
sarnoldhggdh: woot01:03
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juerghhggdh, That public RTD is not very helpful yet. Sorry. We're working on updates...07:50
thibfhggdh: Are you searching something specific ?08:12
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hggdhthibf,juergh: I am preparing an internal guide on setting up for kdump analysis, and finding where is the kernel source code was... slightly difficult15:13
hggdhI got it now, but there are a few links that are (possibly) stale, e.g. the GIT tree for upstream kernel (I ended up using Linus tree off kernel.org)15:14
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thibfhggdh: All kernel trees are listed here https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/, I'm going to add it to the public doc.15:24
thibfAt least for ubuntu ones. looking into the upstream stale link15:29

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