
BertHi there. I built a new desktop and therefore installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu MATE 24.04 after running 18.04 for a little too long. It's taking some adjustment but I'm also running into some odd issues. Since I'm running Nvidia graphics, I'm getting a lot of tearing on Marco and in general I prefer Compiz over Marco. However, Compiz keeps crashing on startup. When I start it afterwards it's fine, but I 13:17
Bertalways end up with a crash report after logging in and a fallback to Marco. I wanted to see if others had the same issue, but for some reason there's no clear line in the crash report to google, I find. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated!13:17
superkuhWhat's dmesg/etc say about the crashes with Compiz?13:29
Bertsuperkuh: oh so not the /var/crash report but dmesg itself?13:33
superkuhAlways where I look first.13:34
* superkuh shrugs.13:34
superkuhI wasn't even aware 24.04 was out. Good stuff.13:34
superkuhI just wish it weren't so gimped by snaps.13:34
superkuhThat 12 year support window is very desirable.13:35
Bertout since april, hence the ".04"13:35
oerheksto view your crashreports: xdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)13:35
BertI've gotten rid of all the snaps already13:35
superkuhAnd your rust compiler still works?13:35
superkuhER, ignore me. Work on your issue.13:35
Bertlol :P13:35
* superkuh stops sidetracking.13:35
Bertthat's the /var/crash report13:36
Bertthe word compiz doesn't feature in dmesg13:36
BertI do see this which is odd:13:37
Bert[  660.425247] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in build/nvidia/535.183.01/build/nvidia-uvm/uvm_pmm_gpu.c:857:3913:37
Bertoh this is odd, from syslog:13:38
Bert2024-07-21T14:39:42.355099+02:00 berts-desktop systemd[1]: session-c14.scope: Stopping timed out. Killing.13:38
Bert2024-07-21T14:39:42.355149+02:00 berts-desktop systemd[1]: session-c14.scope: Killing process 13129 (compiz) with signal SIGKILL.13:38
Bertso maybe it isn't crashing but getting killed?13:39
superkuhNo luck searching sub-strings from the above(s) for others with the issue. :\13:40
Bertyeah that's what I tried13:41
BertI already reset the ccsm config from mate-tweak13:41
Bertso it's not my config at fault13:41
Bertoerheks: yeah idk if anything happens with those tbh13:48
oerheksif many appear on our servers, it could be a sign13:49
oerheks* the same13:49
oerheksi did not handle compiz for a long time13:49
Bertwell, I've sent like 5 or 10 already xD13:51
Bertalso for Synapse13:51
Bertbut I expect that's compiz grabbing it along when crashing13:52
BertI guess I should report this then. On launchpad?14:03
Bertoerheks: would you agree?15:24
Bertoh wait, picom is listed in startup applications15:27
Bertthat's very odd and could explain!15:27
Bertthat fixed it!15:36
Berthow odd15:36
oerhekssorry, afk15:41
oerheksno idea what picom does?15:41
Bertpicom is a compositor15:42
Bertit goes with marco sometimes15:42
Bertbut it's not supposed to have that as a startup application when compiz is enabled15:42
Bertmaybe that's a mate-tweak bug? I'm not sure15:42
BertI feel like I should report this, not sure where and for which project however15:43
oerheksagainst picom?15:44
oerheks<ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:44
Bertwell no, it's I would argue not picom's fault that /something/ added it to the Ubuntu MATE startup applications15:47
BertI guess I could file it against mate-tweak and ubuntu-mate on launchpad, then let people fight it out?15:48
BertI could add the crash report so people would find it if they also experienced that15:48

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