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rbasakbdrung: it doesn't look like the sponsorship report is being updated. Please could you take a look?10:15
bdrungi'll check10:18
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bdrungrbasak, strange: unattended-upgrade did not do an "apt-get update" to see the new package version10:26
bdrungpackage updated. the queue should be refreshed in a few minutes.10:28
adrienCan someone sync python-googleapi? It's new enough now and newer than the version I prepared (newer means 1 month newer and a whooping 6 new versions). Thanks.10:30
bdrungadrien, i'll do it10:31
adrienbdrung: thanks!10:32
thibfUnder which condition does the ubuntu archive bot automatically copy package from the security pocket to updates pocket ? I didn't find this information10:39
rbasakthibf: I think it's always done, and that it's generally an error if a package published to security _isn't_ copied to updates.11:01
rbasakI don't recall the reason though.11:01
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thibfrbasak , thanks, curious if there was any document on the archive bot explaining those systemic operation12:25
rbasakthibf: I doubt there is, sorry. Theoretically it'd probably be down to some combination of the release, archive admin and Launchpad teams to document, but I don't think that exists. I'm not aware that there's been any need for it, either.12:30
thibfrbasak: Okay clear12:30
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: I'm on +1 this week - let me know if you need any help with the lvm2 migration.13:12
mitchdzI see there are failures for multipath-tools, I think that might actually be due to the commit for downgrading lvm2, I can build a quick package without the downgrade and re-run autopkgtest against -proposed to check13:15
mitchdzif so we would need to coordinate releasing both :)13:15
* sudip is confused with the transition tracker. auto-uhd has just disappeared from that page.14:40
adriensudip: I can see it at https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/transitions/html/auto-uhd.html#!good,bad,partial,unknown,!notintesting14:48
sudipadrien: it now appeared at https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/transitions/.. but I can swear it was not there 10 minutes ago..14:49
sudipalso, is there any script to trigger the rebuilds? or just manual process ?14:51
adrienwas it in the "almost finished" state before?14:52
adrienor was it "ongoing"?14:52
adrienI could imagine something happening at the transition (no pun intended) between the two states14:59
sudipmaybe its just the timing. I noticed there was a period of time when the new uhd was deleted from proposed but did not appear in the release pocket. I can image the transition tracker updated its page during that period15:02
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, yes please15:35
LocutusOfBorgI was trying to check multipath you were faster15:35
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: lvm2 migration is looking pretty healthy so I say we just go forward with dropping that delta right away if tests are green.15:37
mitchdzthe delta == multipath-tools dmsetup downgrade15:38
mitchdzmy test PPA isn't fully published yet, will run full autopkgtest suite against -proposed as soon as it is15:38
LocutusOfBorgI wasn't aware of this multipath-tools downgrade15:40
jbichaRikMills: I had to do uploads for the ongoing jpeg-xl transition. See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kf6-kimageformats/6.4.0-0ubuntu3 & https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kimageformats/5.116.0-0ubuntu516:09
RikMillsjbicha: yeah, I saw those in my emails. thanks for the fyi though. not all bother to do that16:10
jbichasorry, I probably wouldn't notify for simple rebuilds, but this time I did an actual change16:13
jbichadefault gcc is now 14 so some things are going to ftbfs until they are fixed16:13
dbungert@pilot in16:16
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: dbungert
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: we both did the jpeg-xl 0.10 rebuilds17:43
mitchdzLoctusuOfBorg: The tests look fine for all of arches except arm64/armhf, simply because the builders are sad today and so can't run them. I'll put an MP up anyways for review.18:27
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, sad18:27
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, please upload :D18:27
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg, give me a sec to make MP and if you give +1 I can upload :)18:28
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: https://code.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+git/multipath-tools/+merge/469963 let me know if you have any questions18:36
mitchdzPut a nice description on the MP18:36
mitchdzOf course the caveat is we need to release lvm2 and multipath-tools at the same time after this merge18:37
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, +1!18:49
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: Thanks!19:06
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: Let me double check the new multipath-tools && the current proposed lvm2 in a multipath-tools-boot environment real quick. If it works fine then I'll upload.20:35
mitchdzLooks great, uploading now20:44
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: whoops, I need a coredev to upload that :(20:53
dbungertenr0n: on LP: #2072516 you mention an intention to upload, the previous conversation was mostly about Noble, but the upload was Oracular-only, do you have thoughts on the Noble version?21:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2072516 in puppetdb (Ubuntu Noble) "autopkgtests fail on oracular & noble" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207251621:02
dbungertmitchdz: might be late for L_ocutusOfBorg, I'm only half following your conversation, what do you need?21:05
mitchdzdbungert: I need a core-dev to upload https://code.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+git/multipath-tools/+merge/46996321:06
mitchdzthis is to unblock lvm2 migration21:06
mitchdzThanks, I'm here if you have any Q's or feel free to put them on the MP21:09
dbungertmitchdz: ok, so if I'm following this, we used to patch this udev rule in lvm2 and multipath-tools needed to match and now we're working on backing that out?21:22
mitchdzNot precisely21:24
mitchdzDebian dropped that patch once dmsetup upgraded to where it was not needed. I kept that in during the initial merge because at the time lvm2 was not in -proposed. Now that lvm2 is upgraded, we can drop that patch just like Debian.21:25
mitchdzwell, now that lvm2 is upgraded in -proposed21:25
mitchdzThanks Dan :)21:33
dbungert@pilot out21:45
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A

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