=== liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu === liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu [08:18] ubuntu-archive: ping for bug 2069140 [08:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2069140 in minetest (Ubuntu) "RM: minetest [ppc64el riscv64]: no longer builds on archs" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2069140 === blackboxsw_away is now known as blackboxsw [13:59] Hello ubuntu-archive I have a question on the excuses page. For oracular I'm removing the kpartx-boot binary package from src:multipath-tools, and I am seeing the excuses page complain there are binaries left over or kpartx-boot. I assume this means the kpartx-boot binary is not being made anymore. Is there any things I need to change about the package for this, or is this just a warning for the admins when pushing? === liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu === liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu [15:02] ubuntu-sru, please drop the old apport 2.28.1-0ubuntu3.1 upload to noble. there is a new one from today that includes one more change for the upcoming 24.04.1 release. === liushuyu1 is now known as liushuyu [15:37] ^ done [15:41] thanks rbasak === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [15:45] ubuntu-archive could we actually remove multipath-tools 0.9.7-7ubuntu1 from oracular proposed? It seems to be creating noise for the new package [15:53] mitchdz: you mean the kpartx-boot binary? [15:53] yeah [15:53] mitchdz: done [15:54] Is there anything else I should do to the package for the merge? [15:54] This is my first time removing a binary from a source package so not sure if there's any gotchas :) [15:54] mitchdz: is the dropped binary package the cause of the failed autopkgtests? [15:55] negative, the failures all seem to be testbed failures [15:55] e.g. LP environment [15:56] ok well those tests need to get to a passing state, but otherwise nothing [15:56] afaik [15:56] great, I'll just patiently wait for them to rerun [15:56] "wait patiently"? have you queued them? [15:57] Yup! [15:57] ok [15:57] I think the arm64/armhf autopkgtest runners might be a little sad today [16:01] also happy +1 week for me, happy to start with my own package :) [16:38] vorlon, dmraid can be removed now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/dmraid/+bug/2073677 [16:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2073677 in dmraid (Ubuntu) "Remove from oracular?" [Undecided, New] [16:39] I'm not sure why Ubuntu still have it [16:39] I had a lengthy discussion about removing kpartx-boot which was originally made to support dmraid lol [17:22] vorlon, missing build on ppc64el: bpfcc-introspection, libbpf-tools, libbpfcc, libbpfcc-dev (from 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7) [17:22] please? [20:46] hi ubuntu-archive, can I have some help understanding something on the excuses page? I'm seeing a few of these types of packages, but for example pygml is showing "pygml has no binaries on any arch". Is this something that needs help during +1, or is it just for the archive admins to know that it's a new package? I see that the buildlogs did produce a deb if that's what it's talking about for binaries. [20:48] mitchdz: temporary maybe? looks like an arch all deb is pending publication [20:48] ah that makes sense [20:48] there's a handful of packages that are new to debian and new to us that look just like this [20:49] I'll just ignore them today and see if they magically look better tomorrow :) [20:57] While I have your attention, rust-sequoia-ipc looks like it may need some nudging [20:58] stuck at "Will attempt migration" for 35 days [20:59] https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output.txt can help [20:59] attempting to migrate rust-sequoia-ipc causes some other packages to be uninstallable, so I think that's what would need to be investigated [21:00] ah thanks for the pointer [21:01] am I reading that report correctly that these are the packages that become uninstallable? [21:01] * ppc64el: librust-ripasso-dev, librust-sequoia-gpg-agent-dev, librust-sequoia-keystore-dev [21:02] right. Don't ponder the arch part of that too hard, it picks one and gives the answer based on that, it's unlikely a ppc64el specific problem [21:06] sweet [21:06] I'll spin up a VM and play around [21:06] also probably planning to pick up the pydantic update this week, is anyone else looing at that right now? [21:06] s/looing/looking/g [21:07] ^Actually more of a Q for ubuntu-devel so I'll ask there [21:23] And of course right after asking a question here I find the documentation explaining it - https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/blob/main/ProposedMigration.md#has-no-binaries-on-any-arch---to-xyz