel or something?12:06
Guest88I got disconnected from wifi, tried rebooting, latest kernel wouldnt boot, had to revert to previous12:06
oerheksi see no reports on that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated&start=012:07
oerhekson what wifi chipset?12:07
ravage"latest kernel wouldnt boot" does not look like a firmware or wifi issue12:07
Guest88"the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire..."12:08
ravagealso what kernel and version of Ubuntu?12:08
ravagei got the 6.8 hwe kernel yesterday on my 22.0412:08
Guest88One sec. I'm not a guru but I do have a journalctl log12:09
Guest88How do I list all kernels that are available at boot?12:09
tarzeauGuest88: ls /boot/* ?12:09
ravagesudo update-grub12:10
ravagealso lists them12:10
Guest88OK, the kernel that wouldn't boot is initrd.img-5.15.0-113-generic . I'm currently on initrd.img-5.15.0-107-generic12:10
ioriaGuest88, cat /etc/issue12:10
tarzeauGuest88: i've got 35 machines that booted this kernel12:11
Guest88From journalctl, the wifi issues started at ~10AM this morning. After a firmware update12:11
Guest88$ cat /etc/issue12:11
Guest88Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS \n \l12:11
oerhekswhat wifi chipset? sudo lshw -C network12:12
ioriacurrent for 20.04.5 is -116 and no fw updates recently12:12
ioriacorrection: for Ubuntu 20.04.612:12
Guest88$ sudo lshw -C network12:13
Guest88  *-generic12:13
Guest88       description: Wireless interface12:13
Guest88       product: RTL8822BE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi adapter12:13
Guest88       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.12:13
ioriaGuest88, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:14
Guest88Gonna have to hold on an update since I think the update is what borked things12:14
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:07 mako fwupd[2456404]: 08:57:07:0285 FuEngine             failed to get releases for UEFI dbx: No releases found: Not compatible with org.freedesktop.fwupd version 1.7.9, requires >= 1.9.112:15
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:07 mako fwupd[2456404]: 08:57:07:0290 FuEngine             failed to get releases for UEFI dbx: No releases found: Not compatible with org.freedesktop.fwupd version 1.7.9, requires >= 1.9.112:15
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:08 mako dbus-daemon[1061]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.fwupd'12:15
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:08 mako systemd[1]: Started Firmware update daemon.12:15
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:08 mako fwupdmgr[2456399]: Updating lvfs12:15
Guest88Jul 19 09:57:08 mako fwupdmgr[2456399]: Downloading…: 0%12:15
ravageplease use a pastebin12:15
oerheksfwupdmgr gets online firmware packages that we cannot include in linux-firmware12:17
ioriai still don't get the reason of that tool, but ok12:18
JanCGuest88: that log says it did *not* install a firmware update12:22
Guest88I scrolled up until the wifi errors stopped appearing and that was the first thign above them12:23
Guest88I think it installed something else if you scroll down12:24
Guest88I need to go shortly. Is there a way for me to dump the filename of the firmware or something?12:24
ioriaGuest88, fwupdmgr has a downgrade option12:25
ioriaGuest88, but i suggest you first upgrade your box with the latest kernel (116)12:26
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Guest88Is that done in synaptic?12:27
ioriaGuest88, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:28
Guest88But will that jump to 113 from where I am?12:28
ioriaGuest88, it does not jump, it just install a newer kernel12:29
ioriaGuest88, don't run 'autoremove' if you want to keep anyhow 10712:29
Guest88Thanks. Appreciated. Have a nice day all.12:34
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Bushmaster hello friends, I am have old Dell Inspirion machine, laptop, its 32 Bit Machine I want to install Ubuntu Linux in it, something lightweight, I am struggling to locate 32 BiT OS15:18
ravagethere is no supported 32 bit version of Ubuntu15:22
ravageyou need to look for something else15:22
pnutzh4x0rubuntu no longer supports 32 bit Intel , so you will need to look into something else like debian15:22
Bushmasterokay thanks15:26
webchat18I have a problem with gio mount in ubuntu. Is anyone able to help please?15:59
eelstrebormoving firefox over to snap caused a couple of problems. 1. i can't launch the url from keepassx and 2. this morning the font changed to italics. i don't know if this is a mozilla issue or ubuntu issue16:16
oerheksmozilla does its own theming and font setting16:16
oerheksunless you accept something systemwide, but then you should look in gnome settings > applications > firefox > permissions16:17
oerheksand keepassx and belgium EID is a known issue indeed16:17
oerheksand corp plugins16:17
oerheksboth ppa's are behind, 128 https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next?field.series_filter=noble https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=noble16:18
ravagehttps://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions offers the latest version16:42
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fabio_E ai18:32
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bitrotHello. What is everyone's favorite IRC client?20:57
oerhekspolling is useless, these are the supported clients https://libera.chat/guides/sasl20:57
puffI just upgraded to 22 LTS and workspaces changed.  Got that figured out, now they're at the top instead of at the right.  But now I'm plugging my HDMI into an external monitor and when I click "Activities" the workspaces don't show up at the top at all.21:18
oerheksmaybe your laptop? has a FN key + screen/external/both21:19
puffI used Settings/Displays to configure it to just mirror the displays.21:21
oerheks2nd screen works?21:21
puffJust no workspaces show up and I have a bunch of open windows in thesame workspace.21:24
puffInteresting, windows-alt-left and windows-alt-right work, and so does windows-mousescrollwheel.   But I only have two workspaces and all my windows are on the first workspace, and I have no way to move them over to the second workspace.21:27
oerheksoh oke, not set as primairy screen then21:27
puffI have the laptop display and external display set on mirror, so both are showing the same thing (which I assume means both are primary).  I also have workspaces set to show on all screens.  When I click "Activities" the workspaces aren't showing up on either display.21:29
oerhekson 22.04 it is stand on the window, hold 'windows'  key, right mouse, move to work space right21:33
oerheksor move monitor right21:33
oerheksbut this happens when you join displays21:34
puffAh, hm.21:40
puffHm, odd, windows-right just makes the window shrink towards the right until it's half the width of the screen, windows-right again makes it expand again.21:41
oerheksjups, down and up releases full screen21:42
sid_Why isn't Polari (gnome irc) on the supported list https://libera.chat/guides/sasl?21:42
puffAlbeit this on a supwer wide LG screen, 3440 x 1440, though right now since I have the displays mirroring, the external display is at the max resolution the built-in laptop display can handle, 1920x1080.21:42
oerheksyou might want to reask in #libera21:43
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BleedingEaroerheks: turns out, that's not a list of supported clients21:48
oerheksproven support for SASL, maybe polari works?21:49
oerhekshttps://flathub.org/apps/org.gnome.Polari and only noble gives .46 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polari21:49
BleedingEarYeah I dunno what sasl is, that's why I was asking, maybe it doesn't have that.21:49
oerheksauthentication method21:49
Fudgehey all, have two NVME drives, one with win11 other with Fedor and Kubuntu, I am using Kubuntu to control Grub. However it only finds Fedora and does not placed itself in the Grub menu. Any thoughts?22:26
wusemanHey Fudge. Did you try with os prober? What PC Is this?22:29
Fudgehey wuseman yeah os-prober is enabled by default, doesnt find windows either but not concerned about that. it's an AM5 Ryzen 9 b650m chipset22:30
wusemanFudge: Ok. I don't know then.22:32
Fudgewuseman yeah it's bugging me, my motherboard boot menu f12 shows Windows bootloader, UEFI and Ubuntu options, also the UEFI bios ofc. both UEFI and Ubuntu show fedora 40beta, advanced options and UEFI bios. I might have to try and manually add to grub.cfg see if it boots that way.22:34
EriC^^Fudge: it sounds like fedora is controlling grub and not finding kubuntu22:40
EriC^^Fudge: sudo efibootmgr -v  might give more info about whats loading22:42
bpromptFudge: you have three OS, windows, fedora and kubuntu?22:42
FudgeEriC^^ yeah can give it a try22:47
Fudgebprompt sry for delay yes three OS. but they are new drives so I used gparted and copied the two ext4 partitions to the new drive which is where the wheels started to fall off.22:48
Fudgethe second drive for nix now has three partitions, I made a 500mb boot EFI partition and moutned it in fstab also wusing UUID22:48
bpromptFudge: so you never really installed any of the OS, only windows, you only made partitions for fedora and kubuntu and copied them over to the new SSD?22:49
bpromptI mean, I'm assuming you installed windows, otherwise windows will give you a major hassle22:50
Fudgebprompt knowing I would have to fix grub yes copied them from my previous disk whedre tehy were installed Fedora then Kubuntu finally.22:50
oerheks[00:30:43] <Fudge> hey wuseman yeah os-prober is enabled by default, = not true22:51
Fudgeyeah mate installed windows22:51
Fudgein 24.04?22:51
Fudgeoerheks maybe I enabled it, I'm aware os-prober can play havoc on some OS, probably misspoke22:52
bpromptFudge: can you boot to fedora or kubuntu using the UEFI menu? as in, make either one as 1st in the boot sequence22:52
bpromptFudge: I mean, are the copied installations working?22:52
oerheksefibootmgr -v  would tell what to do22:53
oerhekssame in fedora22:53
Fudgebprompt nah not successfully, probably easier at this point to re-install them. I am not very good with Fedora installer as its accessibility is not great. I use a svreenreader22:54
Fudgeoerheks I'll boot into live and get back to you shortly22:54
bpromptFudge: hmmmm I'd consider doing a liveUSB session, then chroot to either fedora or kubuntu, and do an "update-grub" from there, the liveUSB session chroot will update the grub info22:57
bprompt!chroot | Fudge22:57
ubottuFudge: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:57
bpromptFudge: though sometimes, unless the HDD are the same "geometry", just coping alone may not work to have an installation work right out of the box, because installations of apps, and that's the case I'd think here, you want your apps installed as is, but those installations probe hardware and installs drivers only required by the hardware and OS they're installed at that instance, so if you installed something for some different HDD, those drivers may not23:00
bpromptwork for the new SSD and the app may not work on the copied version23:00
bpromptFudge: installing on an OS on SSD these days is a matter of 20 minutes, then you have to slug through the installations of the apps, however, they way I do is, I always back up my $HOME folder, is where all configurations are, and that's the one I copy over to a new installation, I install all apps, and then I copy $HOME over, and my configurations are as I had them, so I don't have to change much anything really, however I do install the apps, but is23:03
bpromptmostly configured already from my back up23:03
bpromptFudge: you may want to consider as well, RescueZilla for those things23:07
bprompt!rescuezilla | Fudge23:07
bpromptcrap, got the name off hmmm23:07
bprompt!find rescuezilla23:07
ubottuPackage/file rescuezilla does not exist in noble23:07
bpromptFudge: anyhow -> https://rescuezilla.com/23:08
bpromptFudge: rescuezilla does "imaging", and imaging is very very different than copying, imaging carries over keys, certificates, passwords, accounts, apps, configurations, the whole enchilada23:09
Fudgebprompt:  thanks mate, I'll check it out but often have roadblocks if apps are accessible.23:11
Fudge3~install efimgr ubuntu23:11
FudgeEriC^^:  Boot0001* UbuntuHD(3,MBR,0x5a09be19,0xe8d0e800,0xf9dcd)/File(\EFI\GRUB\shimx64.efi)23:18
Fudgewindows is gpt23:18

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