
=== jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon
BertHey there! I noticed that an application I was expecting in Ubuntu 24.04 is missing from Universe. Is adding to Universe after freezes a thing? I'm not sure if freezes apply to the entire release or just main and restricted.16:28
RikMillsBert: generally, no, it is not a thing. there are limited exceptions like when something we really need to update have gained new dependencies16:44
RikMillsBert: what is the app that is 'missing'? was it previously in Ubuntu?16:45
BertI was expecting xplayer to have gone from "a dude's ppa" to Universe by now but forgot to check up on it16:45
Bertso it's far from special16:45
BertI mostly just really like adaptive scroll scrubbing which is a feature totem used to have pre-GNOME3-ification and then I got it back through xplayer (though less good)16:46
Bertjust went from 18.04 to 24.04 and finding it /challenging/ :P16:46
Bertwith mint recently committing further to x-apps, I expected them to push them to either Debian or Ubuntu universe so they'd have less work for Mint and more general exposure for the applications16:47
RikMillsonly thing I can find is https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83062416:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 830624 in wnpp "RFP: xplayer -- GTK media player based on GStreamer for the Xapps project" [Wishlist, Open]16:53
BertRikMills: what an odd discussion. I didn't know Debian actively refused projects if they had a community and no outstanding issues preventing packaging16:58
BertI guess that explains further why there are so many audio and video players and managers exclusively distributed using flatpak/snap/appimage/...16:58
Bertthen again, lots of people have a good reason to not be happy about how mint does many things, I don't think we disagree there17:00

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